The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2991: Return too imaginary

Thank you very much for the reward of the old gods (200)!


That is to say, the illusion in the purple smoke space is only the **** of the illusion, and his **** is separated from the body.

“How is this possible?” The illusion was stunned at this time: “My **** is always in my own body space. It is absolutely impossible for the Yuanshen to be separated from the body. Is it possible to build a magical magical power?”

The illusion is scared, and I look around carefully, so mysterious and strange place makes him full of insecurity.

Xu Ziyan did not grasp the illusion at this time. Don't look at the illusion at this time in his own body space, but the feeling of the illusion to Xu Ziyan is absolutely dangerous.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not rush to shoot, but silently controlled the stars to set up a large array of stars.

Xu Ziyan did not directly set up a large array of stars around the illusion, which would be discovered by the illusion. What's more, today's illusion is constantly moving, he is exploring the universe everywhere.


The illusion saw a small figure appearing in the distance, that is the **** of Xu Ziyan. His heart is not happy.

"Don't you be transferred to this space by the built-up wood? But what changes have been sent to here? Not only is your own **** sent here, but the purple **** of the smoke is also transmitted here? That little wood Is the wood destroyed in transit?"


The illusion chased the past toward Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan also saw the illusion, and his face showed a panic color. The little **** fled away from the distance.

Two gods escaped. A chase, soon the two gods flew out and did not know hundreds of millions of miles.


The illusion saw Xu Ziyan stop and turned around, his face showing a sardonic smile. The heart of the illusion is a shock. Feeling bad, the body shape swept, and then rushed to the past with Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan’s **** disappeared and disappeared without warning...

The illusion stood in vain. Suddenly he felt that he was locked. It was an irresistible lock. The change of his gods wanted to release the illusion and then escaped with the illusion, but he found that he could not even release the illusion.

Looking around, I saw a little near the starlight, with a mysterious trajectory. It was the trajectory of those stars that locked him firmly, and he was firmly fixed in place, and even the linkage could not move.

The illusion was scared, and he shouted loudly: "The predecessor is here, please come and meet the younger generation."


The surrounding stars are clearly extinguished, and the trajectory of the operation is more mysterious. The **** of the illusion has begun to tremble, and he discovers that an inexplicable force is gradually eroding his consciousness and wiping out his consciousness a little.

"Predecessors, forgive!"

There was no voice to answer him, and the power was still obsessively wiping out his consciousness.

"Predecessors, forgive me, I am willing to be a slave to my predecessors..."

The illusion kept pleading, but the silence was around, and only his pleading was echoing, and the inexplicable power still erased his consciousness in a trace.

The illusion is not pleading. Start 谩骂. After that, I began to ask again. Repeatedly, the sound is getting smaller and smaller, and eventually the surrounding area becomes silent, and the spirit of the illusion is floating in the void.

The figure of Xu Ziyan appeared before the **** of the illusion. At this time, the **** of the illusion has completely lost consciousness, but left the inheritance of his life.

Xu Ziyan's body shape faded. Yuanshen returned to his own knowledge of the sea. When I opened my eyes, I saw a lot of monks around me looking at her worriedly. When she saw her wake up, she showed a happy color on her face.

"Xu Daoyou!"



"Ziyan, that illusion?" Yanshan soul still asked with some worry.

"It has been killed!"

The faces of the monks showed a sense of relaxation, looking toward the magic city below. The Magic City is still there, the death of the illusion, making the Magic City a land of no ownership, this is an excellent experience.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze also looked around, and the mirages that were seen here still existed, without any change. At this time, she was amazed that this mirage was really natural, and the illusion was just chosen to be a healing place.

No one asked if the illusion of Xu Ziyan was destroyed by the gods, because they knew that even if Xu Ziyan got the illusion of the gods, it would not be sold. Even if you don't give a magical magic, you won't sell it. Xu Ziyan is not a person who lacks Xianjing.

At this time, the faces of the monks were not normal. The battles in this dream made them consume a lot of money, especially the power of the gods.

However, there is not a place to adjust interest in the Magic City. Although the lost gods are lost here, the fantasy is still there. Therefore, the monks left the magic city, left the mirage, found a small island nearby, cleaned up the island's monsters, and then began to mobilize.

A few days passed quickly. After Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, he found that no monk had left. The monarchs, the demon, the demon and other holy monks also sat quietly, seeing Xu Ziyan open his eyes. One by one, they got up and walked over to her.

"Xu Daoyou!" The lord stepped forward.

Xu Ziyan flashed a trace of surprise, she found that only four people came to her side at this time, namely the lord, the demon Lord and the dragon. Instead, Quebec sat aside far away, a look that was not of interest.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept through the four monks: “What?”

"Xu Daoyou!" The look of the lord said earnestly: "Do you want to make up the stone?"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and the lord hurriedly added: "Of course, Xu Daoyou plays a vital role, but we also have some credit? For example, when narrowing the Tianshi continent."

Xu Ziyan nodded, but no words, just looking at the fairy.

"Xu Daoyou, are you prepared to use that piece of Tianshi?"

“How to use it?” Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a hint of incomprehension: “Of course it is to deal with the catastrophe.”

"No, no!" The lord waved: "I asked before the catastrophe."

"Before the catastrophe?"

"Yes!" The lord nodded. "The Tianshi Stone can evoke the heavens that enable the monks to quickly comprehend. I mean, are we building a place to give the monks on the Yuan Dynasty an opportunity to understand the heavens and enhance the realm? ?"

Xu Ziyan heard the sound and sighed slightly. He said: "I don't know if it will form a shield like the Tianshi continent, and then form a holy place. It will only be opened once in a hundred years. There are only 800 lotus stands at a time?"

The monks and other monks also frowned, and if it did, it would be much smaller.

"And if you take it out, once it forms a shield like the one, we don't want to collect it again."

The fairy and other people stunned, Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "But don't take it out and try it, don't say you, that is, I am not willing. We will go back and try it out near Taixu."

The monks heard that they had nodded, and the group broke the space and instantly returned to the sky above Taixu. But what exactly put the Tianshi stone, but let everyone argue. If this Tianshishi really forms a shield, then no one can enter it in the scope of its cover, except for Xu Ziyan. In this way, no one wants to put it in the territory of anyone. After all, it will cover the equivalent of one-twentieth of the Upper Yuan.

In the end, Xu Ziyan decided to put it on the southern continent, close to the Taixu sect. This would cover half of the Terran territory and half of the Yaozu territory in the southern continent, but the Taixu sect would be shrouded in it. It’s just that Xu Ziyan doesn’t care. Anyway, she has Xiaomumu, and she doesn’t have any way to deal with this Tianshishi, but it wastes some energy.

"Get it out and try it out!"

Xu Ziyan fell, and when he thought about it, he took the huge Tianshi stone and put it on the ground.


A layer of magnificent masks was created, and all the monks and other bombs flew out, and the mask expanded very quickly. The hood has enveloped a range of sizes that fill the continent.

The figures of the monks stopped in the air, and they could not help but shake their heads. Xu Ziyan took out the cloud baby and put everyone in it. Then he called out Xiaomumu to swallow the original, put it into the shield, and then Xiaomumu A flashing light came to the front of the light column. Then I saw a small world surrounded by the light pillars. Xu Ziyan had released the monks at this time. When the monks saw this situation, they knew that once they entered, they would be sent out.

The lord shook his head in disappointment, and now because they have taken up the Tianshi stone, the 800-year-old lotus platform has already disappeared. I am afraid that it will take another hundred years to appear next time. And there are only eight hundred lotus platforms. Even if Xu Ziyan will open this Tianshishi mainland in the future, it will not let other monks get this opportunity. Eight hundred lotuses are too empty for themselves. The most important thing is that they have also experienced it. This Tianshi stone is useful for Tianzun. It is not useless for the holy masters. The use is much smaller.

The monks were scattered, and although they looked at Tianshi Stone, they did not have the ability to make up the Tianshi. Xu Ziyan took everyone back to Taixu, and then let the array make a lot of flags.

"Ziyan, what are you doing?" Yanshan asked curiously.

"Who has patience to wait for it for a hundred years?" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "Don't this century, the Taixu sects must go in and out of Xiaomumu to help out? That small wood is not annoying?"

"What are you?"

"I set up a time array around the Tianshi space and then put it away."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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