The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2988: Illusion


The sacred monks such as the lord and the lord descended on the side of the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls. The circles of several sacred monks sprang in a circle. There were no monks in the entire square, and the boundaries of several holy monks. Each of the defenders will fill the entire square. Anything that enters the square will be turned into nothingness.

"Xu Daoyou, evil master, what did you find?" asked the fairy while looking at the statue.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze removed from the statue and looked at the airway: “There is a group on it.”

"Light group? Where is it?"

The lords, the devil, the demon, and other monks looked up, but did not see anything. A few monks were not in a hurry to spread the knowledge, and then the look was a slight change. Although I still did not see the light group in Xu Zi's mouth in the knowledge of God, I realized that my god's knowledge was extremely distorted somewhere in the sky.

"Let's go see!"

Xu Ziyan’s words fell, and the sky was empty, and his body shape went away. Yanshan soul, fairy master, magic master, demon Lord, Kui Tian, ​​take Wanli, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun followed.

Xu Ziyan stopped in front of the group. The light group was only the size of a fist, and it quietly floated there in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan thought a little, and stretched out a hand and slowly grabbed the light group.


An extremely powerful power rushed out of the light group, like a volcano that suddenly broke out, and like a hurricane wrapped in a huge wave, they smacked toward Xu Ziyan, which is the holy monk of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul. It was also swept out by this sudden burst of violent energy.

The look of the monks such as Yanshan Soul is a shock. At this time they saw a light group in the air that was originally empty, and then the light group suddenly enlarged, then twisted, after everything stopped. There was a black robe middle-aged in front of them.

Xu Ziyan and others couldn’t help but look at the statue below. This person was exactly the same as the statue.

At this time, the monks also stabilized their stature in the air. For the energy that the other party just broke out, the monks were shocked. Is this person really the illusion of the Longzu era?

And his strength is so strong?

Xu Ziyan carefully looked at the person opposite. It was completely the appearance of a true monk, and opened the eyes of the Peng Peng. The other party’s appearance in the pupils’ eyes was still the appearance of a monk. This proves that the other party is definitely not a product of illusion, it is probably the real illusion.

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but jump. I didn’t think that this place that I thought was a mirage was not a natural star, but an illusion.

In fact, let alone the Xu Ziyan, the Yanshan soul and the lord and other people are also shocked. Although there was speculation before the lord, when the facts were placed in front of them, they could not help but change color. To know that you can plug in the battle between Longzu and Fengzu, the illusion of help is absolutely not to be underestimated, it is definitely a strong existence.

"You... is the illusion?" The voice of the lord was a little dry. He had only heard of the illusion from Fengzu, but he had never seen the illusion.

The illusion eyes look toward the lord. Slightly frowned, his face showed a color of thought. Suddenly the eyebrows are picking:

"You are the little guy next to Fengzu? Calling... Yutian?"

"It is the younger generation!"

The illusion fell into silence, and Xu Ziyan and other monks were silent. Half ringing, the illusion looks at the fairy road:

"Yu Tian, ​​Feng Zu? You have found this place, but the dragon ancestors ... lost?"

The monk's face showed a bitter smile, and the lord said: "The illusion, Fengzu and Longzu have fallen, and now... is not the era of Fengzu and Longzu."


There is an incredible look on the face of the illusion. His eyes slowly swept over the monks of the lords and Xu Ziyan, and finally fell on the face of the lord:

"Who are they?"

The lord sank a bit. I don't know how to explain it. In the end: "The days of Longzu and Fengzu are left alone. They are all holy levels that appear after you. You don't know."

"Longzu... How did it fall?"

"perish together."

"Now the fairy world is where you are in control?"

The lord did not answer, just nodded gently. The illusion puts his eyes on the dragon's body:

"Are you a descendant of Longzu?"

Xiaolong slightly thought about it: "Is it okay?"

The brows of the illusion are twisted into a ball: "Is it ok? What do you mean?"

"This has nothing to do with you." Xiaolong said faintly.

"Oh..." The illusion is not angry. Instead, he laughed: "Now the masters of the fairy world are your weak people?"

"Weak?" Xu Ziyan and other people's brows were screwed up, and their faces were gloomy.

"Submit to me. Or die!" said the illusion.

Xu Ziyan looked up and down the illusion: "The illusion, now your cultivation has not fully recovered? Are you sure that we want us to be enemies?"

The illusion proudly smiled: "Yes, my cultivation has not recovered yet. But even so, it is easy to clean up you. Now give you two choices, one is to surrender to me, one is to die."

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "The magic spirit, I also give you two choices, one is surrender, one is death."

"Let's relax!" The illusion screamed.

Xu Ziyan said faintly: "That's a fight."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan had already taken out the Taixu sect, and when the first sword stabbed the illusion.


A giant palm appeared in the sky, and it was shot in the air like a sky crash.


The silence of Xu Ziyan’s release, just showing a pair of giant virtual images in the air, was crushed by the giant palm.


Xu Ziyan spurted a blood out of his head, and his eyes were extremely shocked. There was never a monk who would let Xu Ziyan lose in this way.


Yanshan soul, fairy master, demon Lord, demon Lord, Kui Tian, ​​take Wanli, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun to kill the past with the illusion. Eight illustrious figures suddenly appeared in the sky, each welcoming a holy monk.


The figure of the eight holy monks flew back, and the figure of the eight illustrious spirits once again gathered into a single person, disappeared suddenly in the air, and then suddenly appeared in front of Xu Ziyan, and punched the past with the face of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not retreat, raising a punch to the illusion of the past.


When Xu Ziyan boxed out, he turned into a huge fist, like a mountain, rushing to the illusion, but the illusion did not care, just a light shot, the huge fist smashed away and continued to Xu Ziyan slammed the past.

A knife smashed the void, and it was already on the head of the illusion. The illusion waved a hand, and the knives of the Yanshan soul were smashed, and the eyes of Yanshan were looked at, and the eyes were full of disdain.

Xu Ziyan stood with a knife and did not attack immediately. But the eyes are as bright as the stars, and the whole body is full of war. Looking at the illusion of illusion, he said:

"The soul of the mountain soul is regrettable that it is impossible to live with the dragon ancestors in an era, so it can also compete with the dragon ancestors. I hope you will not let me down, and humiliate the age of Longzu."

Yanshan soul, this words, the devil, the demon Lord, Kui Tian, ​​take thousands of miles, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun heard, a heart excited, his body is very heroic. Only the face of the lord showed a bitter smile. In principle, he was also the person of the age of Longzu, but now it is not the opponent of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan. Is this a shame for the age of Longzu?

"Oh... the humble ants, not self-reliant."

The illusion ridiculed a sentence, raised his hand and grabbed the Yanshan soul volley. Yanshan soul does not want to hide, raise a hand and also grab the big hand that has caught the air.


The two men's big hands were caught together, and there was a roar in the sky. The soul of Yanshan was bombarded. In the eyes of the monks, Yanshan soul did not grasp the hand of the illusion, but seemed to deliberately scrape the illusion. The fist is in front of you.

"A wonderful fantasy!"

Xu Ziyan was shocked. The monks who were present may only have the purple smoke to instantly discern the illusion of the illusion, the deceitful Yanshan soul. Such a purple smoke no longer dared to disperse the eyes of the Peng, the eyes locked the illusion, the silence sneaked out silently, the giant eyes in the sky opened their eyes and looked at the illusion.

The illusion of the air suddenly disappeared. What appeared in front of Xu Ziyan was another Xu Ziyan, which also released a type of silence. The opposite of the purple smoke in the spread of silence, instantly collapsed, but the illusion also disappeared.

At this time, the lord, the lord and the like saw that there was another lord and the lord at the same time in front of themselves, including those who had come over at this time, and each of them appeared in front of them and attacked them. Come over.

Xu Ziyan looked around and could not find the trace of the illusion, but saw that the entire magic city was empty at this time, and the monks who had become imaginary disappeared. Only those monks on the Yuan Dynasty quietly floated in the air. .

Not bad!

The monks and other monks were quietly standing in the air at this time. There was no other self in front of them, but their faces were full of tension. Xu Ziyan knows that they have fallen into a illusion at this time. It is likely that they have just appeared in front of themselves just like themselves. At this time, every monk is fighting with himself in a fantasy.

These monks are different from Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan has a singularity, and can see the illusion, and then destroy the illusion. However, the monks of Yanshan are different, they can't see the illusion, at this time they have fallen into the illusion, and they are caught in a battle of the gods.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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