The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3008: Speculate

"Xu Zongzhu!" The demon Lord is a straightforward temper. When everyone sees no words, he bluntly said: "Now the sea people have solved it, but we don't know why the sea people made such a big move. I don't know Xu Daoyou and the evil master, but I know some clues?"

Xu Qinyang shook his head and said: "No, the purple smoke and the mountain spirit immediately retreat after the siege of the Taizong sea squad, and there is no explanation."

Four saints frowned, and the lord asked: "Hsu Zongzhu, I must have discovered the problem of the thinness of the heavens and the earth in the Yuan Dynasty?"

"Yes!" Xu Qinyang hurriedly nodded: "Predecessors know the reason?"

The face of the lord showed a bitter smile: "Where do I know, this time I want to ask the evil Lord, does he know the reason? Now our mainland tribes and the seas have lost their vitality. Heaven and earth are weak, how to deal with the future of the world?"

Xu Qinyang’s face has also become ugly. Originally, he also hoped to learn from the Four Saints that the reason for the thinness of the heavens and the earth is that he did not think that the Four Saints did not know. It seems that he can only know the Yanshan soul, but now Yanshan soul retreats. Who dares to bother him?

"This thing may only be known by the mountain spirit?" Xu Qinyang smiled bitterly: "But when the mountain soul retreats, the purple smoke does not dare to bother, where can we dare to alarm him?"

Four saints couldn't help each other, and the four of them did not dare to disturb the soul of Yanshan!

"Xu Zongzhu." The devil sighed and said: "I have another thing to come here. After Xu Daoyou has gone out, I will ask Xu Zongzhu to tell."

"Predecessors please say."

"I want to make a sound!"

The devil said simply. Nowadays he is increasingly feeling a crisis. Even if he is now the mid-level peak of the eighth grade, he still feels the crisis. It is the crisis brought to him by the coming catastrophe. He knows that if he can't swallow it. He will never be able to reach the same realm as the Emperor, the demon Lord, and the Quebec, and this difference will be a deadly crisis at the time of the Holocaust.

Xu Qinyang’s eyes flashed a stern color. Xu Xiang is not only the younger brother of Xu Ziyan, but also the same for him. Xu Qinyang also used Xu Xiang as a younger brother in the Chinese Yuan Xingxing. Now that the Lord of the Lord wants to swallow, Xu Qinyang’s heart has raised a sense of killing. Although he is facing the mid-level eight-tier mid-level monk, he can’t suppress the killing in his heart.

"I won't agree." Xu Qinyang said coldly.

In the eyes of the Lord, there is also a cold expression: "I don't need your consent. All you have to do is tell Xu Ziyan, I can pay any price."

"I mean the meaning of purple smoke. You don't have to think about Xu Xiang." Xu Qinyang's voice is colder.

"Do you think you can represent Xu Ziyan?" The Lord said sarcastically.

Xu Qinyang is silent. He doesn't know if Xu Ziyan, who has become a saint-level monk, will change. Will he give up the Xu Xiang because of some kind of interest, although he thinks that Xu Ziyan will not change, but he is thinking about the holy monk. I am not sure, my face is gloomy:

"I will tell you. What else is there for your predecessors?"

This is obviously the order of the order, and the look of the four holy monks is not very good. But Kui Tian finally recovered his look first. She is one of the most happy, but the most dangerous one. At the time of the catastrophe, she will fight alone. This of course is what she does not want to face.

The forces that can make her look are only too imaginary, the Palace of the Immortals, the Palace of the Demon and the Palace of the Lord. However, the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord had chased her at the beginning, and he naturally would not go to these three forces, so there was only a sinister sect. She and Yanshan soul were the same as the lord. The demon Lord and the demon Lord chase. Later, she also helped Xu Ziyan's cultivation, so she decided to go to Taixu. So when Xu Qinyang’s voice fell, he opened the door:

"Xu Zongzhu, this holy wants to stay in the Taixu period for a while. Wait for Xu Ziyan or the evil master to go out."

Xu Qinyang accidentally looked at Kui Tian, ​​and then handed his hand to the ceremony: "Tai Xu is naturally welcome."

"Yeah!" Quebec nodded. Hung down and no longer speak.

The face of the lord, the demon and the demon became very unsightly. Because of the difference in the realm, Xu Qinyang still couldn’t understand the mind of Kui Tian, ​​but the lord, the demon and the demon master realized that Kui Tian was thought.

Too imaginary has already had Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul, riding thousands of miles, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyun, five holy monks, and now with Quebec, their Sansheng's right to speak will become smaller and smaller.

Originally, they still had some things to tell Xu Qinyang. At this time, they had no mood at all. After Xu Jinyang’s resignation, he left Taixu.

Xu Qinyang personally selected a mountain peak for Kuitian. As the first day of the 9th floor of the Holy Grade, he only built a cave house in an instant, and then invited Xu Qinyang to enter the Dongfu. Later, it spread out to the gods. In the knowledge of God, she also saw the Dongfu of the Yanshan soul and the cave of Xu Ziyan closed. Knowing that two people were retreating, they did not dare to disturb, but they summoned thousands of miles, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun.

Xu Qinyang sat in his seat and watched that Kuitian closed his eyes and ignored him. He didn't know what Kuitian wanted to do. He just wanted to open his mouth and saw Quebec opened his eyes and said faintly:

"Wait a minute, they are coming."

Xu Qinyang's eyebrows were picked. When I just wanted to release my knowledge, I saw a flash of people. In the thousands of miles, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun appeared in Dongfu.

"I have seen a friend!" Take Wanli, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun.

"Sit down!" Kui Tian said faintly. After several seats, Kui Tiancai said with a sigh: "The original fairy, the devil and the demon come to have something to say to you, and they are also simple with me on the road. I have said something, although I don’t know much, but this is not a trivial matter."

Xu Qinyang's look was serious. In the thousands of miles, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun couldn't help but look at Xu Qinyang. Since the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord came to discuss things, why did they leave without saying anything?

Is it that Xu Qinyang offended the Three Saints?

impossible! It is impossible to make such a stupid mistake with Xu Qinyang's character and wisdom.

Xu Qinyang’s face showed a bitter smile, and he simply told the story to one side. The ride of Wanli, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun’s face was gloomy. I took a picture of Xu Qinyang’s shoulder in a thousand miles:

"This thing you did right!"

Xu Qinyang nodded, and then everyone looked at Quebec. Kui Tian looked at Xu Qin and said:

"Xu Zongzhu, don't you catch the captives with the Hai people this time? Well, is that kind of holy monk?"

Xu Qinyang's eyes brightened: "I caught it, but after the purple smoke caught the captives, it was collected and then closed. The fairy gods found the reason why the Hai people attacked the mainland?"

Kui Tian shook his head gently: "They just speculated that this time they wanted to be with Xu Daoyou, the evil master confirmed it. Just did not expect Xu Daoyou and the evil Lord to retreat."

"What are their speculations?"

Asked by the condensate of Wanli, Xu Qinyang did not speak at this time. He has replaced Xu Qinyang and Kuitian in Wanli. Without sanctification, there is no right to speak in front of a holy monk. If Xu Qinyang is standing behind Xu Ziyan and Yanshan, Kui Tian and San Sheng will not have the slightest politeness to him.

"They caught a few holy seas and found that they could not be called monks, because those seas are already dead bodies, and they are dead bodies for a long time. The time of death even exceeds the age of the gods. ""

Taking thousands of miles, Xu Qinyang, Xu Ziyun and Xiaolong's look is a glimpse, and some look at the opposite side of the sky. There is a faint worry between Kui Tian’s eyebrows:

"The lords found the extraterrestrial demon in the bodies of the sea people."

"Out of the world?"

Four people, like Wanli, almost jumped out of the chair. Shocked for a long time, asked by the mile of the mile:

“Don't the catastrophe have begun, there is an unknown crack, and the extraterrestrial demon has invaded?”

Kui Tian shook his head gently: "I don't know, this is why the lords came over. They have two kinds of speculations. One is what you just said. There is already an unknown crack. The extraterrestrial demon has invaded. If this is the case, the crack must be the sea, probably in the depths of the sea, a place we don't know.

The second is that these extraterrestrial demons were left in the upper Yuan dynasty at the end of the last catastrophe. They were hidden, and the hidden place was the sea.

If the catastrophe is approaching today, they must be inductive, so they can start the counterattack. I want to conquer us like the last catastrophe, and occupy the Upper Continent. ”

The hall became silent, the atmosphere became stagnant, and even the air seemed to have a suffocating weight. After half a ring, Quiet’s voice:

"If it is the first one, we must find the space crack as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a huge disaster. If it is the second, they must find them and destroy them before the catastrophe, otherwise we will be attacked by the enemy. .

Still tell these things to Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul as soon as possible! ”

Taking thousands of miles, Xu Qinyang and Xiaolong looked at Xu Ziyun. Because only Xu Ziyun and Xu Ziyan had the same connection here, Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and sensed it. In the end, he opened his eyes and shook his head helplessly:

"No, the purple smoke seems to shut down the feeling between me and me, or she is in full concentration at this time, I can't contact her."

Xu Qinyang indulged in a moment: "Let's wait, let's believe that the lord, the demon and the demon will investigate this matter. But we must be more careful, whether it is the first or the second case, I believe that it is impossible There are extraterrestrial demon, there should be chaotic beasts, maybe we will be attacked by the Chaos Beast."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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