The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3018: Recasting the body

In the end, she used a sword of endless fire to kill each other, but soon there was another water property monk who fought with her.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but smile. It seems that as long as he does not admit defeat, this trial field will continue to send out the same monks as himself, until the five monks of Jinmushuihuo are all over.

"After the monks of the five attributes are killed by themselves, should there be a monk who blends the attributes?"

Xu Ziyan finally defeated the water attribute monk by moving the mountain to fill the sea. Sure enough, a monk appeared from the altar. One shot is the fire attribute. Xu Ziyan knows that this time there is a spiritual root of fire.

Seeing the attack of the fire attribute monk, Xu Ziyan directly released a 10,000-mile ice seal, turned the space into an ice sheet, sealed the monk inside, and saw the monk’s body through the thick ice. It is rising with flames.


Focusing on the fire attribute monk, the ice sheet is broken into fog and spreads around, followed by a sea of ​​fire...

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but admire him. It really was 100% for the use of Heaven. The Wanli Ice Seal that he released was so easily broken by the other party.

If Xu Ziyan wants to kill the other party, it is very easy at this time. As long as she releases the fusion attribute, she can do it, but she does not do it. She wants to learn the skills of heavenly use from fighting with each other, how to use the origin of the attribute. To the extreme, fighting is the best learning process.

Of course, when Xu Ziyan felt that there was nothing to learn, it broke out a fusion of the attributes of Xian Yu to kill each other.

What followed was the soil property monk, and Xu Ziyan fought this soil property monk for nearly ten hours. Only kill each other. This is of course not that Xu Ziyan needs ten hours to have the strength to kill each other, but it takes ten hours to learn the other side's use of the earth property.

Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief, and her look became solemn. She knew that the five properties of the Jinmu Shuihuo were killed by themselves. Next, there should be a fusion monk, but I don’t know if there will be two spiritual monks, or five spiritual roots.

A monk flew in the direction of the altar, not yet to the front of Xu Ziyan. Then he set off a hurricane, rolled up the desert, and rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s face changed and his heart was shocked. What shocked her is not that the comer is a multi-attribute root, but the opponent is still a single spiritual root, but it is the wind root.

Is this trial field a monk with eleven attributes?

In this way, Xu Ziyan is both nervous and looking forward to it. For the use of heaven and earth in Jinmushuihuo, Xu Ziyan must be able to comprehend the understanding of the wind properties. After all, Xu Ziyan came along. There are many monks who have faced the five attributes of Jinmushuihuo, but there are too few monks like the wind attribute. So Xu Ziyan immediately learned while fighting.

Sure enough, after Xu Ziyan killed the wind attribute monk, there was a dark attribute monk, followed by the light attribute, the Ray attribute. Time attributes and space attributes.

Xu Ziyan has been fighting here for more than ten days without knowing it. Fortunately, she is in an advantageous position. From time to time, she can use the gap time to take down the elixir and restore her own strength, so that she has been in the peak of the power, no What is consumed.

When the monk of the space attribute was killed by Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan’s heart was excited. She looked forward to the emergence of a fusion of monks. Now the single-property monk can’t improve her. Only the fusion of the monks can make She learned the experience.

"Come out. Come out soon!"

Xu Ziyan meditation in his heart. really. The altar was flashing and humming, and a monk appeared on the altar. Then he immediately locked Xu Ziyan and attacked Xu Ziyan.

See each other's offense. Xu Ziyan was excited, and the other party was really a fusion property monk. Although it is only a double root, it means that once Xu Ziyan kills the other side, the next one is likely to have a three Linggen monks.

This is a gold-wood double-property monk. If Xu Ziyan did not experience the previous 11 battles, he would really be attacked by the other side. But now it is different. After Xu Ziyan experienced eleven battles, he has improved his skills in using the Tao. He has reached 82%.

Although it only increased by 2%, the release of the Xianwei can be enhanced, so that she can face each other relatively easily. Moreover, in the battle, Xu Ziyan is more and more excited. The dual-property monk is not as simple as the single-item application technique. It is like a sponge.

This battle is three days, and finally Xu Ziyan will kill each other. Then there was a three-character monk, Xu Ziyan was in the middle of fighting and learning. When the opponent of Xu Ziyan became a five-integrated monk, the situation of Xu Ziyan began to become difficult, but it was not too flustered.

This is because before Xu Ziyan enters the Baizu trial site, I am afraid that it will be easily killed by the other party, because the pressure on Xu Ziyan has exceeded the pressure on the second floor and the old man in the dagger. It is only because Xu Ziyan has made great progress in the use of Tiandao in these days, so although it is difficult, it has not fallen behind.

This battle lasted for ten days. Xu Ziyan was not only the Yuanli in Dantian, but also consumed 318, and eventually exhausted the other side.

However, when there was a monk in the Jinmu Shuifengfengfeng Six Attributes, Xu Ziyan shouted out the words "I admit defeat" and then was sent out. In the current state of Xu Ziyan and the six attribute monks, it is likely to be killed by the other side, Xu Ziyan naturally will not take this risk, she needs to go out to repair to restore the peak.

Seeing that he had returned to the third floor and looking at the Baizu trial field in front of him, Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath. She did not practice immediately, but she flew out of the Tianshi space and returned to the secret room. She was going to see how far the old man had recast the body.

Upon returning to the secret room, I saw a young man standing there studying the array. Where is there any decapitation for the elderly? Looking around, and not seeing the human form of the building wood, he tentatively called:


The young man turned his head and saw Xu Ziyan. His face was a happy saying: "Ziyan, take me out."

"You are a senior?"

"Of course! Not who can I still be?" The original appearance of a long-lasting appearance.

As soon as I saw the youth, Xu Ziyan knew that it was true.

"Predecessors, how did you become this look?"

"This is my new body, of course I have to be young."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded and looked at the original with curiosity. His look suddenly changed: "Predecessors, how can you only repair the peaks of the day after tomorrow?"

"I don't want to recover so fast, if I want to recover, I will recover soon."


"Because of this new body, it needs to gradually adapt from the lower order, otherwise it will be unstable."

"Oh! How do you adapt?"

"Battle! Of course it is fighting! Right, purple smoke, those veins are used up, you give me 100,000 veins, then I open a hole near you, then go to challenge."

Xu Ziyan is a mouthful, and he did not expect to recast a body that would consume crystal veins. There are not many crystal veins on her body. Fortunately, it is not difficult to grasp some veins with her current cultivation, so she is not concerned with the veins, but the things that are going out to challenge.

With the original understanding and application of Heaven, I am afraid that the monks of the imaginary sect will suffer. However, Xu Ziyan’s heart is also very excited. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Taixu’s disciples. With such a big master, Taixu’s disciples will benefit a lot. just……

"Predecessors, you don't want to kill the sects!"

Originally turned a white-eyed road: "How come? I am now a Taixu monk, and naturally will not kill this disciple."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and his heart was excited. The original sentence shows that he wants to join Taixu, which is absolutely a happy event for Taixu, and his strength will be greatly enhanced. I was happy to say:

"Go, I will take you to formally join the Zongmen."

Originally, I waved: "No, you take me with you. If you don't know my identity, you won't take all the strength to fight with me. You give me a proof of identity, and I will go out and challenge myself." ”

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan took out a jade card and handed it to the original road: "My mountain is called Taixufeng. After a while, I will go out and give you some veins. The predecessors will temporarily open a cave in Taixu. Wait until you repair. After the restoration, choose a mountain by yourself."

"Yeah!" Originally took the jade card.

"Predecessors, can you restore this body to the holy level?" Xu Ziyan asked his own concerns, because Jianmu only belongs to the wood attribute, not the five attributes.

"No problem, I know how to practise a single attribute into five attributes."

"Is there such a fairy?" Xu Ziyan was overjoyed.

"Yeah!" The original nodded: "But I can only understand this immortal. I can't say it. When I resume my cultivation, I will leave a legacy in the Zongmen. Who will be able to comprehend it? Look at the personal understanding. Well, you give me a jade."

Xu Ziyan immediately took out a jade slip and handed it to the original. After receiving the jade slip, he transmitted a light from the eyebrow and then handed the jade slip to the Xu Zi flue:

"This is the way God turns into a god, and the way to recast the body."

Xu Ziyan heard the words is a hi, took over the jade Jane thank you. Originally, I waved: "I can rebuild my body and benefit from you, and it is also necessary to keep a little bit of inheritance. You still take me out, I need to recover as soon as possible, your method is too powerful, I Can't crack it."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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