The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2990: Purple smoke space


Know the sea. The illusion was shot on the palace, and the magnificent palace made a huge roar, but the palace's treasure was still released layer by layer, blocking the palm of the illusion.

There is a glimpse of the illusion in the eyes of the illusion. This time, the hands were handcuffed, and as his handcuffs moved, a magnificent radiance was released from the palm of his hand, forming a dream that spread toward the palace.

Just an instant.

The magnificent dream is like the sun, and the huge and magnificent palace built by Xu Ziyan is like the melting of ice and snow.

Xu Ziyan was shocked in his heart, his hands immediately swayed, the palace hummed, and the layers of treasures shone, but the palace still melted like ice and snow, although the melting rate was slower.

A little bit past, the palace where Xu Ziyan purchased the foot has left a thin layer, and the eyes will disappear completely.


A phoenix, Xu Ziyan's palace suddenly became fiery, turned into a phoenix, and slammed the past toward the illusion.

"Unyielding will?" The illusion smiled faintly: "If Fengzu is alive, I will be afraid of unyielding will, but now it is just an unyielding will, what is it for me? Hehe... but it is to the outside Juniors, in general, got the will of Fengzu or Longzu, and I will clean up you and clean them up."

Xu Ziyan heard the heart is a jump, she knows that the people of the illusion must be Yanshan soul, the lord, the demon Lord and the four monks of Quebec, because only four of them have gone to the mysterious space that Yanshan soul said. There, they either got the will of Fengzu or got the will of the dragon.

so. Yanshan soul, the lord, the demon Lord and Kui Tian should have overcome the dreams at this time, because they are not the gods of the illusion. I hope they can find a way to crack the danger.

At this time, the palace around the purple **** of Xu Ziyan has disappeared. It is difficult to understand the unyielding will of the incarnation of the phoenix in the sea. Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and opened his mouth. A sword is manned to the sea, but these swordsman is not shooting to the illusion, but the road is arranged very regularly, and soon the purple smoke will spit out 3,600 swordsmanship, layout Take out a big Sunday sword array and cover the magic spirit.


The entire weekday swordsmanship ran up and began to strangle the illusion, and there was a phoenix in the sky that swooped down from time to time. Spray a flame.

The look of the illusion began to dignify. Xu Ziyan was able to see that the illusion had not yet fallen into the wind, and still occupied an advantage, but his consumption was enormous.


A handle with a sword smashed, and the shape of the illusion rushed toward the **** of Xu Ziyan.


The phoenixes in the sky swooped down and ejected a sea of ​​fire toward the illusion. The illusion looked furious and took a shot. The piece of fire was wiped out, and the fire phoenix was also shot by him.

However, in this short period of time, Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen squirted a thousand and eight hundred swordsmanships, laid out a larger sword array, and once again covered the magic spirit.


Jianmang is constantly shattering, but this time the big Zhoujian sword array is big enough, and the swordsman is enough. The purple **** of the purple smoke keeps sprouting the swordsman and complements the big Zhoutian sword array. Join the fire and phoenix that is unyielding will to fight the magical spirit.

Xu Ziyan can feel the results achieved. Before she knew the sea, she could not feel the illusion of consumption. At that time, she only consumed purple smoke. However, at this time in the sea of ​​knowledge, Xu Ziyan set up a large Zhoutian sword array and unyielding will join hands. But I can feel the illusion is constantly being consumed, and it consumes a lot.


Xu Ziyan did not have the slightest joy. Instead, the heart is cold, because she can feel that her own gods consume more than the illusion. If you consume at this speed, it will be her purple smoke, not the illusion.

The power of the spirit of the illusion does not have the high purple smoke. Now the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan is the late nine-layer, and the illusion is also the same, but it is obvious that the illusion has a unique understanding in the battle of the gods. , has a natural advantage, so that Xu Ziyan gave birth to a sense of powerlessness.

Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen light gradually became dim, but now it has reached the situation of riding a tiger. Xu Ziyan can only continuously spray the swordsman, constantly consuming his own power of the gods.

Xu Ziyan gradually felt powerless and saw Xiaomumu, who had been guarding his own god, and called:

"Small wood, is there a way?"

Xiaomumu shook his head and said: "Let the sword spirit try."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, too virtual sword spirit with eleven attributes sword spirit appeared in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, instead of the twelve swordsmanship in the big Zhou Tianjian, attacked the past to the magic spirit.

There are twelve swords running in the big Zhoutian sword array, and the power of the big Zhoutian sword array has suddenly doubled, making the look of the illusion change and the consumption becomes faster.


The illusion snorted, and the body suddenly burst into a powerful power of the gods. The twelve swords around him made a huge humming, faltering, and more swordsmen collapsed.

The illusion of the singer vomited, and a group of magnificent spurts came out. Then the magnificent group formed a dream to spread around, spreading over the twelve sword spirits, and even the twelve sword spirits fell into a dream and no longer moved.

Xu Ziyan’s god, Horan, stood up from the lotus throne. This time she was really horrified, and her heart rose a little at a loss.

The magnificent dream quickly spread out of the big Zhoutian sword array and spread to Xu Ziyan.


Xiaomumu next to Xu Ziyan suddenly pointed his finger at the magnificent dream, and the magnificent dream was a meal, even the look of the illusion was a meal.


Just between this time, Xiao Mumu's body shape rushed out, and instantly came to the front of the illusion, swallowed the illusion.

"Small wood!"

The look of Xu Ziyan is a joy, excited to look at the small wood that devours the illusion.

However, Xu Ziyan became nervous afterwards because she saw that Xiaomumu’s look was not easy or even painful. He is fighting fiercely with the illusion. And look at the appearance, there is a tendency to do not.


Before she was aware of overseas or her knowledge of the sea, Xu Ziyan could not lock the illusion, let alone attack the illusion, because she was in the body space of the illusion. But now, the illusion is swallowed up by Xiaomumu. It can be said that at this moment, the illusion has been separated from his body world and swallowed by Xiaomumu in the body space of Xiaomumu. Just look at the appearance of Xiaomumu, I am afraid that it will not be used for a bit of time, and will be freed by the illusion.

Xu Ziyan immediately thought of a move, pulling a small wood into the purple smoke space.

As soon as he entered the space of Xu Ziyan's body, Xu Ziyan immediately became the heaven of the purple smoke space. Xiaomumu also opened his mouth and spit out the illusion.

At the moment when the illusion was swallowed by Xiaomumu, all the monks in the magic city moved, and when the illusion was pulled into the purple smoke space by Xu Ziyan, the illusion was completely stripped from his body world, in one monk. The monk who was exactly the same as them in the dream collapsed, and the monks who stood in the air were awake, and looked around with ease.

The unconscious monks who fell on the ground also woke up from their slumber and ate and looked into the air. The eyes of Yanshan soul immediately focused on Xu Ziyan's body, but he saw Xu Ziyan still standing in the air with his eyes closed. Can't help but turn anxiously to Xu Qinyang:

"Qin Yang, how did you wake up?"

"The monk who had been fighting with me suddenly disappeared, and I woke up." Xu Qinyang also saw Xu Ziyan at this time, and his heart was full of anxiety. One monk flew over and surrounded Xu Ziyan in the middle, looking at the Yanshan soul.

The soul of Yanshan is dignified, and the eyes are changing. The final release of the gods will cover the purple smoke, but it will take back the knowledge in an instant.

"How is the evil master, how?" The lord frowned slightly: "Xu Daoyou's body can't feel the slightest fluctuation of the gods..."

"Ziyan pulled the illusion into her body world." Yanshan soul locked his brow and said.

"Great!" The face of the lord showed a happy color: "So the illusion is dead."

Yanshan soul shook his head and his face was worried: "It is not good to say that the illusion is too strange. Who knows if her dream will affect all the purple smoke? Even if he enters the world of purple smoke in?"

Purple smoke inside the space.

The illusion stood in a starry sky. He didn't know where it was. He clearly remembered that he was swallowed by Xiaomumu.


where is this place?

The purple **** of Xu Ziyan disappeared, and the little wood was gone...

There is only an endless starry sky. What is it here?

The illusion did not even think that it would be a monk's body space.

How can this be?

It is impossible!

A monk's internal space is nothing but a mainland, just like his internal space, because he does not like the shape of the mainland, but to become a city.

However, if you change again, it will not become a starry sky and become a universe.

Therefore, the illusion did not think about this aspect of the body space, and it was empty in the air. The little wooden wood just now seems to have a taste of building wood...

The heart of the illusion is a shock. Is he really building a tree? Then sent me to a star between?

The illusion of the mind, the look of great change, because he found himself and his body space was stripped, and now he can not feel where his body space is?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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