The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3022: Sha Xiaofan exits

Although the Hai people lost in this fairy war, they did not seem to accept the lesson, or they thought they did not do their best, or they still have their cards, they did not have the attitude of the defeated, and there is no slight low-key, The four squads arrived at the Emperor's Palace, the Lord's Palace, the Lord's Palace and the Taixu, and they screamed arrogantly to negotiate with the Emperor, the Lord, the Lord, and Xu Ziyan.

What kind of genius is the lord, the devil and the demon?

Although very low-key in front of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, but in front of others is absolutely proud. Where did they get the arrogance of the Haizu, so they didn’t listen to what they were negotiating, they killed the three squads and left only one Haizu monk, then told the sea monk that they wanted to negotiate Xu Ziyan went, Xu Ziyan is the ally of the three tribes.

The three sea monks were honest at this time and could not be honest. The lords, the devil and the demon are just waving their own hands, and the three teams are left with three of them.

The three sea monks left in fear, and then they all flew to the Taixu, but this time they were a lot more honest, and the idea was that the monks who went to Taixu should be killed by Xu Ziyan. They just want to get to know the situation and then return to the Haizu report.

Only when they came to the Wuthering Mountains, they found that the situation was different from what they imagined. The squad that went to Taixu did not have a casualty, but they were all trapped inside the Magic City.

The actual situation is that the Taizong does not know that the Haizu is coming. All the monks who are too imaginary are in the midst of mad cultivation, and there are no monks on the hill. Too imaginary does not need to be on duty, with a fantasy city and a green child. It is difficult for any monk to break into the Taixu sect, and Xu Ziyan has already told Green Children that there is no major incident during the period of Taixu mad cultivation. Do not inform her.

Do dozens of sea monks fall into the fantasy city? Is this an important thing?

This is not an important thing in the eyes of Green, so I am too lazy to care about them. Therefore, Xu Ziyan and other imaginary monks did not know at all. At this time, they only practiced madly and tried them daily in the trial of the Baizu.

Three from the lord. The sea people who came from the Lord of the Lord and the demon Lord looked into the fantasy city in the air, and they saw that dozens of sea people were lost in the magic city. These sea people who acted as messengers did not participate in the last sea fairy battle, so it was the first time to see the fantasy city. It really shocked them three.

Before going to the Upper Continent, they also heard that in the last battle between the sea and the Taixu, many monks were killed in the magic city of Taixu. Now I saw the Magic City with my own eyes, and I was not shocked by the magnificent grandeur of the Magic City.

However, after the shock, they quickly settled down, too sinister. It is also only one of the tribes among the three tribes of the Upper Yuan Dynasty, and it is still incomparable with the entire Haizu. They represent the entire Haizu, but in the Upper Yuan Dynasty, they are the existing three tribes. However, there are several forces in the Terran. Too imaginary is just one of them. How can it compare with the entire Haizu?

But they did not dare to enter the Magic City. Didn’t they see that dozens of sea monks were trapped inside the Magic City? So the three sea monks shouted loudly outside. Shouted for three days. No one has come out of Taixu to take care of them.

This day.

Sha Xiaofan came out of the retreat. At this time, Sha Xiaofan was introverted and restrained, and there was no more murderous. From the outside, it has become a quiet woman. In the past few years, Sha Xiaofan has been killing the fusion beast in Xu Ziyan. This is completely a small stove opened by Xu Ziyan to his disciples. There are countless fusion beasts in the space fairy to let him kill one by one, and one person absorbs the fusion beast. After several years of absorbing refining and refining, she has cultivated the true spiritual roots of five attributes, but her cultivation has not grown in the slightest, and it is still the cultivation of the Emperor.

After Sha Xiaofan went out, it was natural to go to see Master. But found that Master is not in the Dongfu. This is not surprising for Sha Xiaofan. In her opinion, Master often goes out to travel, not too imaginary and normal.


By the time she walked down from Taixufeng, the look on her face became more and more shocking, because she found that too imaginary could not see people.

"Is there something wrong?"

Sha Xiaofan’s figure appeared at the gate of Taixu Zongshan. Taking her out of the mountain gate, she was shocked by the magic city in front of her eyes.

"When is the imaginary sect surrounded by such a large city? Is it too imaginary to be besieged? Master? What about the uncles?"


The introverted murderousness broke out from Sha Xiaofan's body. The entire space has been distorted and murderous.

At this time, she heard a voice coming from outside the fantasy city: "We are the sea ambassadors, let Xu Ziyan come out to meet."

Sha Xiaofan's face is a green, but she does not understand this fantasy city, but she can also see the power of this magic city, and dare not easily enter the magic city. The murderous flicker in the eyes, shouted:

"Who are you waiting for?"

The three sea ambassadors had been yelling for three days, and finally they heard someone responding, and their hearts were angry at the same time. A sea monk screamed:

"We are the sea people, let Xu Ziyan come out to meet immediately."

Sha Xiaofan’s eyes were filled with murderousness, and he said coldly: "You are not worthy."

The sea monk's face is a blue, but he did not dare to enter the fantasy city. His eyes looked sharply. When he saw that Sha Xiaofan was only a teenager, and only the cultivation of the Emperor, he felt that he was being humiliated. Polite.

"After March, the Haizu and the three tribes challenged in Zhenhai City. Can the Taixu Zong dare to fight?"

"Don't you dare?" Sha Xiaofan yelled.

"Good! Then three months later, in the town of Zhenhai, waiting for the tribes."

Sha Xiaofan was very annoyed at this time. She didn't know where the Taixu monks had gone, and they stopped going to take care of the three seas. When they turned around, they wanted to go back to Taixu, and went around to find them.

"Slow!" The seaman shouted again: "Put out our people from the city."

Sha Xiaofan did not pay attention to them at all. It was not her pride, but she did not know how to release the sea monks from the magic city. The figure flickered and returned to the Taixu. The three sea-class monks outside the Magic City were mad at the air. However, there is no way for them to return to the sea.

When Sha Xiaofan returned to Taixu, he went around looking for the Taixu monk, and then she finally found the valley and saw the Baizu trial field. Looking at the huge castle, I saw someone being sent out. When I asked, I realized that nowadays the Taixu monks are practicing in it, and there is some itch in the heart. I want to enter and see, but when I think about the things of the sea, I will wait outside honestly.

Three days later, the figure flashed and Xu Ziyan was sent out. Sha Xiaofan’s heart was a joy, and he hurried forward to worship:


“Xiaofan!” Xu Ziyan opened the 鲲鹏目 and looked at it. His face showed a smile: “Good! Good! Now you can also enter the Baizu trial field to practice.”


Sha Xiaofan said the matter of the Haizu to Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan listened a little and thought about it:

"This opportunity is good. Zongmen disciples have been practicing in the Baizu trials for some time. It is also a good way to get the sea people to try."

Then the disciples who were sent out were kept here, telling the disciples who were sent out to suspend into the Baizu trial field, and then some of the monks from the Zongmen monks would be selected to go to Zhenhaicheng.

However, Xu Ziyan was to let Sha Xiaofan enter the trial, and Xu Ziyan himself did not immediately. After the interest rate adjustment, he once again entered the Baizu trial field.

These days, Xu Ziyan has made great progress and has been able to persist in a hundred strokes in front of the eleven attribute monks.

Zhenhai City.

After Xu Ziyan destroyed the Chaos Beast, the prosperity has been restored. On this day, the sea water suddenly spread and surrounded Zhenhai City. Zhenhai City is like an island. Some of the powerful seas came from the sea and occupied Zhenhai City.

This time, the Haizu did not kill the Terran monks in Zhenhai City. They only occupied half of Zhenhaicheng, and the Terran monks left them.

The Terran monks did not understand what the Haizus were doing. When they saw the Haizu not stopping them, they left Zhenhai City one by one. But even if the Terran monks left, the Haizu still occupies half of the town, and does not occupy the entire Zhenhaicheng.

In a manor in Zhenhaicheng, several powerful sea people are sitting in the courtyard drinking, and the look on each face is very leisurely.

Although these sea people exude a strong atmosphere, they are not angry at all. If they sit still, they feel that it is a few bodies.

"Wu Wu, do you say that the three tribes will come by contract?"

"Since too imaginary promised, there should be no problem."

"But, it’s just too imaginary to agree. Is it too imaginary to represent the three tribes? It’s so hateful, the lord, the demon and the demon lord dare to kill the messengers we sent, and the ones who promised us are not Xu Ziyan. It’s a girl."

Wuhuan slightly frowned and said: "I have already inquired, Xu Ziyan has a sanctuary of eight levels, and her combat power is first in the mainland, and has become a tribal lord. As long as she promised to come, The three tribes will definitely come. The only thing that can be considered is that we are not Xu Ziyan, but the girl, I don’t know what the teenager is in Taixu."

"What is her identity? We are fighting against the tribes this time, but we want to solve them all at once. If they don't know, we will kill the door. The last failure was because we didn't wake up, now A few of us are awake, and it is not worth mentioning now that the monks of the immortal world are doing it."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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