The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3045: Fight alone

Thank you very much for the reward of the Sun Flower Classmate (100) after the rain!


However, I don’t know that the demon outside the field has been scared. He doesn’t think that only one of the purple smokers chasing him in the back. In his heart, it must be Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, and the five Bais’ spirits are chasing him together. I didn’t even dare to look back, just fleeing all over the sea.

But no matter how he escapes, he always feels clearly locked. Later, they have already rushed out of the Black Sea, and the space has become stable. The Tianmu Devils began to tear the space and shuttled. Xu Ziyan also made up his mind and must kill the other side, so he was also reluctant.

In fact, Xu Ziyan also had a misunderstanding in the heart of the heavens and the devils. She believed that there would be a Yanshan soul behind her, and the original Bai and the five Bai spirits came over. Although there is no shadow behind them at this time, she believes that their repairs must be able to follow the space fluctuations. At this time, they have not seen the traces, but they have not yet arrived.

She has forgotten the disorder of the space in the Black Sea. Where can they find the space trajectory of her and the demon outside the world?

However, the demon outside the field ran and felt that it was wrong. Although he did not look back, although he did not release his knowledge to explore, he was able to clearly feel that he was only locked by a god.

This is not reasonable!

If there are eight holy monks in the back chasing him, there should be eight gods locked.

Is there only one Xu Ziyan behind him to pursue him?

How can this be?

Isn't Xu Ziyan not afraid of death?

At this time, the heart of the heavenly demon is completely unbelievable, a monk at the beginning of the nine-level sacred level, and is not a monk of the Baizu era. How can you dare to chase yourself alone? He absolutely refuses to believe this fact.


She will never be stupid to this point. There must be Yanshan soul and Baizu spirit behind her. They just want me to have the illusion, then stop to kill Xu Ziyan. This falls into their encirclement.


It must be like this!


I won't be fooled!

Therefore, the demon outside the domain still refused to waste the slightest effort to release a sense of knowledge to the back, but did not dare to look back, still tearing the space shuttle, and Xu Ziyan also followed closely behind.

Two layers of space are shuttled. The Upper Yuan Continental, the Central Yuan galaxies, the Lower Yuan galaxies, and all the small worlds, then ran to the lower galaxies, the Zhongyuan galaxies, the Upper Yuan Continental...

Fortunately, the two of them are just one escape, one chase. There is no energy to hurt the space, so the two of them escaped and chased one day.

The extraterrestrial demon was finally impatient, and the heart was also terrified. This is the endless rhythm! At this time, he can't wait any longer. He must know how many monks are chasing him in the back. He still has luck in his heart. Once the Bai spirits want to protect the seal, they are not all coming. One less is less dangerous!

then. He released his knowledge.

This release of the gods, he did not fly in the air, planted.

How can this be?

How could it be that only Xu Ziyan is chasing him alone?

This is a conspiracy, it must be a conspiracy! There was no impatience in this heart, only the fear was left, and the space was torn away again.

The extraterrestrial demon fled after more than one day, and the power of the gods consumed a lot. To know that the body he occupied is a corpse, only to play a role in the protection of his body, that is, to resist, to save his body can not withstand the attack of Xian. Therefore, his ability to release Xianyu is all from the Yuanshen. I played with the Baizu Yingling. After being chased by Xu Ziyan for more than a day, how could it be consumed less?

This is why he has snatched some of the elixir that supplemented the gods, but his elixir has a lot of purple smoke, this time of day. His elixir is running out. If you go on like this, you don't have to fight with Xu Ziyan. He was consuming to wait for Xu Ziyan to kill.

When he took the last fairy, he knew that he could not escape, and then escaped, it was also a dead end. Originally, he relied on his own cultivation and thought that he would be able to get rid of Xu Ziyan. At this time, he had already reacted. Xu Ziyan was able to release the space fairy, which proved that Xu Ziyan had a deep understanding of the spatial attributes. How could this get rid of Xu Ziyan's tracking?

and many more!

There was some reaction from the outside of the sky, and it was not that Xu Ziyan understood the space attribute, but other monks did not understand, so really only Xu Ziyan chased it alone?

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the Tianmo looked back and saw that there was only Xu Ziyan behind him. This one almost stunned him. His own sacred nine-story late peak was chased by a sacred nine-story initial peak for nearly two days. He fled for two days like a family dog, because there is a ant behind him chasing himself?


This kind of shame has made him forget everything. The only idea he has now is to kill Xu Ziyan...

Do not!

Killing is not deflated, you have to smash her corpse!

Outside the field, the demon stopped his body and turned around. He looked at Xu Ziyan, who was approaching quickly, with a sneer. It was only a moment that Xu Ziyan was only five hundred meters away from him. Seeing the extraterritorial Tianmo stopped, Xu Ziyan’s body shape was not stopped, and stopped at 500 meters.

"Hehehe..." The devil outside the field sneered.

This kind of sneer made Xu Ziyan feel very uncomfortable, and his heart raised his uneasiness. I hurriedly looked back and looked empty behind her. Her face is a change, the knowledge spreads out, and then the look becomes dignified, because in her gods, she can't see the soul of Yanshan, the original shadow, not to mention the Bai spirit.


At this time, Xu Ziyan also reacted. When the space in the Black Sea was chaotic, I am afraid that Yanshan Soul lost their traces and did not follow up.

So how can you fight only if you are alone on the outside world?

"Oh... Xu Ziyan, have you been very good in these days?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite heavenly demon and calmed himself down. At this time, it is not the best time and distance for you to escape. Even if you immediately tear the space and shuttle, the other party can instantly close the torn space. What's more, now that you have been locked by the extraterrestrial demon?

Great idea!

Xu Ziyan’s heart has a moment of regret, but this moment of regret is instantly taken away by her. I don’t know how many times I have encountered this life, and it’s more dangerous than this.

The narrow road meets the brave to win! I would like to see how powerful the demon outside this domain is.

The spirit of Xu Ziyan’s heart was high, and the sword was taken out in his hand. His eyes were sharply stared at the opposite Tianwei Road:

"The posture of your escape in these few days is really the look of a dog who has lost his family."

What is rare is that the demon outside the field is not angry at the moment, but there is a strange look in the eyes.

"You can't escape?"

"Hey..." Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Is you always running away?"

The eyes of the demon outside the field transmitted shyness, and with one hand in the air, a giant knife appeared in the hand.

"Senior, I want to smash your body and devour your god, so that you really dissipate between the world."

"Old is not dead, you come!" Xu Ziyan transported the body's strength to Jifeng.


The figure of the demon outside the field rushed toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows picked it up. He looked at the other side and broke the space and slammed it down. Xu Ziyan’s smashed out, and he saw a pair of giant eyes open his eyes. There was a faint rot on the body of the demon outside the field.


The giant knives in the hands of the demon outside the field continued to kneel down, and they broke the sword of the silence and rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan.


A knife and a sword collided, Xu Ziyan's body shape flew out, and a blood came from the eyes of the scorpion, but was swallowed back by Xu Ziyan.


The shape of the demon outside the world once again rushed over. At this moment, Xu Ziyan understood that the extraterrestrial demon could not release the fairy with the fairy. If he used the fairy, he could only fight melee, just like the murder between the mortals. The fairy he released was from his god.


I am afraid of you with sword skills?

To know that Xu Ziyan has cultivated countless sword techniques, the understanding of sword skills has reached a very high level, completely not the opposite of this extraterrestrial demon just relying on the physical sacred brute force. The other party does not need immortality, Xu Ziyan does not need to use, too a virtual sword in the hands of the leader also shocked the past.


A dense impact sound, Xu Ziyan's sword skills are much better than the extraterrestrial demon. Every sword hits the other side of the knife is the most unstressed, so that the other side has the power of the late nine-level peak. However, under the attack of Xu Ziyan, it completely fell to the disadvantage. When Xu Ziyan defeated the opponent's knife, he continued to leave scars on the other side's body. The strength of the peak of the 9th floor of the holy level plus the power of the Taixu sect was enough to destroy the body of a sacred nine-story late stage.

What's more, this body is already a corpse, and it has lost the support of Yuanli. It can no longer be compared with a living peak of the 9th floor of the holy level.

For a time, Xu Ziyan took the upper hand. However, this kind of advantage has not been occupied for a long time. Undoubtedly, this host of extraterrestrial demon in the realm surpassed Xu Ziyan in the realm, so the extraterrestrial demon also fully utilized this advantage, gradually moved back to the disadvantages and regained the advantage.


Xu Ziyan’s body shape was bombarded, and the demon outside the field gave a shot. In front of him, there was a dense golden sword, like a sword world, whistling toward Xu Ziyan, and after the world of swords, it was the extraterrestrial The body trails.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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