The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2987: Virtual reality

I am very grateful to the dream of lonely and lonely students (100)!


In the eyes of Xu Ziyan's Yan Peng, he turned into nothingness. Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked. She saw a light group. A light group with only the size of a fist was suspended in the air. The light group was not turned into nothingness in her eyes, but it was not a real one. The feeling of being, it is a feeling of half-reality.

However, when Xu Ziyan dispersed his purpose, the light group disappeared again.

"Mountain Soul, have you seen the light group over there?"

"Where?" Yanshan soul frowned slightly.

"On the front, the center of the Magic City!"

Xu Ziyan stretched his finger over the center of the Magic City, and Yanshan’s soul narrowed his eyes and looked over there. But he did not see anything, and the knowledge spread out.

Xu Ziyan’s look suddenly changed slightly. She felt that the surrounding voice was weakening and swept around. She saw that the people around them were looking in the direction of her fingers. At this time, a woman walked up and smiled at Xu Ziyan:

"This sister, what's there over there?"

Xu Ziyan is a hop in the heart, and these people are obviously illusory, but they give people a feeling of thinking. Then he laughed:

"It seems like I saw a strange bird. It is gone now."


The people around them shook their heads and then left, and the surroundings were restored.

"Xu Daoyou! Yan Daoyou!"

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul looked back and saw that the lord was coming from behind them. Xu Ziyan immediately opened the eyes of Peng Peng. The look on the face is a change. To the sound of the soul of Yanshan:

"The mountain spirit, the fake of this fairy."

The eyes of Yanshan’s soul were slightly moved, and then they recovered their calmness and responded faintly: “The lord.”

The lord came to the front: "What did the two friends discover?"

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul shook their heads together. Then the eyes of both of them looked at the distance. There are a few people in the distance who are coming to this side. It is the demon Lord, the demon Lord, and the Quebec. Take thousands of miles, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun.

The eyes of Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile. The eyes of Yanshan soul are a condensation. There is no doubt that these familiar monks are fake.

At this time, in the other areas of the Magic City, there were also a group of Yanshan souls, Xu Ziyan and Xianzhu. The demon Lord, the demon Lord, the Quebec, the Wanli, the Xiaolong and the Xu Ziyun, and among these monks, there is no accident that only one monk is real, and the others are fake.

"What to do?" Xu Ziyan heard the sound of Yanshan soul.

"Let's see it!" Yanshan soul and the fairy next to him. The false monk and other false monks spoke and talked with Xu Ziyan.

"Have you just caught the light group?"

"No, but I can feel it. Because the closer God is, the more distorted it is. There should be something there, maybe it is the existence of the illusion."

"So, have we passed?"

Yanshan soul indulged in a moment: "The first thing is not busy, it is full of surprises. If it is really an illusion, I am afraid it is not easy to deal with. I feel that the lords should also enter this fantasy city at this time, maybe At this time, they encountered the same situation as us, and there were fake you and me around. There are other monks. Purple smoke. You have Yan Peng, we try to walk around in the magic city to see if we can meet them. Be able to meet them and see what the fake monks will be."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are bright. Walking side by side with Yanshan soul in this magic city. Only Xu Ziyan has been opening up the eyes of Peng Peng, and everything around him has turned into illusion.

Suddenly. She saw a solid figure from the opposite side of her, but it was the demon Lord. Xu Ziyan immediately dissipated the head of the Peng Peng, and the demon Lord immediately disappeared, and the surrounding people were surrounded by people. Xu Ziyan’s look changed slightly, and once again opened the head of Peng Peng, he saw that everything around him gradually turned into a falsehood. The demon Lord had his own and Yanshan soul, the lord, the Kuitian and other monks, and then the monks’ bodies were Yan Peng gradually became illusory, leaving only the demon Lord, and still talking and laughing from time to time, but Xu Ziyan could see a trace of tension from his eyes.

Xu Ziyan put away the eyes of Peng Peng, and the gods said: "The mountain spirit, there seems to be a layer of space here. Now we have been separated, even if we are here for a lifetime, we will not meet the fairy and so on."


"I just saw the demon Lord with Peng Peng. There are you and me around him, and other holy monks. I saw a trace of tension in his eyes. I am afraid that the situation is wrong. I want to find the real one. ""

Yanshan soul took a soft breath. In fact, he used his knowledge to explore the fairy and other people walking alongside him. He can also feel that they are not real, because he will feel his own nature. The knowledge of God is distorted, and if the trueness of the lord is true, the scan of the gods will not be distorted on his body, and it is not allowed to convey:

"Curious illusion."

"What do we do now?"

"Go to the place where the light group."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan once again opened the head of Peng Peng, and then walked in the direction of the light group. An hour passed, Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and she found that she would never go below the light group, no matter the street, she would not walk under the light group unless it was Pass through the layered space in this environment. However, Xu Ziyan is worried that if she and Yanshan soul really do this, what kind of consequences will result.

If the illusion here is really not a mirage that is naturally formed, but a mirage, then she and Yanshan soul will be known to the illusion once they go straight to that group. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls exchanged ideas, and finally two people decided to go straight to that light group.

The hands of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul were held together. Xu Ziyan opened the head of Peng Peng, locked in one direction, and opened the magical power of Peng Peng:


The layered space in front of the eyes becomes illusory, and the shape of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul flies toward the front.


The entire fantasy city shook, and countless figures rushed toward them, and the dense fairy scorpion was released to them. Xu Ziyan is a jump in her heart, because at this time she found that the monks who should have been illusory are no longer illusory, but become real, that is, the release of the fairy is also true.

"To be virtual!" Yanshan soul shouted in shock.

"What is virtual reality?" Xu Ziyan asked while holding up the defensive shield. At the same time, she also saw those lords, the devil and other holy monks at this time also released the fairy scorpion to himself, but that power is not enough.

"This is the highest state of the road, and it can turn everything into reality."

"This is not necessarily true!" Xu Ziyan glanced over the lord, and the monk and other monks said: "Their cultivation is limited."

Yanshan soul nodded: "You said it is good, they can't have the power of a true monk and other monks, but you don't know that this is so powerful. It's amazing is endless, eternal life, We will be killed by them sooner or later."

"Nothing!" Xu Ziyan said calmly: "I have a Peng Peng, can leave at any time..."

The words have not been finished yet, and the look of Xu Ziyan is a change. Because she saw everything around her turned into reality. That shop, that city wall...


At this time, a dense roar came from all directions, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes looked around. The surrounding space has disappeared and turned into a huge space, a real city.


In the sky, there is a circle of fairy palaces, and the sounds of the fairy sounds...

"That is the immortal palace!" Yanshan soul snorted and said: "That is the real lord, we rely on the past."

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul fairy cockroaches frequently appeared, and one monk was broken, but there was no blood spilling. Then, in an instant, a piece of monk was surrounded by Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul.


An endless flame passed through the sky like a magma river.

"That is the magic mark, the Lord is there!"


Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls were released from the boundary, and instantly smashed the surrounding monks with virtual reality.

"Soul of the mountain, don't go to the landlord and they will be together. Let's go directly to the group. The illusion here is endless. Don't waste time. The lords will come back to us."

"it is good!"


The boundaries between the two people of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan were completely spread. Those who were imaginary and real were instantly turned into nothingness, and the two figures rushed toward the bottom of the light group.

"Xu Daoyou is over there!"

"The evil Lord is over there!"

"The purple smoke is over there!"

"What they seem to have discovered."

"We are in the past!"


From all directions, countless monks saw the immortals released by Xu Ziyan and Yanshan spirits. The monks and the monks of the heavens rushed toward the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls. It was not so easy to smash the layers. Breakthrough, in addition to the sacred masters such as the sage, who are approaching the two people of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul, the speed of the closeness of those monks is much slower.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul all the way to a square, a statue was erected in the center of the square, Xu Ziyan looked at the statue, the look is a glimpse. The Yanshan soul on the side couldn’t help but smile:

"How is this statue so magical?"

Xu Ziyan also smiled and nodded: "Is it true that their magical family looks like one?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Yanshan soul laughed loudly, and the world that was released was rotated, and there were countless monks who turned the virtual reality into nothingness.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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