The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3065: Union

I am very grateful to the crickets who are not blue (1888), exquisite students (588), light-sound GR students (120), and Zheng Huifen's rewards!


At this time, the various forces have selected the monks who participated in the alliance meeting. A canoe flies through the air, shuttles the white clouds, and flies toward the red clay plain.

A huge platform has been built on the red clay plain. There is a road sign on the platform. There are flying flags on the sides of the platform. They are written in Taixu, the Palace of the Immortals, and the Palace of the Lord. , Demon Palace, Bu Tian Palace, Jin Jin, Shi, Qing Mu, Zhu Rong, Tai Gu Gong.

After the sky and the left rock of the Tianshi dynasty unified the islands of the size, they no longer became the continent of the Tianshi, but established a new force and called the Taikoo Palace. The lost races of the mainland can't always be the title of the Terran. Isn't that the Taizong Palace, the Emperor's Palace is not the Terran? Even if the water static wave is mad, I dare not do it. Therefore, she changed the lost ethnic group of the mainland into the Taikoo Palace, which means that she is a Taikoo, **** and noble.

The lord came, and a mountain floating down the mountain peak broke through the clouds and stopped at the top of the banner of the Emperor's Palace. The clouds around the floating mountains lingered, and the body fell down the clouds and fell into the main palace. Under the flag, there are already a few cases on it, with fairy fruit and scent. On the floating mountain range, there are only four monks sitting, the gods, the dream machine, and the accompaniment.

A cloud fell over the banner of the Taixu, and then the cloud spread toward the four sides, forming a gimbal, and a dense figure appeared on the gimbal. It is Xu Ziyan and his party, they are riding the cloud baby. A strip of figure fell to the banner of the imaginary imaginary below, leaving only the purple smoke, the Yanshan soul on the cloud baby. Original, Kui Tian, ​​take thousands of miles, Xiaolong. Xu Ziyun, Xu Qinyang, Tu Yishui and Sword are worthy of ten holy monks.

Almost at the same time, the main house of the demon, the main palace of the demon, the temple of the heavens, the palace of the Taikoo, and the family of the golden family. The Shizu, Zhurong and Qingmu people also appeared in the sky above their respective flags. Sitting on the galaxy of the Mougat Palace, the demon Lord and two great monks who have just entered the holy place, the demon Lord’s gondoxy sits on the top of the demon and two newly-decorated monks who have just entered the holy house. However, there are only two holy monks in the Cangwu and Zuoyan, the Jinzu, the Shizu, the Zhurong and the Qingmu, each sitting on the top of the three holy monks. There are two holy monks sitting on the platform of the Taikoo Palace.

No one spoke above the ten-party Yuntai, but the representative of Xu Xingfan, the contemporary sect of Taixu. Xu Xingfan’s speech is also very simple. It only shows the importance of this alliance and limits the scope of this alliance. It only applies to the coming of the catastrophe. That is to say, this alliance began from the advent of the catastrophe to the end of the catastrophe. Outside the catastrophe, this alliance does not play any role. But there is no mention of who the alliance will be. Because everyone knows that there are more lost forces in the mainland, and there are more variables in the alliance. Everything has to wait for the decisions of the holy monks above the gimbal.

However, the ten-party ratio is immediately carried out. Every monk’s heart is very clear, and their disciples are more than the discretion of the big guys above. If you want to be a ally, you can't just look at the strength of the lord. Also depends on the comprehensive strength of his own forces.

and. The forces of the Ten Powers also bleed, and the rewards were awarded to the top ten at all levels. There are Danfu arrays, suitable for every level of monks, and the corresponding high-quality fairy. It can be said that this time the ratio is the highest level in the history of the entire fairyland, the most powerful. The most influential one time.

Every monk who participated in Dabie was very excited. Although they stood out among the various forces, they were only in their own three acres.

This time it is different. This time is a big ratio of the whole fairyland. It can enter the top ten in this big ratio, that is the real top ten. It is the top ten in the real fairy world. Real fame and fortune. In fact, as long as the top ten of these various levels are not degraded, the future will surely become a man of the fairy world. Maybe someone will enter the holy place, and they will have a seat on the high platform.

And as long as they achieve good results, even if they are not in the top ten, they will become the focus of the various forces. Therefore, every monk who has fallen in the voice of Xu Xingfan will cheer up.

In the first round, the monks in the refining period were all in the middle of the refining period. The rules of Dabi are very simple, catching and killing.

The huge platform seems to be a downfall, but the top is divided into countless small spaces. The ten forces have a total of 10,000 refining monks, divided into five thousand pairs at the same time, respectively, into five thousand small spaces, catching and killing. After a round of the past, 5,000 spaces will automatically become 2,500 spaces, and the remaining 5,000 monks will be divided into 2,500 pairs until the last ten monks remain, and then the cycle will kill and win. Negative points are ranked.

The fierce competition began below. The ten-party cloud platform in the air gathered toward the middle. These clouds are all fairy implements. They can be big or small. As they gather toward the middle, the ten-party cloud platform begins to shrink, and finally a small circle is formed. The ten-party holy monk sits in a ring.

Xu Ziyan leaned back on the chair, and did not intend to speak first. To be honest, she doesn't care about the position of this lord. In her view, this lord means more responsibility than honor. And even if she is not the lord, the power of the etheric imaginary, who dares to let the sinister monks go to the cannon fodder?

Just look at the number of monks in the Holy Order and you will know that the most famous monks in the nine powers are the Palace of the Immortals, but they are only four, and there is only one peak of the Holy Land and the first nine layers. The three are all on the first level. On the other hand, there are ten holy monks on the side, and they are enough to shock them with their own, Yanshan soul, Kuitian and the original four.

Of course, she also saw the loss of the mainland. Although they were divided into five forces, the relationship between these five forces was closely matched by other forces. It is said that it is five forces, but it is a force. At least for the time being, their cohesiveness is no problem. So they have five monks in the early nine-level and nine-level, and nine monks from the second to the sixth. However, Xu Ziyan really did not put them in the eye.

Xu Ziyan does not speak, Yanshan soul is even more lazy to speak. The two of them did not speak, and the original and Quebec naturally did not speak. And the lord, the devil and the demon master are not dealing with Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul once, and have a deep understanding of the two people, so they naturally will not easily open. The strength of the sky and the left rock will not even speak. Therefore, the atmosphere above the gimbal is suddenly cold.

Lost the five patriarchs of the mainland and looked at Xu Ziyan’s lazy look, and there was an anger in his heart.

What is this place?

This is the Fairyland Alliance Conference. Are you serious about your attitude? In their hearts, at this time they and Xu Ziyan are on the same level, everyone is holy nine layers, but we are the beginning of the holy nine layers, you are the holy nine-tier mid-term. Venus’s eyes swept over the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord, the Cangwu and the Zuoyan. When they saw these holy monks, the old gods were there, and they did not speak. They spoke to the mouth, but they saw the remaining four. The patriarch gently shook his head and closed his mouth.

At this time, he already understood that his own five families had just come out of the seal, and still should not be the first bird. There is always time to talk to yourself, and the first one is not necessarily the one who can make a decision.

There was a very strange atmosphere above the sky and the clouds, and everyone did not speak, as if they were traveling outside the sky.

The battles on the ring below are very fast. Every monk knows that the ratio is continuous, so every battle must end as soon as possible, so that you can save energy and you can end the battle faster. If you can, you can still recover a little more time. So there is no temptation between each pair of players, and it is a real attack. The winners and losers of each pair of players are decided in a short period of time.

Just one day, the ratio of the refining period is over. The huge platform suddenly burst into a brilliance, and ten names appeared in the Guanghua.

Refining list

First place: Taixu Zong, Liao Pinyue.

Second place: Taixu Zong, Fang Tai.



Tenth place: Taixu Zong, Feng Si Niang.

The top ten in the refining list are actually too imaginary disciples. The monks below are in vain, that is, one of the holy monks above the gimbal is also a slight eyelash.

Above the Yuntai, Xu Ziyan is still a lazy look, she is not surprised by this result. It is not surprising that some people in the same realm defeated the Taixu monks before the Baizu trials. But with the Baizu trials, everything is different. It is blunt to say that as long as there are no monks who are too arrogant, in the same realm, the Taixu monks should outweigh any other forces.

“Congratulations!” The lord stalked the Taixu monk above the cloud baby.

"Carrying!" Xu Ziyan is far away, but the look is still lazy.


The other monks are also far away, and the five clan chiefs also squeeze out their faces. However, the monks, including the lords, are not convinced. This is only a contest between the monks in the refining period. It is more important to understand the heavens. I don’t believe that it’s a hundred years of illusory, the foundation will be Stronger than us?

Below, the ratio between the monks in the base period has begun. The voices on the platform have started to speak, and the atmosphere is no longer cold and gradually active. However, the lord, the devil, the demon, the clan and the left rock still do not talk about the lord, because they have jointly elected Xu Ziyan as the lord before the five clans appeared. How can they now go back?


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*(To be continued~^~)

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