The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3064: Purple-grade nine-layer late peak

Lost the fairy palace.

The five patriarchs came back one after another. The lord, the devil, the demon, the clan and the left rock all agreed to form an alliance. How could they refuse this like a good deed?

Therefore, the entire lost fairy palace is full of joy, only the water static wave slightly frowned, because only she did not complete the task, the original told her directly, now he is not the king of the human race, but an elder of the Taixu. And reminded her not to be against Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan is not her ability to compete, her heart is not convinced, but also asked the principle, but the original is just shaking his head, and did not explain.

How could I tell him that Xu Ziyan is not just as simple as the eleven attributes? The most important thing is that Xu Ziyan's body space is a universe? Such a person, you have to be against her, isn't that looking for death? Not to mention the age of the Baizu, even in the legend before the Hundred Ages, did you have a monk who cultivated a universe?

The water static wave does not know, so it is unhappy. And Venus and others heard that they did not participate in their affairs, and regarded themselves as a too elder elder. When they were depressed and unhappy, they secretly despised the original.

You said that you are a king of the Bai ethnic era. After experiencing the catastrophe, how did you become so timid? Has it fallen to an elder who is willing to serve as a sect?

You are the king! Do you still have some pride?

In any case, the hearts of the five patriarchs are generally happy. Think about it too, they have already formed alliances with the Palace of the Immortals, the House of the Lord, the House of the Demon, the Cangwu and the Left Rock. So there are 19 holy monks on his own side, and Xu Ziyan has only eight holy monks on the other side. Although Xu Ziyan is a sacred nine-story mid-term monk, and too imaginary, there are two original monks of the original and Quebec. In particular, although the Yanshan soul is the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Grade, it has the strength not weaker than Xu Ziyan. However, he is not weak on this side. The lord and the demon Lord are also the early monks of the Holy 9th floor. The Lord of the Devil and himself are the peaks of the eight levels of the Holy Level. Although it is too sham, it can also play a certain balance.

After half a year, it is the alliance meeting. At that time, I want to show my strength. Compete for your own right to speak.

Ok! If you can break through to the Holy 9th floor in the past six months, it will be even more perfect.

The five patriarchs immediately handed over the masters of the family to the men, and the five patriarchs decided to retreat. And their heritage is strong, with 80% of the grasp before the alliance meeting to break into the holy nine.

Too imaginary, the main palace, the main palace of the demon, the main palace of the demon, lost the mainland. To fill the Tianshi continent, these six forces are in the midst of heat. They are all preparing for the alliance meeting after half a year.

In fact, not only the forces of these parties, but also the forces under the jurisdiction of these parties are also in a state of excitement.

A major alliance meeting will not be a meeting for everyone. It will take half an hour to talk about it, and then every time you go back to each family, you must make it grand. The lack of grandeur is not enough to show the importance of this alliance. This is to resist the alliance of the catastrophe. Therefore, the six forces have already sent their monks to the red clay plains to build high-rises and their respective camps, and the leading monks sent out have played a pivotal role in the various forces, just as the deputy sects of the Taixu sects Sha Qianli.

At this time, Shaqianli has been the cultivation of Tianzun's late peaks, and to be honest, the various issues within the Taixu Zongzong have been arranged in a coordinated manner over the years. The successive lords only made decisions on major issues. The rest of the time is simply retreating. This is also true of Xu Xingfan, the new lord who is now too imaginary. After handing over everything to Sha Qianli, he retired and went to practice.

The main event of the Emperor's Palace is the Shaogong Lord. The Emperor has also collected a number of disciples in the past years. These disciples are also from the nine sects of the East and the Shangmeng League in the north. The fairy world is so big. It is also a big disciple. It is not difficult to pick out a few disciples with good qualifications and savvy. The first thing that the lord returned to the Palace of the Immortals was to select ten disciples, and the Heaven is one of the ten disciples. The four attributes are rooted and the savvy is good. Under the full training of the lord, it is very Quickly stand out and become the strongest of the ten disciples. Now it is the beginning of the peak of human respect. Was sealed by the emperor as the Lord of the Palace. He is from the Star Fields and used to be a close disciple of Shang Dao.

The things that the Lord is doing in time, the Lord of the Lord, and the Lord of the Demon are also doing the same, so they are also sent to the Lord of the Devil and the Lord of the Demon. Moreover, the cultivation of these two monks is even higher than the heavens. The physique of the demon and the demon Lord originally exceeded the human race, and the cultivation of the two monks reached the middle of the human respect.

The little demon is called the magic sky, and the demon Lord is called the demon heaven. It is called the three days of the Yuan. However, Xu Xiaofan, a disciple of Xu Ziyan, has been fighting with murderousness. Over the years, he has faded out of the eyes of the monks of all parties and has become anonymous. As for Xu Ziyan’s nephew Xu Xingfan...

Give me a break!

Nowadays, no one has regarded Xu Xing as a younger generation. He said that he is the lord of Taixu, can you regard him as a younger generation? And Xu Xingfan now has a glimpse of the power of the Holy Level, and the three lessers and Xu Xingfan are compared?

No one is doing such a stupid thing!

Cangwu sent his big disciple, but his disciples were much longer than the time of the cultivation of the lords. When they first supplemented the Tianshi continent, they began to cultivate, and the age was also larger than that of Shangyuan Santian and Sha Xiaofan. Too much, the natural cultivation is also too strong, and has the cultivation of the peak of the late Tianzun. The five patriarchs who lost the mainland also sent their own five big disciples. Of course, these five big disciples are also a lot of older disciples, and they are all older, and they are the peaks of the late Tianzun.

These six forces represent the overall itemization of the Alliance Conference. The representatives of the six parties also know that this matter is very important. Although they are all proud people, they have no arrogance. Everything is discussed. If the opinions are not uniform, they will vote by hand. The minority will obey the majority. However, Sha Qianli has been a master of Zongmen for many years. No matter the experience and means, he is much better than others. In a few months, he is mainly based on him.

The east, west, and south of the Yuan Dynasty, lost the mainland and the Tianshi Stone continent are also very lively at this time.

This kind of conference is naturally a rare opportunity for experience, and there will definitely be projects that the six parties will discuss.

Xiu Xian!

This is a must for every conference!

And this project must be carried out at all levels. After deliberation, Taixu Zong decided to select one thousand disciples from each stage of the refining period to the Mahayana period. Taixu left five hundred places, and the remaining five hundred places gave the forces of the southern parties. This is the grand ceremony of the whole fairyland, so the Taixu sect also has to take care of the faces of the forces of the southern parties.

From the immortal period to the Xianjun period, each of them selected 500 people, and the Taixu sects 250 people, leaving the influence of the southern parties to 250. From Xianwang to Xiandi, each selected 200 monks, one hundred and one hundred, and one hundred in the south. One hundred people were chosen for the honor period, fifty were too imaginary, and fifty were from the south. The number of land honours was chosen to be forty, the number of tyrants was twenty, and the forces of the south were twenty. Twenty are selected in the Tianzun period, ten in the Taixu, and ten in the southern parties.

Taixu Zong did this, and the other five parties will naturally not go out, but also according to the method of Taixu. The Palace of the Immortals, the Palace of the Lord, the Palace of the Demon and the Tianshi of the Tianshi are exactly the same as those of the Taixu. Half of the monks are from their own strengths, and half of the quotas are given to subordinates. For example, the Emperor Palace will be half. The quota was given to the sects of the East and the North. Only if they lose the mainland, they do not have a unified selection, but they choose their respective ethnic groups, so their number is five times that of the other five parties. They are determined to show their strength at the Association.

On the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, the mainland was lost, and the mainland of Tianshi Stone was carrying out a fiery ratio. Every place was produced in a big ratio. The ratio of each level is extremely abnormal. The forces of all parties also gave a very high reward.

Five months passed quickly. These five months are brilliant five months. Not only are there countless heroes in the big ratios at all levels, but also breakthroughs in the older generations. Monk.

After the imperial master taught the sacred priests, the lord of the lord finally ushered in three monks who had entered the sacred sect, and the sects of the sects of the sects, the sacred gods of the sacred sects and the sacred sacred . The Mozu also appeared two new sacred monks, and the Yaozu also appeared two sacred monks. At the same time, the soil and the sword of the imaginary sect also broke through to the first level.

However, the most shocking thing is that the five patriarchs who lost the mainland broke through the first nine levels of the holy level within five months. The Lord of the Lord has also made unremitting efforts to break through to the beginning of the Holy 9th. And the lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec silently broke through to the peak of the nine levels of the Holy Level. Cangwu, Zuoyan passed through the return to the fairyland these years and the Emperor said that after reaching the complete heavenly way of the Yuan Dynasty, there was also a breakthrough, like taking thousands of miles, Xiaolong, Xu Qinyang, Xu Ziyun with Xu Ziyan and the original Jiuzhong Cliff and Shengya Inheritance, and there are also hundreds of trials, but also have a breakthrough.

The original resilience is amazing. The cultivation has been restored to the mid-level and mid-level peak of the holy level. It has become the first master of the fairyland in terms of pure cultivation. Moreover, his skills in using Tiandao are indeed at the peak, even if Xu Ziyan, who was five months ago, was not sure that he would be able to defeat the original.

The soul of Yanshan is still the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Grade, but he has not been white for five months. It took two months to study the chaotic beads and spent three months practicing in the Baizu trial field. Let him be more transparent about power. Xu Ziyan also came back. From her appearance, she is still in the middle of the holy nine-story, without any breakthrough. No one knows that she is now the peak of the purple nine-layer.


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*(To be continued~^~)

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