The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3056: Original sigh

The body of Yanshan soul does not lose to the chaotic beast. The understanding of the power of the righteousness is not a chaotic beast in strength, let alone he has two giant hammers?

These two giant hammers were learned from the materials of the ancestral space, and they were moved by the Yanshan spirit. Each hammer took the power of the stars to fall, and the chaotic beast bombarded the body continuously, and that only The Chaos Beast can only maintain his own realm by constantly reducing his body. Otherwise, the loss of flesh and blood will make his strength fall. Even so, his body has shrunk to less than 50 meters.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has turned the Chaos Beast into more than 500 Chaos Beasts, and the strength of each Chaos Beast has fallen to the fifth level.

However, the strength of the Chaos Beast is still amazing, and Xu Ziyan is not as easy as before. Although the strength of Chaos Beast has declined, the number is indeed too much. And these chaotic beasts seem to be staring at Xu Ziyan, simply do not pay attention to others, just staring at Xu Ziyan attack.

The space for such a purple smoke is much smaller. Although the chaotic beast is still being cut off, the speed is reduced. She needs to use two-thirds of her energy to avoid the attack of the chaotic beast. Her embarrassment, the number of chaotic beasts is increasing.

The lord frowned slightly, and said with a sigh: "The purple smoke seems to be a little bad!"

The demon Lord also nodded: "Yes, what exactly is this chaotic beast? It is really terrible to be able to split and regenerate."

"Would we like to go up and help?" Quebec looked at Xu Ziyan, who was besieged by a group of chaotic beasts.

"Looking at the side!" said the faint.

The sacred look of the people, the original origin is very mysterious, but they all know that the relationship between the original and Xu Ziyan is very close. Since the original let them watch, it proves that Xu Ziyan has more strength. So they no longer speak, but quietly watch Xu Ziyan and Chaos beast battle, this is a rare observation. They naturally will not let go.

The shape of Xu Ziyan suddenly disappeared in the middle of the Chaos Beast. When it appeared again, it was already outside the circle of Chaos.


More than five hundred chaotic beasts sighed and screamed toward Xu Ziyan. More than five hundred chaotic beasts gathered together and rushed like a raging river.

The eyes of the lord, who had been watching all the time, suddenly turned bright. He saw the starting style of the purple smoke in the distance.


He is too familiar with the starting hand of this fairy, because he almost fell in this style of silence. I can't help but jump.

No wonder they were not allowed to help, but they forgot that Xu Ziyan had not made a silence.

There was a pair of giant eyes in the sky, and the giant eyes slowly opened, and the power of Tianwei fell. The hearts of the five patriarchs in the distance were trembled, although they were not shrouded in silence. But there was a tremor in the depths of the soul, and an unrivaled thought emerged.

The more than five hundred chaotic beasts were instantly shrouded in silence, and the rushing sounds, the screaming of the screams disappeared instantly, and disappeared.

They are like a rushing world in a dead world, and they are also rushing to death.

Their bodies began to weather, as the weathered gravel drifted around. Time seems to be just a moment in the past. It seems to have passed for a century. More than a hundred chaotic beasts were made into gravel, and the giant eyes in the sky shattered.

The rushing sound, the roaring sound resounded in the air again, and the remaining nearly four hundred chaotic beasts still fearlessly rushed toward Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan is also a type of silence, one after the other, after five consecutive styles, the chaotic beasts in front of them are turned into graves.

Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, swallowed an elixir, stood in the air and adjusted his interest while thinking about Yanshan soul. This five-style silence is used to make her power consumption. Not just Dan Tian. The power of the hole has also opened up to one hundred and sixty-two.


Sha Xiaofan flew excitedly to the front of Xu Ziyan, holding his arms in his hands and looking at Xu Ziyan with admiration. Xu Ziyan smiled and turned his eyes again in the direction of Yanshan soul. At this time all the eyes of the monks gathered in the battlefield of Yanshan soul.

At this time, the chaotic beast that battled with Yanshan soul has shrunk to about 20 meters, and was bombarded with a pair of sledgehammers by Yanshan soul.


No one noticed the chaotic beast that was bombarded by Xu Ziyan. After becoming a gravel, it is gathering in one direction. Then slowly hovering, forming a pattern of singularity.


The chaotic beast that has been fighting fiercely with Yanshan soul suddenly abandoned the Yanshan soul and fled in one direction.

"Where to escape?"

The spirit of Yanshan sighed and the body shape followed the chaotic beast. The eyes of the monks closely followed the chaotic beast, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan suddenly changed. She saw the huge pattern of countless patterns in the air.

what is this?

When was this formed?


Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart, and she found that the chaotic beast that was only about 20 meters long was in the direction of the hovering pattern. And it has already rushed into the center of the pattern.


A loud explosion, the chaotic beast blew himself, and the self-destructed flesh quickly formed a pattern in the middle.


There was a cicada between the heavens and the earth, and then I saw a huge circular pattern bursting out with a ray of light, shrouded the entire pattern, and made a mysterious and mysterious sound. Penetrate the space and spread towards the entire Upper Yuan...


One of the holy monks flew toward the pattern and stared at the pattern. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul stand side by side, looking at the pattern with eyes burning. Here, the soul of Yanshan is the highest master of the battlefield. Xu Ziyan is the highest master of the realm. If you can see what, there are only two of them.

The five patriarchs also came to the side of the pattern, but they just glanced at it and knew that they could not understand it. They said that they came here not for this pattern, but to know that these sacred monarchs were in front of them. attitude.

However, before they even talked to them, they felt a sharp gaze swept over and then heard a slightly surprised voice:

"Static wave?"

When the water and static waves looked awkward, they looked at the past and saw a young person looking at them. Only the young man’s eyes were familiar. At this time, the man’s gaze was in Venus, the wood was in the wind, and Zhu Ronglie And Shi heavy face swept over, his face faint smile:

"It’s a few of your little ones."

The five people are all a glimpse of each other. It is obvious that this person knows the five of them, and from the point of view of the other party, they should be the elders of their own.


Such a young elder...

The five patriarchs were caught in memories, and the memory penetrated the history and gradually became clear. One person's appearance and the people in front of him gradually overlapped.

The person in memory is a middle-aged person. The person in front of him is a young man, but the two are really too...

But if it is really that person...

The look of the water static wave is excited, she can't be excited, she must know that the person is the king of the human race. There are many tribes in the Terran, and there are many patriarchs, but there is only one king of the Terran, and that is the original. The water static wave was so excited that he trembled and asked:

"You, you... are you king?"

When the remaining four patriarchs heard the water static wave, their looks suddenly shook. They recognized the original at this time. Although they were a lot younger, the king of the human race had something to do in this billions of years, making the appearance young. Is there anything weird about this?

Then they got excited. At the very least, they met a monk from the age of the hundred people. Maybe their kings are also alive, and they all look forward to looking at the original, hoping that they can nod.

Sure enough, the original gently nodded, and the five people immediately became happy and fell in the air:

"See the king!"

The look of the fairy and other people is a change. From this title, they know that the origin of the original is not simple. Can it be a simple character to be called a king?

At the beginning, they had met the emperor. Was this man the master of the emperor?


The monks and other monks saw the Venus, the wood with the wind, and wished to be strong and heavy, and the heart was a jump. Their appearance seemed to be the race of the Bai ethnic age!

The lord looked at the eyes of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan. When they arrived, they saw Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls killing with the Chaos beast. Compared with the two of them, they should know the origins of these people, but see that Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are gathering together. Looking at the huge circular pattern, but did not dare to disturb, the eyes suddenly bright, they looked at Sha Xiaofan. When they came, they saw Sha Xiaofan watching the battle.

"Xiaofan, are they?" the lord asked softly.

Sha Xiaofan naturally knows the origins of these people and whispers: "They are descendants of the Baizu."

"Hundreds of descendants..." The lord and other people are in the heart of a jump. Doesn't that mean the original from the age of the Bai people? Is it the king of the Bai ethnic era? Is it earlier than the emperor?

No wonder so powerful!

They looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of envy, how can Xu Ziyan be able to recruit such people! How can we not touch it?

"Get up!" said the faint. Then I looked around: "I didn't think you found such a place. Are there other races besides your five races?"

"Nothing!" Shui Jingbo shook his head, then excitedly asked: "Wang, is the catastrophe now over? Is the Hundreds restored?"

Shaking his head, he sighed softly: "The age of the hundred people has passed."

"Shish... what do you mean?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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