The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3023: Interview

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), bookmates 150712000105618 (200), not the old gods (200)!


“It’s a good talk!” Several other sea people also sighed: “How strong is the Bachelor monk at the beginning, even when the crack is closed, even if we have to hide, then look at how the monks in the fairy world are like Garbage is general, and there are only a few holy levels in the entire fairyland."

"You said, where did the hundreds of monks go? And where are the hundreds of holy monks going?"

"It's hard to say that perhaps the killing of the hundreds of people has created the situation of today's fairyland. Those hundred monks and holy monks may have fallen in the fairy war between them."

"Wu Wu, in fact, we really don't have to work so hard, with our strengths, we can completely conquer the current fairyland. If we knew that the fairy world has become so, we have long awakened and conquered them."

Wuhuan shook his head and said: "We just woke up. There is only a vague understanding of the fairy world. When the holy monks of the Bai nationality really fell, we don't know. The power displayed by the fairy world is not the surface power. Whether there is hidden power, we don't know. So, the ingredients of our action temptation are bigger."

When I heard the black scorpion, everyone’s face changed slightly and they were silent. I remembered the fairy war between the monks and the Bai people, and they also had a trace of fear in their hearts.

"Does Chaos King not wake up yet? If the Chaos King wakes up, even if the Baizu appear, we are not afraid." A dark-faced sea whispered.

"Hey. Who knows when Chaos King can wake up." Wuhua said with some helplessness:

"In any case, the strength of today's fairy world can't stop us. If Xu Ziyan is interested and provides us enough food, we can let her go. If she doesn't know the current affairs, then she will swallow her."

"I want to say that it is not polite to deal with these garbage. I will directly devour Xu Ziyan and their holy monks, why should they keep them?"

"It's certainly useful to keep them!"

"What's the use? But let them organize food for us. They don't have them. When do we want to swallow, when will we go to catch the tribes, do they dare to resist?"

"The few holy monks of Xu Ziyan still have to leave to the chaos king, and then let Xu Ziyan those holy monks give us food, can we not be free?"

"Hehehe..." Several sea people laughed together.

"I hope that Xu Ziyan can be a sensible food, so that I can live longer."

More than two months passed, and Xu Ziyan came out of the Baizu trial field. The look on his face is still calm. Just a flash of excitement in her eyes, although she still can't beat the eleven-character monk, but the time of persistence is longer and longer, Xu Ziyan has a feeling that he is not far from the time to defeat the eleven attribute monk.

At this time, the monks of the Taixu dynasty have all come out from the trials of the Baizu, and they have digested the experience gained in the hundreds of trials in these days.

Xu Ziyan took out three handles of jade sword and sent them into the information. Then sacrificed it. The three-handed jade sword will be turned into three lights, flying away in the direction of the Emperor's Palace, the Lord's Palace and the Lord's Palace.

Xu Ziyan stood at the door of the mountain gate and stood up. Soon, the air split three times. The fairy, the demon and the demon Lord appeared one after another.

Three sacred monks were ushered in Taixufeng, and Xu Ziyan said that Sha Xiaofan had told her about Sansheng, and Sansheng also told Xu Ziyan what they had happened to the sea messengers.

The four holy monks studied for two quarters of an hour and found that it was impossible to speculate on what the demon in the field was going to do. After a while, the hall was silent.

"Now the actual controllers of the seas must be extraterrestrial demon. What are they negotiating with us?" The demon Lord asked with a brow.

"The sea people should not know that their current leaders are extraterrestrial demon?" the Lord asked his chin.

"It should not be known yet." The lord speculated.

"So, should we take advantage of this opportunity? If the sea people know that the sea powers they admire are extraterrestrial demons, don't know what those sea people would look like? Hehe..."

"It's not that easy. Even if we tell the Hai people that they really want to, the sea people may not believe us."

"Forget it!" Xu Ziyan said faintly: "Let's go and see what those extraterrestrial demons want to do."

"On the four of us?" asked the lord.

"Just four of us!"

Zhenhai City.

Six powerful sea people sit in the main hall of the city government. Wusong sat in the middle of the head, and the remaining five people sat in a row of chairs on the left. At the gate of the city's main entrance, there are two rows of sea people standing at the entrance to the main hall. One is fierce.

From the depths of consciousness, the scorpio of the Wuhuan really looked down on the monks on the Yuan Dynasty. If they were the monks of the Baizu era, they could still give them some respect. For the monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty, they really dismissed them. In their view, Xu Ziyan and other tribal leaders are only the lambs to be slaughtered. In the face of strong players, Xu Ziyan and others dare not obey orders?

No matter when, after all, it is based on strength.

Sitting on the top of the black scorpion slightly frowned, and now has ordered the time when Xu Ziyan came, Xu Ziyan they have not appeared. This made the black scorpion's face showing obvious dissatisfaction.

They discharged the sea between the gates of the city's main entrance and the main hall, just to let Xu Ziyan stand at the door to listen to the Hai people's layers, and then let Xu Ziyan and other applicants come out to humiliate Xu Ziyan and others, but there is no I thought that Xu Ziyan and others did not come. Is this despising them?

"Wu Wu, if Xu Ziyan does not come, we will go across the southern continent!" said Rob.

"Let's wait!" Meng poison said faintly: "We have only agreed today, but we have not agreed to the hour."

"Don't let us sit here waiting for them?" Rob's face showed shyness.

His voice did not fall, and he saw that the air in the hall suddenly seemed to be swayed by the water that was thrown into a stone. Then the four figures appeared in the air and landed lightly on the ground.

These four people are Xu Ziyan, the lord, the demon and the demon. Xu Ziyan fell on the ground, his eyes flashing blue, and Peng Peng swept the six seas within the main hall, and his heart was sure.

Sure enough, it is an extraterrestrial demon.

"Who are you? Even dare to privately slap the hall?" Rob's eyes flashed and killed. How could he not know that the person is Xu Ziyan, but he wanted to make such a gesture to threaten Xu Ziyan and other monks.

Xu Ziyan did not hear Rob's words, his eyes swept toward the hall, and there was a hint of irony in his mouth. Wusong sat in the center of Shangshang, and left the left to Rob and other five people, leaving the right to Xu Ziyan and other monks.

It is said that the left is respected, this is the monk in the seat to humiliate Xu Ziyan. Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not go to sit at all, but the hand was standing at the entrance of the main hall, and the gaze was faintly looked at the top of the Wuhuan.

As for Rob, Xu Ziyan didn't look at him, but it was a holy eight-layer. Don't say that today's Xu Ziyan is already a holy nine-story, even if it is a purple smoke or a holy eight-layer...

Do not!

Even if it is the seventh level of the Holy Class, after experiencing the tempering of the Baizu trial field, it can easily kill Rob. Today's Xu Ziyan's understanding of the use of heaven has reached a horrible realm.

However, Rob does not think so. He believes that today's Shangyuan Continent cannot be compared with the Baizu era. However, his strength is completely capable of meeting the challenges. Seeing Xu Ziyan's attitude towards him, his anger has reached an uncontrollable level. To the point, how can an elephant be willing to humiliate an ant?

"You give me out, then sign in." Rob shouted.

"Forget it!"

Sitting on the top of the Wuhuan faintly said, looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes flashing slightly, at this time he found that Xu Ziyan's repair has actually reached the early stage of the Holy 9th floor, and the information is very inconsistent. And the feeling that Xu Ziyan gave him made him feel terrified, standing there seems to have been integrated into the world.

When Rob heard the words of Wuhuan, he was shocked. This is not a good step for everyone to discuss. When did Wuhua become so talkative? Not looking at Xu Ziyan up and down, his face is slightly changed. The eyes clearly saw Xu Ziyan standing there, but there was a feeling of no one there.

"Oh..." Rob took a breath of cold air: "Is it true that Xu Ziyan has reached a very high level for the use of Heaven?"

This time Luo cloth closed his mouth, and no longer thought that he could kill Xu Ziyan at will. However, there is no fear in his heart. After all, there is a black pot in this hall. He does not believe that the fighting power of Xu Ziyan can still surpass Wuhuan.

Wusong looked at Xu Ziyan and said faintly: "Sit down!"

The face of the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord is a change. If you just sit down and say no shame, the momentum will be gone. They were afraid that Xu Ziyan was only empty and powerful, but because of his lack of experience, he looked nervously at Xu Ziyan.

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "You and I are enemies and friends, there is nothing to talk about. Just say your purpose!"

Wu Yan’s gaze became fierce: “Xu Ziyan, since you are so happy, I am also happy. We are all ethnic groups in the fairy world, and the celestial world is respected by strength. Now we are strong in the sea, so we are the master of the fairy world.”

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan screamed in the mouth: "Are you also a fairyland race?"

The face of Wuhuan is a change, coldly said: "Xu Ziyan, what are you talking about?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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