The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2978: Want to win

At this time, Xu Ziyan and others fully understood that the changes in the Black Sea were formed because the souls of the Bai people were awakened.

"It is also the vibration of this space that allows us to dispel the thoughts that are swallowed up by each other." The woman continued:

"Because you may not know, in the face of the catastrophe, if there is no flesh, it is only the state of the gods, even the holy monk is not vulnerable. If the catastrophe comes again at this time, our eleven gods are likely to be destroyed. So, we started to attract monks to come here, we need a flesh."

"You want to win?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"Yes!" the woman said: "And we can't share a body with eleven, so we have to win the body of eleven people. Hehe..."

The woman’s face showed a smile: “It’s really good, you just have eleven holy bodies.”

Xu Ziyan and other eleven holy monks changed dramatically. Xu Ziyan took a deep breath:

"Then why don't you leave here and go out and look for the flesh?"

"Going out? No!" The woman shook her head. "We don't understand the situation outside, and we need eleven bodies, so we can't get a body and let a **** win. We need to gather together." After the flesh, we will discuss which body is occupied, so we go out, it is better to make a huge change in the Black Sea, so it will attract the outside experts to explore, so that we can easily collect the eleven strongest bodies. Instead of going around to find out. No, you are not coming here? Hehehe..."

Accompanied by her laughter. The woman’s figure had already stood up from the cliff, and a circle of light spread from her back. The whole seabed has become magnificent, and with the sway of eleven kinds of light, the power has spread.


The entire underwater world is humming. The humming sounds like the beginning of the heavens and the earth, straight through the soul of each monk, the whole trench is boiling.

The figure of the woman standing on the cliff has disappeared into a weak appearance. Become noble, indifferent, a white dress, swaying behind the eleven layers of aperture, under the magnificent color mapping, as if dominated by the whole world.

There is no stranger to these colors, and there is no stranger to the eleven apertures, because they have all seen it from Xu Ziyan. And the other ten holy monks have a feeling, although the breath on the opposite woman is much larger than that of Xu Ziyan, but the eleven apertures behind it are not pure.

However, Xu Ziyan knows that he is afraid to meet the strongest opponent in his life. The first one encounters a monk who has eleven kinds of attributes, although the eleven attributes of the other party have not yet merged. But the other person's cultivation is much higher than himself.

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to take out the virtual sword, and other holy monks did not hesitate to take out their own fairy. Coldly looking at the woman opposite.

The woman looked at the eyes of the sanctuary with a hint of disdain. The elliptical aperture behind her suddenly violently spread to the monks such as Xu Ziyan. When the light spread, all the water disappeared instantly, as if a magnificent world was rushing. The formation of the sea forced out.

The Tianzhan Masters below have been observing the above actions. They have seen the two sides talking and thought that things can be discussed. The vigilance in my heart is slightly lowered.


What they didn't think of was. Even in such a fast time, the two sides began to work, and the explosion of the sound has a feeling of powerlessness, although only the aftermath is affected. And they also played the battlefield in time, but the entire battlefield was still crumbling under the shock of the aftermath.

These monks are all monks of heaven. And most of them are in the late period of Tianzun, and there are quite a few peaks in the late Tianzun. Such a lineup in front of this aftermath, even revealed the power of the uncaptured, showing the woman's power.

However, the hearts of these gods are still very calm, they do not believe that their eleven holy masters will not beat each other.

Although the other side is very powerful, but there are three holy and nine-level monks on their own side, and there are two actual forces of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul that are not weaker than the lords, demon Lords and Quebec.

I am afraid that only these people can kill the woman. As for the left-level monks such as Zuoyan, they do not need to shoot.


Then they were stunned and raised a great fear in their hearts. It was just a face-to-face, Xu Ziyun, Xiaolong, and Wanli, Zuoyan and Cangwu gave a sigh, and the body flew out and fell to the ground. The holy monk was hit hard.


The space condenses a big hand and grabs the past toward the five holy monks.


The demon Lord and the demon Lord sang at the same time, and together they bombarded the past with the big hand, while on the other side, the lord and the prince joined forces to attack the other hand of the woman.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul attacked the woman in the past, and the purple sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan stabbed the woman's heart, and the Yanshan soul was a skull and a knife to her head.


The big hand condensed in the air was broken by the demon master and the demon master.


The woman's body released a magnificent color, and once the color was separated, it rotated at a high speed, forming a world, shrouded the past to the six upgraded monks.

The six holy monks are shocked in the heart, this is the boundary. If they are shrouded by the other side. The other party can easily pull them into the body of the world. They have experienced the wolverines in the world of the ancestors and do not want to enter the world of others again. What's more, this woman seems to be more powerful than her ancestors.

At this point, Xu Ziyan could not help but frown, and did not hesitate to stab a sword of her peak.


The Yanshan Soul and other five saints also released their own peak hits, and together they bombarded the past with the woman.


The woman’s world collapsed at various levels, but it was constantly born, which made the three holy monks such as Xu Ziyan shocked.

These six holy monks joined forces to hit the peak, even if it is a holy level nine-level late peak monk will fall in the wind, maybe even hurt.


Nowadays, the woman is not at a disadvantage at all. Although the realm of her release has collapsed at all levels, the rapid recovery of the world is a stalemate.

At this time, Xu Ziyan and others remembered what the woman had said before. At this time, the woman did not have a body, but instead gathered a body and a force to create a body. In this way, the woman and the heaven and earth are almost without the slightest barrier. It is 100% close, and only in this way can explain the reason why the other side's realm has recovered so quickly.


The peaks of the five sacred monks of Xu Ziyan were exhausted, and the magnificent world of the other side quickly spread to them.

"Since it is the world, then fight!"

Xu Ziyan and other six holy monks made a decision at the same time, and suddenly released their own boundaries, and the six circles rushed toward the woman's world.


The seven worlds suddenly collided together. They were the seven monarchs and the collisions between the high-ranking monarchs. Although they were above the millennium, the aftermath was enough for the monks underneath. Fear of heart.

At this time, Zuoyan and other five holy monks have returned to the battlefield, seeing that Yuwei shattered the layers of space, and the whole space spreads with cracks, as if it would collapse at any time.


Five grand monks, such as Wanli, could no longer afford to recover, and immediately released a layer of defensive shields, and those of Tianzun also released a layer of defensive shields. They must stand up to these Yuwei, otherwise they will be shaken into powder.

It’s too late to retreat, and Yu Wei’s speed can’t be avoided. The only thing they can do now is to resist this Yuwei.

"蝼 蚁!"

This sigh is not the sigh of the monks of Tianzun, but the sigh of five great monks like Zuoyan. Their cultivation is not low, and they have stood at the top of the fairy world.

However, even if this is the case, it will not be able to withstand the power of the other woman.


That Yu Wei broke the defensive shields released by the monks. If there were five holy monks who had thousands of miles in the battlefield, I am afraid that these monks would not be degraded at this time and would be seriously injured.

Above the millennium.


The woman snorted, because she found that the world of Xu Ziyan actually exudes the magnificence of eleven colors, and that stability is more than her boundaries, but there is a gap in power.


Under the collision of such a world, the heart of Yanshan and other five saints is full of helplessness. They find that not only their own cultivation is not as good as the other side, but the most important thing is that the other party has eleven attributes, and only five attributes. This is the suppression of the grade.

Yanshan Soul and other five saints have not dared to collide with each other in a large-scale collision. They have this kind of suppression. If you collide with the other party several times, I am afraid that this world will collapse. Although the world has collapsed, it can be cultivated in the future, but at this time the world collapses and the body is injured. It is no longer the opponent of the woman in front and becomes the lamb to be slaughtered.

Yanshan Soul and others gathered up the boundary and no longer collided with the other side in a wide range of spheres. Instead, they condensed the boundary on their own fairy wares and attacked the woman. At this time, only Xu Ziyan was still in a big collision with the other side.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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