The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3013: Original cause

I am very grateful to Jie Jie students (200), not old students (200), Zi Yan. Zhao Yilin students (100) reward!


"The Chaos beasts of the East have been solved?" asked the rhetoric.


Seeing Xu Ziyan nod, the Mozu monk on the side also asked weakly:

"The Western Chaos Beast has also been solved?"


At this time, the rhetoric did not know what kind of mood he was. He remembered that Xu Ziyan had just entered the appearance of Mou Zong. At that time, Xu Ziyan was still weak, but how long?

In the past 100 years, Xu Ziyan has grown to such a state. In the ancient times, the lords, the devil, the demon, and the prince were all unable to do anything, but she was easily resolved.

"No, I have to go back and see for myself!"

The rhetoric followed the hurriedly, and the Mozu monk naturally left in a hurry. When they each returned to their own territory and heard the monks telling about the process of Xu Ziyan destroying the chaotic beast, the hearts of the two monks were once again shocked.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan's prestige spread throughout the Upper Yuan Dynasty and became a surpassing of the Five Ancient Saints. It is the monks of the Yaozu and the Mozu who are now hard to hate Xu Ziyan from a racial perspective as before. Their hearts also respect Xu Ziyan, which is the respect for the Supreme.

The main house of the devil.

The demon master sat silently on the large chair. Xu Xiang was a missing piece of him. He needed Xu to make himself perfect. Originally thought that the use of chaotic beasts may not allow the purple smoke to make a loud noise, but did not expect Xu Ziyan to be so enchanting to such a degree, the two-month retreat broke through to the beginning of the eighth grade. And her initial level of the eighth level is really terrible.

He saw the space attribute of Xu Ziyan released by Xian Xing. When he saw the fairy, he only felt cold and he was sure. If you are in that fairy, there is only one result.

That is death!

Xu Ziyan is already strong enough to kill his realm at will! He didn't know why Xu Ziyan always had a different feeling from them, but he knew that it was this difference that made Xu Ziyan's cultivation improve quickly. It is this difference that allows Xu Ziyan to completely suppress them when they are repaired lower than them, and even now they can kill them at will.

Holy level is not dead!

In their time there were only five holy monks, and the five of them were immortal. At that time, the cultivation of the lord was the highest, but the lord, the evil master and the prince had the immortal body. Even if the evil master was caught, he could not kill him. In the end, it can only be sealed.

The Lord believes that if he was caught, no one could kill himself, and at most they could only seal themselves.


Today he lost this confidence, he can feel that Xu Ziyan has the ability to kill himself. It is this feeling that makes him feel terrified.

"Oh... I’ll be honestly low-key in the future. As long as I don’t want to provoke Xu Ziyan and Yanshan’s soul, I will not take care of myself by the character of Xu Ziyan.”

The Lord of the Lord gave the will and told him the people of the Mozu. From today he will retreat. As a holy master, you will not pay attention to things within the family.

He especially pointed out the words as a holy monk, that is to tell Xu Ziyan, I am reclusive as a holy monk, should you also live in seclusion?

He is afraid.

Originally, there were only five saints in the ancient times. Everyone was repaired to be similar. Therefore, it was stipulated that the holy monks did not participate in the battle of the fairy world, but now the strength of Xu Ziyan has completely exceeded them. The devil is really afraid that Xu Ziyan has a unified heart of the fairy world. If Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul teamed up, they really didn't have the power to fight back.

The Palace of the Immortals.

There is anxiety between the eyebrows of the lords. Now he has faintly felt the desire of his monks to be too imaginary. Respect for Xu Ziyan, even worship. Especially the East that was saved by Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was originally born in the East. After flying up the fairyland, he joined the ancestral temple of one of the nine ancestral gates of the East. The Oriental monk originally regarded Xu Ziyan as his own. There is no barrier between Xu Ziyan, so Xu Ziyan is easy to become the pride of oriental decoration. Nowadays, there is a tendency to become the spiritual leader of the oriental monks.

The lord believes that if Xu Ziyan screams at this time, most of the monks in the East will gather around Xu Ziyan, but he has no way to this trend.

Not only can not make extraordinary moves, but also low-key. Because he knows the gap with Xu Ziyan.

The demon Lord is even more worried, because the demon territory is bordered by Xu Ziyan's Taixu, if Xu Ziyan wants to dominate the fairy world, the first thing to conquer is the Yaozu. Therefore, he strictly ordered the Yaozu to withdraw from the Taixu sect. Do not provoke the Taixu disciples and give Xu Ziyan any excuse.

Xu Ziyan is now in the purple smoke space.

After eating the breakfast made of peach blossoms, I ate a few big peaches and drank a pot of Wudao tea. This turned to the five holy seas sealed by themselves.

Xu Ziyan looked at the five sea people in front of him and looked at it carefully. As a result, the five sea people did not have any vitality. They were five bodies. Moreover, under the careful observation of Xu Ziyan, these five bodies were definitely not just dead, but they did not know how many millions of years had passed, and these bodies had a strong breath, which is definitely a holy body.

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly jumped, and she had a speculation. A person who can occupy a corpse and drive a corpse is only an extraterrestrial demon.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Yan Peng, her eyes flashed blue, and she saw the extraterrestrial demon in the brain of the sea corpse. The outer magic of the field was shrunk in the brains of the sea, quietly motionless. Xu Ziyan is hesitant. If you want to know the truth of the matter, you can only search the soul of the extraterrestrial demon, but how high is the realm of the extraterrestrial demon who can control the body of a holy sea?

Xu Ziyan hesitated for a while, and eventually he was still biting his teeth. The gods went out and rushed into the sea of ​​the sea. Just entering the sea of ​​the sea, the unmoving extraterrestrial demon rushed to Xu Ziyan.

"Ha ha ha... swallowed you, your body is mine. Your body is much fresher, hahaha..."

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen swayed, and there was a circle of light behind it, spreading outwards and circles. The light instantly illuminates the entire sea of ​​knowledge, and like the ripples, it has passed through the extraterrestrial demon.


Outside the world, the devil screams, and Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy. It is obvious that the other party is not his own opponent. If you think about it, you will feel awkward. Your own **** has 11 attributes, although it is only the late nine-level, and Did not reach the peak of the Tiandi Avenue, but I am afraid that it is the monk of the late nine-tiered peak, or the extraterrestrial demon is not his opponent in the Yuanshen.

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen extended a hand, and the hand magnified in the sea of ​​knowledge. He grabbed the demon outside the field, and the demon outside the field shouted violently, gradually shrinking, becoming transparent, and finally dissipating...

The **** of Xu Ziyan quietly floated in the sea of ​​the sea gods, digested the information obtained from the extraterrestrial demon, and then came out of the sea to the sea and entered the second sea. After the five extraterrestrial demons were wiped out, Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen returned to his own knowledge of the sea. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and his eyes sparkled with a trace of anxiety.

These extraterrestrial demons did not just invade from the cracks in the heavens and the earth. They were the extraterrestrial demon who stayed in the fairy world at the time of the last catastrophe. This means that the catastrophe has not yet arrived. This is a good one, but the bad one is At the time of the last catastrophe, the number of hidden demons outside the region was quite large, and the high-order extraterrestrial demons survived.

These extraterrestrial demons were hidden deep in the deep sea area after the end of the catastrophe, and controlled a large number of sea corpses from the last catastrophe. They are waiting for the catastrophe to come again. They are afraid of causing the attention of the monks on the road. So for hundreds of millions of years, they are silently hidden in the depths of the sea and never appear.

Therefore, they do not know the situation of the fairyland today, nor do they know the strength of the fairyland today. They are just waiting, waiting silently for the catastrophe.

Only then is the time when they see the sky again.

This is just a few hundred million years.

They finally waited for this day, they heard the roar between the heavens and the earth, this roar is deeply imprinted in their souls, they are too familiar, they are waiting for this roar.

This is the roar of heaven and earth!

So they came out of the deep sea. When they started to control the sea, they were surprised to find that today's sea people are so weak.

When they controlled the seas and began to attack the land, they were once again pleasantly surprised to find that the strength of the fairyland is far less than the strength of their last catastrophe. This makes the extraterrestrial demons crazy and wants to occupy the fairy world in one fell swoop. Become the master of the fairy world.

Although Xu Ziyan and other monks finally defeated, but now Xu Ziyan did not have the slightest joy, because from the information obtained from the five extraterrestrial demons, this is only the first batch of extraterrestrial demons that have been awakened by the world, and there are many more powerful extraterrestrial The demon does not know where it is hidden under the sea, and perhaps the next time the world roars, it will wake up.

Xu Ziyan felt the pressure...

Time has passed another month. In this month, the emptiness is very quiet. In addition to helping the entire southern ethnic group to begin to recover, the Taixu remains as usual and does not show the slightest hegemony.

This situation puts the heart of the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord hanging down. Recalling the character of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, the three great monks also think that Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan are not the kind of hegemonic people.

The reason why the evil Lord calls it the evil Lord is that... no adjustment...

The bill of affairs is based on preferences. People like this can't have a hegemonic heart. It's not that he doesn't have that strength, but he is too troublesome.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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