The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3063: Practice

Congratulations to Faywen for being the best!


"Good!" Although the water static wave did not have much confidence in the heart, but still nodded.

Venus’s face showed a confident smile: “Once we have a successful alliance with the parties, we can unite the parties and form a big alliance. So even if Xu Ziyan and Yanshan’s soul are repaired, they dare not join us. Such a big alliance breaks. And we do it, it seems to be fighting for the right to speak, in fact we are fighting for time."

“Getting time?” The eyes of the four patriarchs are a bit dazed.

"Not bad!" Venus starred at the beginning: "We are from the age of the Bai people, and unlike the monks of this era, we can not guarantee that the monks of this era have no guilty to us. But our strength is not as good as each other, so We need time.

As long as we are successful in alliances, whether or not we have the right to speak in the future is a matter of the future. At the very least, in the short term, because of the relationship of allies, they will not come to seize their interests. And the five peaks of our five in the late eighth tier have been deposited for too long. The reason why we did not break through to the holy nine floors is because the original seal made the heavens incomplete. Now the seal has been solved, and our precipitation cannot be used. How long will it break through to the Holy 9th floor. At that time, we will not have to fear the power of any party, even if it is too imaginary, we will dare to touch each of the five holy and nine levels. ”

"Well said!"

The eyes of the monks in the hall are all lit up. If they all break through the nine levels of the holy level, what else is terrible?

"We will act now!"

"it is good!"

The five figures in the hall disappeared instantly, and the gates of the lost palace were closed.

Xu Ziyan put everything down at this time. Entered into the time array. From step by step to the present, she knows better than anyone else. In front of the catastrophe, everything is illusory, only strength is true. So not only her, Yanshan soul and all the Taixu monks have entered the cultivation.

Some accumulated strength in the cave house. Some under the Jiuzhong Cliff to understand the inheritance of Xu Ziyan, and some under the holy cliff to understand the legacy of the original. Some in the fusion of the beast space to kill the fusion beast to absorb the fusion gas, and some in the extraterritorial space of the demon to kill the extraterrestrial demon to enhance their own power of the gods, and some hundreds of people in the trial field to enhance their skills for the use of heaven. Some are seeking breakthroughs.

Many monks are at the critical point of breakthrough, but once two monks break through the meaning of Taixu, it is that the soil and the sword are not empty. These two people have accumulated enough, and the five attributes have been completed. After the understanding of the cliff under the holy word, it has begun to break through the holy level within the cave.

In fact, like the two monks who are preparing to break through the holy level, there is also the lord. Both the demon and the demon have a heritage that breaks through the holy level. Although not as good as the original inheritance, it is also a path to break through the holy level. They have taught this inheritance to the monks they think have breakthrough hopes. Among the monks, there are monks who are seeking breakthroughs in their respective caves.

Yanshan soul has refining the battle, at this time he is in the body space of his own body to study the chaotic beads, he has a feeling. This chaotic bead will help him a lot.

Xu Ziyan is in the time array method. What she wants to improve this time is the strength of the body. She got the quenched fairy from the Giants. What she has to do this time is to completely stabilize her body strength at the peak of the 9th level of the Holy Class, and try to see if it can continue to improve.

And to improve the strength of the body does not need to comprehend the heavens, so she entered the time matrix. The quenched material she needs is already ready, and it is impossible for Xu Ziyan's body to lack materials. The material is divided into two parts, one is refined into a quenching liquid, and one is refined into a quenched body. Then it began to swallow the quenched body Dan and went into the quenching liquid to cultivate.

The pain of the hardened body is nothing for Xu Ziyan. She has experienced all kinds of extreme pain for three hundred years. Is there anything comparable to the pain that was almost degraded by the dragon girl? Is there anything comparable to the pain of being shot by the devil?

However, this quenching is indeed a slow effort. So the pain lasts for a long time. When the time of the outside world passed an hour, Xu Ziyan finally climbed out of the bathtub in a pale face, and her face was happy and regretful.

Her body strength has finally been completely stabilized in the late nine-level peak. But on this basis, there is no more precision. It seems that even the body of the Giants will reach this level at most.

Xu Ziyan came out of the body space and stood on the Taixu Peak to look up at the void. There was a trace of disappointment on his face. Now she has reached her realm, especially her power of the gods has reached the peak of the nine-level stage of the holy level, and she has a deep understanding of Xiuxian.

The Holy Order does not have an eternal life, but lives with the heavens and the earth. And Xu Ziyan knows that heaven and earth also have a long life, that is to say, when this universe is dead, her life will come to an end.

Is there no way to break through this embarrassment?


Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and the voice circled on the Taixu Peak. In this way, Xu Ziyan will not break through the realm in the time array. She hopes to further understand Tiandao when she breaks through the realm. But this will slow down the pace of improvement.

At this time, Xu Ziyan's strength of the body and the power of the gods reached the peak of the 9th level of the holy level. If she entered the time array to accumulate strength, she would soon break through to the peak of the 9th level. But if you do that, you will lose the opportunity to comprehend the heavens in the breakthrough.

Of course, Xu Ziyan will not be so short-sighted, so the breakthrough is slower, and I must also understand some heavens. Xu Ziyan fell into meditation. Now she has two breakthroughs. One is the promotion of Dantian, which is the promotion of the holy level. The other is the promotion of each cell of the body, that is, the promotion of the purple level. Now she needs to make a choice, which one to upgrade first.

From the point of view of the speed of promotion, it is still a purple level of cultivation for Xu Ziyan. The relationship between the cultivation of the purple level and the physical strength is more closely related. That is to say, if the physical strength reaches a certain level and the state of mind is no problem, the purple level will increase quickly. In fact, after the strength of the body is increased, the force is injected into one cell of the body. This is essentially different from the holy level. Although the holy level is also related to the strength of the body, the real decision to repair is Dantian, which requires the accumulation of strength to a critical extent, and then the need to break the barrier and expand Dantian. And there is only one Dantian. After all the body's thousands of cells absorb the power of the heavens and the earth, they have to go through the 108-day meridian and run it all day long. It will take a long time.

The purple level is different. In the process of cultivation, thousands of cells absorb the power of heaven and earth at the same time. As long as the strength of the heavens and the earth is strong enough, it will be upgraded quickly, provided that your body strength reaches that level. Every step of the strength of the body increases, and the cells produce weak variability. When they reach the holy level, they will have a qualitative change. That is to say, the breakthrough of the purple level is the process of cell variability.

The variational body strength of this kind of cell has a very close relationship. When the body intensity of Xu Ziyan reaches the peak of the late nine-layer stage, her body cells have completed this peak variation, but the energy of these cell mutations is still at Sleeping, and what Xu Ziyan needs to do is to absorb the energy of the cells and activate the energy of these cells to become a normal energy of the monk.

If you do not practice the purple-level exercises, the variability of these cells will remain silent, and the absorbed heaven and earth will move through the 108-day meridian and enter the Dantian. The monk’s body will still have this. Kind of power. However, if the purple-level exercises are cultivated, these forces that absorb the near-in-the-world will activate the silent variable power in the cells, and they will form a path of energy operation in the cells without entering Dantian.

Therefore, there are two kinds of power in Xu Ziyan today, and there are two ways.

One kind of power is the pure power of heaven and earth. After 108 rounds of meridians, it is infused into Dantian. One is the mutated energy and has its own way of operation.

This is like a sudden change of a star in Xutian's Dantian, with its own trajectory, and the variability of energy is like a planet, with its own trajectory, and its trajectory subject to Xu Ziyan Dantian, just like rotation. And the general turn.

If Xu Ziyan only cultivates Qiankun, he will not have another energy. If you only cultivate the uncharacteristic fairy, you will not have the central energy of Dantian. Now Xu Ziyan has felt that these two kinds of energy exist in the body at the same time, and it seems that some kind of change is taking place. It’s just that the trend of this change is still unclear.

However, there is no doubt that Xu Ziyan believes that Dantian's cultivation method is a orthodox method, and that the purple level cultivation method is an auxiliary cultivation method, which is why the purple level cultivation method is improved faster than the holy level cultivation method. But the combat power is not as good as the holy level.

Xu Ziyan thought a little, and cultivated with his own body strength, he should be able to cultivate to the peak of the purple nine-layer stage within a few months. Moreover, Xu Ziyan is not willing to give up the opportunity to comprehend the heavens. The cultivation of the purple level is of course the best in the starry mainland.

Want to understand everything, Xu Ziyan left the Taixu, one step, and disappeared into the space, the next moment, before the barrier appeared. Taking another step, you will enter the starry continent. However, she did not leave the ice field this time, but found a place in the ice field to sit on the ground and began a breakthrough.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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