The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3091: Tongtianjingxian

I am very grateful to the students who have too many noises (10000), and the rewards of the Sun Flower Classmates (100) after the rain!


After entering the pattern this time, it is exactly the same as Xu Ziyan’s speculation. The sage of the holy monk in this circle is suitable for the immortality, in other words, the supernatural innate fairy, which makes Xu Ziyan’s spirit alive, know this The level of elixir is also the limit of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan wants to know what will be on the seventh lap at this time? Will it be the Danfang that surpasses the superb fairy?

Xu Ziyan began to smash in the pattern on the sixth floor. As the patterns progressed, Xu Ziyan’s heart became more and more exciting. She saw more than a dozen Dan Fangs she had never seen before, and she was refining these elixirs. In the process, she felt that her alchemy realm seemed to reach a critical point.

When Xu Ziyan withdrew from the sixth circle of patterns, he saw that the monks such as Yanshan Soul had begun to enter the fourth circle to simulate the alchemy room. Xu Ziyan looked excitedly at the seventh circle pattern, and his eyes were full of expectations. After the sixth lap of inheritance, she already knows that it has reached the limit of the inferior fairy, so what will be in the pattern of the seventh circle?

Xu Ziyan did not immediately release the gods to explore the seventh lap, but began to adjust the interest to restore her own gods. She had expectations for the seventh lap, so she adjusted herself to the peak.

After half a day. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and the power of the gods had been adjusted to the peak state. He looked at the monks and other monks and saw that they were about to rush out of the fourth circle. Transmitting the gods from the eyebrows and starting to find the starting point of the seventh circle, there are only sixteen patterns. Soon she found the starting point and the gods sneaked in.


A message was sent in, and the spirit of Xu Ziyan was a revival, and his heart was ecstatic.

This is a heritage. It is a general outline of Dan Dao...

Not right!

It should be said that it is another level of Dan Dao interpretation.

There is really a realm above the realm of supernatural innate fairyland! Just don't know what this realm is called?

Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh, and then began to learn these Dandao knowledge. After reading this Dan Dao interpretation from beginning to end, Xu Ziyan knew that this chapter is only a review and analysis of this realm Dandao. To continue to understand Dan Dao in this realm, we must continue with the next pattern. However, at the end of this pattern, Yao Wang gave a name to Dandao in this realm.

Through the heavens!

The immortal that means this realm has surpassed the innate, and has the ability to pass the sky.

Xu Ziyan entered the second pattern, and there was a second chapter there. He began to elaborate on the Dan Dao theory of this realm. The successive patterns are all chapters, from the shallower to the deeper. Reason.

However, when Xu Ziyan finished watching the last pattern. After retiring from the inside, I stood there and issued some certificates. On the one hand, she found that although she had finished reading the inheritance of the sixteen patterns, she only finished reading it, but she did not comprehend it.

It can't be said that there is no comprehension. For Dan Dao, who is through the heavens, he also realized about 10%. And she knows that the more difficult it is to understand, the more difficult it is to understand.

The second aspect is that she got a message about the drug Wang Ding in the last pattern. The drug king encountered an extraterrestrial demon. Actually, I couldn’t beat the extraterrestrial demon. Finally, I took the extraterrestrial demon into the medicine Wang Dingzhong, but found that the drug Wang Ding couldn’t keep the extraterrestrial demon. The extraterrestrial demon is too strong. If he let him go, he will definitely become A disaster of the Baizu coalition forces, so the drug king entered the drug Wang Ding, and the spirit of the team, sealed the extraterrestrial magic in the drug Wang Ding.

However, once sealed. Yaowang was also self-sealed inside. Completely isolated from the outside world. This seal is not a road, not a road, it is Dan Dao.

In fact, when Xu Ziyan passed through the Tiandao Dandao pass, he read it again. I know that this is not just Dandao in the simple sense, but Xu Ziyan is not surprised. Because Xu Ziyan at this time has already integrated the martial arts and the martial arts and cultivation, she already knows that whether it is the martyrdom or the Dandao, it is no longer a simple Dandao and a martial art, but an intertwined Melt, but also has their own characteristics.

For example, this Dandao seal, the simple circuit and the road is difficult to crack, which requires a deep talent for Dandao to crack, the reason why Yaowang left this message in the last pattern of the seventh circle. It is because only when you have been here, you can understand the seal of Dandao and you can enter the seal. At this time, Xu Ziyan has already understood why this medicine trip will continue to absorb the power of the heavens and the earth, originally to strengthen the seal.

At this time, Xu Ziyan already had an inference that the extraterrestrial demon of the drug king Sun Qingmu should be an extraterrestrial demon like the Chaos Heavenly King, otherwise it would not make the drug king so strenuous.

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly jumped, and now the seal is still there. Does that mean that the drug king Sun Qingmu is still alive?

Xu Ziyan looked at the medicine tripping up and down, and sighed in his heart. If the medicine tripod was not integrated with the ground below because of the seal, he could put the medicine into the body space. Now even if the devil outside the domain is more powerful, he will count Temporarily kill him, but he can also seal him.

However, it is impossible to put this medicine into the purple smoke space. The drug king left a seal in the last inheritance. As long as the seal inheritance is understood, the seal can be broken into a gap. And it is precisely because the drug king left only the inheritance of breaking a seal, rather than completely breaking the seal, so it is not necessary to fully understand the inheritance of Tongtian, as long as the two achievements can be realized, which is why this inheritance In the last pattern, because there is no inheritance in the sixteen patterns, it is impossible to comprehend the seal.

Xu Ziyan now needs to make a decision, that is to leave here immediately, or enter the drug tripod. She has speculated on the pattern of the eighth lap, which must be a virtual alchemy room, and it is an alchemy room that refines the heavenly fairy. This is not very attractive for Xu Ziyan. This virtual alchemy room can increase the speed of Xu Ziyan's refinement of the realm. It can save a lot of herbs for Xu Ziyan.

But Xu Ziyan has time to consume, no need to increase speed. Some of Xu Ziyan's herbs are herbal medicines. It doesn't matter if they save money. The herbs in the purple smoke space are really going to be grass.

Therefore, she has now been able to leave the drug king, and let the drug king continue to suppress the demon outside the field. It is nothing more than the drug.


If you enter the seal, kill or seal the demon outside the domain, then the king of medicine will also be free, this medicine is still not her.


If you just leave, it seems that it is not moral, and if you can save the king of medicine, there is also a master who resists the catastrophe.

To know that this drug king is not the peak of the nine-tiered stage of the holy level in the ordinary sense, he must have the identity of a drug king, a drug king who can refine the heavenly fairy, which is said to be beneficial to the whole fairyland. To Xiaoli said that it is good for Taixu. In any case, if Xu Ziyan rescued the drug king, Yaowang owed one of her great personal feelings, but now although the mainland fragments return, but the fundamental deciduous era Already, the age of the storm has become history, and the original can all join the Taixu, why can't the drug king not?

If the drug king Sun Qingmu really joined the Taixu, then it would be too big to make a big profit!

Therefore, at this moment, Xu Ziyan decided to enter the medicine tripod, helping the drug king to seal the extraterrestrial demon into his own body space. As long as he seals him, he can slowly kill him. The reason why he has not killed the sealed extraterrestrial demon, but Xu Ziyan has not poured out time.

Xu Ziyan sat on the floor with his knees and began to understand the alchemy technique of Tongtian. Now she does not have the means to comprehend the seal. If she wants to understand the seal of Dandao, she needs to comprehend the Taoist Heaven.

The previous few Chengtong Tiandao Dandao is relatively simple. Of course, this simple is for the Dan Dao Master, such as Xu Ziyan. If you switch to someone else, you can't understand it. Even the holy monks such as Yanshan Soul cannot understand.

After a day and a half.

Xu Ziyan opened her eyes and showed joy in her eyes. She has already realized that Cheng Tianjing Dandao has realized 20%. These two Chengtong Tiandao Dandao opened a new passage for her, as if she saw a new world. Looking towards the three holy monks of Yanshan soul, I saw the Yanshan soul and the first pattern that was in the sixth lap at the moment, and the demon Lord still stayed on the fifth lap.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, and did not immediately understand the seal of Dandao. Instead, he searched for the first pattern on the eighth lap and then inserted the **** into it. It was the same as Xu Ziyan’s speculation. It was also a virtual alchemy room. And the refining of the heavenly fairy. Xu Ziyan tried it once and it really failed.

Retired from the virtual alchemy room, Xu Ziyan began to study the seal of Dandao. With 20% of Tongtianjing Dandao as the foundation, Xu Ziyan quickly realized the seal. Her comprehension took a long time. She is also a squad and a great master. Nowadays, in combination with the Dan Dao seal, the speed of comprehension is surprising. It took only two hours, and Xu Ziyan mastered the way of entering and leaving the seal.

Looking at the Yanshan soul and the original is still immersed in the first pattern of the sixth lap, the demon Lord is also immersed in the fifth lap, Xu Ziyan knows that they have reached the limit, do not know how long it takes to complete the assessment within the pattern .


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*(To be continued~^~)

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