The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3012: Everything is solved?


A holy nine-layered chaotic beast raised his head in the sea and screamed at Xu Ziyan, only to the moment of Xu Ziyan, and raised a giant claw to slap down Xu Ziyan.


From the body of Xu Ziyan, a ring is inflated, flowing with magnificent colors, exuding the heavens of eleven attributes.


The body of the Chaos Beast was bounced out of the rapidly expanding ring and rolled in the air.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan extended his finger to the front, and the ring flew toward the chaotic beast of the holy nine-story. He instantly put the chaotic beast in the ring and then shrank toward the middle.


The body of the holy nine-layered chaotic beast was smashed.

The eyes of the demon and Kuitian are shrinking. At this time, their eyes are full of powerlessness. Their hearts have realized that from this moment, their distance from Xu Ziyan has further widened. It was originally thought to be upgraded to the holy level. The layer, not to mention the more than Xu Ziyan in the combat power, at least the same as Xu Ziyan, but today they are sober, their distance from Xu Ziyan not only has not narrowed, but has become larger and larger.

Xu Ziyan was in the air and looked at the sword to kill a chaotic beast. The monk on the ground was already in despair. A monk had closed his eyes desperately, and the mouth of the chaotic beast was biting. His head, but he waited for the time of counting, and found that he was still alive, opened his eyes, and saw the surrounding swords, countless chaotic beasts were cut, strangled...

Look up. I saw Xu Ziyan, who was standing in the air, and saw the scene of Xu Ziyan killing the holy nine-layer chaotic beast.

Xu Ziyan raised the sword in his hand, and hundreds of millions of swords converge toward the Taixu sword, eventually gathering into the eleven sword spirit. Hidden into the virtual sword.


Xu Ziyan once again opened up the power of eighty-one points, filled the empty dantian, and reached out and teared a space crack into it.

The demon Lord and Kui Tian did not hesitate to tear the space and stayed behind.


The war is in a stalemate. In the sky above the sea, the lord is fighting with a holy nine-layer chaotic beast. There is no doubt that the lord is at a disadvantage, although the lord is a holy monk in the early nine layers, but the other is a holy The nine-layer late peak chaotic beast.

Xu Ziyan stepped out of the crack in space and looked away from the bottom. The entire coastline is like a huge butcher's farm. Although the number of Terran monks exceeds the Chaos, the situation is not optimistic.

It is clear. This is already the last line of defense on the northern coastline. The defensive shield has been broken. The Terran must keep the chaotic beast here, otherwise the northern continent will become the hunting ground for the Chaos.

Xu Ziyan's arms are unfolding on both sides of the body. The unique ice power of the north gathers around Xu Ziyan. Every monk and even every chaotic beast feels the flow of this force. The entire northern coastline has become even more icy.

At this moment, suddenly on the battlefield, all the Terran and Chaos beasts raised an inexplicable chill and space, and involuntarily stopped the movements in their hands, looking up into the air, then they I saw a familiar figure.

Xu Ziyan!

"The lord, retrace!" Quebec screamed in the air and shouted at the lord.


The lord did not hesitate to give orders. At this time, Quebec’s retracement must have her reason, and he could feel that Xu Ziyan was brewing a super fairy, and the unreleased fairy made him scared.


All the Terran monks swiftly swept toward the rear. The Chaos Beast is somewhat hesitant. Instead of chasing the lords, they looked at the vigilant eyes of Xu Ziyan, who could feel the pressure that the woman floating in the air brought them.

Xu Ziyan's hands pressed against the bottom. Only in an instant, an iceberg appeared on the entire northern coast. All the chaotic beasts are frozen in the icebergs, and through the icebergs you can see the hesitant movements and vigilance of the chaotic beasts. Even if you don’t see Xu Ziyan releasing the fairy, you can see how fast the Xu Ziyan’s fairy is released when you see the look of the chaotic beast in the iceberg. When the Chaos beast has not reacted, they have been frozen. .

Xu Ziyan, who is standing in the air, holds his hands together.


The iceberg below suddenly burst, and the body of the frozen chaotic beast collapsed into pieces.


At the same time as the iceberg collapsed, the chaotic beast of the late nine-tiered peak also rushed to Xu Ziyan. At this time his body was broken many places, but his body was still strong.

Xu Ziyan’s look calmed and calmly pierced a sword against the Chaos beast.


Under the shadow of a pair of giant air, the powerful chaotic beast body began to weather, like a quicksand, spilling into the air.


Xu Ziyan once again opened the power of eighty-one points, filled the empty dantian with Yuanli, and stretched out a space crack, and stepped in.

The demon Lord and Kui Tian did not hesitate to follow it. The lord was looking at the chaotic beast that was squatting down and forced his defense line to retreat. So he was solved by Xu Ziyan and suppressed himself. The downwind of the holy nine-layer late peak chaotic beast was so smothered by Xu Ziyan.

A chill hit his whole body and looked at the chaotic beast and broken meat below. He suddenly became enchanted. He did not go after the purple smoke, but returned to the Palace of the Immortals.


The undead Mozu is also decomposed under the powerful attack of the Chaos Beast, and the magical magic is dissipated in the air. The devil knows that his cultivation is the worst in the five saints, so he set up a layer of defense, and now they have retreated to the fifth line of defense. There are two lines of defense behind him. The layer of defense prevented them from destroying a lot of chaotic beasts, but this result made the chaotic beast more crazy, and the defensive shield of the fifth line of defense was about to collapse.

The appearance of Xu Ziyan appeared in the sky, and she was not found. Her breath has completely blended into the world. Xu Ziyan looked at the chaotic beast below, and the space swirl of the right eye rotated, and gradually the vortex spread out from her right eye, forming a space vortex.

In the space of the chaotic beast below, suddenly there are dense and small space cracks. These cracks become space debris, cutting and killing the chaotic beast, but all the chaotic beasts are cut and broken into pieces, those blood and minced meat. They were all absorbed by small space cracks, and within a quarter of an hour, the western coastline returned to calm.

The space crack disappeared, there was no blood, and there was no chaotic beast's body, as if everything had never happened.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the demon Lord below. The demon Lord was shaking. He remembered that he had asked Xu Qinyang to ask for a loud noise. Now he sees the power of Xu Ziyan. The fear that has not existed for a long time is actually from the bottom of my heart. Floated up.

However, Xu Ziyan did not say anything, took back his eyes, waved a space crack, and his body shape disappeared into the sky.

The demon Lord and Quebec looked at the demon Lord on the ground, and they couldn’t help but sigh gently, tearing the space away.

Within the hall of Taixufeng.

Xu Qinyang and the rhetoric, and the demon monk sitting opposite, Xu Qinyang has already counted the gifts sent by the lord and the devil, three people sitting in the hall have a ride without a chat, three monks The mind is not chatting, they are thinking about where Xu Ziyan went?

Now that nearly two hours have passed, where has Xu Ziyan gone?

The door of the main hall suddenly disappeared, and the figure of Xu Ziyan appeared there. He stepped into the hall and walked toward the seat of the first head.

Xu Qinyang, the monk and the monk monk rushed to stand up. After Xu Ziyan was seated, he couldn’t sit down and asked directly:

"Ziyan, when did you go to the East? You used to be an oriental monk..."

At this time, the Mozu monk was also very anxious, but it was not easy to interrupt the words. After waiting for the words to finish, he immediately expressed his request. After all, the Emperor had already received his own gift, then Their obligations should be fulfilled as soon as possible.

"It's okay, everything is solved!" Xu Ziyan said casually: "Is it better to be a guest in Taixu for a few days?"

"What... everything has been solved?" The rhetoric did not respond at all. Some looked at Xu Ziyan with a stunned look. Suddenly, during the two hours, Xu Ziyan went to the southern coastline and completely ravaged the south. solved?

It’s great to have her strength plus Quebec’s not necessarily doing this. The rhetoric was excited and turned toward Xu Zi flue:

"Ziyan, since the crisis in the South has been resolved, is it right now that we will go to the East immediately?"

"Pre-Senior!" At this time, the Mozu monk could not wait any longer, and Xu Ziyan was dragged to the East by the words.

"Please also arrange a Western monk in front."

Xu Ziyan glanced at the monk and the monk monk. It was obvious that the two of them did not understand her meaning and explained further:

"I just said that everything has been solved."

"Is everything solved?"

The monk and the monk monk were there, and the two of them seemed to understand the meaning of Xu Ziyan, but their eyes were unbelievable. If Xu Ziyan used two hours to travel around the whole Yuanyuan, they believed, but in two hours, the chaotic beasts that besieged the mainland were wiped out...


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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