The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3035: Emperor's solicitation

I am very grateful to the lord ~ ​​classmates (300), A Yaner classmates (100), exquisite students (100), comprehensible v1 classmates, xanrenys classmates, gray night xy classmates to reward!


The tribes of the tribes are not fools. They photographed the worst monks in the battle of Black Rock Island, which was also the late stage of the knot, that is, the monks who had more than seven layers in the knot period. If the monks in the middle of the tie came to Heiyan Island, it would not be experienced. But sent to death.

However, those low-level extraterrestrial demons also have their own way, they formed a group, and searched for the trio of the injured singles, and then swarmed to eat the monks of the monks. It’s just that this is rare, but they are killed a lot.

In the past few years, the tribes of the tribes have also grown rapidly. This battle on the verge of death has made the tribes of the tribes realize the great horror and great chance between life and death. Although there are many monks who died, the surviving monks All have broken through. Moreover, the three high-level officials know that the catastrophe is about to come, and they have issued a large number of elixir, which makes the three tribes upgrade faster.

Compared with other forces of the three tribes, the strength of Taixu is raised faster. The number of immortal elixir is not comparable to other forces. Its quality is not comparable to other forces, and too primitive monks are not There is only one trial site in Heiyan Island, and there are also hundreds of trials.

When the monks who practiced in the Baizu trial field reached the peak of a realm, they returned to Dongfu to take the elixir and make a breakthrough. Although the cultivation environment of the Upper Yuan Dynasty has changed, the concentration of the whole heaven and earth has dropped by 30%, but the concentration of Yuanli in the Taixu dynasty has not decreased. On the contrary, it has been greatly improved. That is because Xu Ziyan has innumerable countless veins. Therefore, these monks are too continually elevated. They are waiting for the black rock island fairy to turn to their realm.

Those monks who came back from Black Rock Island once again entered the Baizu trial field after the retreat, which was repeated trials. Let the overall strength of Taixu Zong have undergone a qualitative change.

In the eyes of the monks for a year, it was a short-lived one. The fairy war on the black rock island was over. The Taixu monks returned excitedly to the Taixu, and each of them survived that they had closed for a while. You can get a breakthrough. The black rock island fairy squad went to the battle before the monks of the Yuan Ying period.

Actually in these years. The tribes of the three tribes have repeatedly speculated that the extraterrestrial demon must make such a black rock island fairy war, is it just to promote the strength of the extraterrestrial demon through this fairy war?

In the eyes of the tribes, the strength of the extraterrestrial demon is far less than their loss. In the past few years, the demon of the extraterritorial region has died on a large scale. Later, after each round of the demon, the survival of the demon is less than 20%. This is What makes the extraterrestrial demon pay such a big price?

Is it used to attract the attention of the three tribes to cover up what?

So the three tribes sent a large number of sophisticated monks to monitor the vast sea. They can't be wary of the extraterrestrial demon. It is the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord, while practicing, can not help but spread the knowledge of the sea.

It was only a year after this unpredictable exploration. Black Rock Island began the fairy war of the gods. It seems that everything is normal. It seems that there is no conspiracy in the extraterrestrial demon. They just want to improve their strength through the killing of the tribes.


How do you feel ridiculous about how this thing is heard!

If the tribes don't think there is such a trial field that has a very strong effect on the tribes, they all want to tear up the agreement.

This year was spent in hesitation and suspicion. Black Rock Island ushered in the fairy tales between the distracted monks.

In this year, Cangwu and He Zuoyan finally completely unified the Xiuxian world on the mirage of the mirage. It is said that they have two levels of the five-tiered late peak monk who want to unify a sea without sanctification. . After their reunification, Cangwu and Zuoyan passed through the Haichen Building to the Upper Yuan.

For them, it is a necessary means to further improve the cultivation of the same and the same way. It is the so-called law and wealth. This is not a Taoist but a fellow. What's more, the two of them know that several holy monks in the Upper Yuan Dynasty are more than two of them.

To be honest, the two of them came to the Yuan Dynasty not to communicate, but to ask for advice. Their first stop is of course too imaginary. Because they know that Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are the strongest. Although they also know that Xu Ziyan is not as good as the Lord in the realm. The devil and the demon, but in the combat power is absolutely the first, this is what they saw with their own eyes.


What disappointed them was that they did not see Xu Ziyan after coming to Taixu. Xu Qinyang, who received them, told them. He did not know where Xu Ziyan went. The two of them also wanted to ask for the soul of Yanshan, and they were told that the soul of Yanshan had been retreating.

Without any choice. Cangwu and Zuoyan had to leave Xu Qinyang and left Taixu to go to the Palace of the Immortals.

Of course, they can only go to the Palace of the Immortals, because the two of them are the Terran, and the Terran has a purple smoke, and the highest is the Lord.

The two came to the Palace of the Immortals and were warmly welcomed by the Emperor. The arrival of the Cangwu and Zuoyan made the Emperor overjoyed. Nowadays, the strength of the imaginary is too strong, and the lords are unable to lift their heads.

Taixu Zong now has Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, Yuan, Kui Tian, ​​Cheng Wanli, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyun, seven holy monks, and Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls have more power than his lord, that is, the original also has a fairy The fear of feeling, although not with the original hand, and the surface of the repair, is not as good as the lord, but the lord has a feeling, if you and the original, I am afraid that the failure is his lord.

There are seven great holy monks in Taixu, and three of them have more than him. In the Palace of the Immortals, only such a holy monk is present. Although there are several monks who have shown the hope of breaking the holy level under the cultivation of the lord, who can guarantee that the Taixu is not such a breakthrough. To the holy monk?

For example, that Xu Qinyang?

Therefore, the lord was very pleased with the arrival of Cangwu and Zuoyan. He had already made up his mind. Even if he could not pull the sky and Zuoyan into the Palace of the Immortals, he would also be an ally with them. He would never be able to let them both. Too imaginary alliance.

For the goodwill of the lords, Cangwu and Zuoyan are really grateful, and they find that they are asking for the lords, and the lords are not hiding, and they are really pointing them. This is a great grace for them, so after several discussions, Cangwu and Zuoyan finally formed an alliance with the lord.

The lord is naturally happy in the heart, and then the invitation is widely distributed, and the influence of the tribes is invited to participate in the alliance of the lord and the clan, Zuoyan.

The face of the lord is naturally given, and the devil and the demon are all personally present. The Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls of the imaginary are not coming, but the people who come are also very weighty, one is Kui Tian and the other is Xu Qin Yang.

As the representative of the sacred monks in the early stage of the 9th floor of the Holy Grade, Kuitian is the respect of the tyrants in the strength of the sage. Xu Qinyang, as the representative of the contemporary tyrants of the tyrants, respects the reputation of the lord of the lord.

Therefore, although Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls did not come, the lord could not pick the slightest fault. And they also know that Xu Ziyan does not know where to go, but it is not too imaginary. When Xu Ziyan was still sitting in Heiyan Island, he suddenly changed to the original, and then Xu Ziyan disappeared.

The Yanshan soul has been retreating, and the lord, the demon master and the demon master also know what the Yanshan soul is doing, and this matter is too secret. The entire fairyland knows that the Yanshan soul is in the refining front, in order to resist the catastrophe. In this case, how is the lord possible, how dare you blame the Yanshan soul?


Even if there is no such thing, does his lord dare to blame the Yanshan soul?

Don't look at it, the soul of Yanshan is the evil master. Although the character of Yanshan soul seems to have changed a little in this world, the occasional exposure reveals that the lord knows that the soul of Yanshan is still the evil master, and does not reason with you, annoyed. He, he is a man of temperament, and the lord is full of support before he can provoke him.

At the same time, the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord are also very jealous of Taixu, very embarrassing...

People who are too imaginary do not need to have two masters of Ziyan and Yanshan souls to come out, they will be able to get the hand and win the lives of the characters. Who dares to say that Quebec’s qualifications are not enough?

And there is another person who was originally guarded in Black Rock Island!

Saying that the original, the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord also gave a gratitude, precisely because of the original appearance, they were relieved of the responsibility of taking turns to guard Black Rock Island. It turned out that after the original black rock island, it was sealed. I don’t know how many billions of years he suddenly found it interesting to watch the monks killing. He told the lords that the lords and the demon owners did not take turns to guard them. He, when he was bored, began to take turns to guard.

In any case, the Emperor Palace has two more allies, two ally of the five levels of the late stage, and the lord temporarily abandoned the envy and hatred of the Taixu, and laughed and laughed throughout the ceremony.

After the ceremony, Cangwu and Zuoyan stayed in the Palace of the Immortals. While practicing, they asked the Emperor. In a hurry, it was a year later, and the Battle of Black Rock Island reached the level of the Mahayana period.

Cangwu and Zuoyan are preparing to sing the lords, because they also want to bring a batch of their hands down to Black Rock Island for experience. The lord naturally agrees, not to mention that Cangwu and Zuoyan are his allies, even if not, this is also the power of the Terran. Therefore, the lord is very happy to express his welcome.

Cangwu and Zuoyan went back, but it took time to pick and choose monks, so when Cangwu and Zuoyan appeared again, they brought not the monks of the Mahayana period, but the monks of the immortals, because of this The immortal warfare at the level of the monks was over, and even the fairy war between the immortals began a month.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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