The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3017: Shaoguan

Xu Ziyan's body shape fell to the bottom, this time she did not hesitate, stepping into an arch.

As soon as he walked into the arch, Xu Ziyan looked around for the first time. This is a desert, boundless, with a huge altar not far from Xu Ziyan. The whole altar is round, occupying a square of nearly a thousand meters. There are nine giant pillars on it. The giant pillars are engraved with mysterious patterns and have a heavenly beauty.

Only the altar at this time gave a feeling of dilapidation, half buried in the desert.

At this time, Xu Ziyan knew that this is a trial field. The natural nerves are tight, and the eyes are fixed on the altar. The heart is dark:

"Is there a monk in the altar that will be the same as oneself?"

For the original air test site, Xu Ziyan did not dare to relax, and the place where the Baizu monks died a lot, it can definitely be called a dangerous place.

However, Xu Ziyan also had some doubts at this time. It turns out that no matter what the monk who is cultivated comes in, there will be a monk who is the same as him. Does that mean that even if a practitioner is coming in, there will be an acquired practitioner?

Just thinking a little, Xu Ziyan felt impossible, because only the vast and simple atmosphere outside the trial field was not able to get close to the practitioners, they simply could not walk in front of the trial field.

Xu Ziyan estimated that if he wanted to go to the gate of the castle, he would have to be the realm of Xianjun. It seems that this trial field is for senior disciples.

Xu Ziyan looked at the altar opposite, and there was some suspiciousness in his heart. How could he not see the monk who was repaired like himself?

Is this trial field broken?

No way?

Or is this trial site automatically closed because it enters the Tianshi space? So at the beginning, there was no way to get it out?

Not right!

If it is broken. Or if it is closed, it is impossible to come in.

Maybe it was just that the altar was broken.

Xu Ziyan walked toward the altar. She walked very slowly and every step was full of vigilance. But go slower. There are also times when you arrive at the altar. At this time, Xu Ziyan stood on the edge of the altar and looked toward the altar. The altar was buried in the desert, and there was no movement. Xu Ziyan bit his teeth. Finally stepped on the altar.


The whole altar suddenly screamed, and the nine pillars above the altar were bright, and the desert where half of the altar was buried suddenly collapsed, and the eyes were in fascination.

A figure suddenly appeared on the altar, and then a voice appeared in the mind of Xu Ziyan:

"If you want to live, just call me to admit defeat!"

Xu Ziyan looked toward the opposite side, and the other side was seen as a man who was very strong. Holding a big knife in his hand. The knife has a quaint pattern, giving a feeling of heavy mountains.

The other party did not hide his breath, so that Xu Ziyan clearly felt that the other party was the first stage of the Holy 9th.

It’s really the same as me!

Xu Ziyan immediately became nervous because she had no advantage at this time. Her original strength was higher than her cultivation. Now even if her opponent is the same as her, she can resist some. Business 82.

But now it is different, Xu Ziyan's repair is the same as the strength of the body, no longer has the advantage of resistance. Moreover, although her realm of Yuanshen is still beyond the cultivation, she should not forget that the other party’s use of Heaven is 100%, and she only has 80%.

There is still an advantage and a proper disadvantage.

At this time, the mon Panel had already given a knife to Xu Ziyan, and the knife was thrown out like a lightning bolt to the front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan knew that he was not dominant, and all of them had already increased their vigilance and saw a metal-stained knife stalking himself. Raise your hand a little. There was a thick hill in front of him. The shape of Xu Ziyan retreated toward the rear, and he withdrew from the altar and fell on the desert.

The metal knives instantly bombarded the hills, and the hill became a dusty sky. In the dust of the sky, the other person's figure appeared.

Xu Ziyan is a tight heart. The hill she released is not as ordinary as the hills in the fairy world. However, the initial repair of her holy nine-story plus 80% of the heavens is released, which is 10,000 times more than the average hill. It is also hard, but it is such a hill, but it has been smashed into powder by the other side.

At that time, the man with the knife seemed to take a step forward, and immediately went out to the altar, and then smashed it toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was released from a hill, and his body shape had already gone to the other side of the space. At the same time, his heart was filled with war and excitement.

Today, Xu Ziyan is already the first master of the entire Yuan Dynasty, not her opponent.


Perhaps the strength of Yanshan Soul can be compared with her, but she can't completely let go of her hands and feet, and even if she is willing, Yanshan soul will not be willing. Therefore, Xu Ziyan is now a situation where no opponent can fight. This is undoubtedly an annoyance for Xu Ziyan. Without an opponent who has let go of the battle, it is a thousand times more difficult to improve the use of Heaven. This is also the precious part of the Baizu trial field.

Facing a monk with his own realm, and surpassing himself in the use of heaven, such an opponent is a fortune for Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan made his own warfare high, but his mood was calm to the extreme. The sword in his hand was shining, no longer completely dodging, and he fought with the other side.

This serious battle, Xu Ziyan's mood is rather loose, although the other party is the same as himself, but not everything is the same as himself. At the beginning, Xu Ziyan is really afraid that the other party is exactly the same as himself, the same repair For the same realm of the Yuanshen, it is even more terrible to have the same eleven attributes.

Nowadays, I have been fighting with each other for more than ten times. I don’t know how much the realm of the other gods is, but the other party is definitely not a monk of eleven attributes. Instead, there is only one attribute, metallic.

At this time, the sky is full of metallic light, large cutting, gold explosion, metal space, golden years, all kinds of metallic extreme fairy and fairy from the metal madness madly pouring toward Xu Ziyan.

The whole desert seems to be boiling, and it is full of metallic power. The figure of the other side always appears in front of Xu Ziyan. Even if Xu Ziyan makes room for magic, he can't get rid of the lock of the other side.

If you can't get rid of it, you won't get rid of it. If you know that the other party is just a single-property monk, Xu Ziyan's courage is much bigger. After all, she is one of ten attributes, and it is also a monk who integrates eleven attributes. Eighty monks. This 80% is not as good as 100% of the other party, but 80% of the 11 properties are normal 80%?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan simply did not hide, and the various virtual swords in his hands were unfolded, and they fought with each other. At the same time, they understood the other side's use of metallic heaven in the war.

I don't know how long it has been, and gradually let the purple smoke take advantage and start to suppress each other. The power of eleven attribute fusions is not something that can be resisted by single-property monks. What's more, Xu Ziyan has reached 80% of the use of Tiandao?

After suppressing the other party, Xu Ziyan did not immediately kill the other side, but began to observe the other party's use of Heaven. I waited until I felt that the other party was not helping myself, and then I killed the other person with a sword. The man disappeared into a trace of light.

Xu Ziyan stood on the desert and spit out a long breath. His mind was still thinking about the use of Heaven for the other side. Don't say that Xu Ziyan really felt that there was progress. She decided to take a good look here and think about sitting on the ground, because every advancement of Tiandao’s use is a huge improvement for Xu Ziyan’s true combat power.

However, at this time, a burst of humming was heard in the ear, and Huoran turned around and thought about the screaming.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was far away from the altar. In her vision, the altar was like a black spot, but the black spot burst into light, and then she saw a black spot flying towards her. Come over and zoom in on her vision.

That is a person!

That is another person who is exactly the same as Xu Ziyan!


Your man-centered center has changed instantly and turned into a virgin forest. Numerous vines with spikes are intertwined around, like a giant net to the Xu Zi hood, countless giant trees pull the rhizome from the soil, rushing toward the Xu Ziyan, that is, the grass everywhere is like a branch The arrow usually shot at Xu Ziyan.

The spirit of Xu Ziyan has been shaken, and the property of the opponent has changed. It is a wooden property monk. Each attack carries the power of the holy level, and the various wooden attribute attacks overlap and endlessly, but the heart of Xu Ziyan is full of joy, which is another experience for her.

At this time, facing the opponent, Xu Ziyan has become very calm. Her heart is very clear. The other party is just a single-property monk. He has an advantage. Now what he has to do is to squeeze the skills of the other person in the wooden property. Dry, become your own application skills.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not release the power of his own fusion, but also struggled with the other party with a single attribute, but she did not always release a single attribute Xianyu, but eleven kinds of attributes took turns, and each other’s The wooden attribute Xianyu is practicing.

For a while, Wanmu was born again, and for a while it was a space storm, and for a while it was a thousand miles of ice...


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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