The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2973: singing

Congratulations to the students in the soil to become the best!


Xiaomumu came out from the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan’s knowledge, and on the shoulders of the real purple smoke, looked around. Half a ring, a small face wrinkled together:

"This is not a battle, I can't see it."

Xu Ziyan was shocked. Even Xiaomumu lost its effect. She lost the biggest reliance. After returning Xiaomumu to the sea, he returned to the sea, but at this time he lost his sense of direction. He did not know that the direction was to return to the direction of Tianshi.

Xu Ziyan stood there motionless, calming his mind, and even closed his eyes, no longer looking at the rapidly changing scenes around him.


The ever-changing scene seems to be able to penetrate the soul, even if she closes her eyes, she can clearly perceive the scenes that are rapidly changing around.

Over the sky above the Tianshi, Xu Qinyang and some Tianzun are standing in the air, anxiously waiting for the return of Xu Ziyan and others. Nowadays, from the Tianshi Stone continent, it is Tianzun, and those monks who worship the heavens are left in peace. Nowadays, the Tianshi continent has not settled down, and their hearts are a little nervous and embarrassing.

An hour has passed.

Xu Ziyan and other eleven masters have not yet returned, which makes Xu Qinyang and other monks more and more restless. At this time, in the eleven directions, the Holy Masters also raised a trace of anxiety.

These monks are holy, and their state of mind can be described as stable. Although they knew they were completely lost here, they were able to maintain most of their peace. Seeking to crack the way here.


Suddenly, the space rang a mysterious song, which seemed to be singing by one person, and seemed to be a group of people singing again. It seems to be a woman, and it seems to be a man...

But these are not important. What matters is that this song has great appeal to the soul of the monk. It seems to be a call of the soul, so that every monk can't help but want to go with the song.

The song Xu Qinyang and others also heard that at the moment of hearing, the souls of these people could not help but drive their bodies to fly in the direction of the song.

Xu Qinyang. The sword is not empty, and the three minds of the soil are repaired as the face of the monk who has reached the level of the holy level. However, the three people looked down and looked at the bottom. The space is there, it seems that the monks inside are not disturbed by this song, and no monk rushes out from it.

The three men looked at each other again. A decision was made in the eyes.

There is no doubt that Xu Ziyan should have trouble, they can't wait here, they are going to help Xu Ziyan. Since this song calls them, then go and see what it is.

The three men approached and flew in the direction of the song.

Xu Ziyan stood still in the void. The power of the gods in the late 9th and 9th floors allowed her to control her emotions well and was not tempted by the song. But the call of the song continued to sound. There seems to be a voice, or there are countless voices shouting:

"come on……"

Xu Ziyan’s calm eyes showed firmness. If he summoned himself, then go and see. At present, it seems that only going there can solve the mystery here.

Xu Ziyan's body slowly flew in the direction of singing, and at the same time, the other ten-level monks also made such a decision. Fly in the direction of the song.

Unconsciously, Xu Ziyan has slowly flew out for half an hour. This song is just a constant call, the trend monk flying in that direction, but can not lose the mind of the monk, which is why Xu Ziyan and other monks do not have much anxiety.

Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped her figure and looked to the left side, and there was a figure on the left side, looking forward to her side.

"Xu Daoyou!"

"The Lord!"

The two people speak almost simultaneously and then quickly get together.

"What do you see Xu Daoyou?"

"No!" Xu Ziyan shook his head.

There was a disappointment in the eyes of the lord: "Isn't that little wood seen?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head again: "He just told me that this is not a battle, he can't do anything."

The look of the lord also became dignified, and at this time, a figure appeared from the right, and the two turned their heads, but it was Zuoyan. When Zuoyan saw Xu Ziyan and the lord, he took a long breath and flew quickly.

"Xu Daoyou, Xianzhu!"

"Left friends!"

"What is the situation here?" Zuo Yan's body shape just stopped, he asked unwillingly.

Xu Ziyan and Xianzhu shook their heads together. Xu Ziyan looked around and said: "It seems that we are moving in the same direction. It will not take long before other monks will join us. We will discuss a way."

"It has to be like this too!"

The three holy monks began to slowly fly in the direction of the song. Shortly afterwards, they saw three figures in front of them, namely Yanshan Soul, Mozhu and Xu Ziyun.

The six holy monks gathered in one place and flew forward without hesitation. They were not in a hurry, waiting to meet other holy monks.


The six of them suddenly stunned their bodies, and Huoran turned to the head. They heard a group of voices looming behind them. In their field of vision, a large number of monks appeared, the leader is Xu Qinyang, the sword is empty and the soil is water.

"How come you?" Xu Ziyan asked in a wrong way, and then his heart would be amazed. Sure enough, I saw Xu Qinsheng:

"This song has attracted everyone. Everyone wants to come over and see if they can help."

Xu Ziyan looked at it and saw that these monks were Tianzun. It was not appropriate to let them go back at this time, and Xu Ziyan also doubted whether these people could resist the call of the song and listen to their orders. The heart is helpless, but the left rock on the other side is looking anxiously:

"How is the monk in the mainland?"

Xu Qin said: "The monks in the mainland have nothing to do, they are not affected in the mainland."

"This is good!" Zuo Yan was relieved.

Then the monks flew to the front again, and soon after flying out, they merged with other holy monks. The monks stopped and the eleven holy monks briefly discussed it and decided to move on. Eleven sacred monks flew in front, let Xu Qinyang lead the Tianzun masters to form a large battlefield to follow.

The songs are long and mellow, and the surroundings are still changing like lightning.

After another hour or so, Xu Ziyan and others stopped their bodies. Under them, a huge vortex appeared on the surface of the Black Sea, and the song appeared from the vortex.

Eleven sacred monks looked at the super whirlpool below, and their faces were very dignified. They can't know what is going on under the vortex and what happens.


They don't seem to have any retreat now. One option is to get lost here and endure the call of singing. Another option is to enter the whirlpool on the sea.

Xu Ziyan swept his gaze to those goddess, and saw the hearts of those goddesses sighed in the heart. I am afraid that even if those gods are waiting here, they will endure the call of singing and enter the whirlpool. At this time, the look of those monks' faces was already eager to try. If they didn't know that Xu Ziyan and other holy monks were still standing in front, they might have rushed in.

Yanshan soul and others can not help but secretly shake their heads, look at each other, they will no longer speak, a robes sleeves, swooping down to the huge vortex below the sea.

Like a dark passage, the monks involuntarily sank to the bottom of the sea.

Gradually, the song became louder and louder, but the flashing picture around it became more and more rare, and finally disappeared completely.

Xu Ziyan and others did not take the initiative to sink to the bottom of the sea, but only to sink down, although the gods can not be far away, but they also spread as much as possible, alerting the situation around.

After a full time passed, the monks felt that the feet were down and fell to the bottom of the sea. Looking around, I saw the ups and downs of the sea floor, but I felt that there was no living being around.

The singing is still going on, and the Chinese monk has already begun to get used to the call of singing. The uneasiness in the heart has been alleviated. In any case, the existence of this song is also a direction for yourself.

The monks walked forward and walked cautiously. Even those who are sung by the songs know that there are fatal dangers at any time, struggling to resist the temptation of calling, vigilantly forming a battlefield, and step by step to follow the eleven holy monks.

In front of it is a sea-mountain mountain range. The monks did not rush upwards, but slowly drifted up the mountain and looked around.

When the monks climbed the summit of the mountain and looked toward the front, the look was a dwell.

Below the opposite side of the mountain range are dense bones, large and small, all kinds of, endless.

"where is this place?"

Those who have a slight change in their looks, such a place where the endless sight is the bones, the impact on them is very large. Even Xu Ziyan and other holy monks, the heart is also shaking. They are also well-informed people, but they are so large that they have never seen them.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can feel that it is a strong breath that comes out of the bones. It can't look clear in the distance, but you can see that some bones are thousands of feet in size.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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