The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2996: Magic City Experience

Under the cover of the darkness, there is also a big blue hand that catches the old man in the wind like a wind. It is a wind attribute. The big hand circling a tiny vortex, combined to release a huge twist.

Xu Ziyan firmly believes that this wind hand will catch any monk who is at the middle of the seven-level sacred level will also strangle him. At this time, Xu Ziyan has seen that the other side's boundary is only a five-element. She does not believe that her eleven-characteristic realm will not be able to defeat a fellow monk, and it is also a five-character fellow monk.

When the old man in the battle with Xu Ziyan used to use only one hand, but at this time he finally raised the other hand, the other hand slammed the past toward Xu Ziyan, which is a giant flame, in and After Xu Ziyan’s hands of the wind collided, the fire took advantage of the wind, and instantly formed a sea of ​​fire, illuminating the darkness.

The hand of the wind had already broken and became the assistant of the flame hand. The darkness also dissipated under the reflection of the flame. The shape of Xu Ziyan was completely exposed to the old man of the dagger again.

Seeing Xu Ziyan once again, the old man who had been decapitated collapsed and flew out. The look of Xu Ziyan did not panic this time, and even a smile appeared in his eyes.


The boundary of Xu Ziyan made a circle. This is not a five-line circle of five attributes, but a circle of eleven attributes that are closely integrated, and the elders of the dagger are locked in it.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a confident smile, and at the same time there was a gratitude in his eyes. At this time, she has speculated that the old man of the dagger is not malicious to her. If the other party is malicious, I am afraid she has fallen. It is said that the old man is attacking her, but it is better to say that she is pointing her. It is also the guidance of the old man of the dagger that Xu Ziyan will promote the five elements to the forbidden circle of the eleven attributes.

However, the smug smile on Xu Ziyan's face just started, and it solidified on his face.


The momentum of the old man in the dagger suddenly increased sharply. It only instantly exploded to the beginning of the eighth grade.


The imprisonment circle, which combines the attributes of the eleventh, was smashed, and the figure of the old man of the dagger rose into the sky and rushed toward the ceiling of the wooden house, disappearing instantly.

"Hey. Don't go." Xu Ziyan anxiously called: "Who are you?"


The figure of the old man of the dagger has completely disappeared, and a whirlpool appears on the ceiling, slowly hovering.


Xu Ziyan’s figure rushed toward the vortex on the ceiling.


Xu Ziyan was bounced down and sat down on the floor. Looking up at the whirlpool, the eyes showed unwillingness, and they burst into a punch and bombarded the past.


There was a loud noise, but the entire wooden house and the whirlpool did not change at all. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and did not stand up. Instead, sitting cross-legged on the ground and thinking about it.

At this time, she was able to be sure that the old man who was beheading was just pointing at himself, because the breath that broke out at the moment he left was completely sanctified. If the old man wants to kill her, Xu Ziyan feels himself There seems to be no resistance.

And Xu Ziyan also knows that she has indeed harvested a huge amount. Although she is still the peak of the seven-tiered mid-level, the actual combat power has been doubled at least. If she is at this time again with the lord, the Lord. If the demons fight, don't look at the fact that two of them have already broken through to the early nineth level of the holy level. Xu Ziyan believes that he can defeat the three of them without using the silence.

Who is this dagger old man?

Where else did he go?

Xu Ziyan looked up at the slowly swirling vortex on the ceiling, and the heart said:

"This wooden house has only one floor from the outside. Is there a second floor inside? The passage into the second floor is this vortex?"

When the decapitated old man broke out, he broke out of the eight-level sanctuary. Is it telling me that I want to enter the second floor and wait until the repair is upgraded to the eighth floor? ”

Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground, and thoughtfully on her face, she could not determine the mind of the decapitated old man at this time. Did not kill her mind before. And there is nothing wrong with actually pointing out the purple smoke. But what is his purpose?

Xu Ziyan did not dare to determine that the ultimate goal of the decapitated old man must be in her favor. The cultivation of the immortal world has always been cruel. Before the final card is uncovered, any determination is naive.

Xu Ziyan tried another day and could not find any traces of the old man. And it is not able to pass the whirlpool, and it can't cause any damage to this wooden house. At this time she stood outside the wooden house, and some of her mind looked at the wooden house in front of her. In the end, it was a long sigh, and he stunned his head. Only when he let go of this matter, he had the opportunity to come here again.

Xu Ziyan left the mustard space, came out from the Tianshi stone, returned to his secret room, and appeared from the secret room. Only then did he think that the magical **** had not been given to the magical demon. I don't know how much the magical refining of the magical spirit will be promoted.

Out of the illusory, one step, and came to Wangxiancheng.

At this time, Wangxiancheng has become the trading center of Shangyuan, and it has also become the dreamland for countless teenagers. They traveled to Wangxian City not far away, while working here and practicing, hoping that one day they would enter Taixu.

Xu Ziyan did not immediately go to see the magical demon, but walked along the crowd on the street toward the city government. Gradually her mood relaxed, and also determined her future cultivation.

After arriving at the city's main government and giving the magical **** to the magical demon, Xu Ziyan left the city of Wangxian.

next moment.

Xu Ziyan has been erected in the sky above the mirage, and the clothes flew and flew toward the fantasy city.

Soon, Xu Ziyan entered the magic city. Now that the Magic City has lost its illusion, the phantom inside has lost control. As soon as Xu Ziyan entered the magic city, all the phantoms were attacked by Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan gently touched it with one hand, and it sounded a loud sound. In her center, a circle of shock waves spread out, and numerous phantoms were broken around, and then they condensed and once again attacked Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile. The last time she strangled these phantoms here, I wanted to form the scale of this kind of strangulation. I still need to release the bounds, but this time I don’t need it, just a simple fairy. It will break the phantom of a large area.

Xu Ziyan began to cultivate here. The purpose of practicing here is to constantly improve the understanding and application of the rules of heaven and earth, so that the skills used by Xian Xian can be upgraded to a higher level. She has a feeling that if she can't make a big improvement in the use of skills, even if her cultivation is a breakthrough to the beginning of the eighth grade, she can enter the space of the Tianshi mustard and enter the second floor of the wooden house. There are only abused ones.

The bitterness of the confrontation with the daggers in the heart of Xu Ziyan, a little bit into her instinct.

When Xu Ziyan Yuanli is about to run out, Xu Ziyan will leave the Magic City and look for a small island to recover the interest rate nearby. With the help of Xiandan and Jingmai, every time the interest rate is restored, her vital reserves will increase. Less, gradually separated from the late seventh level of the Holy Land is only a step away.

Half a year later, Xu Ziyan felt that she had stood in front of the seventh floor of the holy level, but she still did not rush to push the door open, still practicing in the magic city.

Another half year.

The repair of Xu Ziyan broke through to the late seventh floor of the Holy Grade. However, at this time, she felt that this fantasy city had no help for her, and without the daily violent consumption, Xu Ziyan’s entry into the country resumed slowly, and Xu Ziyan sighed, and later repaired into the country. It’s time to slowly grind it. As a late seven-tier monk, it is too difficult to find a suitable place for trials.

Xu Ziyan suddenly raised his head and looked into the air, and he saw a figure appearing above the mirage.

Xu Ziyan sat on the top of a small mountain on the island and looked at the figure, unable to frown slightly.

"The lord, what did he do here? Do you want to experience it here?"

There is a figure in the sky, and the fairy looks back and smiles on his face:

"The demon Lord!"

The demon Lord's eyes flashed a bit: "Is the lord also coming to the Magic City?"

Xu Ziyan is a hop in the heart.


This magic city is a great place to experience, if you can move him to Taixu...

Do not!

It is not only a place to experience, but also an excellent defensive barrier. If you move this magic city to the Wuthering Mountains, it will put the imaginary sect in the center of the illusion, and the Holy Class wants to come to the Taixu by the Magic City. It is impossible at the front door, even if it is not easy. At this time, I heard the fairy smile:

"Yes! I don't think the demon Lord is coming for the first time?"

"Have they tried it?" Xu Ziyan moved in his heart, and then he felt in the heart. This magic city was left by the illusion. The illusion of the illusion was more than the lord and the demon. Even now it is fallen, and the inner world it left behind. It’s not that anyone can move. You can practice here, but it’s very difficult to move this magic city. Otherwise, can you save a lot of vestiges in the world?

"Oh..." The demon Lord laughed loudly, but he did not hide it: "Yes, I tried to move the Magic City a year ago, but it failed. Now I feel that the understanding of the rules of Heaven is refined, so Try again."

"Understanding the rules of Heaven?"

Xu Ziyan fell into meditation. In the past year, the understanding of the rules of heaven and the new understanding have flowed in her heart. A pair of beautiful eyes slowly curled up and a smile appeared on her face. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart expressed gratitude to the old man in the dagger. It was the battle with the old man of the dagger, which raised her level of understanding and application of the heavenly path, especially the skill applied. It was completely different from the emperor.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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