The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2993: space

Thank you very much for the reward of the old gods (200)!



If this is the case, you should first discover the ingenuity, because the body space should be in a smart body. Now that I have not discovered the intellect, I have found a mustard space. What is going on?

Or is it that this Tianshi Stone does not generate intelligence, but forms an internal space?

Xu Ziyan deeply locked his brow, and he thought about it in his heart. Forgot to ask the mountain spirit. He was a gentleman in the beginning, and later cultivated space, or Mr. became a space, regenerated his intelligence, and then he took the space into the body. ?

Anyway, Xu Ziyan is still ready to enter that space to try. However, it is difficult to use only the gods to enter this mustard space. Xu Ziyan put his hand on the Tianshi, and then the whole body infiltrated into the Tianshi as if it had melted.

Fill the center of Tianshi.

A tiny Xu Ziyan stood in front of a fist-sized knot and locked his brow. Pressing one hand on the enchantment and then mobilizing the heavens here, the tiny figure of Xu Ziyan disappeared and entered the mustard space.

As soon as he entered the mustard space, the look of Xu Ziyan was sinking again. She found that her control in this mustard space was suppressed. Now only 30% of the power of Tiandao can be controlled. Although only 30% is also very powerful, she lost 70% of her control. Still let her feel uneasy.

“It’s not a stone!”

Although Xu Ziyan was extremely shocked in his heart, he did not have the slightest panic. This supplement Tianshi can make up the sky, it proves its extraordinary. Therefore, it is possible to weaken the power of the seven-day heaven of the purple smoke space, and there is nothing strange about Xu Ziyan. Moreover, Xu Ziyan understands that this is because his purple smoke space is not complete enough. If it can achieve the integrity and stability like the Yuanyuan continent, I am afraid that this mustard space within the Tianshi can not weaken so much control.

Carefully look around the mustard space. Seeing here is not a universe like the purple smoke space, but a continent, and the continent is still very small, giving the impression of Xu Ziyan is about a thousand miles.

But Xu Ziyan can feel that this space is small. But it is extremely stable, no wonder it can weaken the power of its own heaven. Only this mustard space structure is reasonable, the space is stable again, it is just a small continent, and Xu Ziyan's space is incomparable, otherwise it completely shields Xu Ziyan's power of heaven.

“Is this the place where the Tianshi Formation creatures live?”

Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of the gods, and the entire mustard space that was soon shrouded in the entire mustard space. She only found a building.

It is a wooden house, alone in the middle of the space.

next moment.

Xu Ziyan’s figure has already landed in front of the wooden house. She did not use God’s knowledge to probe, because it was a very rude thing. It’s not clear to all the purple smoke here. She doesn’t want to anger the owner here. .

Closed his eyes, Xu Ziyan quietly perceives everything around him. She has a strange feeling. This mustard space does not seem to be the space of a monk's body. In other words, if this Tianshishi really generates intelligence, then this mustard space is not the smart body space, there is no sense of oppression of the body space.

"The younger generation Xu Ziyan met his predecessors."

Xu Ziyan said, but there was no response. Xu Ziyan raised his voice and said it again. When he saw that there was still no response, Xu Ziyan took a step forward and put his hand on the door and gently pushed it.

"Oh yeah..."

The wooden door opened in silence, and Xu Ziyan did not enter immediately, but stood at the door and looked inside. This hope. Xu Ziyan’s face showed another surprise.

This wooden house is very dilapidated from the outside. But looking out from the doorway, there is no hole in the sky. The space inside seems to be very large, looking out from the doorway, it is a long passage. Xu Ziyan thought a little and then walked inside.

Step into the door. The wooden door behind it is automatically closed. Xu Ziyan did not look back and did not stop. Going inside without hesitation. About a hundred meters or so, this passage came to an end, there is another door, Xu Ziyan reached out and pushed, the door opened without any resistance, Xu Ziyan stepped in.

This is the appearance of a hall, and there is a pond in the center of the hall. The pond is not big, but there is a lotus flower in the pond.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze was immediately attracted by the lotus flower, and the lotus’s appearance was clearly the appearance of the eight hundred lotus platform. The lotus leaf on the lotus flower has an extremely mysterious pattern.

Xu Ziyan stepped forward and stood before the lotus, carefully looking at the lotus. It is exactly the same as the eight hundred lotus platforms, but there are no such mysterious patterns on the eight hundred lotus platforms. And this lotus flower is covered with patterns.

Xu Ziyan looked hesitant and then spread the knowledge. It only covered the entire hall in an instant, but did not find any abnormality. There was only one lotus in this hall, and nothing else.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly. At this time, he couldn’t figure out what it was like here. He thought about it for a moment, his look became firm, his figure floated slightly, and he fell on the lotus flower. Sit back and knees and immerse your mind in the pattern above the lotus leaf.

At the moment of immersing in the lotus leaf pattern, Xu Ziyan felt that the heavens here are much higher than the eight hundred lotus platforms. Even if it is the mood of the late nine-tiered stage, I feel that these patterns are somewhat difficult to understand. This makes Xu Ziyan happy, which means that these patterns contain more heavens than her realm, which is good for her mental state.

Xu Ziyan’s state of mind is hard to improve now, because her state of mind has already reached a limit, and nothing can help her. All she can do is to slowly comprehend the heaven and earth avenue of the Upper Yuan Dynasty. But how easy is that?

However, today she found that these lotus leaves were placed in front of her like a part of the same inheritance. She did not need to capture the illusory heavens. As long as she understood the pattern above the lotus leaf step by step, her mood would have Improved.

Time is passing fast, Xu Ziyan is in a state of complete self-forgetting. A pair of eyes suddenly appeared on the ceiling and looked at Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s mind was completely immersed in comprehension. She did not find a pair of eyes on the ceiling above her, and the gods quickly spread a pattern.

One year's time rushed past, and the motionless Xu Ziyan finally stood up from the lotus platform, and his face showed a happy color. She finally realized all the patterns on the lotus flower, and made her gods repaired and improved. Although the promotion is not big, it is still the late stage of the holy level, but she is no longer confused, but finds the path and sees the door to the late nine-level peak of the holy level.

Xu Ziyan looked up and saw a shocked color in her eyes. She saw the eyes on the ceiling. The sight of both sides collided in the air.

The eyes fell from the ceiling, and as the fall became a person, it was a dagger old man, quietly falling in front of Xu Ziyan.

Haven't waited for Xu Ziyan to open, the old man of the dagger will extend a point and point to Xu Ziyan.

There was a feeling in Xu Zi’s smog, and he was imprisoned.

A large monk with a mid-level seven-tiered peak was imprisoned, and such a thing made him feel unbelievable. Moreover, Xu Ziyan clearly felt that the power released by the other party was only the peak of the seven-level mid-level, exactly the same as her.

It has been banned by the monks of the same realm. This has never happened to Xu Ziyan. She has always been a more difficult challenge. She is invincible in the same realm. Now she is imprisoned by a fellow monk!

This made him feel shocked and also gave birth to a strong dissatisfaction.


Xu Ziyan sighed softly, rushing out of the world, breaking free of the other's imprisonment, and crushing the world toward the other side. But the other person was casually pointing towards her, and she felt that the space around her began to squeeze towards her.

Xu Ziyan has eleven attributes. Her world is different from the average monk. It is more stable and more reasonable than others. But now she has a feeling that the other side casually points to her own world. It seems that there is a tendency to be decomposed.

The thick crisis hit the heart of Xu Ziyan, she did not hesitate to take out her own virtual sword, a sword stabbed out to the other side.

A sword breaks the law!

This is a sword that contains the eleven attributes. It is like a real world crushing toward the other side. The whole world is full of swords. As long as it is wrapped in the world, the other side will be cut into pieces by countless swords. .

There is no slight change in the look of the other party. It is a finger pointing up. This time, although it is also a finger, Xu Ziyan’s gaze is shrinking.

This finger is different from the previous two fingers. This finger pointing out of a world, facing the sword of Xu Ziyan broke through.

At the moment, Xu Ziyan gave birth to a hint of fear. After the sword that he released himself broke into the other side’s finger, it was like the snow that had melted into the sun, but the other’s finger still rolled over to her. .


Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, releasing his strongest blow.

A pair of eyes appeared above, and quickly opened, and a dead silence spread to the old man.

For the first time in the calm eyes of the old man, there was a wave of volatility, but it was only fluctuating. This time, it was no longer a point to point out, but a hand was extended against the sword of Xu Ziyan, and then grabbed the sword of Xu Ziyan.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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