The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2995: progress

I am very grateful to Jie Ji students (200), not to the old death classmates (200)!


At this time, there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the old man in the dagger. This surprise was not because Xu Ziyan was quick to understand the rules of heaven, but was surprised that Xu Ziyan could persist until now.

He was a little surprised at Xu Ziyan's Yuan Li reserve. After he was surprised, he was squatting. He only saw the old man's sword pointing to the mysterious trajectory in the air. The light of the road was cut towards Xu Ziyan. The speed of the dagger's old man is very fast, just a moment of rest, and the innumerable radiance will drown the world of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had a feeling of collapse. For the first time, she saw that the ordinary fairy scorpion could be submerged. This kind of scene is really strange, almost beyond her understanding. The giant peaks in the Xu Ziyan world began to collapse, the rivers were rewinded, the earth was cracked, and the end of the day...

Xu Ziyan’s Yuan Li and Yuan Shen’s power frantically infused into the world. The collapsed giant peaks were reorganized, the rivers were calming, and the cracks in the earth were bridging...

The realm of Xu Ziyan was quickly repaired. At the same time of repairing, he began to strangle the light of the road, so that the light of those shackles became less and less.

The elders of the dagger constantly pointed and stabbed out, and the side of Xu Ziyan collapsed and repaired. Gradually, the understanding of Ziyan quickly increased in this limit state, and the use of rules became clearer. The speed of boundary repair began to exceed the collapse. speed.


The force in the Xu Ziyan Dantian has been consumed, and the power of the acupoints has begun to open. The surprise of the opposite dagger’s eyes is even worse. He did not expect that Xu Ziyan would persist for so long. According to his experience, Xu Ziyan should have lost his strength at this time.

But where does Xu Ziyan now have signs of lack of strength?

The old man of the dagger was gazing, and one of his feet moved for the first time. Take a half step forward.


The world of the old man of the dagger quickly spread to the boundary of Xu Ziyan. This is the first time that the old man of the dagger used the boundary to attack Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan suddenly tightened his heart.

The boundary between the other side and the realm of Xu Ziyan just touched, and the other side's boundary turned into a sharp sharp edge to cut the past to the boundary of Xu Ziyan. Just cut the half of the world in an instant.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, a layer of barriers blocked in front, but the other party cut in this time is not a fairy, but a boundary.


Thousands of barriers were broken instantly, and the sharp edge formed by the handle had reached the chest of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were full of unwillingness, and he had to think about the rear receding. At the same time, a barrier was erected, and the barriers were shattered. Xu Ziyan is also constantly retreating.

"Can't go back!"

After a few steps back to the wall, Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped, and the power of Tiandao, which has not been used, has run out.

After all, Tianshishi is now placed in the purple smoke space. Although it can only control the power of the 30% purple smoke space at this time, it is a great card for Xu Ziyan.


The sharp blade that had been sharply stabbed before suddenly slammed, and it was a sign that it was imprisoned by Heaven. The old man’s eyebrows are a pick, and the eyes are extremely shocked.


The blade began to break. Then slammed away.


The circles of the two sides were violently colliding. The realm of Xu Ziyan had the power of 30% of the heavens, and quickly forced the world of the old man to be forced out, and then fiercely crushed the old man to the dagger.

The face of the old man of the dagger once again showed amazement, and reached out with a hand and grabbed it toward Xu Ziyan.


The world of the old man of the dagger gathered toward the big hand, and the big hand was the boundary of the old man. This big hand is not the kind of bluntly relying on the power and the conflict of the purple smoke, but constantly makes the law, the boxing method, the fingering...

This kind of attack is full of skill and full of understanding and utilization of the rules of heaven. Let Xu Ziyan's advantage slowly weaken again. However, the understanding and application of Heaven is also rapidly increasing.

“Having fun!”

The old man of the dagger suddenly shouted, and the world that turned into a big hand suddenly dissipated and shrank toward the old man of the dagger. Instantly wrap the old man inside.

The human world is one.

Then I saw the old man of the dagger rushing over to Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart.

"Is this going to melee? Then melee!"


Xu Ziyan glanced on the ground. The figure hurried toward the old man of the dagger.

However, Xu Ziyan then found that he thought it was simple. Although the other party is close to herself, it is not the kind of melee that she imagined.

Palm, fist, finger, foot, knee...

Every part of the body of the dagger's old man, even every tassel, is communicating the power of the heavens and the earth, using the rules of heaven and earth, and rushing to Xu Ziyan with the power of the rules of heaven and earth.


Xu Ziyan’s body shape was bombarded for the first time. Xu Ziyan turned over in the air and landed on the ground. Although there was no damage to the guardian of the three-way road, Xu Ziyan’s heart was extremely uncomfortable and even had a slight frustration. A trace of anger.

This is in his own body space, he is the only master, although the space is weakened by this Tianshi space, only 30% is left, but Sanchengdao is undoubtedly powerful here, so he was bombarded by the other side. ?

"Take the stone!"

There is a hint of insight in Xu Ziyan's heart. This mustard space is independent and generated by the help of Tianshi. Since Tianshi can make up the sky, the space it creates naturally carries a huge heaven. After shielding the 70-odd road of his own space, the old man of the dagger attacked himself with the help of Tian Tian.

"If I can suppress the heavens of this mustard space?"

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, the whole mustard space immediately screamed, the endless pressure from the Tianshi stone, through the Tianshi stone, through the mustard space, fell within the mustard space.

The old man who has been calm and calm has finally changed his color. His body has released light. Suddenly a small sun, the whole mustard space has roared, and the three-dimensional road of Xu Ziyan has fought, and the deity attacked Xu Ziyan more quickly. At this time, Xu Ziyan also exerted all his skills to the outside world. After returning to the dozens of interest rates, Xu Ziyan suddenly found that although he moved back some disadvantages, he was still not the opponent of the old man. No matter what kind of immortal you release, you will be easily resolved by the other party, and then sharply shred your own boundaries, accurately attacking your own deficiencies or mistakes.

However, this battle is also the most refreshing since Xu Ziyan has been since the cultivation of Xian. The other side has crushed all her potential, and the other party's understanding of Tiandao has reached an incredible point. No matter what kind of fairy scent is released by Xu Ziyan, he can instantly Capture the flaws and deficiencies of the road, and resolve the fairy tales of Xu Ziyan, even the silence is no exception.

His feeling for Xu Ziyan seems to be a heavenly way. It is not the heaven of the mustard space, but the great heavenly way of the Yuan Dynasty, but it is also under this pressure that it is precisely captured by the other party. And the lack of, let Xu Ziyan constantly improve his own fairy, two people do not know how long the fierce battle, Xu Ziyan can feel their own improvement, this improvement is not a cultivation of cultivation, but for the understanding, understanding and application of the rules of heaven.


Xu Ziyan was once again blasted out, and his eyes showed unwillingness. He looked at the figure of the old man in the eyes and quickly appeared in front of him. Xu Ziyan gritted his teeth again and released the fairy and the other party.

The old man who disregarded Xu Ziyan ignored the purple scent of Xu Ziyan. One palm grabbed the past with Xu Ziyan, and this palm was in the process of grabbing Xu Ziyan. The five fingers kept drawing a tactical decision. These tactics accurately found Xu Zizhong. Extremely rare flaws, through these flaws to tear the boundaries of Xu Ziyan.

However, this time, Xu Ziyan was not easily blasted out by the other side. Although the boundary of Xu Ziyan was the boundary of the eleven attributes, and it was the boundary after the integration of the eleven attributes, Xu Ziyan always thought that his own world was very powerful, in fact Indeed, no one in her current mainland is her opponent. Even the lord, the demon and the devil are not her opponents.

However, this confrontation with the old man of the dagger made her know that there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside. The dagger's old man's cultivation is the same as her, but it has always suppressed her. Even Xu Ziyan has a feeling that the old man who is beheading has not exerted his full strength, otherwise he may have died in the other's hands.

It is also such a battle that allows Xu Ziyan's strength to improve rapidly, which has raised her understanding and application of the rules of Heaven to a new height.

Originally her world is a fusion of eleven attributes, and she also believes that these eleven attributes have been integrated into the Great Perfection.

What is great perfection?

That is to integrate to the limit, no more flaws.

However, today, Xu Ziyan saw that his eleven attributes merged into the realm of great perfection. There are countless flaws in the world. Although they are extremely small flaws, they do exist.

This battle made Xu Ziyan convinced that there is still a realm above the great perfection. She used to know that there is still a path above the single-characteristic perfection, but today she knows that the fusion of attributes is also above the great perfection.

This battle is the process of her continuous improvement of the world and the process of her exploration of the Tao. At this time, the tiny flaws in the world of Xu Ziyan have been rapidly reduced. The eleven kinds of attributes in the whole world have become more and more perfect. I watched the big hand quickly break open the boundary and grabbed it towards Xu Ziyan. It turned into a darkness, the darkness was endless, and the time flow rate changed, and the space became distorted. At this moment, the speed of the old man's big hand grabbing Xu Ziyan was slow, and the distortion of the space deviated from the direction.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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