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This tianshishi reticle is not formed by the tianshi stone itself. The tianshi stone can form a reticle, but the reticle is covered with the tianshi stone itself, and cannot form a cage-like size. It has become so large that it is because of the reason why the original scorpion stone was inserted into the scorpion stone. Now Xu Ziyan has been passed down to the original inheritance. Naturally, it is possible to break the reticle, but once it is broken, it wants to form another one. Such a large mask will take years of palace. But the destruction is only a few days.

Destruction is always much faster than construction.

However, Xu Ziyan only hesitated for a moment, then began to act, and a road sign into the Tianshishi, for three days, Xu Ziyan kept into the road.

Finally on the third day, there was a huge roar of Bu Tianshi, and the mask began to shatter. In the end, there was only a mask around the Tianshi stone.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, his body shape left the purple smoke space, standing on the Taixu Peak, the gods have not yet spread out, and the hair is standing still near the hand.


"Ziyan!" turned over.

“The predecessors have recovered?”

The original smile faintly said: "It just returned to the peak of the eighth level of the Holy Order."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are a bright light: “Can you restore the repair to the peak of the 9th floor?”

“Yeah!” I nodded. “It just takes some time. I have to go out and go!”

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan understands that the original waiting here is waiting for his own customs to say goodbye to himself, then he said:

“Do you need purple smoke to accompany you?”

Shake his head. There was a trace of desolateness on the face, and it seemed that the world was completely different when it woke up.


A long sigh echoed in the peak, and the original figure had disappeared.


Xu Ziyan is also a long sigh, she does not know after the catastrophe. After hundreds of millions of years, I will not be the same as today.

The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan spread out, looking for a valley that he is satisfied with, and then stepping on the void. Then he stood on the valley and looked into the valley. Nodded with satisfaction, it fell within the valley.

When the mind was moved, the Tianshi stone was removed from the purple smoke space, and then the figure entered the space of the Tianshi Stone and stood in front of the Baizu trial field. Spread the gods out, wrapped the entire Baizu trial field, and then thought about it. Then he took the Baizu trial field and appeared in the valley.

"Sure enough!"

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed, and this Baizu trial field was only willing to be revealed on the mainland. When the mind is moving, it will be filled with Tianshi.


In the sky, the figures flew, and Xu Qinyang and other monks came to the valley, and even Quebec appeared in the valley. When the Tianshishi appeared, it was shining, and I didn’t want to disturb these people.

As soon as these people appeared in the valley, they looked at each other in a sluggish manner. A huge round castle appeared in front of them.

"What is this?" Xu Qinyang asked excitedly.

"This is a trial field." Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "No matter what the monk is cultivated, there will be an independent space inside. In the independent space, there will be a monk who enters the same monk as the monk, killing each other. Going to the next level, if there are only two results in failure, one result is to yell out three words before the other party kills you, one result is death."

Xu Qinyang and other people's eyes lit up, that is, Kui Tian's eyes also lit up, asked Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan. If our holy monks enter. But will there be a holy monk?"


"Great! Can I go in and try?"

Kuitian asked very cautiously, because this trial field is really like Wu Ziyan said, this is simply an invaluable treasure. A holy monk is also extremely painful in some respects because they have no opponents to discuss. The cultivation of all holy monks is very slow. At this time, Kuitian’s reason why Xu Ziyan’s cultivation has improved so quickly seems to have found the answer.

Xu Ziyan thought a little bit: "You can enter once."

Kui Tianyi understood it in his heart. Now her identity in Taixu is very special. She has not joined Taixu, but she is living in a virtual house with one guest. The meaning of Xu Ziyan is very clear. You can go in once, but if you want to enter the second time, you need to join Taixu.

"I am going to see it!"

Kuitian did not say anything extra, everything must be seen as a reality, and his body flashed into the test of the Baizu. Then Xu Ziyan let Xu Qinyang tell the whole Taixu, all the monks in the Taixu sect, no matter what level of monks can enter the training of the Baizu trials, just remember that when they are not, you must Shout out the words "I admit defeat".

Xu Ziyan knows that those monks in the late Tianzun period will not break through to the holy level even if they enter the Baizu trial field, but their understanding of the use of the heavens will have a huge improvement in their combat effectiveness, and they will become holy for them. Level monks lay a solid foundation, and once they have the five attributes of the roots, they have a great chance of entering the holy level.

For those monks who are below the peak of Tianzun, it is a big chance. After they have experienced the tempering of the Baizu trial field, I am afraid that if they enter the Baizu trial field several times, they will have a breakthrough.

Xu Qinyang also proposed to Xu Ziyan whether it is necessary to set up a rule for entering the Baizu trial field. For example, if you want to enter the Baizu trial field once, you need a lot of fairy crystals. Xu Ziyan was vetoed.

This rule needs to be, but it is not. Nowadays, the danger of catastrophe is coming, so the most important thing they need to do now is to upgrade the strength of the Taixu monks.

After Xu Ziyan’s arrangement, she once again entered the Baizu trial field, and it didn’t take long for the entire Taixu monk to go from the day after the monk to the holy monk, and the whole Taixu sect was in addition to the Yanshan soul. The monks have entered the Baizu trial field, and the Taixu is silent.

In just three months, the strength of the entire Taixu class has been upgraded to a level.

Not to mention those ordinary disciples, such as the disciples of the day after tomorrow, there are many breakthroughs into the refining period, and those high-ranking monks who have come along with Xu Ziyan have their own gains.

Liu Qingmeng broke through to the peak of the late Zun.

Luo Yu, Lou Ruyun, Hai Lan, Xu Tianqi, Dance Color Clothes, Lan Bailing, Ma Jingying and Liu Huaping broke through to the early days of Tianzun.

Li lazy, Zhang Wujie and condensation frost broke through to the middle of the sky.

Light Moon Dance, Ling Yijian, Ximen Jade, Intoxication, Fire Dance, Gongzi Forging, Xu Lin, Ximen Gale, Di Yidiao,

Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk, cold and clear, sand thousand miles, Pu Songhe, iron heavy, snow flying repairs have all broken through to the peak of Tianzun.

Xu Tianwo, Ling Xiao, Lang Yue, Jin Invincible, Magical Devil, Mind, Satan, Zuo Pengming, Lian Cheng Yu, Mo Shenji, Cang Wuying, Hua Gu Ren, Jin Ge, Xuan Daozi, Xu Xiang, Xiao White, Gu Teng hopes and Chun Sanniang, these monks who have already reached the peak of Tianzun's late stage, although they have not made all breakthroughs in repairing, but the state of mind has already broken through the holy level, and the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

The soil and the sword are not empty. Whether it is in the state of mind or the strength of the body, they have been greatly improved. At this time, the two of them are no longer in the trial of the Baizu, but they ran to kill the fusion beast.

Xu Xingfan’s sacred atmosphere has a slight improvement, and Xu Qinyang has only stepped into the holy field.

Xu Ziyun is approaching the third level of the holy level, and approaching the four levels of the holy level by Wanli, that is, Kui Tian also approached the peak of the first nine layers of the holy level.

After Quebec came out of the Baizu trial site, he found Xu Ziyan requesting to join Taixu. Because she knows that if she refuses to join Taixu, Xu Ziyan will not let her re-enter the Baizu trials, and she will get the benefits of the Baizu trials. How can she lose this opportunity?

Qu Qitian’s move to join Taixu’s sect caused a shock. This vibration is not only very uplifting, but the addition of a holy nine-level monk is a great event for any sect. But there is also an unexpected vibration that makes Xu Ziyan happy, that is, Xuan Daozi and others.

Xuan Daozi and others have been living in Taixu, and all the resources of cultivation are too open to them. This has made them very embarrassed, and now they are allowed to enter the Baizu trials. This is simply unrepayable. . There has been no comparison in the past. Now they see that the sacred monks of Quebec have joined the Taixu, and can they still use the Baizu trial field without a word?

Moreover, they are very disappointed with their respective sects. Although some of their fathers or grandfathers are the lords of their own sects, they also know that the lord is also a shackle. The real master is the lord. Moreover, this lord does not say that it is not as good as purple smoke, and that people are not like purple smoke. Therefore, under various factors, they also found Xu Ziyan, hoping to join Taixu.

Xu Ziyan was naturally happy and specially held a hall for them.

At this point, Kui Tian, ​​Tu Yishui, Hua Gu Ren, Jin Ge, Xuan Daozi, Li Lazy, Condensation Cream, Luo Yu, Lou Ruyun, Hai Lan, Xu Tianqi, Dance Color Clothes, Lan Bai Ling, Ma Jingying, Liu Huaping And Liu Qingmeng is joining Taixu. Taixu Zong also held a trinity ceremony, which was a hot day.

After that, all the monks of Taixu continued to enter the Baizu trial field to practice. Just when Taixu was in a completely mad cultivation, there was an incredible thing on the mainland.

The Haizu sent four squads to the Palace of the Immortals, the Palace of the Lord, the Palace of the Demon and the Emperor.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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