The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3169: Retreat

I am very grateful to not to sweep the snow classmates, Chu Junsheng classmates, 螳? Zou? classmates, book friends 140316191751467 classmates, Lan Xinyu classmates, rather lack of abuse? I want to be a classmate, Xiu Xian is no longer a legendary classmate, Bai Zibing, only love Yingyao 2 classmates, allures, dreams, classmates, and friends!


Inside the hall, there is a suffocating atmosphere. The Baizu are not afraid of going to the mainland, but after seeing the strength of Xu Ziyan, they know that they want to defeat the Shangyuan continent and are no longer as simple as they thought before. It may not be conquered, but the Upper Yuan wants to conquer the Baizu. They also think this is a joke.

Xu Ziyan is awesome, but how many holy monks are there in the entire Yuan Dynasty?

How many holy monks are there in the Baizu?

Really fight, who wins and who is unpredictable, but it can be expected that even if the Baizu wins, it is also a disastrous victory.

This is where they really care! They can't afford it.

The eyes of the sages are gradually gathering on the heads of the Japanese patriarchs. Facing the crisis, their hearts gradually gather together. Although they know that the Japanese patriarch is not the opponent of Xu Ziyan, they can only pin their hopes on the Japanese. The body of the patriarch. After all, the Japanese patriarch is the first master of the Baizu.

The Japanese patriarch also had a headache, and he indulged in a long way: "You friends, the things on the mainland can be put aside for a while, because I have a private matter with Mingdaoyou, we have to restore the glory of the heavens. Once the Sun, Moon, and Stars are in the heart, I will mobilize the three-family refiners to repair the crown. By that time, there will be a tri-family team with a crown, and they will not be afraid of the purple smoke, not afraid of the mainland."

The mood of the congregation at this time is complicated, and there is no doubt that once the sun, the moon and the stars are in the heart. With the secret of the three tribes, defeating Xu Ziyan should be no problem, not to mention the fact that once the crown is repaired, the Japanese patriarch is even more powerful. At that time, Xu Ziyan will no longer be a threat.

However, by that time, the Tianzu will become the giant of the entire fairy world. At this time they suddenly hoped that the mainland will be more powerful. Only in this way can they gain greater benefits in balance.

At the same time, they also know that the monks of the Sun and Moon are leaving. They can't spend time here anymore. Nothing is more important than they are going back to gather the three tribes. So, these patriarchs suddenly become confused, so where are they going?

They are staying here. Or is it just scattered?

The rain patriarch was nervous, and now the star patriarch has fallen. The patriarchs of the sun and the moon are leaving again. The Baizu side is already weak. If the patriarchs of the patriarchs also leave, the Shuangxiong City will only have the Yu and the Giants...

Giant family...

Cheng Buming has already become an ally with Xu Ziyan, so he left his own rainy family to face the pressure from the Shangyuan continent. How can he bear it?

Therefore, I could not help but look at the Japanese patriarch.

Although the Japanese patriarch hated the chief of the rainy family. But I know that I can't help him at this time. Now the rainy family is facing the bridgehead of the Upper Yuan. Must support him for the scene. So, the eyes gazed sweeping through the halls of the crowd.

"I still have to trouble everyone to stay here for a while, and then return to this matter."

The rainy patriarchs sighed with relief, but the hearts of other patriarchs were very unhappy. The look of the saints fell in the eyes of the Japanese patriarchs, and they sighed in one voice:

"Don't worry about it anymore. As long as we don't take the initiative to provoke the mainland on this occasion, Xu Ziyan will not have any excessive moves. After all, they still have many holy monks here, and they also have concerns. Even if they want to go to war, they have to wait until they return to the mainland, and they can do well enough."

The congregation thought about it and thought it was such a thing, and the heart was a lot easier. One by one, I decided to wait for a while to go back, and the disciples of their own races should not provoke the monks on the mainland. At the same time, they also have an interest in the Sun, Moon and Rain tribes teaming up with Xu Ziyan. The wind patriarch looks at the Japanese nationality:

"Yang patriarch, can you talk about the strength of Xu Ziyan?"

The Japanese patriarch sank and said: "It's very strong. No one of you is her opponent. He is fighting with him and he has to be prepared for corruption."

When I saw that the saints did not agree, the Japanese patriarchs said with caution: "I know that each of you has a treasure that the family has passed down, just like the crown of the heavens."

However, you have all seen that the Starmaster relied on the power of the Tianguan, but it was still killed by Xu Ziyan. She is not generally strong! ”

"But... Xu Ziyan is not a star tyrant who uses her own power to kill. She also uses the power of too virtual sword, and her sword is too traumatic. When she is against you, she uses it. It is the best sword, it can be seen that her sword is too small to be used for a period of time, or even has been abolished. If she does not have a virtual sword, we may not be able to fight with her if we use the family treasure? For example, if the Yang chief Fixed the crown, borrowed the power of the crown, should be able to beat Xu Ziyan?"

The Japanese clan leader nodded proudly: "If Xu Ziyan can not use the virtual sword, and I can borrow the power of the crown, then it is not to defeat Xu Ziyan at that time, but to kill Xu Ziyan is easy."

The atmosphere inside the main hall was alive and it was no longer the dignity of the past. The moon patriarch condenses the channel:

"The patriarch, I did not see the extent of the virtual sword being created in the void space. Have you seen it clearly?"

The saints erected their ears and looked at the Japanese patriarchs with a gaze. The Japanese patriarch gently nodded:

"I paid special attention to the sword, and there was a crack in the sword. Everyone knows that if a sword is only dim, it will not be heavier, it will not take long to recover, but it appears. The crack, it is not a problem of recovery, but needs to be repaired. However, treasures like the virtual sword are easy to repair?"

Speaking of this, the Japanese patriarch sighed a sigh: "It is like the crown of the heavens, it is not easy to repair. So, whether it is the crown of my family, or the purple sword is not a short time can be repaired. This is not a question of time, but a question of chance."

All the people heard the news, and Minghao also said: "The patriarch, so we must solve the problem of the heavens as soon as possible, and then repair the crown before Xu Ziyan repairs the virtual sword, so we can take advantage of Xu Ziyan. ""

The Japanese patriarchs’ eyes show the color of self-confidence: “Xu Ziyan can’t fix the virtual sword before us. They have strong refiners. Do they have it on the Yuan Dynasty? I admit that Xu Ziyan’s strength is very strong, but the refiner can It’s not a bit of an adventure. If you have the strength, you can succeed. Do they have the inheritance of the refiner? At the root, they are still buns.”

"Yes! The soil buns may be strong in some way, but they are not as strong. Their inheritance is too different from their Bais."

The patriarchs of the Bai nationality were really relaxed at this time. Although they were also jealous of the glory of the Tianzu, it was an internal contradiction, but it was a contradiction between the enemy and the mainland. Be clear.

The patriarchs of the Sun and Moon left with the monks of the Xingzu. They had to go back to summon the elites of the Sun and Moon and then to the Stars. If you see the crown, the star is surrendered, this is the best result. If you resist, then conquer.

The patriarchs who stayed in the Shuangxiong Xiancheng smashed their own ethnic groups and did not provoke the mainland. The life has restored its original appearance, and the atmosphere of the Shuangxiong Xiancheng has gradually become harmonious.

The Baizu monks heard the embarrassment of their patriarchs, and some remembered, because they also saw or heard Xu Ziyan smashing the rain gates, seeing or hearing Xu Ziyan’s sword defeating the Sun, Moon and Rain tribes, so they They are cautious not to provoke monks from the mainland.

However, some monks did not agree. These monks did not see Xu Ziyan smashing the rain gates, nor did they see Xu Ziyan’s defeat of the Sun and the Moon tribes. They just heard that...

But... how can they believe?

Are you kidding again?

The tribes of the three moons of the sun, the moon and the rain can all be the monks of the late nine-level sect, and the patriarchs of the sun and the moon are the two strongest monks in the Baizu. Do you say that Xu Ziyan defeated the tribes of the Sun, Moon and Rain? And is it still a sword to beat?

Without such a joke!

These monks not only have no idea of ​​convergence, but rather like to touch the monks on the mainland. However, the monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty did not seem to want to wind up again in the Shuangxiong City. They rarely went out and stayed in the manor.

Everyone stayed in the manor and was not idle, but they were very busy. In particular, after the sacred monks experienced the meteorite belt, they all had sentiments, and all entered the small retreat. In these holy monks, Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul and the original is undoubtedly the biggest gain.

The spirit of Yanshan and the original space that continues to comprehend the inner space of the pearl in the sea, the space root of the body seems to open the key of the bead, so that the space property inside the bead is slow, but it is continuously delivered.

Xu Ziyan is very strange!

She wondered why the original and Yanshan souls were able to begin to understand the beads they knew in the sea, but she could not comprehend a trace?

She kept herself in the house for a long time and didn't realize it. Can't help but be discouraged, isn't your own comprehension less than the Yanshan soul and the original?

This is not impossible!

The soul of Yanshan is also a man of the two worlds, and the two worlds of Xu Ziyan are different. The last life of Xu Ziyan has no experience of cultivating the immortal, but the soul of Yanshan is different. In the last life, he cultivated to the holy level and became a famous evil master. Its comprehension is absolutely amazing.

Since the original can become a king in the fiercely competitive Baizu era, how can the comprehension of the nine-tiered peak of the holy level be low?


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