The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3046: Strangle

Xu Ziyan's back fell face to the ground and saw a world of swords covering the sky. There was a whirlpool in the right eye. The space in front of her was distorted, and a huge space crack appeared.

The sword world entered a distorted space, and then the distorted space absorbed into the huge space crack. In the world of swords, the twisted space and cracks disappeared, and the sky became cloudless again. If it weren’t for the devil outside the field, it would be like nothing happened.

There is also a strange look in the eyes of the demon outside the field. He did not expect that Xu Ziyan’s understanding of the spatial attributes would be so to a certain extent, but he did not care. The figure had already caught up with Xu Ziyan’s face and fell down.

Xu Ziyan will be too virtual sword in front of him, and that knife will lie on the sword.


The shape of Xu Ziyan fell like a meteor toward the bottom.


Below is a swamp, and the shape of Xu Ziyan falls into the swamp.


The swamp underneath instantly solidified like a rock, and the gods of the outer world locked the Xu Ziyan wrapped in the rock. The figure was like a spiral, and the hands held the fairy knife to allow the purple smoke to be strangled.


The rock collapsed, and the rock that had fallen into the sky with the power of the world, whizzing toward the celestial temper, but Xu Ziyan broke out of the power of the world, while the shape of Xu Ziyan from the blasting rock The spurt came out, and the sword was stabbed out to the outer world.


The sword of the heavenly demon dissipated, and it was attributed to death, and the rule of death was stripping the body of the demon outside the domain.


The extraterrestrial demon is released out of bounds. In the dead world, one world is separated, and the purple smoke hits the past. The whole world is transformed into a knife type, and the silence is cut. Going to Xu Ziyan and rushing away.



The scent of destruction in the last days is mixed with the anger of the earth, and two extreme energy collisions erupt. The knives that cut open the ruin suddenly collapsed, and the figure of the demon outside the field flew out.


Xu Ziyan's flesh and blood collapsed, releasing both extreme energy. Moreover, the biggest force broke out, so that the body of Xu Ziyan, the holy monk, could not stand it, and the figure fell to the ground again.

The body of the demon outside the domain has begun to crack, but he also saw the haze of Xu Ziyan, knowing that the best time to kill Xu Ziyan at this time, missed today, it is extremely difficult to kill Xu Ziyan. Not to mention the experience of this battle is not dead, waiting for Xu Ziyan to digest the experience of this battle. Even if you can't advance, the understanding of the use of heaven will increase. At that time, maybe Xu Ziyan will kill him.

Outside the world, the demon has just stabilized his body shape in the air, and his feet are in the air. The air cracks appear in the air, and his body shape rushes to Xu Ziyan like a meteor. A knives opened the space, and the black space cracked like a thick black lightning, and slammed toward Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan also released his own world. The whole person and the world merged into one, blending into a sword, and smashing the past toward the outer world.


Looking in the air, a huge sword and a huge sword can not help but collide, just a few collisions, this sword will break through countless spaces.


A loud bang, this sword rushed into a space debris field. Xu Ziyan and the extraterrestrial demon are now locked in the other side. There was no such thing as the slightest effort to observe the surrounding conditions, but they did not know that they both rushed into a forbidden place on the Upper Yuan.


A knife and a sword collided intensively and crashed into the ground, even at the bottom. This sword is also in a dense collision, just in the blink of an eye. This sword will not know much in depth. In the space above them, a piece of debris, criss-crossing, instantly smoothing their traces.

This space debris is also very harmful to Xu Ziyan and the extraterrestrial demon. At this time, don't say that the body of the demon outside the domain has been mostly damaged, that is, the body of Xu Ziyan also reveals most of the bones.

Xu Ziyan was already weak at this time, and she felt that she was not much worse than the fall. If you hit it like this, I am afraid that I will not hold it for a quarter of an hour.

The only way is to drag the other person into his own body world, and then avatar himself to kill the other. But now that the swords meet, Xu Ziyan wants to force the other party into his own world. There are only two ways. One is that his own body completely wraps the other's body. The other way is that his body can contact the other person, and This contact is not a short-term collision, but can be entangled for at least two moments.

It is only these two situations that can't be done at this time. The knives and swords that are condensed by the two sides are simply hitting each other. They can neither wrap the other's body nor entangle the other side.


Xu Ziyan suddenly felt that the back was empty. The two men were originally fighting in the underground. Xu Ziyan retreated all the way and smashed the heavy rock formations. At this time, suddenly the back was empty, and the figure suddenly accelerated down toward the bottom. The same is true of the extraterrestrial demon, but the two of them are not able to take care of it, and they are still fiercely colliding.


One knife and one sword collided again, and the sword world was blasted by the knife world. The body of Xu Ziyan appeared, and the whole body was stained with blood by blood.


Although the knives of the knives have become very small, they have become the size of the normal knives, and the boundaries of the knives are fluctuating, with a tendency to break at any time, but they still maintain the shape of the knife world, and they are facing the chest. under……


Six figures appeared in the space, standing in the air, looking at the space debris area. It is the soul of Yanshan, the original, Kui Tian, ​​the lord, the devil and the demon.

They felt the holy energy of the space, and they chased all the way, looking at the debris space in front of them, and they all frowned.

This is a forbidden place, full of space debris, and the holy monks who entered here could not survive. Of course, for the holy monks, entering and leaving here is not a problem.


It is not a problem to get in and out of here, but it is very difficult to find traces of Xu Ziyan and the extraterrestrial demon here. These people have entered this place besides the original, knowing the effect of erasing the traces here. How does this make them look for Xu Ziyan?

However, at this time, they could not wait. They knew that if they could go in time, they might be able to capture the traces of Xu Ziyan. So the six holy monks only made a slight meal and rushed into the debris space, about half. After the hour, the six figures appeared outside the space, everyone's face is very unsightly, Yanshan soul is more like a sinking water.

"Where is this?" The original frowned.

"This is a broken space!"

"Broken space?"

"Well, this space doesn't know when it was formed. When the Holy Class enters here, there is no life, and it can erase all traces."

Originally silent, when he wanted to come, this broken space might have been formed when the catastrophe of the Hundred Ages came. The war in that era was too fierce, and it was not surprising to form such a space.

"Evil Lord, what do we do?" Quebec asked.

Yanshan soul looked at the broken space in front of him: "Go back, I will explore it for a while now."


In the mysterious passage deep in the ground, the knives broke into the chest of Xu Ziyan. However, in the moment of the purple smog in the knife, he suddenly saw Xu Ziyan open his arms and hugged the knife toward the knife.


The knife was inserted into the chest of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan also hugged the knife. The knives showed the original shape. It was the extraterrestrial demon holding the knives, and the handle was inserted in the chest of Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan had both hands clasped the celestial demon outside. Outside the field, the demon looks stunned, and with one hand, it is necessary to smother Xu Ziyan.


He suddenly felt that the knife in his hand seemed to be swaying, staring at him, and suddenly found that Xu Ziyan's body was like a cockroach, and then dissipated in the air, no trace.


Outside the field, the demon looked around and looked like a great change. He found himself in a strange universe at this time.

"Where is this? How can it suddenly appear here?"

Then he felt that he was locked in an extreme crisis, and his body was smashed before he responded.

"This is... the power of heaven..."

The extraterritorial demon who exposed the ontology became confused, fled to the front without a destination, but the space around him suddenly showed dense space debris and strangled him.

The body shape of Xu Ziyan emerged from the space, and the body was already ruined, and the mind was moved into the time array.

"Master!" Sha Xiaofan felt the space volatility, and when he looked at it, he couldn't help but jump up. Xu Ziyan jumped into the Xianhe River in the time array.

"Don't care for me, I'm fine."

Sha Xiaofan saw that Master’s body shape disappeared into the Xianhe River. His face was full of worries. Where did she still have a mood to cultivate? Then he sat on the rock, his eyes fixed on the river.

Once again, the Yanshan soul came out of the broken space. The look was filled with anxiety. The legs were petrified for a while, and recovered for a while. Suddenly his eyes moved and his figure disappeared outside the broken space.

The next moment, the soul of Yanshan appeared in the city government in Wangxian City. Jin Invincible is sitting in the hall to practice, and he saw a figure appearing in front of him, blink of an eye, hurriedly stood up and prayed:

"See the Yan predecessors."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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