The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3175: Fusion circuit

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At the beginning of the crisis, Fan Tian’s father appeared at the time of the crisis. He just looked at the violent people casually and formed a large array of all the millions of violent people.

Is the Yanshan soul already reaching that level?

The faces of the Baizu monks are very ugly. Now they are a hostile trend with the Upper Yuan Dynasty. The stronger the monks on the Yuan Dynasty, the greater the threat they receive. Especially the rain patriarchs at this time the whole person feels bad.

Fan Tian’s mood is also very bad. A patriarch who has a talent for the road has not yet realized a big bang, but he did not think that others have realized it? Moreover, he displayed the arrogance in front of the Yanshan soul. Then he was thrown by the Yanshan soul and casually threw eight pieces of fairy crystal to hit his face, and he snorted. Now his face is still hot. .

The elders also groaned: "Even if you don't reach the realm of the big battle, you should have a vague understanding. I didn't think there was a monk who reached this height again."

Having said that, the elders looked at the fairy squad again, and then stretched out their fingers in the air, and cut the land that had been laid out, and then put the fairy squad into the storage ring. Road:

"Let's go back!"

The four monks left, leaving the monks and monks to face each other and then gradually dispersed. It’s just that every monk’s heart is very heavy.

Besides, the four spiritual monks returned to their manor and entered the hall. The elders once again took the fairy tales out and placed them in the middle of the main hall, while watching the fairy tales, while facing Fan Tiandao:

"You have done a bad job!"

Fan Tian’s old face is a red saying: “I didn’t think that the Yanshan Soul’s frontier was so high. Say it again. He is a monk from the Yuan Dynasty, and our Bais are dead...”

"Confused!" The elders yelled: "What happened to the Yuanyuan? It was a human race. The Terran was originally a race of the Baizu era, and it is still a huge race after the Tianzu. How to exclude the Terran now? Beyond the Hundreds?"


"Nothing is wrong!" the elder said faintly: "Is it still alive?"


"Why do you exclude the Terran from the Hundreds?"


There is a sarcasm on the face of the elders: "It is only the broad territory of the Hundreds of monks on the mainland. We have passively left the fairy world. The broken continents of each race are completely unable to Compared with the Yuan dynasty, the Ba ethnic group only wants to return to the Yuan dynasty and occupy the Upper Yuan dynasty. Moreover, it also despise the monks of the Upper Yuan dynasty, and the insults in the heart are the earth buns.

Are people really buns?

In a sense, these hundred of us are deserters, deserters of the world. Although it is not our intention to leave the fairyland, it is a passive departure, but in fact we are leaving the main battlefield of the Holocaust. But these monks from the Upper Yuan are living. what does this mean?

This means that they eventually defeated the catastrophe in the world, although I don't know how they ultimately won the world, but they can survive to be the best proof.

A group of monks who can overcome the catastrophe of the heavens and the earth, why do you say that people are earthen buns? Why do you feel more noble than others? ”

Fan Tian bowed his head. He knew that the elders were right. The various reasons why the Hundreds were hostile to the Yuan Continent were false. The only reason was the broad territory of the Yuan Continent.


When your strength is stronger than the mainland. You are right in this way, no matter what time, no matter what the world, always respect the strong.

When your strength is not as high as the mainland, you still have this kind of thinking, that is stupid.

Fan Tian, ​​of course, is not stupid as a patriarch, and soon realized his own problems, condensing:

"This is a mistake for me. I didn't think that the monks on the mainland will be so strong. It seems that they have not only broken the inheritance, but also have a long-term development. I am going to apologize to Yanshan."

"Let's find a chance to go with us. I also want to see the Yanshan soul." The elders have a look of expectation.

at this time. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul have already returned to the station. There are not many people in the manor. They waited until dusk, and the monks from the Yuan Dynasty came back with a smile. They naturally watched the failure of the Terran family. One by one came to the room of Xu Ziyan, and spoke cheerfully. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul heard. The mood was not comfortable, and I did not expect that many things happened after they left. And the realm above the super-goods is called the realm of the big road.

Xu Ziyan remembered the request for a non-sounding, and told the story of Yanshan Soul and Yao Wang Sun Qingmu. Sun Qingmu directly took out a jade bottle and handed it to Xu Ziyan:

"This is a heavenly way of heaven, and the holy monk understands that Tiandao has a 50% increase."

Xu Ziyan nodded and closed the jade bottle, knowing that an elixir could definitely cause a huge sensation. It is also worthy of being able to stand up. Then he looked at the Yanshan soul again, and Yanshan soul took out a battle and handed it to Xu Ziyan:

"This is a superb late stage, and it is enough to take the auction."

Xu Ziyan took the plate and asked: "There is no big battleway?"

Yanshan soul laughed: "I didn't think that the Terrain people had once had a monk who broke through the realm of super-goods, and also called the big-line road. I was left in order to deal with the catastrophe of the world, how could it be auctioned? ”

Xu Ziyan also laughed: "It is the peak of this super product that is enough to cause a sensation."

While laughing and laughing, the market was closed. The medicine king on the side asked: "We have all taken out the things, what kind of symbols are you going to come up with?"

"Just take a super-character peak!"

The monks talked and laughed, and they dispersed after about half an hour. Xu Ziyan closed the door, laid out the array method, and then entered the purple smoke space. First, she went to the medicine garden to see it. She saw that Peach Blossom had planted the herbs she bought in the open-air trading market, and pointed out a few pruning exercises. The experience, then incarnation of Heaven to continue to study the mysterious power of the demon outside the domain.

After studying for about an hour, Xu Ziyan retreated. She suddenly had an idea. Can this unknown force have a shortcut?

For example, the four symbols of the Danfu Array are integrated into the way of cultivation?

Now Xu Ziyan has integrated Dandao and Fudao into the way of cultivation, and there is no integration of the road and the road. Xu Ziyan has already realized the same realm as Yanshan's soul, and also realized a big bang, which can be fully integrated. It’s just that the road is not working, because her instrument has not yet realized the realm of Yanshan soul.

"First merge the road!"

Xu Ziyan withdrew from the body space, sitting cross-legged on the bed in the room, began to merge the road and practice...

The ambiguity of the platoon is integrated into the cultivation path a little bit. In this fusion, it is like a refiner, extracting its essence, and excluding those that are not essential.

Gradually, the origin of the silky path is integrated into the way of cultivation, and the way of cultivation is also enhanced. Moreover, the cultivation of Xu Ziyan has now merged with Dan Dao and Fu Dao. Nowadays, when he joins the circuit, it gradually resonates.

Only this kind of resonance has not caused qualitative changes, but even so, Xu Ziyan feels that his **** is more solid and more transparent.

This kind of integration can't be ended in a day or two, and this kind of fusion is very costly. Xu Ziyan found a problem. When she merged with Dan Dao, it was not so hard. When it was integrated, although it was more than The road became difficult, but it was once closed. But when she merged the road, it only took three days to feel that the power of the gods was almost exhausted and had to be withdrawn from the fusion.

When I had no time to think about other things, Xu Ziyan began to restore the power of the gods. When the power of the gods was restored to the peak state, Xu Ziyan began to think about why this result was found.

It’s definitely not the path of the Sensei Road. It’s only one reason. This is the third kind of ambiguity in the fusion of Xu Ziyan. The more the ambiguity is integrated, the harder it will be. I am afraid that when she is waiting for her fusion, It will become even harder.

This can not help but make her feel a little regret, which proves that she wants to merge the battleway takes a long time, and needs to be merged little by little.

However, the effect is also very obvious. At this time, from the appearance of Xu Ziyan, she has become a lot of ethereal, as if she is always involved in the heavens, giving people a feeling of the world.

Pushing open the door and going out, check it out, Yanshan soul and the original are all cultivated in the room, Xu Ziyan is not good to bother them, they decided to go out again. The last time because of Fan Tian, ​​Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan lost their interest in the open-air trading market, so they came back early. But when Peach and her talked about the various herbs they bought, she decided to go and see if there were any new varieties.

Before I reached the gate, I saw Xu Xingfan and Sha Xiaofan coming face to face.



Two people ran over happily. The two men are now a sinister contemporary sect, and one is a disciple of Xu Ziyan. Two people are usually in front of outsiders, but when they arrive in front of Xu Ziyan, they are like children.

"You two are this?" Xu Ziyan asked with a smile.

"I have studied with Master Xingfan."

Sha Xiaofan jumped to the front of Xu Ziyan and took hold of Xu Ziyan's arm. Xu Xing was a man in the end, but he smiled and stood in front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan raised his other hand and knocked on Sha Xiaofan’s head:

"As far as you are concerned, it’s still a matter of learning from the stars? Is it a star to point you?"


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*(To be continued~^~)

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