The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3036: Black sea magic

When the monks brought by the sky were thrown into the battlefield, the advantages of the tribes were even more obvious. The extraterrestrial demon and the seas were completely suppressed.

The massive deaths of the Hai people have caused more and more doubts among the high-level minds of the Hai people. They have long heard rumors that the high-level sea-governants are now extraterrestrial, and they did not believe it at first because they appeared in front of them. Those holy sea-class monks are their ancestors in ancient times. Although they have not seen those ancestors, they have been passed down to influence them and they are convinced.

However, as the loss of the Haizu is getting bigger and bigger, they have also asked the ancestors to end the battle of the fairy, but the attitude of the ancestors was very strong, and many monks in the sea have been afraid, do not want Going to Black Rock Island, the ancestors killed a large number of sea people and forced them to go to Black Rock Island. This cannot but arouse the suspicion of the original Hai leaders.

This is not fighting with the three tribes. This is simply destroying the roots of the sea. Therefore, the large-scale riots that the Haizu finally broke out, the ancestors of the Hai people did not hesitate to violently suppress, after a year, finally completely suppressed the riots. The sea people have already accepted their fate. They are unable to resist in the presence of the holy monks and have to continue to carry out with the tribes.

Black Rock Island ushered in the battle of the monks of the Immortals.

The tribes of the tribes have been paying attention to what happened to the sea people. At this time, they really do not understand what the extraterrestrial demon do. Is it by the hands of the three tribes to remove the sea?

This doesn't make much sense!

If there is any conspiracy in the extraterrestrial demon, how many years have passed, they should behave! Why is it so far. There is no action in the extraterrestrial world? Are they preparing for something? Not ready yet?

This made the tribes more nervous about the extraterrestrial demon, sending more monks to explore what happened in the sea. But apart from the war on Black Rock Island, everything is so calm, and it took another year in this calm. Black Rock Island began the war of the monks of the Immortals.

Deep in the sea, a trench.

This trench is a forbidden place for the Hai people. For hundreds of millions of years, I don’t know how many sea monks want to explore this place. However, there is no return, and slowly no sea daring to enter the trench.

At this time, in the depths of the trench, there were twenty-nine sea-class monks. The five sea-class monks exude a huge atmosphere, which can be clearly discerned from the huge atmosphere of the five sea-classes. The five seas turned out to be the peak of the late stage. And these five sea people exude a charm, this charm is very mysterious, if Xu Ziyan is here, you can feel it immediately. Although these five sea-monk monks are only the peaks of the late nine-level sect, they are not the peaks of the nine-tiered sacred level in the ordinary sense. They have already used more than 60% of the heavens.

This is 60% of the peak of the 9th floor of the Holy Grade. It is not 100% of the early stage of Xu Ziyan in the 9th floor of the Holy Grade. When Xu Ziyan was promoted from the early stage of the 9th floor to the peak of the 9th floor of the Holy Level, the skills for the use of Heaven. In the moment, it is only 50%, because the repair is improved. The application skills of Tiandao have also been improved. When Xu Ziyan left the Baizu trials a few years ago, the application skills of Tiandao in the early stage of the 9th floor of the holy level were only 90%.

"Five mixed, the body has completely fit, right?" asked an alien from the field.

"Big brother, it is completely fit."

The big mix nodded: "So we should act."

The rest of the four extraterrestrial devils nodded, and the body shape of the five extraterrestrial creatures floated out from the air, and slid in the direction of the Black Sea.

These five extraterrestrial demons did not tear the space and shuttled. It seemed that they were afraid that their actions were discovered, but they were swimming like a fish on the seabed. This speed has become a lot slower, but if at this time Xu Ziyan and other monks who first went to fill the Tianshi continent, they saw it. They will find that they are swimming in the direction of the land where they met the soul of the Baizu.

Such a year has passed quietly. Everything is extremely calm. The five extraterrestrial demons walked silently under the sea, and the three tribes were also quietly practicing, and only the black rock island was filled with fire. Moreover, the monks on the island of Black Rock have become Luo Tianxian.

This day.

The five extraterrestrial demon came to the sea where the monks and other monks met the white-shirt women, but there was no singing at this time. There is no fog, calm and calm. Just like normal seas. Only the sea here is black, so it is called the Black Sea.

The five extraterrestrial demons swam around the depths of the sea, spending half a year, but still did not seem to find their destination.


Five out-of-the-field scorpions rushed out of the sea, floating in the sky, staring at the sea, and the brows wrinkled deeply. The big mixed hands began to dance, the continually changing, and gradually a ray of light between his hands, the light gradually became bright, and finally swooped toward the sea.


After a big sigh, he followed the light, and the remaining four extraterrestrial creatures followed.

The light rushed under the surface of the sea and rushed in one direction. After rushing down the kilometer, it gradually became dim and eventually dispersed silently.

At this time, I changed to a second mix, dancing with both hands, and ten fingers, and gradually gave birth to a light in my hands. The light gradually became brighter, and then spurred toward the depths of the sea. Followed by, but this time the light was only about 500 meters away and then dispersed.

After that, it was again a three-mixed, five-day-old demon singer to sneak out the light group, but the deeper into the depths of the sea, the shorter the duration of the light group, at the end, a light group can only be dispersed for about five meters, but The five extraterrestrial demons were not in a hurry, and they still slowly searched for their destinations.

They are not in a hurry, because they have already attracted the attention of the three tribes with the Black Rock Island Fairy War, and they have sneaked all the way, regardless of the tribes who discovered them. When I find them, I am afraid it is too late.

The round of the fairy war on Black Rock Island is over, and now the battle of the Great Luo Jinxian has started. The roar of Black Rock Island is even louder.

At this time, the five extraterrestrial demons have already sneaked into the seabed. After a year and a half, they finally determined their destination. It’s just that this sea area is very strange. They sneak in anyway, and always return to the original place.

As a last resort, these five extraterrestrial demons once again exerted magical powers and used the guidance of the aura, but the distance guided by this aura was shorter, and it was dissipated only about three meters each time. And the direction of the guide is twisted and twisted, to go back and forth...

The five of them are here to endure a little bit of temperament, and the Upper Yuan Dynasty is extremely calm. But in this calm, there is an atmosphere of anxiety.

The lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord did not believe that the extraterrestrial demon would be so peaceful, but they could not find the slightest flaw. This is the so-called sword style is the most deterrent when it is not out, can not find flaws, and there are doubts in the heart, so that the top three high-level people are restless. In this uneasy mind, Black Rock Island ushered in a nine-day Xuanxian level battle.

The ranks of the fairy tales are getting higher and higher, and the battle situation is getting more and more intense. There are constantly three tribes and sea monks added to the black rock island, of course, among the sea monks are mixed with a large number of extraterrestrial demon.

Black Sea.

The five extraterrestrial demons finally came out of the labyrinth of the sea, and in their field of vision there was a towering sea-mountain mountain range. Five out-of-the-box demons rose up the mountain peak, standing on top of the mountain and looking down, face It is a happy color.

Below the mountain is a battlefield relic, surrounded by broken bones. The five extraterrestrial demons looked at each other and the figure fell to the bottom.

Shortly after stepping on the broken bones, the eyes of the big mix picked up slightly and stopped. When he stopped, the other four extraterrestrial demons also stopped, and they saw a big mess. They grabbed a broken bone and looked at it. The look was a change, then they grabbed a broken bone and saw it. Look, the look is getting more and more dignified. Finally, I put down the broken bones in my hand, stood up, and stared at the distance.

"Big brother, what's wrong?" asked the second coagulation.

"I have been here before."

"What? How is this possible?"

The big mix refers to the broken bones under the feet: "You can look at the broken bones under your feet. They have only broken for more than a decade."

The four devils in the field changed, and they squatted down to check the broken bones. Finally they dropped the broken bones and stood up, looking into the distance.

"I said how I always felt weird. Even if it was once a catastrophe battlefield, the bones here should have a lot of relatively complete, how could it become a broken bone? It seems that someone came here one step ahead. And come The strength of the people is still very strong."

"Not bad!" Big mix gently nodded.

"I don't know if they will be ahead?"

"It shouldn't be, otherwise it won't be so quiet. Maybe they are already dead inside, or...have left here."

“Will it be a tribal monk?”

"It shouldn't be!" shook his head and said: "You can't find it here with their strength."

“Yeah!” Sancha nodded. “Even if we have been looking for it for so long, it is impossible to find the wastes on the mainland today.”

"That... Is it... a hundred people's survivors?" The four mixed faces showed a hint of surprise.

"It is very possible! Since we can survive, the original Bai people may not be able to survive. It seems that we must be careful."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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