In this case, the Japanese patriarch also looked at it, and there was a bitter smile in his heart. Obviously, the patriarchs of the Bai nationality could not play, and they looked at the patriarch of the month. Both sides showed their helplessness. I coughed a little and attracted the eyes of the saints, looking at the Xu Zi flue:

"Xu Daoyou, there is no need to make it so nervous? Is it better for everyone to learn?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "Yang patriarch, I think the three monks who played in the Baizu must be the peak of the nine-level stage of the holy level?"

The Japanese patriarch nodded and nodded. Xu Ziyan said: "So I have to go all out and can't hold my hand."

The Japanese patriarch nodded and he understood Xu Ziyan. In this case, there is no way to stop. Thinking about it:

"So we don't have to fight for life or death. The battle between life and death is not the end of life and death, and neither of us has this meaning, just worried that we can't hold our hands. So, we are not like this. Once the party admits to lose, the battle is like this. If there is a death before the admittance, the two sides will not be allowed to pursue it again. And after the end of the war, the misunderstandings that occurred before the two sides will be closed, how?"

There is no way for the Japanese patriarchs. Now the patriarchs of the Xingzu have fallen and lost the power of the three patriarchs. His heart is really without the slightest grasp of the ability to defeat Xu Ziyan. Even if he, the patriarch and the patriarch of the Yu nationality join forces. The same is true. In his heart, the rain patriarch does not have much threat. Therefore, he could not fight with Xu Ziyan at this time.

Of course, wait until he condenses the three tribes. From the star family, another person who accepts the inheritance is selected. At that time, the relationship between the sun and the moon can be re-emerged. He does not mind fighting with Xu Ziyan.

But not now!


Xu Ziyan nodded, she did not have to share a life and death with the Baizu, the Japanese patriarch thought that now is not the time to turn his face, Xu Ziyan also feels not, if her cultivation is to grow a little more, nothingness will realize the great consummation. She doesn't mind turning her face with the Baizu at any time. This time, she mainly wanted to try the emptiness of the realm of Dacheng, and let her have the opportunity to further comprehend through fierce battles.

Seeing that Xu Ziyan had promised, the Japanese patriarch secretly sighed with a sigh of relief, and then he said to the rainy people:

"The rain patriarch, I will join you with Ming Daoyou."

The head of the Yuzu tribe is a joy, and the patriarchs of the Sun and Moon can be said to be the two strongest monks among the Baizu. By the combination of the three of them, she did not believe that she could not beat the Xu Ziyan who was too virtual.

At the moment, the saints also lost interest in the conversation, and immediately got up and walked out of the hall, and they rushed to the outside of the twins.

The Yuan Dynasty mainland monks who have been paying attention to this situation have seen a group of holy monks flying in the air. And there are Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul inside, the original will be a void. Instantly appeared in the air, asking for Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, what happened?"

Xu Ziyan simply said things to the original, the original eyes are bright, this is the top battle in the fairy world! From this battle, you can realize a lot of things. As for worrying about Xu Ziyan?

Didn't you see Xu Ziyan's light and light appearance?

Do you need to worry?

The original immediately passed the message of the gods to inform the saint-level monk of the Shangyuan continent below, and took time to fly out of the ground to a holy monk. It is the monk of the Upper Yuan Dynasty, the monks such as the sky and the Venus. How can I miss this opportunity to fly outside the Shuangxiong City?


The monks flew out of the Shuangxiong Xiancheng and flew away from the sky.

The hurricane of the hustle and bustle whispers, Xu Ziyan faces the patriarch of the sun and the moon and the head of the rainy family. In the surrounding air, there are imaginary monks of the Baizu and the Shangyuan, and a pair of eyes are locked in the four monks in the middle of the void.

Although it is said to be a discussion, neither side has the meaning of staying. The Japanese patriarch has taken out the Da Ri Golden Wheel, and the Yuezu patriarch took out the Yuejin Wheel, and the Yuzu patriarch also took out the Xianjian.

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, and the damage of the virtual sword made her feel very uncomfortable. The gods swept in the storage ring and took out a great congenital sword, which is already the best sword she has now.

The patriarchs of the Sun and Moon and the head of the Yuzu had just wanted to separate, and Xu Ziyan was surrounded by the middle, but when the mind just floated low, they felt that they had been locked by Xu Ziyan, as if they would attract Xu Ziyan’s attack.

Xu Ziyan is looking for them to try the sword. I don’t really want to fight with them three times. If you let them separate, how can you experiment with the power of this sword? She wants to see if this sword is stabbed, and what the other three people will fully join together will be the result.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan took the lead and forced the three holy monks on the opposite side to be separated. They could only pick up their own swords.

Xu Ziyan stabbed out a sword...


Xu Ziyan’s hand in the hand of the innate fairy sword produced a fierce tremor and cicada, and the tribe of the sun and the moon across the face felt a huge crisis, and did not hesitate to release the defensive shield and simultaneously shot.

Although this is not the joint of the Sun, Moon, and Star tribes, the Sun and Moon patriarchs are still there, and the swordsmanship of the Yuzu patriarchs has achieved unexpected results.

The sun and the moon are the same, the fine rain, the huge power release at the same time has produced a kind of illusion, which makes the Sun, Moon and Rain tribes are unexpectedly happy.


The best congenital sword in Xu Ziyan’s hands was smashed, and he could not bear the emptiness of the sword and burst.


Formed a vaginal vortex, the vaginal vortex instantly expanded, forming a void space to the opposite of the three monks spread, wandering in the void space, a star-colored beast swarmed past the three monks opposite.


The attacks erupted by the three moons of the sun, the moon and the rain were swallowed up, and the figures of the three patriarchs flew out, and a blood ooze from the corners of the mouth. The surrounding monks looked at all the things that happened in front of them, and did not dare to see the facts happening in front of them.

Even if the patriarch of the Yu nationality is not mentioned, the patriarch of the sun and the moon is the strongest monk among the Baizu, and even the purple smoke can't stop it.


Although at this time, Xu Ziyan broke into the peak of the nine-level stage of the holy level, but it should not be the result!

They thought that Xu Ziyan would win, but did not expect to win so simply.

Xu Ziyan did not use too virtual sword!

This is this... too illusory...

real or fake!

At this time, Xu Ziyan was also there, she did not think that the virtual sword-free style would have such power, but when she suddenly woke up from the hair, she could not help but smile. This virtual sword is too expensive, this is In this style, she repaired her purple level to almost consume it, and also broke her own one of the best innate swords.

Xu Ziyan thought about it, and took out a gift of the innate congenital sword. He just wanted to switch to the mid-level nine-level cultivation, but he heard the voice of the Japanese patriarch from the opposite side:

"We admit defeat!"

Xu Ziyan also breathed a sigh of relief. She really didn't know whether the mid-level revision of the Holy Age could completely motivate this overbearing imaginary sword. Then the Xianjian will be collected and the homeopathic will be repaired to switch to the Holy 9th floor. Mid term.

The face of the Japanese patriarch became very ugly, and his three sacred nine-story late-stage monk monks could not take the smack of the purple smog, which made the Bai people faceless.

Biting the teeth, the heart of the dark road, waiting to conquer the star family, with the inheritance of the star family, must once again challenge Xu Ziyan, earned back face, it is best to kill Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan won!

The monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty are full of red light, and the excitement is overwhelming. The stronger the Xu Ziyan is, the more secure the Shangyuan continent will be, and the more the Baizu will be jealous of the Shangyuan continent.

The thing that shattered the gates of the rainy family was naturally gone. The two sides simply chilled and violently, and they hurriedly left. The Baizu had no face to stay here again, and the monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty simply went to the Qinglong to celebrate.

The main hall of the rain family.

The heads of the Bai tribes gathered together. Everyone’s face was very ugly, and the air in the hall seemed to have solidified. The Japanese patriarch and the patriarch of the month did not go to see the patriarch of the Yuzu, but at this time they even killed his heart. If not, how could they both lose this face?

The rain patriarch also knew his own situation at this time, for fear of angering the Japanese patriarch again, and sitting down with his head down, he wished the monks around him to regard him as a transparent person.

The face of the patriarch of the month of the month with deep anxiety, his eyes sweeping through the sanctuary in the hall, and he said:

"Dear friends, I am worried that the monks on the mainland have figured out the details of our hundreds of people. It is a disaster for us."

The words of the moon-patriarchs were exported, and the atmosphere within the hall became more and more dignified. At this time, everyone had a sense of crisis in their hearts. They seemed to see the monks of the Shangyuan continent rushing toward them.

“Impossible!” The patriarch of the Feng nationality said with a deep face: “The strength of our Baizu is definitely not the same as that shown now. I think Xu Ziyan will know clearly in his heart.”

The patriarch of the month of the month sighed a bit: "At the beginning, we didn't understand the Yuanyuan continent at all. Just relying on wishful thinking, wouldn't we want to conquer the Yuanyuan? Fortunately, we have not started yet, let us have recognition. Knowing the opportunity of the mainland, but now the mainland has already seen our strength, although it is only a part of the strength, but who can guarantee that they will not be like us?"

All the people are silent, this situation is not impossible, but it is very likely to happen. Xu Ziyan killed the star tyrants, and a sword defeated the tribes of the three moons, and it was difficult to protect the monks of the Yuan dynasty from self-expansion. Maybe it was as the patriarch of the month said, and it opened the journey to conquer the hundreds of people.


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