Congratulations to Yi Xiangkong as the best master!


Xu Ziyan... unexpectedly... the eighth level of the holy level...

As a holy monk, it is natural to know how difficult it is to improve in the holy level. I thought that Xu Ziyan will come back from the Tianshi continent and there will be a period of silence. I want to upgrade to the eighth level without the millennium. It also takes a hundred years.


She retired for two months and broke through to the eighth level of the Holy Level. He is very familiar with the true fighting power of Xu Ziyan, because she once watched Xu Ziyan defeating the lord, and the demon master and the demon master teamed up to see Xu Ziyan lead them all the way from the Tianshi continent, from the siege of countless wild animals. Killed, at that time, Xu Ziyan was not a holy eight-story.

Now that she is already a holy eight-tier, what is her strength now?

Her gaze reveals expectations and reveals fear!


The whole sky was red, like the endless magma flowing in the air. The fierce firepower of the south gathered toward the seaside. Xu Ziyan stretched his arms like this and suddenly flew out along the coastline.


In the sky, the dense fireballs fall down. Each fireball condenses the high temperature that melts any matter. The color of the sky is no longer visible. The sky above the coastline is a meteor fire, blasting to the ground, and instantly, the coastline It has become a sea of ​​fire.

On the ground is the sea of ​​fire, the magma in the sky, this is a world of fire, in this world of fire, everything will be burned.

One chaotic beast is destroyed in the roar of the meteor fire. The body burns down and eventually turns into ashes.

Xu Ziyan's figure flies quickly along the coastline. She is like a tracker, but she is dragging a world of fire. The magma in the air quickly flowed with him, and the intensive meteor fire and rain formed, and the sea formed a sea of ​​fire, spreading with her flight.


There was a shout in the fire. The chaotic beast, which has been on the ninth level of the holy level, exudes a huge breath, and repels the flame outside the body, chasing in an angry way toward Xu Ziyan.


There were countless red faucets in the magma in the sky. These faucets slid out underneath, and as their faucets came out, they pulled out their dragons.


Wan Long Qi Xiao, shocked the past with the chaotic beast of the nine-tiered brother.


The chaotic beast smashed a magma dragon. However, these magma dragons blocked the chaos beast chasing the footsteps of Xu Ziyan, letting Xu Ziyan drag the world of fire, flying forward along the coastline, destroying a piece of chaotic beast.

Whenever the back of the chaotic beast chasing Xu Ziyan shattered all the magma dragons, they would rush out of the magma in the sky to smash the magma dragons in front of the chaotic beasts.

Kui Tian and other southern monks looked at everything in front of them with horror. The chaotic beasts that had been forced to retreat were thus easily destroyed by Xu Ziyan and turned into ashes. It is the holy nine-layer chaotic beast that makes Kui Tian have no way. At this time, I was also caught in the fairy scent of Xu Ziyan.

Kuitian believes that Xu Ziyan is not without strength to kill the holy nine-layer chaotic beast, but she is now focusing on destroying the chaotic beasts that are attacking the mainland. When Xu Ziyan destroys all the chaotic beasts, it is 斩Kill the holy nine-layer chaotic beast.


Kui Tian took the lead and flew up. She chased forward with Xu Ziyan. She wanted to see if Xu Ziyan could lift this chaotic beast with her own power. She wanted to witness this miracle moment. All the monks and Kui Tian had an idea. At this time, there was no chaotic beast in front of them. The chaotic beasts had been burned to death, and all the monks had flew up. Chasing in the direction of Xu Ziyan.


Along the way, Xu Ziyan constantly destroys the Chaos Beast. Every monk who followed Xu Ziyan could feel the fire power to converge toward Xu Ziyan. They clearly felt the flow of fire power, flowing quickly from their side and converge toward Xu Ziyan.

The magma in the sky has not disappeared. Instead, it became more banging and hotter...

Kuitian’s face turned pale. His lips were slightly lost in blood, and there was a voice in his heart.

" is it apply the fairy to such a degree? How did she do it? Is this a completely incomprehensible field?"


The huge roar from the distance shocked the Yaozu, which was passed from the Terran. What happened to the Terran? Has the Terran been destroyed by the Chaos Beast? The chaotic beast that ravages the Terran is rushing toward the demon territory.

The demon monks, including the Yaozu, were not surprised by the heart. At this time, they were facing the attack of the Chaos Beast. Dealing with these Chaos beasts has made them feel strenuous. If the Chaos beasts that ravage the Southern Terran territory attack again. Come over, how to resist?

The demons couldn’t help but look at the direction of the Terran territory, and they saw the sky red, and the red was spreading toward them at a very fast speed, as if the sky was spreading in the magnificent clouds...

"That is……"

The demon Lord’s gaze shrank, and he saw a figure in front of the magnificent Caixia. It was the figure that released the magma of the sky, and the countless meteor fires,

"That is Xu Ziyan... she is out of the customs..."


Xu Ziyan's body rushed into the territory of the Yaozu, flying forward along the coastline, dragging endless magma behind her, and descending the dense meteor fire. Wherever he went, the ground was a sea of ​​fire, and the mourning chaos became a ash.


The demon stunned and looked at the Xu Ziyan in the field of vision. He would also be a meteor, but he knew that he would not release this power.

His eyes narrowed and he suddenly opened.

"She...the Holy Level is eight..."


A screaming scream, on the shoreline within the demon's territory, a holy nine-layer chaotic beast rises to the sky. The dense meteor fire in the sky splashed around, and there wasn't a single point of Mars that could touch the body of the chaotic beast. He fiercely smacked toward the purple smoke.


Ten thousand fire dragons poked their heads out of the magma in the air, and then smacked toward the chaotic beast of the holy nine-story. The body of Xu Ziyan was only a rise, and he flew over, and behind her was still the magma and flame that followed closely.


The body shape of the demon Lord flew up, and like Kui Tian, ​​he had to see what kind of Xu Ziyan would do. All the demons also flew up, followed by the demon Lord.

Xu Ziyan's speed is very fast, and it is almost out of the demon and Kuitian. The remaining monks can hardly capture her figure. It is the three-tiered Sanli and the dragon that are hard to keep up with the speed of Xu Ziyan.

Just half an hour, Xu Ziyan completely destroyed the chaotic beast on the southern coastline. There are only two holy nine-layer chaotic beasts in the sky, which are breaking through the obstacles of layers of fire dragons. Ragingly rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

The shape of Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped, and the long river of magma in the sky was broken down into pieces of fire, and the sky was recovering blue. Xu Ziyan took out the virtual sword in his hand.


The magma on the sky has been turned into a filigree, like a reddish veil, and a pair of huge eyelids appear on the veil, opening to the two chaotic beasts.

Silent and silent!

In this silent silence, the bodies of two holy nine-layered chaotic beasts are broken down in the air like a quicksand. Sprinkle...


Xu Ziyan breathed a long sigh of relief, and his eyes showed a happy color. She did not expect that after the application of the Heavenly Way was increased to 80%, the power of the Fairy will be raised to such an extent, and the consumption of Yuanli is much less than before.

If you put it in the past, even if Xu Ziyan can release such a powerful fairy, I am afraid that the power in Dantian and the 365 points will be consumed. However, now she only consumes the power in Dantian, and the power in the 365 caves does not consume one.


Xu Ziyan opened up the power of eighty-one points, and these Yuanli instantly filled Dantian again.

far away.

Kui Tian and the demon Lord were flying towards her with the monk, but Xu Ziyan reached out and tore a crack in the space. Step forward. Disappeared without a trace.

Kui Tian and the demon face each other, they do not understand what Xu Ziyan is doing. Is she going to continue to destroy the Chaos Beast?

Going to the East, the North, or the West?


How can this be?

Doesn't she need to adjust her interest? Such a scale. After the release of such a powerful fairy, they do not need to adjust interest rates?

How far has she reached?

Why did her sacred eight-story early stage outweigh our holy nine-story?

The demon Lord and Quebec looked at each other. Both of them closed their eyes and sensed the fine microwaves in the space.


The figure of the two men disappeared instantly. After a brief discussion by the monks such as Wanli and Xiaolong, they began to return to the Taixu.


There was chaos, chaotic beasts raged everywhere, the nine sects closed the gates, and the desperate monks were everywhere. They struggled again, but they continued to die.

A figure appeared in the sky, and his eyes looked down. Sighing with a sigh, Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge and enveloped the entire eastern continent.

There were two cracks in the sky. The demon Lord and Kui Tian’s figure appeared outside the distance of Xu Ziyan, silently looking at the back of Xu Ziyan.


The too weak sword floated on the head of Xu Ziyan and made a scream.


The eleven sword spirits are separated from the Taixu sword, and then one hundred, one hundred thousand, thousands of thousands...

Numerous swords swayed toward the eastern continent, and the entire eastern continent was full of swords and swords. It was like a sword's time. A chaotic beast was cut by swordsmanship...


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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