I am very grateful to the Feng Yao classmates (100) for their reward!


But now Xu Ziyan can't completely understand the other's cultivation, then there are only two explanations. One explanation is that the woman's cultivation has already broken through the heavens and the earth, surpassing the realm of the holy level, reaching a situation they have never heard of. The realm of passing.

If this is the case, Xu Ziyan and others will no longer have the power to fight back. They have reached the realm of Xu Ziyan. They know the consequences of the differences in the realm. Just like the late monk in the late Tianzun, the monk in front of the holy level is just an ant. If the woman’s cultivation in the eyes is beyond the holy level and reaches another realm that they have not heard of, then These holy monks in front of her are just an ant in front of her, and the other party will kill themselves when they wave.

Another explanation is that the other's cultivation does not go beyond the holy level and is still in the category of the holy level. Of course, it is very likely that the peak of the nine-tiered stage of the holy level has been reached. The reason why Xu Ziyan did not see the cultivation is that she has integrated herself with the surrounding environment. This sea area is her, she is this sea area. This made Xu Ziyan and other monks unable to see through her cultivation.


Even so, Xu Ziyan and other monks did not have the slightest confidence in their hearts. Faced with such an unspeakable opponent, they should not be too cautious.

The surrounding monarchs have looked at Xu Ziyan, and even Yanshan is no exception. Because at this time, these holy monks have already known that although Xu Ziyan is now only the peak of the seventh level of the Holy Level, her Yuanshen cultivation has reached the late stage of the holy level, if one person can see The woman’s cultivation is. Except for Xu Ziyan, there is no one else.

In their view, Xu Ziyan not only has the power of the gods of the holy nine layers, but also possesses eleven attributes. If this does not reveal the other's cultivation. Even they don't believe it.


What they saw was the purple face of Xu Ziyan, then gently shook his head. All the holy monks were shocked, and Horan looked at the woman above the millennium.

Who is she? Even the purple smoke can not see her cultivation!

No one dares to act rashly, even breathing is light. The woman is only singing softly. But the invisible pressure hangs from above the millennium.

At this time, those who stood behind the eleven sacred monks also felt the undulating atmosphere of the sacred monks in front of them, and immediately adjusted the battlefields even more closely.

At this time, the song suddenly stopped, and then there was a constantly changing voice, like a baby, a woman like a woman, and a man like a moment. I think about the old man for a while...

"There is someone coming!"

Although the voice of this sentence constantly changes, giving a very strange feeling, but the tone is full of depression and loneliness.

However, the heart of the sanctuary still sighed a little, no matter what, the woman did not have a face to kill the killer, but spoke. This shows that there is still a little room for negotiation.

Eleven of the sacred masters of the sacred robes, the figure rises up to the top of the millennium, floating in the same position as the woman, so they can see the woman's appearance.

The woman gave birth to a delicate appearance. If this is not in the mysterious land of the sea, but in the mainland, Xu Ziyan and other monks will definitely think that the woman in front is a weak woman who has not done it. Just now I am here, even if they are so stupid, they will not think that the woman in front of me is not doing anything. Although there is no trace of power fluctuations on her body. What's more, Xu Ziyan and other monks are not stupid.

The eyes of Xu Ziyan and other monks slowly, and carefully looked at the woman in front of her eyes. The white dress on the body seems to be just a dress that ordinary people can't wear ordinary people, there is no fairy in their hands, and there is no storage ring. The eyes of the monks could not help but look at the soul of Yanshan.

The highest level of the refiner here is the soul of Yanshan. Yanshan soul also carefully looked at the dress on the woman's body, but finally shook her head slightly. That means the dress on the woman is not a fairy.


Is there any mortal clothes that can remain as new and not rot in this environment?

If the dress worn by the woman is ordinary clothes of the mortal world, they will not believe it if they are killed. But it is not mortal clothes, even the refining masters like Yanshan Soul can't see it, which makes their hearts more nervous.

It is reasonable to say that these eleven holy monks should not raise their nervousness in their hearts. These eleven monks have already represented the strongest strength of the fairy world. And their strength is really strong.

The lord, the demon master and the priest are now the first stage of the holy nine. This monk was unique in the ancient times. In the ancient times, Longzu and Fengzu could crush them.

The soul of Yanshan is the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Grade. The Lord of the Lord is the mid-level peak of the eighth grade. Xu Ziyan is the peak of the seventh level of the Holy Level, but with these six holy monks, you can ignore the world. What's more, there are Zuoyan and Cangwu in the early stage of the fifth grade, and the three-tiered Sanli and Xiaolong, the second-level Xu Ziyun!

If someone said that someone would let the eleven holy monks feel jealous, they would be scorned by all the monks.

But nowadays, the eleven holy monks are afraid of the time when they face only one person, and when they are still in front of a woman who does not seem to have any cultivation.

"Excuse me... is the senior?" Xu Ziyan asked the woman who was facing the opposite side.

The woman sitting on the cliff opposite was slightly surprised. She did not understand that the repair of the purple smoke in the eleven people on the opposite side was not the highest. How could she be asked by her representative?

The woman's gaze swept away on the body of Xu Ziyan, so that Xu Ziyan had a feeling of being seen through. This feeling is very bad, as if all the secrets are presented in front of the other party. How long has it been, Xu Ziyan has not had this feeling, and she also does not like this feeling very much.

Seeing that the woman did not speak, the force in the body of Xu Ziyan began to work, and the cultivation was promoted to the peak. Always ready to release the most aggressive blow.

The left and right monks are extremely nervous. This is the first person they can talk to since they entered the sea. This shows that she has wisdom, a person who has lived from the age of the hundred people to the present...

Just think about it. I feel numb in my heart!

However, the woman did not hear Xu Ziyan’s questioning, and some of her nightmare muttered to herself:

“How many years have you been? Do you know what it looks like today?”

Xu Ziyan is silent, she does not know how to answer the other party's problem. Just raise the alert and look at each other. The woman opposite the woman said that she was silent and surrounded by silence. This silence formed a kind of pressure, as if a mountain was in the hearts of every monk.

"Oh..." A lonely long sigh, the woman looked at Xu Ziyan: "What is it like now? The catastrophe is gone?"

"The catastrophe is over!" Xu Ziyan said softly.

"That outside?"

"Predecessors are a group of Baizu?" Xu Ziyan did not answer the other party's question, but asked in a condensate voice.

"Yes!" The woman nodded slightly.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly: "Now there is no one in the fairy world who knows the age of the Baizu."

"That you?"

"We just just knew."

The sound sank again, and time and space seemed to solidify. I don't know how long it took, the woman muttered to herself again:

"The end of the Hundred Ages? Has the Baizu disappeared?"

"It’s over!"

"It’s gone!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The woman suddenly laughed. If the situation is mad, the voice changes constantly. After laughing for a quarter of an hour, I slowly stopped. Looking at the Xu Zi flue:



Xu Ziyan immediately nodded, there is nothing to hide, that is, deep in the sea, can also hear the rumbling space vibration from time to time.

"Hey..." The woman sighed for a long time, then looked at the monks and said: "In the beginning, we in order to resist the catastrophe. There are a large number of monks in casualties at all times, and this casualty is not only It is only the death of the flesh, and the annihilation of the soul. Even if the soul is not annihilated, it is hit hard and falls into a deep sleep.

You have also seen my body. It is not a real body, but a combination of heaven and earth. It is also a coincidence that these high-spirited souls instinctively devour each other in their sleep, and the result of engulfing is the formation of eleven powerful gods, which are the time and space of the golden-water, fire, earth, and light. After that, our eleven gods thought about engulfing each other. So they found each other. At this time we have regained consciousness, but this consciousness is somewhat confusing because it has swallowed up too many gods.

There is almost no main consciousness in every god, so we have been trying to integrate a main consciousness in these years. While trying to find ways to devour each other. But the realm of our eleven gods is almost no worse, no one can swallow anyone. And there is a strange thing, that is, when our eleven gods are safe and sound, they can form a situation of mutual ignorance. This situation makes us attract the forces of heaven and earth to gather together and unite a body.

At this time, we all realized the benefits of integration. If anyone among us can swallow the remaining ten gods, it will definitely surpass the cultivation before life. So they began to devour each other crazy.

However, the result is still no one who can't help. At this time, we realized that we wanted to devour other gods, we must make ourselves stronger than other gods, so we began to organize and integrate the confusion in our own gods. This sort of arrangement does not know how many years have passed. . I did not expect that we would not wait until we finished the confusion of our own gods, and we heard the space vibration before the catastrophe. At the same time, this frequent space vibration will also awaken the numerous Bai cultures on the seabed. ”


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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