The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3026: Black Rock Island

After a long time passed, Xu Ziyan still did not move at all. The face of the dream poisoned four faces outside the demon face showed a smile. That dream poison is even more glaring at the Yanshan soul and other monks:

"What are you doing around Xu Ziyan? Hurry and carry her back to wait for the corpse!"

Yanshan soul eyebrows condensed, and the figure suddenly slammed out, and the four foreign gods did not care, and each released Xianyu bombarded the Yanshan soul.


No matter the four domains, the demon released the dragon, the sword, the mountain, the sea, but was instantly shattered by the Yanshan soul, and the figure has already smashed into the four worlds.


A series of explosions, the body shape of the four extraterrestrial devils flew out to the four sides, in the middle of the body shape of Yanshan, the hands have been held in the two hammers. It turned out to be stunned.

"A good strength to comprehend!"

"Mountain Spirit!"

Yanshan soul just took out the double hammer, ready to chase the dream poison, but suddenly heard the voice of Xu Ziyan. The body shape could not help but a meal. When Huo looked back, he saw that Xu Ziyan had opened his eyes and just stared at him with a smile.

As soon as the figure was swept, Yanshan soul stood in front of Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, is it all right?"

"Well, it's okay."

"Xu Ziyan, Wusong?" Dream poison and other four extraterrestrial demons gathered together at this time, dream poisoning looking at Xu Ziyan, eyes a little fear.

"Nature is dead!"

The dream of the poison is to shrink, seriously look at Xu Ziyan, and finally condense:

"We will report this to the boat, and we will come back within three days."

The words fall. Dream poison four days outside the devil torn the space, and instantly go. Xu Ziyan and other monks did not stop them. It was useless to block these extraterrestrial demons. They also wanted to wait for the boat to come.

Go back to Taixu. Xu Ziyan introduced the original to the Yanshan soul, the fairy, the devil, the demon master four monks. of course. Xu Ziyan did not introduce the original identity, but simply introduced the original name and cultivation. There is no change in the look of the Yanshan soul, but the hearts of the lords, the devil and the demon are mad, and the original sacred monks are already enough. Now there is a sacred eight-layer late peak. Their right to speak is getting smaller and smaller.

Will you be willing?

How can you be willing?

The face of the lord showed a sincere smile and said to Quebec: "Quitian Daoyou. When did you go to the Emperor Palace for some time? You and I have a good exchange. Recently, I have a new understanding of Tiandao. ""

The meaning of the lord is very clear, that is, to pull up the Quebec, it is best to let Kui Tian join the Palace of the Confucius, so that it can increase the strength of one side, but also reduce the strength of the imaginary.

Kui Tian’s heart is a mouthful, communicate with you? It is better to practice in the Baizu trial field!

"Oh... the lord. Now I have joined the tyranny. Now Zongmen is facing the threat of the sea, and Quebec naturally wants to stay in the sect."

"What?" The lord looked at Quebec in shock: "You... joined the Taixu?"

Not only the lord was surprised, but the devil and the demon Lord also looked at Quebec with surprise. To know that Quebec is a very proud person. In the ancient times, he did not join any Zongmen, but now he has joined Taixu.

What is the reason for Kui Tian to join Taixu? What benefits does Xu Ziyan give to Quebec?

Where do they know that there is a Baizu trial field in Taixu, and Kuitian is attracted by this Baizu trial field. Like they are now cultivated, there is almost no place to try to find a trial. It can be said that the most attractive monks in this Baizu trial field are not the immortals and the immortals, but the holy monks. in this way. How can Quebec leave Taixu?

"Not bad!" Kui Tian smiled and nodded: "I will practice in this too imaginary. I am now a sect. I am no longer a lonely man, huh..."

The fairy can't help but feel a little frustrated. What is this? Why did you join Taixu?

The three-day time passed, and it was on the third day. Dream poison is coming again, shouting outside the fantasy city. Xu Ziyan and other monks received the news. Then came to the Taixu ancestral, flying to the top of the white clouds and the opposite of the heavens.

There are only two extraterrestrial demons on the opposite side of them. In addition to the dream poison, there is also an extraterrestrial demon, which exudes the atmosphere of the late nine-level peak. However, the shape is not a sea, it is like a rock, and Xu Ziyan, who has seen the Bai people in the world of the ancestors, naturally recognizes this as a stone. Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but jump. It seems that the demon outside the domain got a lot of hundreds of corpses.

The stone gaze swept over the monks in front of him, and finally fell on Xu Ziyan's body.

"Xu Ziyan?"

"Exactly, how do you call the car?"

"Shi Tian."

Xu Ziyan nodded and did not speak. He heard the sound of the original teeth:

"You are invisible and worthy of the name of the stone chief!"

Shi Tian’s look is a glimpse, his eyes are on the original, and he feels familiar with the original appearance, but he can’t remember who the other person is, and his face sinks.

"who are you?"

"Old man."

"Original?" Shi Tian looked a glimpse, and then seemed to think of something, pointing his finger at the original road: "You are the Terran patriarch, the original?"

"Yes! You dirty things, get out of Shi Tian's body."

If the words fall, I want to rush out, but I see Shi Tian waving: "The king is slow."

Xu Ziyan clearly saw a hint of jealousy from the eyes of Shi Tian, ​​and the darkness in his heart seemed to be a terrible existence in the Bai ethnic era.

The original figure is a meal: "What are your last words?"

Shi Tian saw the original body and lived in a sigh of relief. Then he looked at Xu Ziyan and recovered his eyes.

"Xu Ziyan, how can we come to a grand fairy battle?"

"You said!" Xu Ziyan looked faint.

"There is a big island not far from Zhenhai City, called Black Rock Island. We use it as a battlefield. How about our sea people to your tribe?"

"Are you a seaman?" Xu Ziyan said sarcastically: "You just want to let our tribes and sea people kill each other."

“How about that?” Shi Tian said faintly: “Now, even if you go to the seas and say that we are extraterrestrial demon, will they believe it?

No, absolutely not.

Today's Haizu have never been so confident. They have been suppressed by your three tribes. Nowadays, some people are in their heads, and they still appear as seafarers and have strong strength. They are too happy to come, how can you listen to your explanation?

You only have two choices now. One choice is to promise our battle, and the other is that we constantly harass your three tribes. ”

"How to fight?" Xu Ziyan condensed.

"With Black Rock Island as the battlefield, you and the number of monks sent by both sides are not limited. How much will be sent by both sides. But for the sake of fairness, we will judge the battle. From the day after the monks, each level will start for one year. In the process, the monks of both sides can only kill on the black rock island, and no killing is allowed outside the black rock island. We can each send a holy monk to sit in the town and supervise the rules formulated by both sides."

Xu Ziyan thought a little, and said: "Good!"

“Happy!” Shi Tianfu palm smiled and said: “Then, we will start from the day after tomorrow’s monks. Anyone who goes to the island must be a day-old monk. There must be no monks beyond the realm of the day after tomorrow. In the second year, change to a refining period. Monk, how?"

"Good!" This time, Xu Ziyan nodded without hesitation.



Looking at the back of Shi Tian and Meng poison, Xu Ziyan and others then returned to Taixu.

"Xu Daoyou, I am afraid there is any conspiracy in the extraterrestrial demon?" The demon Lord could not help but ask.

"I think they have nothing more than two kinds of conspiracy. On the one hand, this fairy war weakens our strength, and at the same time it also engulfs our souls to increase their strength. On the other hand, for hundreds of millions of years, the extraterrestrial demon should be born. Countless low-level extraterrestrial demon, they need to devour the relatively low-level tribal monk soul to grow, which is why they want to fight.

However, this is also an opportunity for us. First of all, when we fight with the seas, the high-level leaders who control the seas are now propagating out to the seas. Maybe they don’t believe at first, but when they are more publicized, they will not be allowed for a long time. Do not doubt. By then, we will be able to see the opportunity.

Secondly, the extraterrestrial demon wants to engulf the souls of our three tribes, and they must go to the island. Those low-level extraterrestrial demons are also a good experience for our tribes. In order to achieve their effect, the extraterrestrial demon will not send extraterritorial demon beyond the regulations. Both sides are equal. This is also an opportunity for us to eliminate the demon outside the domain. ”

"Good!" The lord Shen Sheng said: "Do we want to organize tribal monks?"

“No!” Xu Ziyan condensed: “Tell the tribes of the tribes, there is a place for trials. Everything that is obtained by killing the sea belongs to them, and if they can kill the demon outside the domain, they can also get a state of mind improvement. For this opportunity, this is also a chance, a rare opportunity, I think the three tribes will go, just to strictly prevent the three tribes from killing each other, not seeking the three tribes to unite with each other, at least not to kill each other. I found that it’s not fixed."

"Not bad!" The Lord nodded. "This matter must be explained clearly."

"Who do we send to go to Black Rock Island?"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the monks and said: “Too illusory, the Emperor’s Palace, the Lord’s Palace and the Lord’s Palace take turns. Every monk sits in the town for one year.”


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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