The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3055: Purple soul teamed up

I am very grateful to the exquisite students (200), fh6880213 (100), Xiu Xian is no longer a legendary classmate (100), Qing? Drunken classmates (100), 筱Hehe classmates (100), the summer is not finished, the flowers have fallen to the classmates' reward!


He did not go up to help Xu Ziyan, because Xu Ziyan did not ask for help at this time, which shows that Xu Ziyan still wants to try it himself. Moreover, Yanshan Soul also saw that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was refined and refined, and he had reached the mid-level and mid-level, so he was also an old god, not too worried.

At this time, the two chaotic beasts had already smacked toward Xu Ziyan. He was smashed by Xu Ziyan and angered to the extreme. Accompanied by the screaming of the screaming, biting the past toward Xu Ziyan.

Even if the chaotic beast was made into two by Xu Ziyan, the figure was very huge. Each one was more than 500 meters. The opening of the big mouth did not say that biting a purple smoke, I felt that I could swallow a mountain. Xu Ziyan's figure is flashing, the space is released, and the figure is dodged out.


The chaotic beast bites an empty space, and the upper and lower teeth collide, making a thunderous roar, and biting out a huge crack in the space.


Xu Ziyan took out a sword. This sword is still not a silence and a new life. These two types of swords are really too costly, and there is no danger of life and death. Xu Ziyan really does not want to display these two types of swords. Therefore, the implementation of Xu Ziyan is still a sword.

Through the one-word sword that broke the law, Xu Ziyan has already experimented with his current cultivation, and using the too virtual sword to display a sword and breaking the law has already caused damage to the other side.

really. Xu Ziyan’s sword has turned a chaotic beast into two halves, but the chaotic beast that has been split into two halves has become two chaotic beasts with a length of about 250 meters. So there are three chaos in the air. The beast, in a triangle, surrounded the purple smoke in the middle.

At this time, Yanshan soul also felt the danger of Xu Ziyan. Then he waited for the help of Xu Ziyan, and shouted:

"Ziyan, do you need help?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile: “Do you think I can handle it alone?”

"Ha ha ha..." Yanshan soul laughed loudly and took out two giant hammers and said: "Let's join us to see what power is there in this thing? I will deal with that big one. You deal with that small one."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan condensed his voice, then suddenly looked into the air, and saw some people appear in the air, but it is the lord, the devil, the demon, the Kui Tian, ​​the original. Take thousands of miles, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyun, Xu Qinyang, Cangwu, Zuoyan, these holy monks.


When I saw Xu Ziyan in Wanli, there was a surprise color on my face. At the beginning, he heard the news that Xu Ziyan was missing. Although he learned from Jin Invincible that Xu Ziyan had not fallen, his heart was also very worried. Who knows that Jin Invincible's induction is not accurate? How can he not be excited when he sees Xu Ziyan?

"Master, let me fight this chaotic beast first."

Xu Ziyan said with a voice, then he rushed to a chaotic beast, but the Yanshan soul at this time held two giant hammers and smacked toward the big chaotic beast.

In the distance, the five patriarchs looked at a group of holy monks who appeared in the air, especially to sweep their eyes over the original, the lord. Demon Lord. When the four monarchs of Quebec, the look became very dignified, they could not see through the cultivation of these four great monks. There is no doubt that these four holy monks have surpassed them.


There was a fierce roar in the air, which attracted the attention of the five patriarchs. This look made their eyes sluggish for an instant.

Just now they have seen the soul of Yanshan, and also saw that the soul of Yanshan is only a peak of the eighth level of the holy level, and they are a realm. They are all taken by the Chaos Beast. They really don’t know the courage of Yanshan. Dare to face a chaotic beast alone.


What did they see?

The explosion of the sound, the more than 500 meters long chaotic beast was actually blown out by the Yanshan soul hammer, followed by the shape of the Yanshan soul followed by the double hammer constantly blasting, the chaos The beast bombarded constantly tumbling in the air, and the flesh and blood on the body continued to collapse.

Not bad!

It is a collapse, not like a purple smoke, the flesh and blood that collapsed in the hurricane was instantly twisted into a powder.

This is this... Is this the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Grade?

The five patriarchs are stunned. They know that the body of Yanshan is very powerful. Even the body of Xu Ziyan is not as good as him, and his two experiences have made his power of the gods very powerful, not to mention solving the petrochemical problem. Xu Ziyan gave him a variety of exercises, and he personally evolved his own practice and space for the body, so the Yanshan soul is still the root of the five attributes, but the mood is already different, his yuan The power of God has already reached the peak of the late nine-level.

Even if his Yuanli reserve has already reached the level of breaking through the nine levels of the holy level, it is unreasonable that the lord and the demon have broken through, and he still stays in place, but he has been suppressing it. And he has suppressed it for too long, and he himself does not know how much he will break through once he is no longer suppressed.

Therefore, the Yanshan soul cannot use a level of the eighth level of the late stage to see him. What is more important is that he has a natural understanding of the power of the righteousness, reaching a very high degree. The chaotic beast is simply completely replaced by him. Press and fight.

The lord, the devil, the demon, the Kui Tian and the original face also twitched, the fierceness of the Yanshan soul gave them a chill in their hearts, except for the devil, although the remaining few surpassed Yanshan in the realm. Soul, but after watching the fierceness of Yanshan soul at this time, no one can say that he can beat Yanshan soul, even the original is no exception.

The people turned their sullen eyes from the body of Yanshan to Xu Ziyan, and they twitched each other. At this time, the outer world around Xu Ziyan was not two chaotic beasts, but ten, but the body was small. A lot, and the body's breath also fell to the mid-level nine.


Xu Ziyan was again a sword, and a chaotic beast was cut off. Then his body shape continued to flash in space, breaking a chaotic beast. Now Xu Ziyan's cultivation is a mid-level nine-layer mid-level, and these chaotic beasts are just the mid-ninth and mid-level layers. They don't have supernatural powers. They can only rely on their own pure power. Where can they compare with Xu Ziyan?

Xu Ziyan is not close to anything at all, and the space attributes are constantly being displayed. These chaotic beasts simply can't get close to her, but she keeps picking up the fairy, and the swordsman who is too virtual sword will be a chaotic beast. Broken. As she continued to smash out the swords, although there are more and more chaotic beasts, the strength is constantly declining. When Xu Ziyan turned them into a hundred chaotic beasts, their strength has dropped to the holy eight. At the beginning of the layer, if it is really a hundred monks at the beginning of the eight-level sacred level, Xu Ziyan only needs to escape. It is necessary to know that the power of the sacred monk who was released by the great monks in the first eight levels of the eighth level is not a power. The mid-ninth and mid-level monks can resist, even if it is a sacred nine-story late peak.

However, now Xu Ziyan is not facing a hundred monks in the early eight layers of the holy level, but a hundred chaotic beasts. This chaotic beast is not supernatural, but with brute force and body strength. Now their body strength can't resist too much virtual sword, their brute force...

They want to make their brute force toward Xu Ziyan, but unfortunately they are not close to Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan has been using space Xianyu, and they are pulling away, that is to say, those chaotic beasts have been passively beaten. status.

The monks and other great monks in the eyes of the saints showed their admiration. They knew that Xu Ziyan was in an invincible position. At this time, they have lost their heart for Xu Ziyan, and even the heart of the singer can't do it. They hadn’t beaten Ziyan a long time ago, and Xu Ziyan at that time was not as good as they were in the realm of cultivation. Later, they knew that Xu Ziyan was the eleventh attribute root. They found the reason why they had lost the battle with Xu Ziyan at that time. Now they see Xu Ziyan surpassing them in the realm of cultivation, and then think of Xu Ziyan practicing. The time has not been more than three hundred years, and now they have surpassed them in the realm. Do they still have more chances than Xu Ziyan?

Therefore, there is only self-deprecating in their hearts, and there is no more fighting with Xu Ziyan.

Without this thought, they are hoping that Xu Ziyan will be stronger, because the stronger the Xu Ziyan, the safer they will be when the catastrophe comes. At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan facing the Chaos Beast so heavy, and my heart was amazed, but also happy.

The five patriarchs who lost the mainland at this time were in a mixed mood. They are happy to finally return to the fairy world, they finally have a chance to break through again, and the chaotic beast in front of them is no longer a threat. The shock is that the fairyland has such strength, do not know how it will be to them?


Xu Ziyan still continually scooped out the virtual sword, the number of chaotic beasts is increasing, but the strength is getting lower and lower. Xu Ziyan has already relaxed at this time, but Yanshan soul is somewhat depressed. The chaotic beast is really not simple, and the Yanshan soul completely suppresses the chaotic beast by power. The chaotic beast is flesh and blood.

But the chaotic beast did not split into a new chaotic beast like Xu Ziyan, but his body became smaller and smaller. It seems that the flesh and blood that disappeared made him so. However, the reduced chaotic beast has always maintained the strength of the late nine-level peak.

It is clear in the soul of Yanshan that this is the Chaos Beast. If you change to a monk who can have such a skill, he is really not an opponent. However, the soul of Yanshan is still consumed with him. Are you not the strength of the late nine-tier peaks of strength and strength? I don't have to be a fairy, just fight me.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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