The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3010: Purple smoke

I am very grateful to the students who are not dead (200), the rest of the 123 students (100), and the long hair fluttering derailed Queens (100)!


In his view, they did not ask Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul and Quebec to go to the West, so Xu Qinyang could make a decision without having to wait for Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul to go out. As long as the other party sends a million miles or Xiaolong to lead a group of Taixu monks to the West.

So when he saw the words, he laughed a few words, letting his words blow his beard and blink. But when he and Xu Qinyang made a request, they were rejected by Xu Qinyang.

This made him very incomprehensible, because their Mozu is not empty-handed, they have prepared a large number of gifts, a large number of fairy crystals, and a variety of precious herbs and ores that are only found in the West. The family can be described as massive bleeding. In exchange for such limited gifts in exchange for the imaginary sect, no one will think that the tyrants will refuse. Even the lords think that too imaginary will not refuse.

However, Xu Qinyang really refused.

The reason is very simple.

The South is not as easy as the Lord and the Lord think, and does not occupy an absolute advantage. If you have an absolute advantage, you have already destroyed the Chaos Beast, how can you still be in defense?

At this time, it is unrealistic to withdraw from the Wanli or Xiaolong and withdraw some of the monks to the West to help the Mozu.

Any monk who is in the position of Xu Qinyang will not do this.

The Mozu monk was very angry, but he did not want to leave his sleeves, but he left. Returning to the Mozu, he had to be torn by the Lord, so in the end he had to wait for the Taixu as the truth.

It was another ten days, and Xu Ziyan went out.

Quietly exiting. If you don't see Xu Ziyan with your own eyes, just by feeling that no one can find Xu Ziyan, just standing opposite to Xu Ziyan, there is still a strange feeling. It is the eyes that clearly see Xu Ziyan standing in front of themselves. But there is another feeling that there is no one at all, and it is empty.

After this retreat, under the guidance of the old man of the dagger, Xu Ziyan has used up to 80% of the heavenly road. Walking and lying have been integrated into the world, as if heaven and earth are her, she is heaven and earth.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was only in the early stage of the eighth level of the holy level, but still not as good as the first nine layers of the Holy Lord and the Lord. It is not even as good as the eighth level of the Lord's sacred level, but Xu Ziyan believes that he wants to kill the lord. The lord and the demon have no need to put their own efforts as dangerous as they did last time. Killing them is easy.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had a sense of feeling. The previous cultivation was too rough, as if holding a super sword in his hand, but it would not be used. Hard as a fire stick.

With his own use of Heaven, he wants to defeat the lord, the Lord and the Lord can do it, but it is really difficult to kill the Three Saints, although they have eleven attributes, but they are used. Very blunt.

But now it is different, she has now reached a level of seeing through the essence, even if it is a special lord of the physique, she can also break through the essence after she defeats the lord.

Xu Ziyan sat on the main hall. Xu Qinyang sat on the left. In the case of the law, the Mormon monk sat on the right. The sorrowful and easy-going monk monk showed fear in his eyes. The breath of Xu Ziyan's integration into the heavens and the earth made them fearful, and his face showed a respectful color.

But anyway. Their hearts are more excited than fear. The stronger the Xu Ziyan's cultivation, the safer they are. The threat of the Chaos Beast can be solved more quickly.

"The mountain soul has not yet gone out?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

"No!" Xu Qinyang also replied softly.

"Today, the monks are so rare, but what happened?"

"The Chaos Beast began to attack the mainland."

"Holocaust is coming?" Xu Ziyan jumped.

Xu Qinyang shook his head and said: "I don't know, I didn't see a big crack in the space. The Lord, the Lord and the Lord have been here..."

Xu Qinyang said the previous incident to Xu Ziyan, including the speculation that Kui Tian had told. After Xu Ziyan finished listening, he frowned deeply. At this time, the rhetoric does not want to wait any longer. How long has the time passed? I don’t know what the East is like today.

"Ziyan, the eastern continent is now splendid, and please ask Taixu to help."

While talking, he sent a jade slip, and Xu Ziyan took over the jade and read it into the gods. They were all gift cards of Xianjing and a large number of herbs and precious ores. Xu Ziyan handed Yu Jade to Xu Qin:

"Receive these!"

The heart of the words is a joy, which shows that Xu Ziyan agreed with the request of the lord. At this time, the Mozu monk could not sit still, sent Yu Jian, and then said his request. Xu Ziyan checked the gift list in Yujian, and then handed Yu Jade to Xu Qinyang, indicating that he would also collect the gift of the Mozu, and then asked Xu Qinyang:

"What is the situation in the South?"

Xu Qinyang’s look is a dark passage: “Although we defended against the attack of the Chaos Beast, we also injured nearly 800,000 monks, and we were killed and killed 150,000 monks.”

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "Quidian her?"

"Queen's predecessors tried their best. There is a holy nine-layer in the Chaos Beast. Kuitian is not an opponent. It can only be entangled at a time, and it falls to the bottom."

Although Xu Ziyan’s look is still calm, but the three monks in the hall can feel the anger of Xu Ziyan’s heart. The inside of the hall is like a cloud, and the pressure makes the power of the three monks become stagnant and unhealthy. . However, the spirit of the words is delighted, and it is true that Xu Ziyan heard that the 150,000 sorrows were angered.

"Qin Yang brother, you will count the gifts of the Lord and the Lord."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan got up and stepped out, and his body shape disappeared into the hall.


The coastline of the Terran Territory.

The tens of thousands of miles of plaque flashed on the wall and propped up the defensive shield. Countless chaotic beasts are attacking the wall, throwing countless symbols from the walls, and the roar of the sky is infinite roar.

Quebec stood solemnly in the city wall, standing behind her, taking thousands of miles, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyun and those who once followed Xu Ziyan and other holy monks to the Tianshi mainland, and the entire southern continent Monk.

A large number of symbols can only block for a while, this is just a prelude to the war. When the Chaos Beast began to attack on a large area, it was the time when they were playing. Although they eventually lost, it is necessary. If these chaotic beasts hit the city wall, the defensive shield will eventually break. .

This kind of thing has not happened. Nowadays, the southern monks have retreated to the third line of defense. Nearly 800,000 monks were the time when the first two lines of defense were broken. The monks who had no time to escape were killed by the Chaos Beast.

Kui Tian's brows were locked up, and there was a line of defense behind them. If the last line of defense also collapses, the entire southern continent will become a hunting ground for the Chaos Beast.

A person appeared in the air suddenly, and no one found her appearance. Her breath completely blended into the world. Xu Ziyan quietly emptied into the air and looked down. A powerful chaotic beast was attacking the Terran, and countless tokens were thrown out like snowflakes. However, there are not many casualties that can cause damage to the Chaos Beast. It is often that hundreds of Fuxi can cause a casualty of a Chaos beast.

“So powerful?”

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and the crack that appeared in Luotianzong from the beginning, the chaotic beast that rushed out from there did not have the powerful chaotic beast here. Xu Ziyan’s heart quickly had an inference.

This is definitely not a catastrophe. Perhaps a neat and powerful chaotic beast will appear in a long time after the catastrophe, but in the initial stage of the catastrophe, there is no such a powerful and powerful chaotic beast. So there is only one speculation that these chaotic beasts remained in the Upper Yuan after the last catastrophe.

After the large cracks in space disappeared, these chaotic beasts have lost the path of return. They have no support. In the face of the pursuit of the monks throughout the continent, they have only one way to hide. Moreover, Xu Ziyan believed that the monks at that time would search for the chaotic beasts that were hiding, so they could hide into the powerful chaotic beasts.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan has a speculation that these chaotic beasts should be the last group of chaotic beasts left in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. They should feel the catastrophe coming and could not help but rush out.

Xu Ziyan spread his arms and stretched to the sides...

The South was originally a relatively intensive part of the fire attribute. At this time, it was seen that the fire attribute of the whole South gathered at an incredible speed toward Xu Ziyan.

The Terran monk within the wall raised his head and saw Xu Ziyan in the air.

"Old lord!"

"It is the old lord!"

"Ziyan is coming!"


All the southern monks were uplifted and looked at Xu Ziyan in the air with excitement. Xu Ziyan is a legend in the south. A person came to the south to establish a sect. He has gone through all the hardships and saved the South twice, avoiding the ravages of the semi-demon and the golden armor.

Today's southern monks have already lost sight of Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan has become the leader of the South and the spiritual pillar. At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan appearing. Every monk’s heart was loose, as if all the purple smoke appeared, all the crises would dissipate.

Feeling the change of the surrounding gas field, Kui Tian’s heart has risen a little. She fought here for more than two months and never felt this breath from these monks. I think that I am also a holy nine-level monk, which is higher than Xu Ziyan.


The look of Kui Tian was a glimpse of the shocked color in his eyes.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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