The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3058: Transmission array

A holy chaotic beast rushed out of the trap and leaned down toward the monk below. The original gaze was sharp, and the Great Seal was smashed toward the chaotic beast.


The Fangda was bombarded on the body of the Chaos Beast, flying the flesh and blood of the chaotic beast, and a long scorpion traversed the space, winding the chaotic beast, and slamming it into the trap. It was Kui Tian who sacrificed her long beggar.

The long scorpion wrapped around the chaotic beast is still in the air, the chaotic beast suddenly broke away from the long scorpion, it is a chaotic beast of the late nine-level nine-level peak, and it is fierce, and Kui Tian can only restrain him for a moment, not too late. Drag him back into the trap.


The original big seal bombarded the head of the chaotic beast, letting the chaotic beast roll in the air, and once again fell into the trapped array, and the chaotic beast screamed fiercely.

In the sky, being attacked by the original and Kui Tian, ​​the flesh and blood that collapsed from the chaotic beast flew toward the map. The original big sleeves were raised, and the sleeves were displayed, and the flesh and blood were wanted to be put away, but those flesh and blood were strange. The ground penetrated his sleeves and melted into the picture.

The original look is a change, and the handcuffs are used to reinforce the trap. The actions of him and Kuitian are clearly seen by the remaining holy monks. At this time, they also know that once the chaotic beast is injured or the flesh and blood left by death, They couldn't take it anymore, they could only watch as they were absorbed by the mysterious array.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul stood quietly on the side of the map. Xu Ziyan had already opened the head of Peng Peng, and even let Xiaomumu stand on his shoulder and study this mysterious map. The two people seem to be the two statues motionless, and the surrounding wars have no effect on them.

One day, two days, three days...

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are still motionless. The mysterious map lost its flesh and blood, although the light column is rising, but it is a lot slower.

But the monks around are bitter in their hearts, and the three-day consumption is too big for them. Especially the holy monks, they are originally small in number, and the number of chaotic beasts is equal, every moment must do their best to release the power, in order to trap the twenty holy chaotic beasts, so The consumption can be imagined. This made their trapped troubles appear several times, although they were eventually repaired by the flaws, but they consumed more power. At this point they have felt that some strength has not been caught, and if they continue this way, it is not a problem of trapping the Chaos beast, but they can't support it.

This can't support, but it's not just that you can't stand the chaotic beast, but you can't resist the chaotic beast, and it will be chased by the Chaos beast.

At this time, they took the elixir from time to time. The face is pale, because the speed at which the elixir recovers is not at all speedy.

The lord, the demon lord and other sacred monks on the Yuan dynasty insisted on each other. They once confronted Xu Ziyan and Yanshan, and once joined forces with Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul. They were very clear about Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. It is not a false statement that since it is said that this time cannot kill the chaotic beast, it cannot be killed. And although they are not as good as the purple smoke and Yanshan soul on the road and the road. But in these two aspects, it is definitely not weak. They know that the map absorbs the flesh of the chaotic beast at this time. It is very likely that there will be changes. As a result, the research of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul will become a smoky cloud. Therefore, although they have already felt the edge of the collapse. Still insisting on his teeth.

However, the five clan chiefs did not understand Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. Venus bleed out blood at the corner of his mouth at this time, but he did not dare to kill a chaotic beast, and his eyes could not help but look to the original. At this time, the reliance of the five clan is the original, and the original cultivation is also among the top among these monks. In the eyes of their five clan chiefs, they should have been the leaders of these holy monks, and at least they should be the leaders of the human race. The king of the Baizu era, is it not the leader of the Terran?

The most important thing is that Venus feels that he really can't hold on, and the other four patriarchs feel that they can't hold on. In fact, not only did the five of them persist, but the monks of the Upper Yuan also felt that they could not hold on, but they still did not slow down.

This is the difference in will. If the time is advanced several decades, I am afraid that the monks on the mainland will collapse earlier than the Venus, but since they have experienced the successive months of battle in the wild animal space, within the trench The tragic killing, recently fighting with the Chaos beast and the extraterrestrial demon, so that their will has been greatly honed, but the five clan chiefs are different, I thought they had experienced catastrophe at the beginning, but the catastrophe has passed hundreds of millions of years, They are the strongest in this lost continent. They have not been tested for too long. They have been comfortable for too long, and the result is the decline of the will.

The feeling that this kind of force disappeared from the body is really bad. Venus has already felt that he can't seem to float in the air, and he can't help but call the original:

"The original predecessors, let's kill a few chaotic beasts!"

The original brow was a wrinkle. He knew that Venus said it was good. Although they are now struggling to trap these chaotic beasts, it is not difficult to kill a few. Once they kill a few, they will be under pressure. cut back. However, this will destroy the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul crack maps. Once the transmission of the array of light passes through the barriers, it is the time when the catastrophe comes. At the moment, the original face sank:

"Shut up! Look at the repairs that are weaker than yours. How do they persist?"

The eyes of the five patriarchs such as Venus looked at Wanli, Xu Ziyun and others. One by one, all of them were bleeding at the time, especially Xu Qinyang. At this time, the blood was leaking in the pores of the sweat, but they bite their teeth. Strive to support.

The patriarchal colors of the five patriarchs such as Venus showed a strong sense of war, and the power of overdraft was released, and the trappedness was further stabilized. But their hearts are very clear, and in this way, they will extract the power of the world, but it will shake the foundation of their cultivation. They couldn't help but look at Xu Qinyang, I am afraid he insisted on less than half a day, right?


The sky and the earth suddenly vibrate, and the light column on the picture seems to finally touch the space barrier. The space barrier is gradually transparent, so that the lower monk can see a gray and faintly, and gather in the gray. The intensive chaotic beast is looking forward to the bottom.

The monks below are a scalp tingling, although they can't see the strength of the chaotic beasts across the barriers, but so many are enough to shock them.

The eyes of the monks could not help but look at the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls, but the two people still did not move, but the eyes of the original monarchs could see that the foreheads of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul were covered with sweat, but I can imagine How much effort the two people spent, the two of them may not consume less than the original. The original monks could not help but sigh in the heart, shake the spirit and do the final effort.

At this time, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul looked at each other and nodded at each other. Then the two men turned into two streams of light and rushed into the map, showing their figure.

The shadow of Yanshan is locked in a line of patterns, and Xu Ziyan is locking the pattern of the road. Then the two people start to move the road to the fairy. The original monks can't understand, although they are not low in the realm of the road and the road, but they are not low. At this time, they found that they could not understand Xu Ziyan and the Yanshan spirit.


The strength of Xu Qinyang suddenly increased, which made his side the most weak point suddenly sturdy. The original monk's face is a change, and they all know that Xu Qinyang has become strong, because he has begun to extract the power of the world. It is very clear that the master of the holy class is very clear that a little power to extract the world will not be a problem, but it takes time to recover, but if the power of the world is excessively extracted, it will return to the foundation of the practice, and the serious will fall. What is more serious is that it will never return to the holy realm.

No one wants to do this, because the holy monk has the same life as the heaven and earth, and once he falls into the realm, he cannot return to the holy level, that is, he loses the endless life. Who is willing to change?


Xu Qinyang did just that. A mournful atmosphere enveloped in the air, which reminded the five patriarchs such as Venus of the long-standing Baizu era, and remembered the catastrophe. In that catastrophe, there were countless holy monks like today’s Xu Qinyang. The power of the world, and even the final choice of self-destruction and chaos beasts.

At this moment, the will that they have forgotten for a long time has returned, and the five monks have exalted high morale.

The sages of the Baizu era can do what they want for the sake of justice, and we can do it.

Xu Qinyang can do it for the sake of justice, and we can do it.

this moment.

Not only the heads of the five ethnic groups, but all the monks have raised their arrogance in their hearts, and all of them have shown a decisive color. Only when the power is exhausted, they begin to extract the power of the world.

The surrounding atmosphere has no influence on Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. The two people have completely invested in cracking this picture.

This picture made them shocked in both hearts. The chaotic beast did not have a supernatural power. This is the consensus they have been getting, but they did not expect to encounter a supernatural beast.

Although this supernatural power can show power after the death of the chaotic beast, the power after death is too amazing, more amazing than any living magical power, and can build a transmission array through the barriers.


Ask for a pink ticket! Seeking recommendation ticket 1


*(To be continued~^~)

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