The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2992: Exploring Tianshi again

"Time array method?" Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan: "This time array is not small."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan screamed: "I am afraid that it will take a year to lay this time. But it is better than a hundred years. Right..." Xu Ziyan turned his eyes to Xu Qin:

"Qin Yang brother, you have chosen eight hundred repairs from the sects to be the top monks. Of course, we should include those of us. When the eight hundred lotus stands appear, we can't waste this opportunity."

Xu Qinyang’s eyes are bright: “Ziyan, since we have set up a time array, why don’t we use it all the time?”

Xu Ziyan turned a white eye: "Who will you have time attributes here?"

The monks shook their heads together. Xu Ziyan said: "Isn't that I have to stay here to serve you? I have also repaired and cultivated?"

"Oh oh..."

Everyone is a hustle and bustle. You must know that when the time array is turned on, it will happen once in a hundred years. Xu Ziyan will stop the time array method, and then wait a year, Xu Ziyan will open the time array method, and then stop, then the purple smoke will not be used. Do something else.

"And the heavens that Tianshishi exudes are very flawed. It is only part of the heavens. Didn’t the monks on the mainland of Tianshishi be lower than the monks on the mainland? So it’s still old. Really understand the heavens of the Yuan Dynasty."

Everyone listens and thinks thoughtfully. Yanshan soul got some precious materials in the Tianshi continent. This time he wanted to make some arrays that satisfied him, so he and Xu Ziyan took a move and left. Xu Qinyang also went to the list, and the rest of the monks also dispersed.

Xu Ziyan is going back to digest the legacy of the Baizu will. While absorbing the strength of the heavens and the earth, while waiting for the flag of the church.

Three months later.

The hall will loosen the flag, and Xu Ziyan began to deploy the time array around the Tianshi space. This layout is more than nine months.

This day.

Outside the Tianshi Continental, Xu Ziyan looked at the time array that had been laid. Standing next to her is a small wood. At this time, the monks selected by Xu Qinyang have been swallowed up by Xiaomumu. The monks who went to make up the Tianshi mainland did not come to Yanshan. He was still making the array.

Xu Ziyan opened the handcuffs to open the time array, just a moment of rest. Xu Ziyan stopped the time array method and then turned it into a stream of light into the mouth of Xiaomumu. Xiaomumu is a reticle that has crashed into the Tianshishi.

next moment.

Xiaomumu has appeared in front of the light column, and at this time, eight hundred lotus stands have appeared before the light column. Xu Ziyan came out of Xiaomumukou, and Xu Qinyang and others were also released by Xiaomumu. They did not have to be modest, and they each found a lotus stand and sat up.

Xu Ziyan just sat for about a few moments, then she shook her head and went down from the lotus platform. Tiantian’s heavenly road was useless to her, and Xiaomumu took her into the inside of the patch of Tianshishi. Xu Ziyan will sit on his knees. Waiting for a year to pass.

The time of the year has passed quickly. During this year, Xu Ziyan has absorbed countless veins, and the barriers in the late seventh layer have begun to loosen.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and placed his hand on the Tianshi.


Xu Ziyan collected the Tianshi stone into the purple smoke space, and at this time Xu Qinyang and other monks also woke up, and all the faces showed joy. The understanding of this year has given them a lot. Everyone has different levels of entry, of course, this entry refers to the realm of the gods.

The monks returned to Taixu, and Xu Ziyan left to collect the flags. Xu Ziyan looked up and saw the space swaying. The lord, the demon and the demon appeared in the air, and looked at Xu Ziyan with surprise. . And Xu Ziyan also regained his gaze, no longer to deal with them, but continue to collect the flag.

The lord. The demon Lord and the Lord of the Lord took a look. I realized what was going on, and the color of envy appeared in my eyes, but they also knew that it was impossible for Xu Ziyan to take out the Tianshi stone and put it into the time array. Xu Ziyan did not have that time. There is no such obligation.

The three monks did not mention the matter of Tianshi at all, but just chatted with Xu Ziyan. Then he and Xu Ziyan left.

Xu Ziyan returned to Taixufeng and returned to his secret room. After entering the body space, I can finally rest for a while. Sitting beside the Xianhe, drinking the tea, the peach blossoms are serving, Xiaomumu and Xiaowudao play alongside.

Xu Ziyan sat for a day next to Xianhe, and the tight nerves of these years slowly relaxed. The figure faded on the chair and disappeared. The peach flower face began to clean up the teapot with a shallow smile.

The shape of Xu Ziyan appeared on a planet, where Tianshishi was placed.

At this time, on top of this planet, the Tianshi Stone is covered with a sphere equivalent to the size of the Tianshi, which releases the magnificent light.

Xu Ziyan stretched out a hand and explored the mask. The mask gave birth to a stretch to keep Xu Ziyan's hand out.

Xu Ziyan’s body is shining, and the whole universe seems to have a kind of mystery that comes to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was very curious since she got this patch. This Tianshi stone is different from the fist-sized Tianshi stone that he got at the beginning. This Tianshi stone seems to have consciousness. It can cover a certain field. This is not unusual. The fist-sized Tianshi can also do this. One point, but the scope of it is too small.


This patch of Tianshi in front of him was able to give birth to eight hundred lotus stands every hundred years, which made Xu Ziyan feel different. This seems to be a conscious sign.

Xu Ziyan is not sure that this piece of Tianshi is because it is too large to generate this function, or is this Tianshi stone generating intelligence?

If this piece of Tianshi is ingenious, Xu Ziyan will not feel the slightest strangeness. The predecessor of Yanshan Soul is a stone. What is so strange that Tianshi can generate intelligence? Even if it is Tian Tianshi's final cultivation of adult-shaped purple smoke, it will not be strange.

But it is not surprising that Xu Ziyan needs to know whether there is any wisdom in this Tianshi. Otherwise, it is a threat to Xu Ziyan, which is a threat to the entire Yuanyuan.

Will a talented Tianshi Stone be willing to sacrifice himself to make up the sky?

Although its name is called Tianshi!

Therefore, Xu Ziyan must figure out the truth of the facts and fill Tianshishi into her own body space. In this space, she is the only master.

Sure enough, when Xu Ziyan used the heavenly power of the body space, her hand easily passed through the defensive shield generated by the Tianshi Stone, and then Xu Ziyan stepped out and entered the defensive shield.

As soon as he entered the Tianshishi shield, the look on Xu Ziyan's face was slightly changed. What is the identity of Xu Ziyan now?

She appeared as a heavenly person in the purple smoke space and appeared as the sole controller of the purple smoke space. But even so, Xu Ziyan felt a shock in her heart, because she found that when she entered the range of the sky, the control of Xu Ziyan was weakened by 10%.

What does this mean?

This shows that this space covered by Tianshishi is equivalent to the boundary of Tianshishi, and this world can weaken the control of Xu Ziyan. This is more determined that Xu Ziyan believes that Tianshi has a mental heart.

Xu Ziyan took a step and came to the center of the Tianshishi space. A large beam of light hovered around the light column with an imaginary small world. Xu Ziyan knows that if he enters this small world, he will be sent out.


Here is the space of Xu Ziyan's body. Even if the control of Xu Ziyan has been weakened by one percent, it still has an absolute advantage.

Xu Ziyan gently moved a handkerchief and then took a shot toward the front. A small world in front breaks a passage, and the passage extends to the front of the Tianshi. Even the last layer of defensive shields can't resist the control of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan took a step, and the figure was already standing in front of Tianshishi. The defensive shield behind him and the small world quickly returned to their original appearance.

Xu Ziyan’s look changed again. She felt that her control was weakened by 20%, and now she has the remaining 70%. If the outermost layer of the shield is the outer edge of the Tianshijie, then this is the center of the boundary. Xu Ziyan never imagined that Tianshi Stone had such power, and it was able to resist the heavens of Ziyan Space. Although it only weakened 30%, it is definitely a shocking result.

"Sure enough, it is a patchwork!"

Xu Ziyan shrouded the past with the gods, then slowly penetrated into it, and explored it little by little. The knowledge of the gods was very slow, even if it was the only one in his body space. I also feel that the gods are getting in and out, and the resistance of the gods is greater, but in any case, the consciousness of Xu Ziyan is still infiltrating into the inside.

Xu Ziyan's brow suddenly wrinkled, not a slight wrinkle, but was deeply locked. And the eyes are shocked by the color of shock.

She touched an enchantment at the center of Tianshi, which is a enchantment of space.

This makes her heart puzzled and confused. If she encounters a kind of intelligence, she is not strange, because she has been psychologically prepared. But the mind did not find it, but found an enchantment. What does this mean?

This shows that there is a mustard space here.

Isn't this Tianshi stone not only generating intelligence, but also cultivating the body world?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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