The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3025: Refinery

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Four figures flew out from the Taixu sect, which is the lord, the devil, the demon and the Kuitian. These four holy monks looked at the four evil spirits outside the dream poison. The four devils in the field are still blinking, and their eyes are locked in the four saints. They planned in their hearts, and after the murder of Xu Ziyan in Wuhuan, they immediately killed the holy monk opposite.

Xu Ziyan directly took out the imaginary sect. She knew that the strength of the black scorpion was strong, and even stronger than herself. The release of other geniuses was a waste of time and consumption. Only the strongest blow could break the crisis today.


The look of Xu Ziyan broke out with the momentum of rushing. The sword in his hand was only a slight movement, and there was a breath of silence that began to spread. The breath in the sky is spreading, and there is a shadow in the vagueness, but it is very vague and unclear.

Wu Yan’s gaze is a contraction. He smelled the danger from the sword of Xu Ziyan. He originally thought about circling with Xu Ziyan, relying on his own cultivation to be stronger than Xu Ziyan, consuming the power of Xu Ziyan, and then giving Xu Ziyan a fatal one. Hit, but now smells this dangerous atmosphere, the moment is nervous, adjust your state to the peak, the strongest blow is faint, as if at any time.


Xu Ziyan’s Taixu spurs out, and the vague shadow in the sky becomes clear. It is a pair of closed giants. Although the giant eyes are closed, they exude a strong atmosphere.

In the hands of Wusong, two prisoners were held, and two prisoners were sacrificed to the air. Two dragons were heard from the two prisoners. Like the two dragons that are about to break the seal.


The surface of the two prisoners broke, and two giant dragons were pulled out from them. One swooped toward Xu Ziyan, and the two giant eyes that turned toward the air spiraled up.

The sound of the air broke. There are countless tiny cracks in the space, and the whole world seems to be shaking.

The giant eyes in the sky opened their eyes, and the moment the sky seemed to be still, the sound of the sky disappeared. The tiny cracks healed, and the breath of silence shrouded the heavens and the earth.

The heavens and the earth seem to have become the dead silence after the destruction of the heavens and the earth, as if all the creatures have disappeared, there is no sign of all life, and some are just dead, all life will be taken out of silence, and will be taken out of life, aging . death……

The two dragons are still roaring, but their roar seems to be sealed, only to oscillate within a certain range, and that range is constantly shrinking.

The two dragons still rushed toward the Xu Ziyan and the air giant eyes, and the speed did not decrease a little, but their momentum was lower, although not instantly lost all momentum. But it is actually decreasing.

The face of Wuhuan has become ugly, but the extraterrestrial demon is different from the three tribes. In fact, they have no body, and there is no flesh and blood. They have only a soul, and their most powerful place is the power of the soul.

In the eyes of Wuhuan, two lights burst into the air, and they shot into two giant spirits.


The two dragons suddenly burst into a fierce momentum. They were like two dragons trapped in the mud. At this time, they seemed to break free from all the constraints, while rushing toward Xu Ziyan and the air giant. Opened a big mouth toward Xu Ziyan and hurriedly spewed a dragon's breath.

The giant eyes in the sky are still slowly opening. Every inch of opening, the atmosphere of silence is full of points, and the dragon's interest has not yet reached the giant purpose, it has turned into a force to dissipate between the heavens and the earth.

Xu Ziyan’s Tai Xuan sword has already pierced half. Xu Ziyan has experienced the Baizu trial field, and the understanding of the use of Tiandao has reached a very high level. With Xu Ziyan's hands in the hands of too imaginary. A stream of silently flowed out from the sword of too weak, and a colored eye appeared at the tip of the sword of the Taixu sword. This is like a life in the silence. It seems that a new universe was born in a lonely universe.


This is the result of Xu Ziyan’s achievements in the Baizu trials these days, creating a new kind of fairy.


Silence destroys all the energy in the other side of the fairy, and the new life once again gives the other party a fatal blow. In the face of this new life, the old situation collapsed, the bodies of the two dragons burst, and they returned to the two scarred prisoners, lost control and fell to the ground.


There was a crack in the body of Wuhuan. The one that he occupied from the holy body of the Bai nationality had cracks.


Xu Ziyan spurted a blood, and the hand holding the sword was shivering slightly. His face is pale as paper. Continuously let out the silence and new life, so that the consumption of Xu Ziyan is very powerful, not only the consumption of the power in Dantian, but also the power within the cave is also consumed by one hundred and six.

In fact, the body of Wuhuan has cracked, but there is no harm to Wuhuan. It can even be said that there is no harm at all, because the body is not black, and the greatest strength of Wuhuan is not from this body. It is his own demon outside the domain.


Wusong’s body smashed the space and instantly reached the front of Xu Ziyan. His originally cracked body had burst into flames when he reached Xu Zi’s body. A stream of light entered the eyebrows of Xu Ziyan, which was the body of the Tianmo.


A figure emerged from the Taixu sect, and a figure appeared from a distance. The two figures were in the air, and the fierce eyes swept the four evils outside the dream poison.

It is the soul of Yanshan that flies out from the Taixu sect, and the original from the distance.

Xu Ziyan and Wuhuan made such a big movement, so it is possible not to alarm Yanshan soul and the original. The original dream poison four out-of-the-field demon saw the Wuhuan enter the Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea, but also thought of the fairy, the devil, the demon and the Kuidian, but the instant Yanshan soul and the original four of them produced Hesitate. Hard to live to resist your own ideas.

The eyes of Yanshan soul were recovered from the body of the four evils outside the dream poison, and looked sharply at the original. He is very strange to the original, but he feels a strong breath from the original body, this breath is definitely not weaker than him. Do not be vigilant.

The original did not pay attention to the Yanshan soul, but looked at Kui Tiandao: "What happened?"

Yanshan soul also erected his ears, and Quebec simply told the story. Both the original and Yanshan souls frowned, and looked at Xu Ziyan with anxiety. Kui Tian also said the original identity to the Yanshan soul, although the original true identity is not known, but since the original identity card given by Xu Ziyan, naturally is friends and non-enemy, Yanshan soul also recovered hostility, nervous attention Xu Ziyan.

In the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen quietly looked into the Wuhuan who knew himself in the sea. At this time, the body of Wuhuan became a thousand feet, surrounded by magical powers, overlooking Xu Ziyan, and the sound of laughter rang in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

"Ha ha ha ... Xu Ziyan, you still don't understand the real power of our extraterrestrial demon, you think that broke my body, you won? Childish!"

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen smiled slightly, and the flowers around the Yuanshen blossomed. The Yuanshen suddenly grew up and turned into a thousand feet, standing opposite to Wuhuan.

The look of Wuhuan changed, and the glare in the eyes shot: "Good! Good! Good! I didn't think that your power of the gods has reached the peak of the 9th level of the holy level. If you swallow up, maybe I can break through. Barrier."

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen is a glimpse. She heard the difference from the mouth of Wuhuan. She has already seen that the realm of Wuhuan has reached the peak of the 9th level of the holy level, so he also said that the breakthrough barrier is broken. What does this mean?

Is it that there will be a new realm above the holy level?

"Wu Wu, where do you come from outside the heavens? Are there other realms above the holy level?"

"The frog at the bottom of the well!"

The face of Wuhuan was full of disdain, and suddenly it turned into a black cloud that wrapped the **** of Xu Ziyan inside. Xu Ziyan immediately felt that his heart was unstable, and an illusion appeared in his heart. There was a black big mouth in the black cloud, and it bit the past toward Xu Ziyan.


From the dark clouds of the group, the radiance of 10,000 Daoguang is released, and the black clouds are penetrated, like the sun is wearing a dark cloud, so that the whole sea is covered with magnificent colors.


One circle after another, the halo spread out from the **** of Xu Ziyan, which is the aura of the eleven attributes of Xu Ziyan.


The black scorpion made a fierce roar, and the black cloud broke in an instant, tumbling in the sea of ​​knowledge, and under the proliferation of the magnificent aura, there was no resistance at all.


A circle of aura suddenly slammed into the surrounding, and washed away a piece of broken black cloud. The black cloud gradually disappeared and became a group of transparent energy.

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen opened his mouth and sucked it into the inside. He saw that the transparent energy of the group was sucked up by Xu Ziyan. Then the purple **** of Xu Ziyan closed his eyes.

About a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and there was a bit of distress in his eyes. Originally, she wanted to search for information in the soul of Wuhuan, but found no information. Wuhuan has turned into pure energy.

"That's refining!"

Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen shines brightly. It takes about an hour. She refines the energy of Wuhuan, but the realm of the Yuanshen is still the peak of the 9th level of the Holy Level, without any slight improvement.

Of course, it is impossible to say that there is no gain at all. Xu Ziyan feels that his **** is more solid and his heart is stronger.


Yanshan soul, the original, Quebec, the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord will be surrounded by Xu Ziyan in the middle, staring vigilantly at the opposite four heavens.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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