The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3054: Cracked

"This power should be the Holy 9th floor?"

The five patriarchs stunned toward Xu Ziyan. They did not expect Xu Ziyan to achieve this cultivation. They would surpass their cultivation. Is the outside fairyland so prosperous now?

The five patriarchs have no doubt at this time, even though they are now the peak of the eighth grade of the holy level, but they are completely unable to intervene at this level of competition. If they are besieging the chaotic beast with Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan and Chaos Beast this time. The shock caused by the cross is enough to cause them to be seriously injured.

This makes their hearts happy and worried.

It is gratifying to see that this person has appeared. Losing the mainland will not cause catastrophe. Worried is that Xu Ziyan's strength is so strong. After the killing of this chaotic beast, what kind of attitude does Xu Ziyan face when they face them?

Perhaps there is a lot of strength in the fairy world like Xu Ziyan at this time, then are they not the weak?

The vortex in the sky continued to fly upwards, and at the same time, it seemed that the entire lost continent was soaring, following the vortex rising upwards. It seems as if the vortex that is not rising is pulling the entire lost continent.

Outside the broken space.

Yanshan soul sits on a white cloud like a statue. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and stared closely at the broken space not far away.


The broken space began to vibrate, and the pieces of space trembled sharply. The look of Yanshan's soul was changed. Huo Ran stood up from the clouds and looked at the broken space with anxiety.

A huge vortex gradually rose from the broken space, and then the vortex in the broken space began to enlarge and enlarge. Zoom in again...

Finally, the entire broken space is wrapped inside.


The roar of the whirlpool, then the vortex gradually stopped hovering and then dissipated. Yanshan soul has widened his eyes.

The broken space disappeared, and there was a continent in his vision.

Do not!

Not an extra continent. Give the feeling of Yanshan soul, it should belong to the fairy world...


A screaming awakened the soul of Yanshan, Yanshan soul stared at it, his face was amazed.


He saw that Xu Ziyan was condensing a big hand and holding a head in a double-headed chaotic beast. At this time, the other giant of the Chaos Beast is turning over and bending towards Xu Ziyan.


Yanshan spirit sighed, and the figure stood by Xu Ziyan's body in an instant, and punched toward the head biting Xu Ziyan.


The head of the chaotic beast went out to the distant party, and a huge crack was cracked in the head. This makes Xu Ziyan look at it all, and the heart is secret:

"No wonder the original soul of the mountain gave me the bones. It seems that his body strength is definitely not as simple as the peak of the nine-level stage."

The five patriarchs are a bit stupid.

"Who is this? Look at his age and the woman is almost the same, even a punch will cause such a big damage to the Chaos beast. This is this... Is the fairy monk now so powerful?"

Seeing the Yanshan soul so brave, Xu Ziyan also raised a heart of comparison.


The big hand that Xu Ziyan condensed suddenly turned into space debris. Quickly cut the head of the chaotic beast. Just a moment of flesh and blood fluttering, the Chaos beast made a screaming scream, and the figure instantly regressed. Xu Ziyan stared at it, and his heart was slightly disappointed. Although it was so loud, it actually only hurt the skin of the Chaos beast.

However, Xu Ziyan also had a confidence at this time, she felt that she did not use the fairy. It is not necessary to be able to talk to the other side. With both hands in front of him, a golden long sword appeared in front of him, and then his hands were swaying, and a "dao" appeared in the air, branded on the sword, and the huge power from the handle The sword spread out.

At this point, Yanshan soul also clearly saw the situation in front of him, seeing Xu Ziyan even too virtual sword did not come out, they know that Xu Ziyan has not yet made full effort, and saw Xu Ziyan take the lead. Know that she wants to use this chaotic animal to prove it. He flew back and fell to the side of Sha Xiaofan, while watching Xu Ziyan, he asked:

"Xiaofan. What happened?"

Sha Xiaofan was so excited at this time that he first encountered such a big guy with Master. Seeing Master’s great demeanor, let’s talk about the story of Yanshan.


Xu Ziyan turned his hands together, and the golden sword was sacrificed to the air, quickly zoomed in the air, and inserted into the cloud.


The golden sword of the handle was like a pillar of heaven, and it went down to the chaotic beast. The chaotic beast found a giant claw and slammed toward the fallen golden giant sword.


The golden giant sword collided with the giant claws of the Chaos Beast, and the giant sword bounced back, and the Chaos Beast took a step back. Xu Ziyan's eyes are condensed, and the imperial gold sword keeps moving toward the chaotic beast. The chaotic beast is not to be outdone, and the giant claws are continually greeted by the giant sword of Xu Ziyan.


The two sides continually collided, and finally, in an infinite roar, Xu Ziyan’s golden giant sword collapsed, and a giant claw of the chaotic beast was also shattered by Xu Ziyan.


The look of Xu Ziyan was not the slightest excitement, but the look was shocked, and the other party gave birth to a giant claw in an instant.


Xu Ziyan frowned deeply. He was the first to see a chaotic beast that could be regenerated. Is his breed different, or is his strength too strong?


The body of Xu Ziyan shines, and a circle of aperture appears behind her. The light of the eleven attributes exudes a magnificent color, which makes Xu Ziyan more beautiful in this magnificent light.

Her hands are pulled in front of each other, and a small sword is formed. The small sword of the handle is the eleventh attribute of the purple smoke. The sword is the boundary of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan turned his hands together, and the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu sounded between the heavens and the earth, and the magnificent little sword was instantly enlarged. It became a sword that was inserted into the sky, and the power of the circle could spread between the heavens and the earth.

The Chaos Beast became cautious, and did not scream, but instead made a low whistle. The body is bent like a crescent. Two huge heads stared at Xu Ziyan.


The giant sword that smashed into the sky slammed down in the middle of the chaotic beast.


The Chaos Beast snorted, and two huge heads rushed toward the great sword, and opened a huge mouth and bit the past with the giant sword. The huge sharp teeth released the light of the forest.


The giant sword that Xu Ziyan once again condensed collapsed. But the two heads of the Chaos beast also shattered half of them. Xu Ziyan took a deep breath, and at this time she had already experimented. If she didn't use the virtual sword, she couldn't kill this chaotic beast. At this time, the two skulls of the chaotic beast returned to their original state. This can not help but make Xu Ziyan a headache, this ability to regenerate is indeed very troublesome.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, too virtual sword will come out of the body, Xu Ziyan hands and a grip, too virtual sword suddenly released a ray of light. Instantly zoom in. Straight into the sky.

The eleven attributes of the fusion are flowing in the heart, and the body screams, and the eleven attributes rush into the Taixu sword. The eleven sword spirits merge into one, and the whole Taixu sword exudes Tianwei.

The Chaos Beast became more cautious, but there was no fear in his eyes, and some were just greed. Looking at Xu Ziyan, it seems that a wolf is looking at a sheep. The whole figure was bent again, like a crescent. The two heads were like two crescent teeth, locking the purple smoke in the air.

At this time, both the monks on the ground and the five patriarchs in the air have withdrawn from the distance, and they feel the power of Xu Ziyan. The power made them feel horrified, and they felt that they were very small. Even the five patriarchs felt the shudder of the soul before Xu Ziyan’s too virtual sword.


The space collapsed, and a black hole was formed. The imaginary sect of Xu Ziyan smashed toward the chaotic beast. The chaotic beast is not afraid. Once again, the two heads are concentrated toward the middle. Biting into a virtual sword.


Too virtual sword cut the two heads and cut them in the middle of the chaotic beast. Xu Ziyan was uplifted at this time, and did not expect that he would be upgraded to the mid-ninth level of the holy level, which actually increased this power. If you have done this in the first place. It doesn't have to be so hard for the devil outside the domain.


Too virtual swords smashed into the middle of the body of the Chaos Beast, and the sound of a loud explosion. The Chaos Beast was Xu Ziyan all two halves, the whole space was quiet, and the eyes of the monks gathered on Xu Ziyan's body. After the war, the atmosphere of Xiaosuo was ups and downs. Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, took the Taixu sword back, and stared at the chaotic beast that had been split into two halves.

This look, let Xu Ziyan startled, the two-part Chaos beast suddenly moved. First of all, the head that had just been cut by Xu Ziyan recovered its original appearance, and then a head was extended from the break. As a result, a chaotic beast turned into two chaotic beasts.

How is this going?

Haven't seen such a chaotic beast! Can you tear and reborn? Doesn't this mean that the more he is picked up, the more chaotic beasts he produces?

How is this going?


Xu Ziyan eyes are condensed, she feels different, although the Chaos Beast has become two, but the breath is fading, although it is still the peak of the 9th level of the Holy Grade, but even the peak has a strong difference, Xu Ziyan feels this A slight difference.


Even if there is a difference, the difference is not great. The power of the combination of the two chaotic beasts is significantly higher than that of a chaotic beast. The Yanshan soul, who was standing in the distance, also frowned slightly. He had never seen such a chaotic beast. After all, when his catastrophe came, he was still a stone, and his knowledge was limited, but he knew that he had this. A chaotic beast of a certain ability must be extremely rare, otherwise he should have seen it even if he is a stone that cannot move.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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