The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3057: Array

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), dcc_closely classmates (100), and the basket is not blue (100). Xiu Xian is no longer a legendary classmate!


"Hundreds of people... have disappeared, you are the first batch of Baizu descendants I have seen." The original sighed softly.

"That... now the fairy world?"

The original hand waved: "I will talk about it later."

When the words fell, they looked at the huge circular pattern. At this point, I saw Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls locked their brows, then looked at each other and saw a trace of confusion in their eyes. It seems that they did not see what the pattern was.


Suddenly in the sky, several holy chaotic beasts appeared suddenly and shocked toward the monks. This time Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul did not move, but other holy monks won up, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul looked at each other, and the eyebrows picked one, and the gods quickly spread out.

Although the knowledge of the two of them is not enough to cover the entire Upper Continent of today, half of the spread can still be done. In their knowledge, they saw a chaotic beast coming out from a hidden land, some tearing space, and some flying toward it.

"Is this a summoning map?"

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan were shocked by the soul, and then the heart was also a joy. Xu Ziyan shouted to the surrounding monks:

"Dear friends, this is a summoning map. Now all the chaotic beasts on the Upper Yuan are gathering here. As long as we will kill the chaotic beasts that come together, there will be no more chaotic beasts on the mainland. ""

The public repairs are a spirit. It is possible to kill all the chaotic beasts hidden on the Upper Yuan dynasty before the catastrophe comes, so that you can have no worries. Imagine. If, on the occasion of the catastrophe, when you face the catastrophe, suddenly killing a group of chaotic beasts from your back, what would be the result? and so. These monks thought that this summoned blood of the chaotic beast with the special function formed a chance to give them a chance to hide the chaotic beast hidden in the Upper Continent.

At this time, the chiefs of the five ethnic groups also decisively reached an order, so that the monks were ready to fight. At this time, Xu Ziyan and other holy monks do not have to be the gentleman's demeanor. They simply swarm up and kill the chaotic beasts that came first.


More and more chaotic beasts. The entire chaotic beast hidden in the Upper Yuan dynasty came, and Xu Ziyan and others were drowned in the army of the Chaos Beast. Only these chaotic beasts no longer have the kind of chaotic beast that can tear the rebirth, which makes Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, not only the Chaos beasts of the Upper Yuan dynasty were coming in here, but also the tribes of the Three Continents of the Upper Yuan dynasty discovered this situation. They also shot and intercepted and rushed toward this side.

The first to arrive was the Taixu disciple led by Xu Xingfan. Because this corner of the fairyland is bordered by the southern continent, which means that the lost continent was originally the corner of the southern continent.

Soon, the monks of the Yaozu also arrived, and the Mozu and the northeastern monks also intercepted the chaotic beasts that appeared from there while thinking about coming here. The entire Shangyuan continent was in flames.

However, in the end, the three tribes have an advantage, which can be said to be an absolute advantage. After all, the number of these hidden chaotic beasts is much different from that of the three tribes, not to mention that they have been killed by Xu Ziyan. The remaining number is only a few hundred thousand. Compared with the number, the tribe is a cow, and the chaotic beast is a hair.

However, these hidden chaotic beasts are very strong in strength. There are few chaotic beasts that are unable to shuttle space, and the remaining chaotic beasts have reached the realm of the early days of Tianzun. One by one, they shuttled away from the interception and followed the call to the lost continent.

And those chaotic beasts that are respected by the heavens are killed by countless tribes and then swept away in the direction of losing the continent.

The shock in the sky can't stop. Soon, more than 200,000 chaotic beasts were gathered. This lost the mainland has formed a fierce battlefield.

Among these chaotic beasts, there are three sacred nine-layer late peaks, and there are more than twenty holy chaotic beasts on the level of the late nine-level nine-level peak. Their number is less than that of Xu Ziyan, but the number of the entire holy chaotic beast exceeds that of Xu Ziyan.

The holy monks and the holy chaos beasts became a group. Tens of monks and holy chaos battles became a group. At the beginning of the holy battlefield, the Chaos beast still has the absolute upper hand. After all, there are not so many Tianzun on the lost continent, but when the Tianzun monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty arrive one by one, the balance of the battlefield arrives. I began to lean toward the monk.

Xu Ziyan is fighting with a holy chaotic beast. At this time, she naturally will not make silence or new life. The remaining power in her body is not much, but even so, she breaks the law with a sword. The chaotic beast that was at the peak of the nine-level stage of the holy level was not able to fight back.

At this time, Xu Ziyan didn't dare to take a light heart to the array that slowly floated in the air, so when Xu Ziyan struggled with the Chaos beast, he still observed the map from time to time.

She saw that the array had a vision. Any chaotic beast that was killed by the monks, their flesh and blood will be absorbed by the array, and the image will begin to radiate the precious light, and this treasure will form a beam of light. Slowly grow toward the sky. The more flesh that is absorbed, the higher the growth.

What is it doing?

Xu Ziyan was shocked, his eyes were recovered from the map, and he looked around and found that there was no space for the chaotic beast to shuttle. So, the chaotic beast hidden in the upper Yuan dynasty should have all appeared. Of course, there may be several The seal has not appeared, but there is no doubt that after destroying these chaotic beasts, basically all the chaotic beasts hidden in the upper Yuan are destroyed.

She again set her gaze on the map, frowning slightly, and her heart rose a little uneasy. Always feel that the picture will bring a disaster.

Like her, Yanshan soul also watched the map from time to time. At this time, I saw that the light column above the map had already produced ten feet, but it was still growing, and with its growth, space. We started to send out weak fluctuations. Although this spatial fluctuation is weak at this time, it has a tendency to become stronger.

"This is..." Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul simultaneously jumped in the heart: "This is the fluctuation of space transmission. Can this map open space barriers and send the Chaos Beast outside the domain?"

The face of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul is changed. If it is, then the catastrophe will come early. It is absolutely impossible to make this map successful.

The Yanshan soul suddenly abandoned the chaotic beast that played against him. The figure rushed toward the picture, wielding the double hammer in his hand, lifting the power of the righteousness to the peak, and slamming the map.


The world is shaking, but the map seems to have the power to swallow, and the power of the Yanshan soul can be swallowed up. As a result, the Yanshan soul not only did not destroy the map, but the light column on the map suddenly rose. One foot.


Xu Ziyan burst into the power of dozens of acupoints. One type of silence pierced, and the giant eyes in the sky enveloped the picture, but the picture still swallowed up all the power, and the light column rose sharply.


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, and the giant eyes in the sky closed and gradually disappeared. Xu Ziyan’s face became ugly, and when he was swept, he stood on the edge of the map and looked toward the map. The same was true of Yanshan Soul. The chaotic beasts fighting with them were taken over by the original and Quebec.

"Ziyan, how is it going?" Kuitian struggled with the Chaos beast and shouted at Xu Ziyan.

"This map is probably a spatial transmission array. Once formed, it will send the Chaos beast outside the domain."

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The monks raised a trace of fear in their hearts, and at the same time gave birth to a hint of helplessness, not to kill the chaotic beast, how to fight?

"Dear friends, try to trap them first, and give me and the mountain spirit to fight for time and crack this image."

"Architecture!" Upon hearing the voice of Xu Ziyan, the original did not hesitate to issue instructions, and the monks immediately began to set up a large array, and began to circle a chaotic beast into a large array.

Soon, two large arrays were formed, one consisting of holy monks, trapping those holy chaotic beasts, and one consisting of holy monks, trapping those non-classified monks.

The large array of non-class-level monks is fine, because more and more monks from the Upper Yuan dynasty have been rushing to join the fairy squad, and the power of the singular squad can not be improved. Later, it will be The separation of the chaotic beasts formed a number of traps, trapping those chaotic beasts and fully grasping the initiative.

However, the sacred monk formed above the sky is different. The original holy monks are not many. Nowadays, the five patriarchs and the nine sects of the five sects are added to the second and sixth floors. The monk is also in front of twenty, but it lacks the two strongest Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls, so the strength of the twenty-class chaotic beasts is no longer between the two, this wants to trap They become very difficult.

The most important thing is that they can't kill the killers, kill those chaotic beasts, they can only be trapped, which makes them scruples, but the chaotic beast has no scruples, this time there is a gap, the holy monk will Gradually fell to the bottom.



Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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