The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3061: Demon Lord's proposal

I am very grateful to the long-term Yifeng Yiren classmates (1888), pickled cabbage egg buns (788), sweet de heart classmates (588), book friends 150804225616594 classmates (588), exquisite students (588), Jie Jie classmates (200) A skyless classmate (200), a basketball player who is not a blue-collar (100), a long-winded Yi-Yi classmate (100), and a classmate (100), who remembers TEL classmates and Bai Zibing's classmates!


However, the atmosphere of Sha Xiaofan is different now. There was no murderousness on her body, and the whole person looked sweet, like a little girl next door.

"Your murderous..." asked in amazement. He also thought about various ways to help Sha Xiaofan, but he did not succeed. Now he saw Sha Xiaofan solve the murder problem and could not help but be shocked. Who helped Sha Xiaofan wash away the murderous?

“Master helped me find Bing Xin Qing Dai!”


Taking a look at Wanli and others, Bing Xin Qing Dai is already a legendary thing, and I did not expect it to be found by Xu Ziyan. However, they then showed a happy color on their faces, and Sha Xiaofan finally solved the problem of murder.

In a thousand miles, I touched the show of Sha Xiaofan: "Come and restore it!"

"Yeah!" Sha Xiaofan nodded and entered the cultivation again.

Four people in the middle of the mile also sat around the sand in the Xiaofan, guarding the law for the monks. Today's Shangyuan continent is not quite flat, although after this war. The hidden chaotic beast has been basically cleared, but there is also the existence of extraterrestrial demon.

Although there were tens of thousands of extraterrestrial demons in the sky above Black Rock Island, there are definitely hidden alien demons. If this time, the demon outside the field will attack. The three tribes have a rush to face the battle and will lose a lot. Therefore, four sacred monks, such as Wanli, spread the knowledge and warned the changes around them.

From the Wanli and other people into the purple smoke space, to them. The time of the outside world has not passed for a quarter of an hour. At this time, the four gods that belong to the holy level spread out, and they did not hide their breath, but it was a shock to the extraterrestrial demon.

So, are there extraterritorial demon around them?


Such a large-scale battle, so will not attract the extraterrestrial demon?

It was only the high-end monks of the extraterrestrial demon that fell in the battle of Black Rock Island, and the five devils in the depths of the trenches also fell, except for a chaotic king who had not yet awakened. The strength is already weak enough to compete with the three races.

Therefore, the spies of these extraterrestrial demons are far from the tribes. After seeing the tribes begin to adjust their interest rates, they will send the news quickly, but when the heavenly demon is still hesitating, take thousands of miles. Four people have recovered their cultivation and exude a strong atmosphere.

This made those extraterrestrial demons suddenly retreat, and they originally thought that the tribes were seriously depleted. This is an opportunity for them.


How long has this been?

Have four holy monks rehabilitated? In this way, the tribes of the three tribes are not necessarily worn out. Nowadays, a large number of tribal monks are gathered here, if these monks, especially those who are holy masters, recover...

You don't have to recover completely, as long as you recover half of it, it is not the survival of the extraterrestrial demon who can survive.

Therefore, these extraterrestrial demons suppressed their temptations and only explored them from afar. But as time went by, more and more monks began to recover. Of course, these monks are monks of the Holy Class. These monks were originally consumed without the number of monks and monks, and all the monks recovered in a single day.

In this way, the extraterrestrial demon will not dare to move, one by one to go to the distance. They know that they will not leave, waiting for the tribes to come. They don't have to leave.

After a full month, all the monks returned their cultivation to the peak state. At this time, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul also came out of the space.

The monks of the Upper Yuan dynasty began to disperse, and the monks who lost the mainland also returned to their own ethnic lands, but all the holy monks came to the lost fairy palace.

Everyone took out the chair from the storage ring and sat down. The five patriarchs told the original about the passage of the billions of years. The monks and other monks also sat on the side and listened with interest. After all, this is what they don’t know. Hard.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are sitting on the side of the gods and communicating their two deductions to the bead.

When they communicated for a while, they thought about each other, then exchanged, and then thought...

"Xu Daoyou!"

At this time, Shui Jingbo said to Xu Ziyan, at this time they have learned the cultivation and identity of Xu Ziyan from the original mouth. It can be said that Taixu is the largest sect of Xianxian, and Xu Ziyan is the strongest. The monk, although Xu Ziyan never emphasized that she is a leader of the three tribes, but the tribe has already recognized her from the heart. Nowadays, this fairyland suddenly has more than five of their races. They also want to be integrated into the fairy world, otherwise they will be annexed by the original tribes of the fairy world.

“Thank you for your help.”

Xu Ziyan will wave his hand: "This is not my own merit, let alone you are the old knowledge." Xu Ziyan sank:

"Is it what you have and plans for?"

The water static wave carefully looked at Xu Ziyan: "Now the lost continent has merged with the fairy world, we want to continue to practice here."

Xu Ziyan understood the thoughts of the five races. They did not want to give up their territory and wanted to use the lost continent as their territory. However, I was afraid that Xu Ziyan and other monks disagreed. After all, there was more than one continent, and there was an extra resource. Although the five clan chiefs were holy masters, the demon can suppress them. Not to mention the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan has no guilty conscience on this continent. Even if there is any resources on this continent, Taixu can exchange with them. There is no need to fly to occupy the territory of others. So, she nodded:

"We are too imaginary to agree!"

The hearts of the five patriarchs are a joy. The loss of the mainland is followed by the southern continent, which means that they are most affected by the emptiness of Xu Ziyan. Today, too imaginary does not care about them, which makes them feel a lot easier.

They looked at the lord, the demon and the demon, although the forces of these three parties were far away from them. But it can't be done. Xu Ziyan only agreed that they occupied the lost continent, but did not have the obligation to protect them. Therefore, if the lord, the demon and the demon have any thoughts on losing the mainland, it is also a disaster for them.

But they still don't understand the situation at this time. On the eve of the catastrophe, the lord, the demon and the demon can't be next to each other. Therefore, the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord also nodded in agreement.

The strength of the lost continent is not weak, and there are more than a dozen holy monks. Although the lords, the devils, and the demon masters suppress the five patriarchs in high-end strength, they really have to fight. It’s not that they can be separated in an instant, so the gods will naturally not do much.

At this time, in the heart of the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord, there is already a respect for Xu Ziyan. On the one hand, because of the strength of Xu Ziyan, it is now the Xu Ziyan in the middle of the holy nine-tier, let them completely lose the heart of confrontation. . When the purple smoke was still on the sixth floor of the Holy Class, they were able to suppress them in the case of the three of them. Now that her cultivation has surpassed them, how can they have a little confidence in front of Xu Ziyan?

What's more, too imaginary and Yanshan soul. original. Take Wanli, Xiaolong, Xu Ziyun and Xu Qinyang?

On the other hand, it is because of their understanding of Xu Ziyan's personality. They know that Xu Ziyan is not a hegemon at all, compared with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is like a real immortal, sentimental landscapes, easy to freehand, repairing is the way of nature.

At this time, they all had a glimpse of insight. Is it because of the natural state of mind of Xu Ziyan that Xu Xiyan’s cultivation is so fast?

It is precisely because these two aspects let the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord not compete for the loss of the heart of the mainland. So the atmosphere of the two sides is very harmonious, Xu Ziyan also told the people of the five ethnic groups about the coming of the catastrophe, I hope they can resist the catastrophe together, the clan chief looks awkward, but still nodded happily, after half an hour, Xu Ziyan, etc. The monks will leave.

The monks and other monks did not return to their own territory, but came together to the Taixu.

Sitting on the hall of Taixufeng, the lord did not hesitate to say: "Xu Daoyou, I am afraid that the lost five people in the mainland will be extra-budgeted."

Xu Ziyan is silent. In fact, she also sees the expression of the lost five ethnic groups in the mainland. Moreover, the monks who are like them are very sensitive to the air machine, and the changes of the five continents and the air machine are lost. How can Xu Ziyan feel that it is not? To?

At the beginning of the loss of the Immortal Palace, the five clan chiefs can be very cautious, even alert and vigilant to Xu Ziyan and other monks, revealing a trace of fear in the breath.

This is not surprising. When they saw the strength of these holy monks in the Upper Yuan dynasty, as the forces that have left the celestial world for hundreds of millions of years, it is normal to have jealousy and space in their hearts, not to mention their strength is really inferior to Xu Ziyan and others. .

However, when Xu Ziyan and others showed that they would not lose the mainland, their expressions changed again. After the relaxation, there was a sigh of pride. When Xu Ziyan told them about the situation in Xianjie, their look was even more ups and downs. Xu Ziyan and other monks understand that this is an idea in their hearts.

However, how can Xu Ziyan be?

Even without catastrophe, Xu Ziyan is not an aggressive person, but the loss of the mainland's five ethnic clan chiefs has left her with a slight disappointment. At this time, when I heard what the Emperor said, there was only one smile:

"The lord, don't think so much, as long as the five races can resist the catastrophe."

"Xu Daoyou, I think some things are still on the surface, it is better to form a rule." The demon condensed and said:

"We need to form an alliance. When the catastrophe comes, the celestial world can't disperse sand and need to be unified. So we need a ally to do this. Of course, this alliance only works when the catastrophe comes, there is no unified command, and there is no catastrophe. The original Baizu era could not resist, let alone us today?"


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*(To be continued~^~)

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