The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3090: Medicine king heritage

They know that they have probably looked at this medicine tripod, and they know that this medicine trip can't be collected. This medicine trip does not know what method the medicine king used. It even connects the medicine tripod with this world, and it constantly absorbs the world. It seems that this connection is being reinforced.

Xu Ziyan transmitted the knowledge from the eyebrows and probed the past toward a pattern. But her knowledge is still rebounding back. Looking at the three monks such as Xu Ziyan, I saw that the three of them were also depressed, and they knew that the three of them had the same situation as themselves.

"The original predecessor..." Xu Ziyan looked at the original.

There was a bitter smile on the face of Yuan Shen: "Every fairy has its own secrets, and it is not allowed to be explored by others. So I was not curious about these patterns at the time, but I did not ask."

Xu Ziyan nodded and expressed understanding. Turning around and starting to watch this huge medicine Wang Ding. The four great monks began to circle around the drug Wang Ding, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes continued to patrol the patterns on the medicine Wang Ding.

These patterns are very regular, with a clear circle. There are a total of eight laps with sixteen patterns on each lap. These patterns are dead at this time, without any slight difference.

Some of Xu Ziyan did not give up, and she explored the past with a pattern. Her gods were repeatedly bounced back, but Xu Ziyan was also a stubborn temper, and her heart had already made up her mind. Every pattern must be explored.

Finally, when Xu Ziyan’s knowledge explored one of the bottom sixteen patterns, she felt like she rushed into a space.

This is a virtual space with a variety of alchemy materials. There are herbs, there are monsters inside the Dan, each kind of herbs and monsters inside the Dan have a medicinal explanation for this material and as a material can be the direction of alchemy. Very detailed, and most importantly, some of these detailed information is not touched by Xu Ziyan. Or it is some comprehension, but the comprehension is incomplete, Xu Ziyan is only indulged in the moment.

This time, Yanshan soul. The original and the demon Lord also discovered the difference between Xu Ziyan, and then transmitted the gods to the Fuxi. Then they also rushed into the virtual space of the Fuxi. These three monks were also holy, although in Dandao. Xu Ziyan is far away, but it is not a general level. When they see this inheritance, they are also like Xu Ziyan. Quickly indulge in it.

The power of these four holy monks is extremely powerful. It is not difficult to remember these materials. About a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan’s knowledge is first retired, and his face is happy. The color.

These materials have greatly enriched her knowledge of Dan Dao and broadened her vision of Dan Dao. More importantly, this is just a virtual space. There are still many patterns on this medicine. Looking at the pattern of the bottom circle, Xu Ziyan has a speculation that these patterns should have a sequence, and only in order can not be bounced off by the medicine.

Now this order is well judged, it must start from the bottom circle, and Xu Ziyan has found the first pattern, then the second pattern that can be entered is not on the left side of the first one, just on the right side, if On the right, I have been thinking about the right side since then. Xu Ziyan transmitted the image of God to the right and passed it through. But it was bounced out. However, Xu Ziyan was not discouraged, and passed the image of the gods toward the left.

Sure enough, she entered a virtual space, which is still the same as the first one. Only the materials were changed, so Xu Ziyan and other four great monks began to remember this inheritance here.

This circle is just a memory material. The four monks went very fast. In the back of a few virtual spaces, Xu Ziyan found that there were some alchemy materials that she had not seen before, and there were even several stories that I have never heard of. Xu Ziyan understands that these alchemy materials should come from the age of the Bai people, and maybe they have been extinct at this time.

Xu Ziyan took back the gods from the last pattern in the first lap. She did not immediately search for the pattern of the second circle. At this time, she knew in her mind that these patterns were not inaccessible, but needed to enter in order. Now she The order has been found, but it is not in a hurry. At this time, she stood in front of the medicine and reorganized the memories in the sea.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the three souls of Yanshan. She also combed the information with her eyes closed like her. Xu Ziyan began to look for patterns that could be entered on the second circle of patterns above the medicine.

This time I found it quickly, and when she slammed, she entered a virtual space. In this space is a Dan Dao inheritance, Xu Ziyan silently received this message, she found that this level of Dan Dao inheritance is too simple for her, but there are still some places to learn from. Soon, she entered the second virtual space, and the second Danao base in the virtual space was esoteric, but there was still no difficulty for Xu Ziyan. In fact, these Dandao foundations are not only difficult for Xu Ziyan, but also for the Yanshan soul, the original and the demon Lord, there is no difficulty, just to supplement their Dandao and make their Dandao More complete results.

However, when the eleventh symbolic virtual space was reached, the soul of Yanshan, the original and the demon Lord began to work hard. Their Dandao realm was far away from Xu Ziyan. It is already their limit here and cannot be quickly realized. And need to slowly comprehend. However, Xu Ziyan still advances at the same speed. The increase in difficulty has not caused much trouble to her, but has made her understand more deeply about Dan Dao.

After five hours, Xu Ziyan took back the gods, but opened his eyes, but immersed his mind in these Dan Dao inheritance, and carefully integrated the Dandao inheritance obtained by Dan Dao and Yao Ding.

This fusion has been going on for three days. When Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, the eyes of the eyes were filled with joy. At this moment, she felt that her Dan Dao foundation was more solid. Don't look at this as a foundation, but it is an important factor that determines how far it can travel on the Dandao Road. It is more solid than building a building. How tall is the building.

Xu Ziyan looked at the pattern on the third circle. The first circle was the knowledge of the alchemy material, the second circle of the Dan Dao foundation, then the third circle?

Xu Ziyan began experimenting on the third lap of the symbol, and then the gods explored into a pattern, which is still a virtual space, but Xu Ziyan laughed when he saw the virtual space.

I have seen such a virtual space. I saw it at the Dragon Palace. It was a virtual alchemy room. It seems that this place is a virtual place to practice Dan Dao. Only after passing this level can I enter the next level. Xu Ziyan looked at the medicinal herbs that needed her refining. The heart was not loose. The quality of this medicinal herb was very low. It was only suitable for the monks of the small world. Xu Ziyan did not need to practice in this virtual space. It would be very simple. by.

In time, Xu Ziyan has already understood that this is actually not a place for assessment, but a place of inheritance, so that a Dan teacher can make alchemy in the virtual space, which will save too much material. The growth of Dan Shi is piled up with countless materials. If Xu Ziyan does not have a body space, there are endless herbs in it, and her Dan Dao realm will not enter the country so quickly in the later period.

However, Xu Ziyan has such a heritage, but others may not have it, so there is such a virtual alchemy place, which is simply a place of anti-sky. Only at this time Xu Ziyan just used this as a place for customs clearance.

Soon, Xu Ziyan passed through the sixteen patterns on the third lap. The gods retreated from the pattern and looked at the three people of Yanshan. They saw the three people of Yanshan and realized the foundation of the second circle. In the eyes, there is a glimmer of smugness, and the discovery of the gods begins to look for patterns that can be entered in the fourth lap.

Soon, her knowledge entered the pattern of the fourth lap. It is still a virtual space for alchemy, but the refining medicinal herbs are already suitable for monks below Xianjun, but this is still not difficult for Xu Ziyan. What she experienced was nothing more than a process, a process of customs clearance.

One day later, Xu Ziyan passed the third lap and took back the gods. Once again, he looked at the three monks of Yanshan Soul and saw that they had entered the last pattern of the second lap. This is not surprising for Xu Ziyan. After all, this second circle is only the foundation of Dan Dao. For the three holy monks of Yanshan Spirit, it is difficult, but it is not the kind of difficulty that cannot be crossed.

Xu Ziyan no longer pays attention to Yanshan soul and others, and transmits the gods to find the pattern that can be entered in the fifth circle. There are only sixteen patterns, and Xu Ziyan quickly finds the pattern and enters it. Sure enough, as Xu Ziyan imagined, it is still a virtual alchemy room, but this refining of the immortal is already suitable for the following monks. This is still no difficulty for Xu Ziyan, and it is precisely through the process of Shaoguan to further integrate the knowledge gained in the inheritance of Yao Ding through alchemy.

When Xu Ziyan withdrew from the fifth circle pattern, the three great monks who saw Yanshan soul had entered the third lap, and Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile. She knew that the three great monks would soon get through the third. In the circle, he no longer hesitates to transmit his own knowledge and start looking for patterns that can be entered on the sixth lap.

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*(To be continued~^~)

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