The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3047: I want to eat meat

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"Invincible, I know that you and the purple smoke have a soul sensor, is purple smoke still alive?"

Kim invincible nodded: "It's still alive, but I just felt that the owner seems to be weak, huh?"


Sha Xiaofan saw Xu Ziyan coming out of Xianhe and excitedly jumped up again. Xu Ziyan didn't have time to talk to Sha Xiaofan at this time. At this time, she didn't know what her situation was. She just knew what space she seemed to be in.

"Xiaofan, you are here to practice, Master goes out to see."

When Xu Ziyan came out of the body space, his body shape began to fall to the bottom again. He looked up and looked dark, looking down and not seeing the bottom.

However, Xu Ziyan did not panic at this time. She had already recovered to the peak. She was very interested in what was here, and she controlled the speed to fall below.

I don’t know how long it took, Xu Ziyan’s feet fell on the ground, and Xu Ziyan released his knowledge and spread around. Then his eyes were moving, his body shape disappeared, and when he appeared again, he stood in a rock wall. In front of. Her gods felt space fluctuations before this rock wall.

"This is... a space barrier."

However, Xu Ziyan has slightly frowned. Although she has worked hard to study the formation, her realm of the formation is still not high. Because she is working hard, she doesn't spend much time, because she spends most of her time practicing. So this array of methods can not be cracked at all.

Mindful thoughts, called Xiaomumu out.

"Small wood. Look at this array."

Xiaomumu looked at it for a while and shook his head: "This is not a natural formation, it is artificial."

"Are you already learning the road?"

"I mean I can't go through it all at once, I need time."

"Let's hurry up."

Xu Ziyan sat on the floor with his knees. Beginning to sort out the experience of fighting with the extraterrestrial demon, and Xiaomumu began to study the array.

Wangxiancheng City Government.

The face of Kim’s invincible suddenly showed a happy color: “The soul of the master is strengthened!”

"Can you follow this induction to find purple smoke?" Yanshan soul's face is a joy.

"I don't know, try it!"

"follow me!"

Yanshan soul rolled up invincible disappeared in Wangxian City. The next moment, they both appeared outside the broken space.

"It is here, the induction is coming from here." Jin Invincible surprised.

"Go in!"

Yanshan soul released a hood wrapped in gold invincible into the broken space.

"What direction?"

Jin Invincible suddenly screamed, the look of Yanshan soul is a change: "What?"


The spirit of Yanshan changed, and the momentum of the body suddenly broke out, making it difficult for Jin invincible to breathe.


Yanshan soul converges on the momentum. Coldly looking at the gold invincible. Jin Invincible swallowed a spit:

"It should be isolated by the space barrier. The owner should have found an independent space here."

Yanshan soul frowned slightly and said: "I can't feel it at all?"

"I can't sense it, but I'm familiar with this kind of isolation, because the owner has this situation more than once."

"you sure?"

"Yeah! Ok!"

Yanshan soul looked at the innocent eyes of Jin Invincible, his body shape swept, wrapped in gold invincible and broke the space, and then said to him:

"Go back!"

Jin Invincible left with a gift. Yanshan soul plate sits on a white cloud and closes his eyes.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was standing on a plain. Xiaomumu was already a master of the road. It took less than a quarter of an hour to wear the barrier and walked into the space.

In her field of vision is a bone, a thick layer can not see the ground. Xu Ziyan took the small wooden wood and squatted on the cheekbones. The surroundings are very quiet, which shows the sound of the foot on the cheekbones.

About an hour or so, Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped and sniffed the nose. Then changed the direction and swept away.


The shape of Xu Ziyan fell on the cheekbones. He squatted and moved a cheekbone, his eyes were bright, and a washbasin-sized otter appeared in front of her, and a scent of scent emerged from the inside.

"This is... Bing Xin Qing Dai?"

Xu Ziyan is a happy heart. There was an excitement on his face. This ice cream is not only useful to Sha Xiaofan, but also useful to any monk. It is no exception to her purple smoke. Looking around for a while, my heart will be amazed, with so many bones, and after so long time, is another opportunity to form such a heart and milk.

I took out a jade bottle and carefully collected the ice cream. Then I took out a small jade bottle and dripped twenty drops. My heart was squeaking. The situation of Xiaofan was serious, but it should also be the same. Enough for her to combine murder.

When the mind was moved, Sha Xiaofan was called out.

"Master!" Sha Xiaofan looked at Xu Ziyan with some confusion.

Xu Ziyan handed the little jade bottle to Sha Xiaofan: "Xiao Fan, this is Bing Xin Qing, you take a drop to try, see how it works?"

Sha Xiaofan’s eyes are bright: "Master, have you found the ice heart?"

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan pointed to the little otter below: “Found here.”

"Thank you Master!"

Sha Xiaofan was overjoyed and immediately sat down on his knees. Instead of taking the ice and milk immediately, he stabilized his mood first. When the state of mind calmed down completely, he picked up the jade bottle and drank a drop of ice cream. Then The jade bottle was closed and closed. Xu Ziyan is sitting on the side to protect Sha Xiaofan.

An hour has passed. Seeing that Sha Xiaofan looked calm, Xu Ziyan gradually reassured and spread his own knowledge.


There is no living creature in the whole space, but at the end of the space, five huge pillars are found. There is a person sitting under each pillar...not counting people...

Xu Ziyan wants to look at the past, but when he thinks that Sha Xiaofan is merging with murderousness, he has recovered his knowledge. Anyway, he has come here. Not in a hurry to explore. The eight pillars can't run again.

After about an hour passed, Sha Xiaofan opened his eyes and looked excitedly at Xu Ziyan:

"Master, this ice heart is really useful. I estimate that taking 12 drops will completely fuse the murderous body."

Xu Ziyan also said with a smile: "Then you go to the space to integrate."

Sha Xiaofan looked around and said: "Master, now I can control the murderous, let me explore with you. I have never explored with Master."

Xu Ziyan saw the excitement of Sha Xiaofan, and he felt that he had too little time with Sha Xiaofan. Then nodded:

"Good! Let's go and see."

The two stood up and walked in the direction of the five pillars.

"Master, look at these bones are almost all chaotic beasts! Is it a battlefield here?"


"How did these chaotic beasts die?"

Xu Ziyan’s body shape suddenly slammed, his eyes swept away, and his heart was amazed.


Almost all of them are chaotic beasts. How did these chaotic beasts die? Is it the monk under the five pillars to kill? If this is the case, then the five monks are too powerful.


Xu Ziyan eyes condensed. At this time, she noticed the surrounding environment, and she finally found that there was a large array of traces. The eyes could not help but look at the surrounding cheekbones, and the heart was a jump. This was definitely the result of strangulation.

Xu Ziyan carefully probed it again and couldn't help but sigh. This big array can't see what it is. But this array should have enveloped the whole space, but this big array should have been over-consumed. It crashed, even if it didn't crash. It also collapsed over time.

Sighed. Xu Ziyan took Sha Xiaofan and went on. But she is still careful. Because she found that there were fluctuations in the array around the five pillars, and then I thought of the barrier that came in. I felt that the array here should have a remnant and can kill so many chaotic beasts. Even the remnants of the array are enough to make Xu Ziyan cautious.

Walking up to the distance of the five pillars, Xu Ziyan stopped. She felt that there was a wave of volatility at this time, and she was less than one meter in front of her.

Called Xiaomumu, Xiaomumu looked at it for a while, then shook his head:

"This method can't be broken. If you want to break this array, you must enter the five pillars."

"What is this array?"

"It seems to be a fantasy!"

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, collected Xiaomumu, and then said to Sha Xiaofan: "You also enter the space."

Sha Xiaofan shook his head and said: "No, I followed Master!"

Xu Ziyan thought about it and thought that this was an experience for Sha Xiaofan and nodded. Then walked into the battle.

As soon as he entered the law, Xu Ziyan felt the illusion of the eyes, and his heart could not help but move. It turned out to be a magical array. A very good illusion, even the mood of Xu Ziyan has an illusion.

She immediately built a guqin in the sea with the power of the gods, and then played the dragon and the phoenix. The state of mind was clear, and I saw it here. I still see the bones everywhere, and the bones here are obviously more. I glanced at the five pillars beyond the kilometer, and stepped forward. I suddenly felt my clothes corner being shackled. I looked across the head and saw Sha Xiaofan’s hand in the pocket of Xu Ziyan. Extend a finger in your mouth and say something in your mouth. Xu Ziyan knew that she was in a illusion. I felt funny in my heart, I didn’t know what she saw in the illusion, she bit her fingers, and... and the saliva flowed down.

"Mom, I want to eat rabbit meat!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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