The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3006: Clear

Xu Ziyan originally believed that in this world, no one can use spatial attributes more rationally than herself, knowing that she has cultivated the spatial attributes to the realm of great perfection. However, at this moment, she found that the old man of the dagger was more mysterious, as if a mountain stood in front of himself and he could only look up.

Xu Ziyan bit his teeth and the right eye whirls.


The surrounding broken space began to gather and recover, but before the surrounding space was restored to its original appearance, a roar heard, and the whole desert seemed to be alive, and the purple smoke hit the past.

Xu Ziyan immediately built a layer of defense, but the endless desert blasted and destroyed the layer of defense of Xu Ziyan, and finally buried Xu Ziyan in the desert, just in the moment when the purple smoke was submerged, those deserts Losing power, it is like a normal desert.


The desert is flying, Xu Ziyan flies out of the desert. She knows that she was just a decapitated old man. Otherwise, she would be seriously injured under that blow. She looked at the dagger and the old man was far from the air and did not shoot again. Meaning, Xu Ziyan was relieved while his heart was also showing a bit of frustration. I thought that I had already raised the use of Heaven to 60%. Even if I couldn’t beat the old man, I could at least hold it for a while, but I didn’t think I had not supported the two tricks. I was defeated and Xu Ziyan was full of confidence. The heart is broken.

Once again, I looked at the old man who was in the dagger. When I saw that the old man of the dagger still didn’t have a shot, Xu Ziyan closed his eyes. I began to play back the process of the old man’s shot, analysis, comprehension, understanding...

Wait until the purple smoke opens your eyes again. The old man of the dagger suddenly moved again, but in a moment it appeared in front of Xu Ziyan, a finger came.

After Xu Ziyan was defeated by two strokes, then the old man who was beheaded quietly stood by and ignored. Xu Ziyan is also immersed in comprehension.

This is how the two people fought each other over and over again. After each battle, the old man of the dagger was given ample time to comprehend, and then attacked with violent storms.

To put it simply, Xu Ziyan is constantly being abused, then summing up the lessons, comprehending the use of heaven and then being abused...

However, the time that Xu Ziyan insisted on was getting longer and longer as time passed. From only able to stick to two strokes. Three strokes, four strokes, ten strokes to the present.

Only the old man who had been decapitated still did not leave, and still completely suppressed Xu Ziyan, which made Xu Ziyan know that he had not met the requirements of the old man.

Xu Ziyan did not ask who the old man was, but the old man who did the decapitation did not answer her at all, so Xu Ziyan would not ask for it later. Completely immersed in fighting and comprehension.

Xu Ziyan has now seen that the old man of the dagger is not a true monk, but just a glimpse of the gods, which makes her heart shocked, but only a glimpse of the gods, it has such power, I want this How powerful is the dagger old man?

And such a powerful old man is now left with only a glimpse of God, what makes him so?

Is it a catastrophe?

What era is the monk of the old man?

Is it the monk in the catastrophe that the mountain spirit has seen, or the monk of the Baizu era, or the monk of a more distant period?

Although the heavy rain stopped, the water level of the sea was much lower than before. But it is far from reaching the original water level. One-fifth of the land on the Yuanyuan continent was still immersed in the water. There are two reasons for this. On the one hand, the rise in water levels caused by heavy rain, and on the other hand, the cause of the seas, they encouraged the sea to occupy the field that originally belonged to the land and refused to retreat.

but. At this time, the Haizu did not behave exactly the same. At the beginning, there were many strong people in their seas. Strong and fearful of the strong, under the instigation and deterrence of these powerful people, all the seas began to attack the land. And under the leadership of these strong men, they are invincible, defeating and defeating the forces on the land, swallowing a life on the land, the essence of life makes their cultivation a little better, which makes them As addictive as drug addiction, it began more madly killing all the creatures on land.

At this time, every sea monk thought that their time had come. The heavy rain made them help, and they began to encounter real resistance when they began to attack various sects and big families. .

But they don't worry, because they have a strong presence in the sea, and these powerful existences have not disappointed them. Those powerful existences have broken through a series of protective battles, allowing them to kill and devour some sects and The family's monks, and these sects and family monks brought them greater improvement, making them even more crazy.

Every seaman looks at the sea that has now become a sea. The mountains are like the islands of the Upper Yuan, and there is a voice in the heart.

The era of the sea is coming!


In the end, the Haizu actually lost, and they lost in the hands of Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, Xianzhu, Demon Lord, Mozhu and other holy monks. They suddenly died in the sea, and escaped from the sea. The number of family monks who died was hundreds of millions.

The Haizu had to retreat, and what disappointed them was that when luck left them, the constant rain stopped, the sky cleared, the water level dropped, and they had to retreat.

But they are not reconciled, they are still insisting, from time to time to ashore to swallow the land monks who want to return to their homes, whether it is human, devil or demon.

However, the news that came back gradually made them cautious. The Terran, the Mozu and the Yaozu began to counterattack, chasing the seas one by one, expelling the seas, gradually approaching the sea, and the seas on the land. The monks had all returned to the sea at this time, but they did not return to the deep sea that belonged to them. They still gathered at the seaside. They were not willing to lose the territory they once occupied.

Now the sudden emergence of the strong in the sea has disappeared, and the holy seas have disappeared, as if they have never appeared before.

Without these holy powers, those Tianzun sea people will gather together to discuss future plans.

Southern waters.


Originally a coastal fairy city, there is no Terran, Yaozu and Mozu here. The whole fairyland is full of seas.

At this time, the city was full of dilapidated, submerged by the sea, and there were many marine plants hanging on the wall, which radiated the unique smell of the ocean under the sunlight. The streets were messy, and there was moisture in the main hall of the city's main house, but this kind of moisture could not cover the quarrel in the hall.

Two months ago, they easily slaughtered the monk in the city and drowned the city. However, at this time they became a panic and unwilling monk, just like the original human monk.

A figure rushed into the hall.

"Fick Master, it's not good. The monks who are too imaginary led the southern people to have broken our three lines of defense and are approaching Binhai."

The quarrel in the hall was silent, and the eyes were gathered on the sea monk who rushed in.

The monk’s words were clear and the three lines of defense were broken. But they added millions of seas and they were easily broken.

"Hui Ziyan shot?" A fish head Haizu on the first place in the main hall asked calmly.


The sea monk hurriedly shook his head, which gave the sea leaders in the hall a sigh of relief. The fish head Haizu looked good, but then he became nervous.

"Yanshan soul? He shot?"

"No! The leader is to take thousands of miles."

The original look of the fish head Haizu just slowed down and instantly became pale. The front is black and the body is shaking.

Take thousands of miles!

How could he not know?

The sanctification of the third level is more than the third level of the holy level. Today, only one of the seas is a holy level, and it is only a holy level.

"What about the monks of the three lines of defense?"

"Dead, almost all died, and few escaped."


The fish head monk crushed the armrest of the chair. In his heart, he knew that these sea people could not stop the attack of too imaginary, because his high-end monk had already withdrawn, but he still wanted to rely on it. The number of sea people occupies this offshore area. He believes that Taixu needs time to restore the South and has no time to take care of them, so they can continue to harass the Terran on the shore and get more resources.

However, he did not think that Taixu Zong had given up on reorganizing his homeland and directly attacked them. He put on a gesture of not completely expelling them.

"Too virtual sect is too cruel! We have already retreated to the beach. Do they still not give up?" A sea monk shouted violently.

Although his voice was violent, the sea people in the hall were able to hear a hint of trepidation and a trace of fear from his voice. This space quickly spread in the hall, and all the sea monks began to scream loudly, as if only to stop the spread of fear in their hearts.

"Fick Master, our sea snake family has been away from home for too long, we have to go home, I can't let my people die in this unfortunate South Road."

A snakehead sea monk stood up and showed fear in his eyes as he walked toward the gate. The fish head monk Fick glanced at the snake head monk in a blink of an eye, and there was a murderous murder in his eyes, but there was no move. In fact, his heart is also very clear, his plan is over, at this time even if the killing of the leaders of the various seas in the hall, it will be scattered sand, for the Taixu Zong did not have any blocking effect.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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