The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3066: dispute

At the very least, this is not the first thing that can be said from the mouth of his own. Since it is because of the emergence of the five ethnic groups, it should be proposed by the five ethnic groups.


At the beginning, they did not know the fact that the five patriarchs who recommended Xu Ziyan as the lord! The five clan chiefs have always wondered why the monks and other monks did not speak? It’s all about pulling it in the east, pulling it in the west, and finally pulling on the cultivation experience. Is this an alliance meeting or an exchange meeting?

To be said that as a holy master, there are some patience, so the five patriarchs also followed, pulling for a night, when the sun rises, they are not good for the whole person. Because the big base of the base period ended, the top ten were still swept by the Taixu.

This time, the five patriarchs such as Venus can't sit still. If the next few rounds are like this, the momentum of the tyrannical sect will rise. At that time, there is no need to elect the lord. Who else dares to raise an objection besides Xu Ziyan? Therefore, Venus is open. However, he did not say to Xu Ziyan, so he felt that he would show too much emphasis on Xu Ziyan, so he glanced over all the monks above the gimbal and condensed:

"Dear friends, the catastrophe is about to come. The purpose of our alliance is to formulate a charter against the catastrophe. I think it should be discussed."

The eyes of Xianzhu and others looked at Xu Ziyan, which made Jin Xing very uncomfortable. Only in this way, he also had to look at Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan suddenly became the center.

Xu Ziyan had no words, just nodded lightly. With her experience, it can be seen that the Venus five people want to fight for power, perhaps they just want to protect themselves, not to be used as cannon fodder. but. If they want to be a ally, it’s a bit naive. When you don't have to talk about purple smoke, it is impossible for the lords to make a monk who has just come out of the seal and is completely ignorant.

Seeing Xu Ziyan is still a lazy and indifferent attitude. Venus hates teeth in his heart. But since it is open, you have to continue:

"I don't think it's up to us to form a resolution meeting with these holy monks. When the catastrophe comes, all decisions are decided by our holy monks."

Xu Ziyan’s mouth showed a smile. In the heart, he is not stupid, not stupid enough to want to be a co-owner. Instead, launch such a resolution meeting. However, this must be a slap in the face. Everyone has the right to decide, and it has become that everyone has no rights, and ultimately it is a loose sand.

The lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord could not help but look at Xu Ziyan. They also felt that the idea of ​​Venus was not reliable. But it is good for them. After all, the right to speak is bigger. However, they found that the expression of Xu Ziyan had almost no change, but a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. That smile is not ridiculous, nor happy, very inexplicable...

Venus saw Xu Ziyan's demeanor, and his heart was very annoyed, but at this time there was no way to open it. This proposal was originally proposed by him, and at this time everyone's eyes were gathered on Xu Ziyan. So his face smiled:

“How does Xu Daoyou think?”

As soon as this sentence was exported, there was a slight tension on the top of the gimbal. Every monk was very clear in his heart. Xu Ziyan represented the powerful force of Taixu, and it was a force that could not be ignored. Xu Ziyan is a faint smile:

"The golden patriarch means that every holy monk has a vote? Including a monk who breaks through to the holy level in the future?"

Venus’s heart is a hop, and his eyes are swept away from the ten sacred monks of the Taixu dynasty. If you follow the rules of Xu Ziyan, then there are ten votes for Taixu. Although they have lost fourteen monks in the mainland, that is to say they have fourteen votes, this is not the same as Taixu.

Don't look at the loss of the mainland five people seems to be a piece of iron, but in fact it is not the same thing. Before the seal has been broken. Their five races also have struggles in losing the mainland. Sometimes the battle is still fierce. They are not a race after all. When the catastrophe comes, they encounter major problems related to their own interests. The first thing they think of is their own, and then they are allies. But too imaginary is different. Too imaginary is a whole, that is a real piece of iron. He was still thinking about it quickly, and the face of the lord, the demon, the demon, the sky and the left rock changed.

Things are obvious, they soon understand. In the current situation, four votes of the Emperor Palace, three votes of the Lord of the Lord, three votes of the demon Lord, and two votes for the Tiangong. However, there are ten votes for the Taixu and 14 votes for the lost mainland. What are they going to do after this? All decisions will be decided between the Taixu and the lost continents, because they have only 12 votes in addition to the four sides, but the Xianzhu Palace, the Mozhu Palace, the Emperor Palace and the Tiantian Palace will cooperate sincerely?

"I don't agree!" The lord spoke decisively.

"We don't agree!" The Lord, the demon Lord, the Cangwu and Zuoyan also opened.

Xu Ziyan’s look is still faint: “So, is there a vote for one party? I want to ask is, is the loss of the mainland as a vote?”

This time, Venus changed his look and immediately said: "Our five ethnic groups have returned to the fairy world, and our five ethnic groups were originally five races. How can it be counted as a force? Naturally, it must be counted as five forces, with five ticket."


Xu Ziyan faintly responded and stopped speaking. Yanshan soul slightly frowned, and there was a trace of impatience between the eyebrows. However, the calm will soon be restored, and the face will have an indifferent look. In his opinion, when everyone talks, they form an alliance. If you can’t talk about it, then each of them will be responsible. Does his evil master need to take care of others’ minds?

Yanshan soul does not matter, Xu Ziyan is a pair of old gods in the appearance. But the lord, the devil, the demon, the sky and the left rock are not calm.

So mean?

Have you lost five votes in the mainland? We have a total of five votes in the main palace, the main palace, the demon main palace, the Tiantian Palace, and the Taixu? Is this not a problem in the future, as long as you lose the mainland's disagreement, the proposal is rejected?

This loss of the mainland is really a lack of human heart and snakes! Why didn't you see it when you first formed an alliance with them? Is it because you broke through to the early nine levels of the holy level, I feel that I can be arrogant?

"No!" The lord decisively said: "In the future when the catastrophe comes, we need a voice, and we can only have one voice, so that we can really condense the power of the celestial world, such as the arm. If it appears every time. The problem, we all need to get together to discuss, I am afraid that there has not been a dispute, and the fairy world is extinct. We need a ally."

"I agree!" The Lord nodded immediately.

"I agree!" The demon Lord, Cangwu and Zuoyan also nodded.

"I agree!" Xu Ziyan also nodded lightly.

Later, the eyes of these monks gathered on the lost five patriarchs of the mainland. The look of the five patriarchs became ugly. But they know that they have to agree, otherwise there are only two results. A relatively good result is too imaginary, the Palace of the Immortals, the Palace of the Demon, the Palace of the Lord, the Alliance of the Heavenly Palace, and the exclusion of them, that is to say without They played. In this way, although the lost continent is guaranteed to be complete, there is not much resistance when the catastrophe comes. After all, they are only the corner of the fairy world, and the overall strength is not strong. It can be said that on the occasion of the catastrophe, I am afraid that the first to be destroyed is that they lost the mainland.

Another relatively bad result is that these sacred monks in the Upper Yuan dynasty teamed up to lose them to the fourteen sacred monks in the mainland, or to ban them, or to make them into shackles, and then to ban the five monks. Used as cannon fodder in the future.

Although they have fourteen holy monks, they are certainly not the enemy of all the holy monks on the mainland. At this time, there is nothing to say, only to nod and agree. However, Venus reiterated one sentence:

"Dear friends, our five races are not a force."

There is no contradiction between the monks on this issue. After all, they are originally five races, and the Taikoo Palace also has two holy monks. The remaining three races have three holy monks, counted as five. The forces, the monks can not say anything.

The lord glanced at Xu Ziyan and saw Xu Ziyan just sitting there quietly, without the meaning of talking. Xu Ziyan really did not mean to speak. In his opinion, the responsibility of being the ally is greater than the honor. Moreover, she believes that Taixu has the ability to protect itself, not to mention that there are ten holy monks, too imaginary and green children, this guardian array, with the Yanshan soul refining system, should be in the catastrophe There is no problem with the guarantee. Even if he could not protect himself in the end, Xu Ziyan firmly believed that Taixu was also the culprits of the final demise.

If everyone can work together, Xu Ziyan will not mind doing his best, but if their minds are too heavy, Xu Ziyan does not have the mind to spend on it. At that time, it is better to kill some chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demons.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan sat quietly there, simply not too lazy to speak. But always someone has to come out to speak, otherwise this will not be a big joke? The lord also knew that this should be that Xu Ziyan had some opinions on them, and they laughed at two channels:

"Let's talk about the candidates of the lords now! I want to be a ally, and I must be recognized by everyone."

"But this is not the only condition!" Venus finally said again: "Our strength is an aspect, and the comprehensive strength of the power should be a condition."

"There is also morality is also an important condition!" Zhu Ronglie also said.

“Is there any proposal?”


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*(To be continued~^~)

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