The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3059: Crack

I am very grateful to the exquisite students (100), A Yan'er classmates (100), and the basketball crickets (100).


There are not many time left for them. This two of them can feel the power displayed from the map, so they divide the two people, Yanshan soul cracks the road, Xu Ziyan breaks the road.

The two of them need to grab time. In fact, the two of them did not fully comprehend this magical map. This map is not laid out, nor is it naturally formed. It is a supernatural power of a chaotic beast. They are two of them. The magical powers that have not been seen, the mysterious and mysterious, the deepest of them, the two of them only comprehend the general, but the time has not waited for people, the space barrier is about to be penetrated. So the two of them can only do it in advance, while cracking and thinking.

In the case of not fully comprehending the situation, there are many possibilities. Maybe the map will be cracked. Maybe it will not shake the map. There is also a possibility that the array will explode. Its power may make Xu Ziyan and Yanshan. The two holy monarchs of the soul fell.

The monks and other monks did not know whether Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul had the confidence to crack the map, and all of them were full of anxiety and anxiety. But I can't give too much energy attention, and my heart will go up and down.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul both cracked very fast. After a quarter of an hour, the monks below heard a cheer. The monks who trapped the chaotic beasts of the Holy Class suffered little pressure because they had too many numbers, and all of them had the energy to look at the maps in the air, and just now they saw that the gradually transparent barriers became Blur it up. This shows what?

This shows that the cracking of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul has produced an effect. I couldn’t help but cheer up.

Their cheers made the monks and other monks even look at them. They just looked at them and their mood was loose. But after this loose. The face also became nervous because they found that the power in their body was really low, and at this time, Xu Ziyun also began to extract the power of the world. This makes the remaining sorrows of the Holy Masters more intense.


The Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls in the map are not easy. In fact, the two of them have been nervous to the extreme. The two of them have discovered from the beginning that this map has a different place, that is, in this picture. There is a chaotic gas flowing on the main line. It is this chaotic gas that doubles the power of this array, but the two of them do not know how to crack this chaotic gas.

The two of them know that if this chaotic gas is exploding, I am afraid that they will not be able to withstand this power. So the two of them are now afraid to move the chaos of the chaos, just to quickly crack the chaos of the chaos.

With the cracking of these peripheral symbols, the barriers are slowly closing, but the two of them know that this does not solve the problem at all. As long as they stop, the outer array will slowly recover and eventually penetrate the barrier. and so. The two of them are only delaying, not cracking. If you want to really crack this image, you still have to solve the chaos.

It is just that chaotic gas that constructs a symbol that is composed of each other, and the mysterious and mysterious. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul are the first to see the composition of the chaotic gas. Both of them are cracking the peripheral symbols, while staring at the chaotic gas, to see if they have changed.

"Is this symbolized by the chaotic gas, is it the origin of Fuxi?" Xu Ziyan deeply locked his brow: "Is it called chaotic pattern?"

All the ambiguous meanings of the cockroaches quickly appeared in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. Reorganized one by one. Split again, reorganize...

The Yanshan Soul is also like Xu Ziyan, which gives these Fuyu a name called chaotic pattern, which is also reorganized in the sea. Split, and then reorganize a line of lines.

But neither of them stopped. Still can't stop cracking the peripheral symbols, the chaotic gas in the entire array occupies one tenth, and the remaining ones occupy nine tenths.

At this point, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul have teamed up to crack one tenth. The light on the map penetrates the two of their bodies. At the moment, the two bodies seem to be blurred, gradually integrating with the light. .

Both Xu Ziyan and Yanshan’s souls are a glimpse. The two of them find that their bodies seem to have a tendency to merge into this array. An extremely dangerous intrusion into the hearts of both of them, they both understand very well, if they are really Assimilation of the picture, you will disappear between this world and become part of the map.

The monks outside also saw this scene, but they did not know that Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul were in extreme danger, and they were full of expectations for both of them.

On the surface, it seems that Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul are indeed succeeding. The barriers in the air have completely disappeared, and the intensive chaotic beasts can no longer be seen. Including the light column began to gradually decline, the illusory shape of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul began to solidify again.

The hearts of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls did not relax at all. This smoothness was built on the speed of their two cracks. The speed of their two cracks was so fast, because the two of them had already taken this before they came in. The array comprehends four tenths. So at the beginning, the two of them will not have the slightest stagnation.

Soon, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul both cracked the map by four tenths, and there was a warm cheer around the light column. The light column has dropped by four tenths. The faces of the monks and other monks also showed joy. The color, in their view, with the speed of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, I am afraid that it will not take long to be able to crack that image, they do not have to extract the power of the world.


Just when they were happy, they found that the speed of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan's soul cracking slowed down, and even stopped at all. Their two bodies were gradually becoming illusory, and the beam of light was gradually rising upward.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul have completely entered the state of self-denial at this time. Both of them know that the sea is desperately deriving. The complex patterns and patterns are flashing through their respective minds, forming a matrix. Patterns and patterns, then break down and reorganize...

When the two people's body shape has been blurred by half, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul moved almost at the same time. This movement did not hesitate. The pattern and the pattern were scored. The circle pattern was taken by two people. Together with the crack, their two bodies once again solidified, and the light column in the sky once again declined.

All the monks sent out a burst of cheers, then nervously watched the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls in the array. At this time, they also knew that Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul did not fully comprehend the map. While cracking, how can this not make them nervous?

The picture was slowly rotating. During the rotation, the shape of the purple smoke and the Yanshan soul began to gradually become illusory, and the light column began to rise slowly again.

But what excites the monks is that this time, the two people of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan are moving much faster. The two of them have already realized the beginning of this picture, just like they have already found the thread, and naturally can unravel the chaotic line. But they both understand in their hearts that this is in the peripheral patterns, the two of them can understand faster and faster, and then they will crack the nine-tenth map and then want to crack the chaotic map. Not so easy.

In less than a day, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul completely broke the nine-tenths of the map. At this time, both of them stopped and looked at the remaining one-tenth of the map. At this time, only five feet remained on the light column on the array, and the shapes of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul were very solid.

But even so, when the monks saw Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan stopped, their hearts were full of tension, because even if they stood outside, they would see the remaining one-tenth map. s difference.


Xiaolong snorted and began to extract the power of the world. The faces of the monks changed, and they checked their body strength, and their faces became very ugly.

Xu Ziyan silently stared at the front of the array, this picture is simply natural, completely unable to find a clue, just found a clue, but found that the map rotated, it seems that there are dozens of clues in an instant, do not know that It is true that it is fake.

The chaotic gas flows slowly on each map, giving off a sigh of breath. There seems to be a connection between each map, and there seems to be no connection at all.

This is not something that she can solve alone. This is the perfect combination of the road and the road. At this time, the feeling of Yanshan soul is the same as that of Xu Ziyan. The two people can't help each other. The two people are not secreted. Instead, the normal opening communication, the sound came out from the map, and the monks listened while fighting.

The exchange between Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul became faster and faster, and the surrounding monks gradually frowned. Finally, even the monks and the original monks frowned, and their faces showed helplessness. They found that they simply did not listen. Understand the communication between Ziyan and Yanshan Soul.

The sounds of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan suddenly changed, and then the hands of the two men moved again. In the eyes of others, the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls at this time seem to have dozens of hands at once. In fact, it is just that the movements of two people are too fast.

Xu Ziyan has been sweaty at this time. She has been studying the immortal since she was a master. She can be said that she has stood at the top of the fairy tales, but today she has encountered a pattern that makes her feel difficult to solve. Figure.

Such a map, no wonder it is possible to open the barriers and transmit the outer domain chaotic beast. Xu Ziyan cracked the map while doing it. She suddenly found that every time she cracked a pattern, the chaotic beast of the patterned pattern did not disappear, but contracted.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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