The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 3176: Angry Sha Xiaofan

"Hey..." Sha Xiaofan was on the sidelines.

"Aunt, are you going out?"

“Well, go to the open air market and turn around.”

Xu Xingfan and Sha Xiaofan’s eyes were bright, and they said in unison: "Bring us there?"

Xu Ziyan is a bit surprised: "You will not go by yourself? Besides, what excitement is going to an open-air trading market?"

"This..." Sha Xiaofan said with a smile: "Maybe you can touch the eyes like Fan Tian, ​​and we can see that Master is showing great power!"

As I said, I also shook my little fist. Xu Ziyan also couldn't help but knocked her head:

"Okay, let's go!"

Sha Xiaofan and Xu Xingfan were happy to go to the open-air trading market with Xu Ziyan.

She left the manor, but did not know that the manor had a vision soon after he left. First, the fluctuations came from the room of Yanshan Soul. Then the room of Yanshan Soul seemed to be in the water, and then the waves rippled and became distorted. This distortion gradually spread, and eventually it covered most of the manor, and most of the manor became distorted.

This is not the final result. Just after the fluctuation of Yanshan Soul spread, almost the same fluctuations were heard from the original room, and then his room seemed to be distorted, and this distortion is still going on. spread.

This is good!

The entire estate has become distorted and looming, and then this distortion is still spreading. The neighbors who lived in the house were scared away from the manor on the mainland.

In fact, they are more concerned, this is just the Yanshan soul and the original space attributes to understand the fluctuations caused by the small realm. Although I have just realized the realm of Xiaocheng, there are still some areas that cannot control such fluctuations. But it is able to control whether or not your own spatial attributes are attacking. Therefore, this distorted space has no attack power under the control of Yanshan Spirit and the original.

Not only does it have no attack power, but the monk who is shrouded in this distorted space has the potential to benefit. A monk who has no space to root is not able to comprehend the attributes of space, but he is not able to get started, only to understand some fur.

but. Don't underestimate this little fur. Once you understand the fur of the space attribute, you can have a great chance to dominate in the hands of the same-level monks.

Of course, there are very few monks who can understand this fur. Even at this time they are shrouded in this kind of spatial fluctuations. The neighbors around him are all people of the Baizu. They also understand this time. There are two monks in the manor who understand the spatial attributes. This makes them feel jealous. It turns out that the monks on the mainland have space and roots, but they don’t know who these two people are?

It is too terrible to cultivate the attributes of the space. The thoughts of these hundreds of monks have come to mind, to clarify the identity of these two people, and then to find opportunities to kill these two people. Otherwise, once they let them grow up. It is a huge threat.

About two quarters of an hour, the fluctuations of the space retreated like tides, and the distorted space gradually returned to its original state, and the entire manor restored its original appearance. The bachelor monks outside flew in the air and looked inside. They dare not use God to explore, after all, it is the residence of the Upper Yuan, but they can always look outside with their eyes?

In their view, the two doors were opened. From the inside, Yanshan soul and the original, the two men looked at the manor outside, and then took back their eyes and walked toward each other. Because both of them felt the breakthrough of the other side, so they all wanted to see each other exchanges.

The bachelor monks outside were dumbfounded at the moment when they saw the soul of Yanshan and the original.

It turned out to be... Yanshan Soul and the original comprehend the spatial attributes!

This is this... let them kill?

Do they dare to kill?

its not right!

The Yanshan soul is nothing, they don't understand. But they understand the original, do not remember the original spiritual roots of space? How did he understand the spatial attributes?

And also realized the realm of Xiaocheng?

The Baizu monks dissipated in a complex mood, and even some monks began to spread the news.

All these purple smokes do not know, she is on the way to the open-air trading market, half way. She changed her direction again. Going to the giant ethnic group.

When I came to the giant ethnic group, Cheng did not sound and soon appeared at the gate, heading for Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou will come in quickly."

"I won't go in!" Xu Ziyan shook his head faintly, then took out a storage ring and handed it to it:

"This is the auction item I sent!"

Cheng did not ring the storage ring. God's knowledge is swept away, and his face is a joy. Xu Ziyan was once again invited to enter the family. However, Xu Ziyan refused to leave. Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan, the giant clan sighed in his heart. He knew that Xu Ziyan had a view on him, and the reason for this view was that he did poorly.

After collecting the storage ring and thinking about it, I left the ethnic group and went to the open-air trading market to see if I could find an opportunity to make up for the relationship with Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan came to the open-air trading market with Xu Xingfan and Sha Xiaofan. It is still a place where people come and go, and the bustling. The three people slowly walked slowly along the side, and also saw that they did not have anything to buy, Xu Ziyan is not bad money, and Xu Xingfan and Sha Xiaofan look at the things, Xu Ziyan also paid for the purchase, let Xu Xingfan And Sha Xiaofan’s face is always swaying with a smile.

After walking for about one and a half hours, Xu Ziyan really spent a lot of Xianjing, bought a lot of materials, and was very happy.

At this time, there was a quarrel in front. Xu Ziyan didn't care. It was normal to have a quarrel in this open-air market. The price couldn't be discussed, the attitudes of both sides, and so on. It was only the management of the Yuzu and the Giants, but there was no fighting. That is, when Yanshan Soul and Fan Tian did not start, they took the form of fighting. Therefore, Xu Ziyan still squats in front of a booth and bargains with the stall owner.

Xu Xingfan is already the master of a sect. Naturally, he has the temperament of the lord, and he has already realized a sacred heavenly path. The whole person has calmed down a lot, and he is learning how to bargain next to Xu Ziyan. However, although Sha Xiaofan’s cultivation is now the peak of the people’s mid-term, but still has the child’s heart, he stood up and went to see the fun. Xu Ziyan and Xu Xingfan did not take care of her, just went to see the excitement, but not What will happen.

However, just in the past, there was no time for a bit of interest, and I heard Sha Xiaofan’s quarrel. Xu Ziyan and Xu Xingfan looked at each other and looked helpless in their eyes. This Sha Xiaofan must go to nostalgia. I couldn't care, Xu Ziyan hurriedly ended the bargaining, collected the things I bought, and got up and walked with Xu Xing to the front.

Xu Ziyan did not immediately enter the crowd, just standing behind the crowd and looking inside. I saw a booth in it. The booth was a young woman. Only the cultivation of the immortal period, there was a handprint on the face of the white, and it was a slap in the face, and the slap in the face was not small. Otherwise, it is impossible to leave a clear palm print on the face of a fairy king. At that time, the woman's eyes were filled with tears, but her eyes were full of stubbornness, holding a shamrock in her hand.

Umbrellas are shaped like umbrellas. They are a top-grade herbal medicine. They are the main medicine for refining a variety of congenital elixirs. Xu Ziyan glanced at the eyes. This shamrock has a thousand years of medicine, and such a shamrock is worth 100,000. Top grade Xianjing.

The gaze looked at Sha Xiaofan again. When he saw Sha Xiaofan, he was holding a pair of angry eyes and a middle-aged man theory opposite. The middle-aged man was a repairer of the late peak of the land, and he was murderously shouting at Sha Xiaofan:

"Little girl, you are doing nothing."

"The mainland is not flat, someone is stepping on it. Why do you bully people? This shamrock has a thousand years of medicine, and you will give people a thousand grades of celestial crystals. If people don't sell them, they will be forcibly robbed. And you dare to work here. If you beat people, are you not afraid that the Yu and the Giants will catch you?"

"Catch me? Who dares?" The middle-aged monk shouted coldly: "Let the Yuzu and the Giants catch our big earthland to try?"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward, and this big land family had heard from the original. It is a race that is second only to the Tianzu. It is the darling of the earth. As long as the feet do not leave the earth, it is not easy for the Tianzu monks to overcome them. And before she did not see the big land, I thought it was only here in recent days.

“Is the Dazu people very good?” Sha Xiaofan said disdainfully, and there was a murder in his eyes.

Xu Ziyan can't help but be a little surprised. Sha Xiaofan has not been so clear about killing for a long time. Since Sha Xiaofan has integrated his anger into the spirit, he has been able to completely control his anger. What happened to Sha Xiaofan?

"Humble people, where do you know the nobleness of the land?" The middle-aged monk looked at Sha Xiaofan contemptuously: "Go away, otherwise you will be jealous."

"You try it!" Sha Xiaofan has a pretty face.


At this time, six Yuzu monks landed in the air, one of which was the late monk in the late Tianzun period, the middle of the two Tianzun, and the third in the late stage, but it was the monk who managed this section of the open-air trading market.

"What happened?" The rainy family respected Sha Xiaofan and the middle-aged monk, and snorted. No one recognizes Sha Xiaofan, and Sha Xiaofan is only a monk who is a monk, and naturally does not attract the attention of all races.

Sha Xiaofan glanced at the monk of the big land, and then pointed to the stall owner: "Ask her."


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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