The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3009: Nervous situation

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), the old-fashioned classmates (200), the long-haired fluttering derailed Queens (100), and Situ Yu (10)!


The minds of the monks are all shocked. Xu Qinyang’s predictions are not out of the ordinary. Since the extraterrestrial demons have appeared, what is impossible with the emergence of the Chaos Beast?

And no matter what the situation, the number of chaotic beasts is normal.

"Qin Yang, order the construction of coastal areas to be suspended, let the monks in the coastal areas retrace and establish a defensive zone."


"And..." Kuitian said: "The growth of the monks who are constrained by the decline of the heavens and the earth, we should also find out the reasons for this."

Xu Qinyang and others looked at each other and looked helpless in their eyes. They also wanted to find out the reasons, but they could do nothing.

“Is this a catastrophe?” At this time everyone’s mind came up with the idea: “Is it the catastrophe to turn the fairy world into the end of the era?”

Xu Qinyang’s speculation was unfortunate, and only three days passed. The Chaozhou beasts appeared in the coastal areas of the East, West, and North of the Yuan Dynasty. They began to attack the coastal areas madly, and the entire Yuanyuan continent was caught in the war.

The demon of the West, the demon of the South, is now in the vain of the Taixu, and the leaders of the northern and eastern ethnic groups have personally shot, but the effect is different.

The relatively safe situation is the south where the strength has always been weak, because there are two holy monks in the south at the same time, the demon is responsible for the sea area facing the demon, and the Kuito is responsible for the sea area facing the people. So there are two holy monks in the south who shot at the same time. The chaotic beasts of the South can hardly be attacked on the shore. In particular, there are two holy layers of the Holy Land and the Xiaolong. Xu Ziyun is a holy level and two layers, making the Southern Terran territory almost impregnable.

But compared to the solid defense of the South. The Western demons will have tougher. After all, they only have a holy monk, and the pressure can be imagined.

The most devastating is the lord, because he occupies the largest territory. He has the entire East and the North, but he is only a holy monk. The monks in the East and the North have begun to shrink in depth, and a defensive array has been established to withstand the attack of the Chaos Beast.

Originally, when the Chaos Beast attacked, the Lord, the Lord and the Demon Lord also raised a bit of joy, because this would force Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul to go out. And in their hearts, they still think that the southern monks are the weakest and the overall strength is the lowest. It is only because of the two top monks of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul that people feel that the South is different now. If there is no Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, the southern monk will be smashed by the chaotic beast.

Even if Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls go out, they don't think they can gain an advantage in the war with the Chaos Beast, because this is not a person, or a war between two people, but a comprehensive war. The factors that determine the outcome of such a war are not the top monks, but the overall strength.

Undoubtedly, the overall strength of the southern monks is the weakest on the mainland. They are waiting for the help of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. At that time, they should sit down and talk.

But actually they made them both angry and helpless.

They didn't think of Kuitian's shot, and they spared no effort to shoot, plus the ride of Wanli, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun, this is a terrible force.

And they suddenly found that the southern monks did not seem to be so weak, because the monks who were too imaginary almost came out. They discovered it. Today's Taixu is already the backbone of the South, and their strength has grown to bring the overall strength of the South to a new height.

In a few large-scale wars, the southern monks firmly blocked the attack of the chaotic beast from the defense.

In fact, the situation is not as good as that seen by Sansheng. The southern monks have a lot of casualties. There is nothing wrong with the prediction of the Three Holy Saints, such as the Emperor. In such a war, the overall strength of the Southern monks was revealed to be insufficient. In particular, in the past few years, the south has suffered many disasters. It has experienced half-devils, and the golden armies will be catastrophe, making the south, which is not strong enough, even weaker. If it weren't for the tyrannical tyranny that is now strong, I am afraid that the entire South has fallen.

The monks of the Taixu are standing on the front line, and the casualties are equally huge, but in comparison, they are still lower than the loss of the Lord, the Lord and the Lord. This aspect is due to the existence of the holy monks such as Quebec and Wanli, and on the other hand, because the hearts of the southern monks have become stronger after many experiences of catastrophe, they have grown rapidly in the catastrophe, even if the realm has not improved, However, the use of Xianyu has reached a height that cannot be reached by a monk in Sansheng.

It can be said without hesitation that in the same order, the southern monks have surpassed the monks of the Three Saints.

A month later, the Taixu monks have lost 100,000, and the entire southern casualties have exceeded 500,000. The monks’ casualties in Sansheng’s area exceeded this figure.

However, Xu Qinyang still has to tighten the teeth and does not bother Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. As a monk, they naturally know the importance of retreat. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul immediately chose to retreat after repelling the sea attack controlled by the extraterrestrial demon. This is very It may be that two people are comprehended. This kind of opportunity is very precious to any level of monks. A monk may not be able to get several insights in his life, and once he realizes that the improvement of the monk is enormous.

Therefore, Xu Qinyang did not bother Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, but shouldered the overall arrangement of the entire southern war.

The owner of the lord fell first!

The eastern and northern coastlines have made the Chaos Beast have too many attack points. The original Xianzhu also had a careful arrangement. Because of the fact that he is the master of the East, the overall strength of the East is much higher than that of the North, so the Emperor Commanded the nine major sects of the East to set up a strong defense line, and he was sitting in the north.

This strategy did show practical results at the beginning. Both the East and the North effectively blocked the Chaos Beast, and the Emperor also killed several Holy Chaos beasts.

However, the East, where no monarchs were sitting in the town, was finally defeated by the Chaos Beast. The nine ancestral gates retreated to the mountain gates and opened the guardian squad. The entire East outside the big squad became the raging place of the Chaos Beast.

The lord heard the news and almost dismantled his lord's palace under the wrath of shame.

Not bad!

It is shame!

The South and the West have not been attacked by the defense line, and the East he controlled alone has been broken by the defense. However, he did not dare to go to the East to regain lost ground. He was afraid that when he went to the East, he lost his place in the north and was captured by the Chaos Beast.

However, it is impossible to watch the East being ravaged by the Chaos Beast. In desperation, the Immortal sent a rhetoric with Xu Ziyan to go to Taixu and ask for support from Taixu. In fact, his idea is very simple, as long as Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls go out, even if they don't come to the East, just let Kui Tian go to the East to solve the immediate crisis.

The rhetoric came to Taixu, but it was received by Xu Qinyang. From the mouth of Xu Qinyang, the South was not as relaxed as they thought, and only the Taixu lost 100,000 monks.

After learning the news, there was a sneak peek in the rhetoric. As the lord of the ancestors, the former law enforcement lord, he certainly knew Xu Ziyan very well.

In fact, this is the tradition of the Jianfeng Peak. One Jianfeng Peak is from the peak of the sword to the few disciples below him. It is an absolute short-term protection. No one can offend a Jianfeng disciple and be away from it. The monk is a group of madmen, guarding the short-sighted madman of the short-term, as long as the person who hurts a Jianfeng, even if a Jianfeng is not the opponent of the opponent, he will also succumb to death and bite a piece of meat from the other side.

Nowadays, the Chaos Beast has killed the 100,000 monks of Taixu, and it can be imagined what kind of madness will be after Xu Ziyan goes out. Although Xu Ziyan is now a holy monk, but the rhetoric knows that the tradition of a Jianfeng will not change, I am afraid that the chaotic beast that has entered the South can not eliminate the hatred of Xu Ziyan, she will kill the Chaos beasts everywhere in the north and south. .

Therefore, the rhetoric is not so anxious. Because there is no need to worry, Xu Qinyang clearly told him that he would not bother Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. If he wants to see Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, he will only wait for them to go out.

Ten days passed, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul still did not go out, but the words were fun. As the first person to ask for help from Taixu, in fact, his face is not good-looking, and no one wants to be a party to help, which will prove his incompetence and will make the channel joke, so his heart is not good these days. .

But when he saw the monk sent by the demon Lord, his face finally looked good, because the Western Mozu had already broken through three lines of defense, and now has retreated to the last line of defense, the devil is also in desperation, also sent The monk came to ask for help from Taixu.

The Mozu monk was also arranged to live in the Taixu sect. He was very urgent. He saw that the rhetoric was honestly in the Taixu sect. He also had to wait for the urgency of waiting for Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul to go out.

The monks and rhetoric sent by the Lord of the Lord differed from the request for the Taixu sect. The rhetoric asked for the Yanshan soul. One of Xu Ziyan and Kui Tianzhong had the ability to go to the East, and the Lord’s request was different. The Lord believed that there was a It is enough for him to be a holy monk. He just hopes that the Taixu can send some holy monks. Of course, it is better to take thousands of miles or send dragons to the West.

Therefore, the messenger of the Lord of the Lord waited a few days, and saw that Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul still did not go out, they directly found Xu Qinyang and made his own request.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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