The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3060: Chaos beads

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It is contraction, shrinking the gas of the chaotic beast into the undestroyed array, and each shrinking will make the remaining array more solid.

Xu Ziyan even suspected that these chaotic qis contracted to the extreme, would they counterattack her?

Now Xu Ziyan and I can't take care of this. I can only crack one step at a time, but she still propped up the defensive shield, in case the array suddenly blew itself, and the other side of the Yanshan Soul.

The two of them have no doubt that this map has proof, because this map is the magical power of the chaotic beast. Who knows what kind of things he will eventually make?

The remaining maps are constantly shrinking, gradually shrinking into a circle of only the size of the human head, slowly rotating, chaotic, dense and small patterns looming above.

For this round sphere, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are somewhat at a loss, and there is no way to crack them.


I snorted in a thousand miles and began to extract the power of the world. This suffocating makes the monks' faces even more ugly, especially the Cangwu and Zuoyan, and the two of them have felt that they can't support it for a long time.

Xu Ziyan suddenly jumped in her heart, closed her eyes, and began to recall the process of cracking the map before, and a picture was presented in her knowledge of the sea.

That is……

The map presented in Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea is exactly what they had before they started cracking. It was a nine-square map. With the joint attack of the two of them, they became gossip, seven stars, and Liuhe. Five elements, four elephants, three talents, two instruments. chaos!

There was a glimpse of Xu Ziyan’s heart, and there was also a shock. Is this a reference to the fairy scorpion that converts the body's power into chaos?


If you really do this, will it become a chaotic beast once it succeeds?

Xu Ziyan temporarily pressed this idea and opened his eyes. Looking at the chaotic map in front of me, just now, she has already realized this chaotic map, and her eyebrows shot a ray of light into the eyebrows of Yanshan Soul, and then began to crack the pattern on the chaotic map.

After a quarter of an hour, Yanshan soul opened his eyes and carefully looked at the map in front of him. After another quarter of an hour, the Yanshan soul began to move. A line of lines was cracked in his hands.

The chaotic map of the size of the head is getting smaller and smaller. At this time, the light column has completely disappeared. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul sit in the air. There is a fist-sized chaotic bead floating in the middle of the two. The brilliance flashes above, each brilliance It's all a symbol.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul at this time the body sweated like a pulp, like dehydration. The speed of the hands became extremely slow, but as the two handcuffs continued to play, the fist-sized chaotic beads did not shrink, but began to appear a gravure from the middle, which seems to have a tendency to separate.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan have a glimpse of the soul, but they have not stopped. At this time, the two of them have already been riding the tiger. If the map cannot be solved, the map will be restored again. Even if Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul have no energy to pay attention to the surrounding situation, they also know that the lords should have reached the edge of the collapse. So the two of them must stick to it. Regardless of the final result.


The fist-sized chaotic beads were finally separated by Xu Ziyan and Yanshan. Split into two beads, each half the size of a fist.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul stared at it, and found a bead full of lines, a bead full of runes. Originally this array was a combination of patterns and striata, but now it is completely stripped. It became a bead of the road, a bead of the road.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul stared at the two beads, and the eyes flashed in the blink of an eye. They knew the madness of the sea, and their faces quickly became pale, and the blood leaked out of the seven.


Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul almost spurted a blood at the same time. Two people’s eyes showed shock and frustration. The two of them found that the two beads had already condensed the road and the road to the extreme, and the realm of the two of them could not be The crack was broken, and at this time, the two beads actually began to converge toward the middle, and there was a tendency to merge again.

Yanshan soul condensed his eyes, and now he decided to make a decision. When Zhang mouth sucked, he sucked the ball into the mouth and then sent it into the body space.

Xu Ziyan's look changed, and finally the eyes showed a decisive intention. Zhang mouth sucked, sucked the beaded beads into the mouth, and then sent it into the body space.

Both of them were very clear in their minds. The map was divided into two parts, and then they were suppressed by two of them in their own body space, so that the two beads lost the opportunity to merge, and the transmission array was completely broken.

However, what the two beads will bring to them, but they do not know. It may be a disaster, but it may be a blessing. It depends on whether the two of them can crack the two beads.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul stood up in the air and slammed the past toward the Chaos Beast.

"Kill!" Yanshan soul sighed.


All the monks in the sky and the earth burst into a shout, and a large array of circles circling, from the trapped to the killing, one chaotic beast was strangled, the holy monk after the addition of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, soaring, but not By half an hour, all the chaotic beasts in the sky and the ground were strangled.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul quietly stood in the air and felt that they did not sense that the chaotic beasts flew toward their bodies. It seems that they completely suppressed the two beads, and the two beads could not be merged. Underneath, it is not able to absorb the chaotic beasts and flesh and re-growth, which makes them both breathe a sigh of relief.

A strip of figure fell from the sky and landed on the ground, and they sat on the ground one by one and entered into the interest rate adjustment. This battle was too expensive for every monk.

The biggest loss is undoubtedly the ride of Wanli, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyun and Xu Qinyang. These four sacred monarchs have taken the power of the world, so that several of them are very weak at this time.

Xu Ziyan’s voice sighed against Wanli, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyun and Xu Qinyang: “Don’t resist.”

Xu Ziyun and Xiaolong naturally know that this is the time when Xu Ziyan wants to send them into the body space, so the face is not shocked, and even some joy, but Xu Qinyang and Wanli are somewhat confused, but they have no resistance. The consciousness of Xu Ziyan shrouded them, including the soul of Yanshan. When they thought about it, they entered the space of purple smoke.

"This is..." Thousands of miles and Xu Qinyang looked shocked at everything in front of them.

"This is my body space!"

Xu Ziyan condensed the voice, taking Wan Li and Xu Qin Yang, the whole person was sluggish, half a ring, two people spit out a long breath, and looked at Xu Zi flue with emotion:

"I didn't think that the eleven attributes of the in vivo space and the five attribute space have such a big difference."

"No wonder you can challenge more and more, and the more you have more than one level." Xu Qinyang also reacted.

Xu Ziyan laughed: "Is the five attribute space not much higher than the single attribute space?"

"Also!" Nodded by Wan Li and Xu Qinyang.


Xu Ziyan wrapped them in the time array above the Xianhe, putting everyone on a rock:

"Everyone is here to recover!"

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan set up a poly-element array with crystal veins around each person, and then sat in a poly-element array, took out the elixir and swallowed it into the interest rate adjustment.

By Wanli and others, I feel the pure power in the veins, and my heart is overjoyed. If they want to repair the power of the world, they will fully recover. The space will take at least several decades, maybe it will take a hundred years or even longer. But now there are Ju Yuan and Xian Dan, they can reduce this time ten times, and they are still in the time array. I am afraid that it will not be long before they will be able to recover. Maybe it can be improved.


Sha Xiaofan was sitting in a place where Xu Ziyan disappeared. She knew that Master brought those people into the space. Her loss is not big, but through this big squad, the realm of the early people is completely stable. She sat there while recovering while waiting for Master.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul quickly recovered their cultivation. At this time, both of them wanted to check the beads in their body space, so Xu Ziyan thought about it and sent the Yanshan soul out. Sha Xiaofan felt the fluctuation of the space next to him, and opened his eyes to see it, but it was the soul of Yanshan.

"Uncle Yan!"

Yanshan soul knows that Sha Xiaofan is a proud disciple of Xu Ziyan. He smiles and touches her hair, and then the figure disappears. He enters his body space, transforms the inner space of the body, and begins to analyze the bead.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan came out from the time array method, incarnate the purple smoke space heaven, and locked the bead. The bead gradually became clear under the peep of Xu Ziyan’s incarnation.

Time goes by day...

By Wanli, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyun and Xu Qinyang have completely repaired the internal space, and the repair has also returned to the peak. Xu Ziyan has always been divided into a spirit of attention to them, and when the mind is moving, the four people are transferred out.

By Wanli, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyun and Xu Qinyang appeared in the side of Sha Xiaofan. At this time, Sha Xiaofan has not fully recovered, not to mention other monks. The monarchs and other holy monks still need a long time. time.

"Take grandpa, Uncle Xiaolong, Uncle Yang, Uncle Ziyun."

"The little mortal is respected!" Looking at Sha Xiaofan in a loving manner.

"Yeah!" Sha Xiaofan proudly raised his face.


Take thousands of miles, Xiaolong, Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyun look at Sha Xiaofan's look is a glimpse, they all know Sha Xiaofan very well, although Sha Xiaofan was born cute, the baby fat face should have been a sweet look. But because she always has a thick murderous body, it makes her feel very cold.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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