The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3007: Four Holy Visits

I am very grateful to my classmates (10000), not to the old gods (200)!


The patriarchs of the various sea patriarchs in the hall saw that Fick did not stop the patriarch of the sea snake family, and they all stood up and bowed to Fick and hurriedly left the hall. What they have to do is to lead the people to quickly return to the deep sea.

The noisy hall suddenly became silent, leaving only Fick and two seamen in the hall. The three of them seem to have become abandoned.

"Damn, don't they know that escape at this time is equal to being pursued by the Terran without any scruples?" A sea monk screamed in disarray.

"Fick Master, what do we do?" Another sea monk looked at Fick in a panic.

Fick’s face showed a faint smile: “In fact, even if they don’t escape, I will give orders to retreat. Now our strength is not a virtual opponent.”

"What about now?"

"Now? Hehehe..." Fick suddenly smiled cruelly: "Since they have escaped, don't blame me for using them. Just use them to attract the monks who are too imaginary, and we return to the deep sea in the other direction."

The eyes of the two sea monks were bright, and the fear in their hearts dissipated. Looking towards Fick's eyes is full of admiration.

"Escape? Where are you going to escape?"

There was a sudden sound in the hall, and then two voices appeared at the door, one man and one woman.

A woman stood with a sword, one man and one hand left behind, one hand pressed on top of a guqin floating in front of him.

It is Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyun.

Fick's face suddenly paled, and his figure rushed toward the sky. A crack appeared in the sky.


With a chorus, Fick felt that his soul was trembled and his body shape could not help but a slight meal. But it was this slight meal that made him miss the time to escape. A sword will slap his body in half. Then, when the sword was turned, the two seas remaining in the hall were strangled.


Outside the hall, there was a loud roar of the fairy, and the sea people under Fick’s screams screamed and were being strangled by the angry Terran monks.

The sea snakes and other seas led millions of sea monks at this time away from the seaside city.


They stopped their steps. Looking back at the seaside city, it has become a sea of ​​fire, and the roar of various fairy tales is far and wide.

The faces of the Hai people became very ugly, and at the same time, they were fortunate in their eyes. Fortunately, they left a step early, otherwise they might have been killed by the Terran.

"Let's go!" The head of the Haizi nationality said with a weak voice, and first dive to the bottom of the sea, and then millions of sea monks dive to the bottom of the sea.


They have just dive down without a time. Then it stopped and the fear spread out in the bottom of my heart and spread on the sea floor.

In front of them a group of dragons, nearly two thousand dragons, headed by the three-tiered dragon, the body exudes a strong atmosphere. And not only the dragons, but also countless Terran monks are in front of them. Every monk's body exudes a strong atmosphere.


Xiaolong raised a dragonfly, and the sea water formed a shock wave that swiftly spread toward the sea.


Only the shock wave formed by this dragon whistle caused hundreds of thousands of sea monks to smash the body, and then the dragons and all the monks killed the sea.

"Escape, run away!"

The idea just rose, and I heard a loud bang, and took a sword from the sea. The swordman opened the sea in an instant and fell unstoppable. The sea was separated on both sides. Formed a gap that stretched for tens of thousands of miles. Hundreds of thousands of sea monks have become a powder under this sword.

"Take a million miles!"

Thousands of thousands of monks were chased by the thousands of miles above the sea. One by one to avoid the water. Caught to the bottom of the sea.

This southern action was carried out under the plan of Xu Qinyang, and all the purple smoke and Yanshan souls were unclear. At the beginning of the plan, Xu Qinyang’s goal was not to expel the sea, but to kill the sea. He wants to give the Hai people a profound lesson. Let the Hai people remember this lesson from generation to generation, and will not dare to invade the Terran territory easily. No matter how attractive they are on the Terran territory.

Therefore, he not only dispatched thousands of miles to face the sea, but also sent a dragon to lead the dragon and some ethnic monks to ambush the sea early, cutting off the retreat of the sea, what he had to do was to annihilate all the seas.

It was just a rain. Although the rain was a bit bigger and the time was longer, these sea people would dare to unite and attack the mainland. There is only one reason why the monks on the mainland are not enough to deter the sea people.

Only when the Hai people are killed, they are afraid of it. So even if the mainland suffers even more disasters, the Hai people will not dare to invade.

The sea has turned into blood, the sea is dead, the race is dead, and even the dragon is dead. However, the number of deaths of the sea people is extremely large, and the number of deaths of the Terran and the Dragons is extremely small, because there are no holy monks in these seas, but the Terran has two holy layers of the Holy Land and the Dragon.

Only these two monks are actually enough to sweep these seas, not to mention hundreds of thousands of ethnic monks and dragons?

Time did not take long, but in less than half a day, millions of sea people were almost killed, and the seas that could escape were minimal.

The sun shines on the surface of the sea, and it evokes a magnificent glow.

More than a thousand dragons hovered over the sky, and hundreds of thousands of monks were standing on the sea. On the sea, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyun and Xu Qinyang stood at the forefront of the team and looked towards the depths of the ocean.

"It's finally over!" Xu Qinyang exhaled.

Xu Ziyun looked back at the southern mainland road: "There is a ruin, this robbery is not a good news."

"Oh..." everyone sighed.

"Xiaolong, what are you going to do? Go back to Long Island, or stay in Taixu?" asked Wanli with concern.

Xiaolong’s gaze seems to penetrate the layers of space. Looking towards the direction of Long Island, there is his hard work, but nowadays there is a home that cannot be returned.

If he leads the dragons back to Long Island at this time, I am afraid that they will be deeply involved in the siege of the Hai people. The dragons left these seeds. He did not want the dragon to be completely destroyed.

He now has a fear of the sea, although this time they slaughtered the sea, but the holy monks in the sea suddenly disappeared, he did not believe that all the holy seas were Xu Ziyan. The soul of Yanshan, the lord, the demon and the demon, and other holy monks killed the light, which is a threat to their dragons.

No one knows where the holy seas suddenly came from, and there are so many numbers. Without figuring this out, he wouldn't take risks, so he just made a decision in an instant and took his eyes back from Longdao:

"I am living in Taixu for the time being."

Ten thousand miles stretched out and patted Xiaolong’s shoulder. Then I looked at Xu Qinyang. Although his cultivation was higher than that of Xu Qin, the present tyrant is Xu Qinyang, so all decisions should be made by Xu Qinyang.

"Go back!"

Xu Qinyang sighed softly, his body flew toward the southern continent, followed by hundreds of thousands of monks behind him. From the depths of his heart, he really did not want to fight the sea at this time. The catastrophe is about to come. At this time, all races should be united. Why do the seas suddenly attack the mainland?

Don't they know that the holocaust is coming?

With confusion, he returned to Taixu. He wanted to talk to Xu Ziyan. In his heart, Xu Ziyan should know more than him. This is not because Xu Ziyan is now a holy monk, the first master of the mainland. It is because from the beginning of the Zhongyuan galaxies he witnessed the legend of Xu Ziyan all the way. In his heart, the most powerful thing about Xu Ziyan is not her cultivation. It is her wisdom.

but. Xu Ziyan is still in retreat, and the secret room is shrouded in tactics. He can't get in, and he doesn't dare to go in. I was afraid of disturbing the cultivation of Xu Ziyan.

"Maybe Yanshan soul knows."

Xu Qinyang came to the Dongfu of the Yanshan Soul, but the Dongfu of the Yanshan Soul was also shrouded in formation. He naturally did not dare to go in. When Yanshan soul retreats. Even Xu Ziyan did not dare to bother, how did he dare to disturb Xu Qinyang?


A monk fell behind Xu Qinyang.

"The sovereign, the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the four seniors of Quebec seek the old lord."

Xu Qinyang raised his eyebrows and picked him up. He naturally knew that the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Kuitian wanted to see Xu Ziyan, and said:

"Please ask four seniors to go to the main hall!"

Xu Qinyang stood in front of the main hall and saw the figure of the four masters, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec appear in the field of vision.

“Qin Yang met with four seniors.”

The lord raised his eyebrows slightly: "What about Xu Daoyou and the evil Lord?"

"Ziyan and the mountain spirit are in retreat, Qin Yang does not dare to disturb."

The lord, the demon Lord, the devil and the Kui Tian frowned slightly.

"Four seniors please!"

Sisheng looked at each other and finally nodded into the hall. After the guest was seated, Xu Qinyang said respectfully:

“The four seniors are here today, but what is it?”

The look of the Four Saints clearly reveals a slight disappointment. What is their identity?

They are holy monks, and they are the second-class monks who are second only to Xu Ziyan. This is second only to the combat power. If you count the realm, Xu Ziyan is not as good as them.

They personally came to Taixu Zong and Xu Ziyan to discuss matters, but did not expect to see Xu Ziyan.

However, as a monk, they naturally know that the retreat of the monks is normal, and like them, once they are closed, they don’t know how long they will be closed, and they can’t blame Xu Qinyang. What's more, they don't dare to blame Xu Qinyang, not because Xu Qinyang is more powerful, but Xu Qinyan stands behind Xu Qinyang. Therefore, they can only express their own dissatisfaction, but they can't really face their faces.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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