The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3062: Five ethnic groups

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"What does the demon mean?"

"Xu Daoyou came to be the ally, we can trust you." The demon Lord said simply.

Xu Ziyan was silent, and the Lord condensed his voice: "Xu Daoyou, this is not an honor, but a responsibility."

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and no longer shouted: "Well, I should be down."

The eyes of the monks looked at the original, and the original thought a little bit: "You set a time, I will inform the lost continent."

"This thing can't be attended by our holy masters. This is also an opportunity to unite and inspire the three tribes, so we should lead some elite disciples to participate, time can not be too hasty."

The demon Lord also nodded: "And it is best to choose a place not far from the parties."

The monks nodded and looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan thought a little bit:

"Then it will be in the red clay plain six months later."

The red clay plain is located in the center of the Shangyuan continent. The monks are very satisfied with this place, and half a year is enough for them to go back and prepare. It is that Cangwu and Zuoyan have time to come back and lead a group of monks. So nodded.

"The original predecessor, you lost the mainland, but you have noticed." Xu Ziyan looked at the original.

"it is good!"

The original pains nodded, in his opinion, this is not a problem. Regardless of the thoughts of the five clan chiefs, they also saw the strength of the monks on the mainland, and they would not be too imaginative, let alone themselves. The idea is to be an idea, as long as it is not out of action, it will also maintain some of them. After all, they are the seeds of the Hundred Ages.

It’s just that the original heart is secretly giving headaches, and the monks of the Baizu era are proud. If it wasn’t for the original knowledge that Xu Ziyan was the eleventh attribute, he would not be too proud of Xu Ziyan’s head, and he came to the Yuan Dynasty for a short time. He knew very well that the five tribes said that compared with the entire Shangyuan continent. It is comparable to Taizong. Don't look at them. There are five sacred eight-story late peaks, and there are nine great monks from the second level to the 60%, but in the face of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, nothing is.

Xu Ziyan is afraid that he will be able to defeat the five ethnic leaders. Even kill them. As for the remaining nine holy levels will be the opponents of Yanshan Spirit?

“Hey!” The original sighed softly: “I have to find a proper opportunity to persuade the five races!”

Lost the continent.

Lost the fairy palace.

The five clan chiefs did not leave after the monks such as Xu Ziyan left. It was only inside the hall that it was very silent, and there was a kind of incitement floating in the silence.

In the age of the Bai people, it was a time of pride.

At the beginning, they were shocked by the strength of Xu Ziyan and other monks. At that time, they thought about how they could win the approval of Xu Ziyan and other monks, and would not conflict with Xu Ziyan and other monks. Keep the five monks who lost the mainland,

However, when Xu Ziyan and others very much agreed to their request, their ideas began to change. The pride that belongs to the age of the hundred is back. Especially after they learned about the coming of the Holocaust from Xu Ziyan, they understood why Xu Ziyan and other monks would be so happy to agree to their demands. This made them feel a lot more at heart.

"You friends." Venus broke the silence: "We are not unfortunate? Just came out and ushered in the catastrophe?"

"Hehehe..." The four clan chiefs laughed. It’s just that the laughter is bitter.

"Now the seal has been opened, even if we want to re-seal, we do not have that strength." Wood with the wind:

"So, in the face of this catastrophe, we can only fight a battle."

"It’s no problem to fight for a battle!" Zhu Ronglie frowned slightly: "When are we afraid of the Baizu? But our Baizu also has the pride of the Baizu. We can't be a cannon for others."

“Speaking well!” Shi said with a focus: “If we don’t take action, it’s likely to be used as cannon fodder.”

"Water Fairy, among the five of us, only the Terran went out to inquire and will not be discovered. We also asked the Water Fairies to send monks to the Upper Yuan to inquire."

"it is good!"

The water static wave spread the gods and told the monks a few monks. Then he took back the gods and lowered his eyes. The remaining four patriarchs also hanged their eyes and waited silently. There was a stir in the air. At this time, there is also a slight uneasiness in their hearts, because any decision they make will affect the future of their people.

Lost in the palace of the fairy, it was quiet again, and the five patriarchs squinted slightly, like five statues, motionless. There was only a hint of turmoil floating in the air, indicating that the hearts of the five patriarchs were not calm.

The heart of the water is very contradictory. It is reasonable to say that as a human race, after the original appearance, she should follow the original departure. However, she did not ask her for this request, which made her a bit stunned. And as a family leader, she does not want to lead the entire tribe to join a sect.

Where does she know Xu Ziyan and the original idea?

The idea of ​​Xu Ziyan is actually very simple. It is impossible for her to collect the entire group of people from the water. Too imaginary is not something anyone can join. Every monk who enters the Taixu class must be assessed. Of course, if the people of Shuijingbo are willing to conduct an assessment to join Taixu, Xu Ziyan will not refuse. Moreover, the monks who want to join the Taixu sect also have the requirements of age and qualifications. Xu Ziyan cannot make the whole group of water static waves join, forming an alternative force in Taixu.

The reason why I accepted the original join in the first place was because there was only one person. And from a certain point of view, the original for Xu Ziyan also has the preaching grace.

But what do they count as water static waves?

The original idea was a bit complicated. The reason why he did not let the water static wave follow him, but wanted the water and static waves to take root and lose the mainland, forming a new territory of the human race. Losing the mainland is also rich in resources and interests. If the water is taken away, it will undoubtedly give up the resources and interests of the lost continent. He does not want to give the lost continents to the four races completely. The original idea is very direct. The thing is the human race.

Time passed by in the midst of this swaying. After three days, the sound of the smashing of the air was heard outside the gate of the Imperial Palace. The five patriarchs within the main hall suddenly opened their eyes. In an instant, the entire hall was brightened.

"come in!"

Shui Jingbo said faintly, the first time the mainland came in, the monks outside the five patriarchs came in. The three priests came in, first to the water and the respectful gift, and then to the other four patriarchs, and then they inquired about them. The news told the five patriarchs in detail.

When they talked separately, the water and waves waved their hands and let them go out, and the gates of the lost palace were closed again. The atmosphere inside the main hall was warmed up.

"I didn't think that the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Taixu Zong had a hatred!"

“I didn’t think that Cangwu and Zuoyan were descendants of the Baizu era.”

"Don't forget the original predecessors!"


Venus slammed his fingers and tapped the table twice: "The situation is also known to everyone. Now we need to discuss how to get the status we should have and the benefits we should get. Our monks in the age of the hundred should not, It is also impossible to be a driven person."

"But..." The water static wave wrinkled slightly and said: "The strength of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul is very strong."

"I know they are very strong!" Venus nodded. "But don't forget what the situation is now? Now that the catastrophe is coming, they need us. This gives us the opportunity to fight. Not to mention our demands." More, just get back what should belong to us."

"What do you want to do?"

The eyes of the four patriarchs gathered on the face of Venus, and Venus indulged for a while:

"The situation today is too imaginary to be the strongest force in the fairy world. To be honest, even if our five people join hands, it is not a virtual opponent. The strength of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul has been seen, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan alone It is possible to defeat our five joint players. As for the other nine holy monks of our five races, it is not enough for Yanshan. So we must look for allies."

Venus looks around the monks and says: "But it is precisely because of the power of the Taixu sect, it also exerts great pressure on other forces. I think they need more allies. Otherwise, the lords will not rush and the sky. They are allied."

If the four patriarchs are thoughtful, Venus will look at Shi Shidao: "The stone chief, trouble you to go to the Emperor's Palace and the lord to discuss the alliance. We don't ask much, as long as the catastrophe comes, everyone will share Advance and retreat can be done. The main purpose is to have something to discuss, and can not let Xu Ziyan say it."

Shi Zhong nodded quickly and he felt that there was no difficulty in this trip. Presumably, the lord is not willing to listen to what Xu Ziyan said and what he wants. He also wants to fight for the right to speak. He releases goodwill at this time, and the lord cannot refuse.

"Zhu Rong patriarch, trouble you to go to the Mozu and the Lord to discuss the alliance, the conditions are the same."

"No problem!" Zhu Ronglie nodded, he really felt no problem. The lord still has an alliance of the sky, and the lord has no ally, and the repair of the lord is not as good as the lord. How can he refuse to face the goodwill that he released?

"The wooden patriarch, trouble you to talk to the demon Lord about the alliance."

"Good!" Wood also nodded with the wind, she felt that this trip will not be difficult.

"I will go to the sky and talk to them. I will form an alliance with Cangwu and Zuoyan." Venus said confidently: "The aquarium is in trouble, and you have to talk to the original seniors and get the support of the former seniors."


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*(To be continued~^~)

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